Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1061 The Demon Lord’s Dominance

Murong Fu was in a vast mist, with crisp and wonderful sounds in his ears.


Young master, you are here!

I miss you so much~

The next moment, Jian Twenty-san's ghastly and hoarse voice came over: Murong Fu! I want you to be doomed and your soul will be scattered...

Before it could finish speaking, a cold female voice fell from the sky, with a hint of murderous intent: Bold, who dares to make a mistake in front of me!

When Murong Fu heard this familiar voice, he couldn't help but blinked and showed a mysterious smile.

Jian Twenty-san obviously heard this sentence, and couldn't help but feel a surge in his heart.

At this moment, it had successfully penetrated into Murong Fu's body and was planning to implement the secret method to seize this body.

However, it was interrupted by this cold female voice, and even almost knocked it away.

Who is it? Who is talking! Jian Twenty-san, who had always been arrogant and domineering, was obviously startled at this moment, with a bad feeling in his heart.

Sure enough, it soon felt as if it was being placed on an oven, and the heat all over its body seemed to be burning it dry.

Giggle, are you asking me? The female voice smiled at first, and then scolded harshly.

Of course, I want to know who is causing trouble here?

You know, anyone who wants to fight against us, the Void Spirit, will not end well!

Could it be that? I'm not the only one inside this kid...

A thought flashed through Jian Twenty San Meng's mind, but it was quickly denied by it.

Impossible. When I originally selected my physical body, I put in a lot of effort to avoid such flaws.

Tell me, who are you?

Jian Twenty-Three was disturbed, and there was a hot feeling in his heart, not to mention the heat and fire all over his body.

However, the next moment, its eyes suddenly opened up. It was no longer dark, but it was in a paradise.

In front of it is a huge garden of spiritual herbs and elixirs, with a long river flowing in the distance and sparkling waves faintly visible above.

It suddenly felt as if someone was staring at it, and it hurriedly looked back, only to see a man and a woman standing behind it.

One of them is Murong Fu, and the other is Luo Tianxi.

What exactly is this place?

Why am I here?

You guys... Jian Twenty-san couldn't help but panic, pointing at the two people and widening his eyes, he didn't say anything for a long time.

Murong Fu raised his eyebrows at him and showed a provocative smile: What? Are you surprised to see me?

Jian Twenty-Three was stunned at this moment, with a face exactly like Murong Fu's, showing a confused and ferocious expression.

But if you look closely, you can find that its face is vaguely covered with a layer of fog, making it difficult to see clearly.

It's you again! What the hell did you do again? Jian Twenty-san just felt that he was about to collapse.

Even though it has lived for so many years and wandered around the [Spiritual God Realm] for hundreds of years, it has never seen such a difficult person.

Obviously everything is only one step away from success, but it happens to be only one step away.

Ever since Murong Fu entered the [Spiritual God Realm], everything has gone wrong and it has been blocked everywhere.

At this moment, Luo Tianxi narrowed her almond-shaped eyes, and an unknown fire burst out in her heart: What's your level? You deserve to have the same face as my husband!

After she said that, her crimson clothes flashed in mid-air, and a ray of silver light appeared on Jian Twenty-san's face.

With a sound of Shua!, a bloodstain instantly appeared on its face, which was exactly the same as Murong Fu's, and blood continued to seep out.

Jian Twenty-san wanted to dodge, but he felt like there were nails under his feet, and he couldn't move at all: Ah!

It screamed and covered its face, blood dripping from its fingers to the ground.

In an instant, a small flower bloomed on the ground, beautiful and colorful.

Jian Twenty-san was obviously not in the mood to appreciate it and just wiped the blood on his face.

In the corner that it didn't notice, that weak little flower that couldn't take care of itself suddenly grew a face without knowing it, with sharp teeth shining brightly.

Crack! With one bite, Jian Twenty-san's left leg was bitten off hard in an instant, and the tearing pain caused it to instantly return to its original shape.

Murong Fu glanced at Luo Tianxi and stroked her hair lovingly: I didn't expect that you, little girl, are quite possessive.

Luo Tianxi showed a bright and bright smile, her big white teeth grinding loudly: Of course, who told this old thing to go against my husband everywhere?

Jian Twenty-Three was beaten back to its original shape, and an old face appeared in the gray-yellow mist, covered with ravines and wrinkles.

Murong Fu looked at his appearance with a smile in his eyes: Oh, I am finally willing to show my true colors.

No wonder I haven't seen your original body along the way. I didn't expect that you would be so ugly.

No wonder they don't dare to come out to meet people.

Murong Fu kept sarcastic, and every word was so heart-wrenching that Jian Twenty-san was so angry that he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

Who is ugly? You are ugly! Your whole family is ugly!

When I was young, I was a cute pretty girl who was loved by everyone and loved by everyone.

Bah, it’s Mr. Pianpian.

If Murong Fu and Luo Tianxi hadn't been able to hear its inner voice, they would have been nauseated by now.

Jian Twenty-san's face turned red and white, and when he glanced at Murong Fu, his eyes looked like a poisonous snake tempered with poison.

It wanted to attack suddenly while the two of them were not paying attention, and the gray-yellow mist condensed together.

But just as it was about to take action, the mist that had gathered together dispersed in an instant and disappeared into this vast world. M..

How could this happen? After it asked the question for the umpteenth time, its voice was trembling.

Murong Fu hugged Luo Tianxi, took a few steps forward, stood in front of him, and slapped him.

Young man, can I still be bullied by you in my spiritual world?

A flash of surprise flashed in Jian Twenty-san's eyes, and he kept mumbling: Spiritual world?

His eyes suddenly widened with disbelief: This is actually your spiritual world!

But I just wanted to take my body from you, why was I brought here?

Murong Fu smiled slightly: What about this?

Then you have to ask my dear baby. After he said that, he looked at the person next to him.

Old guy, you talk a lot. Luo Tianxi couldn't help but stepped forward and slapped him twice.

Jian Twenty-san was stunned by the continuous slaps in the face, and he didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

Luo Tianxi snorted coldly: With me here, you still want to take away my husband, you are just talking nonsense!

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