Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1042 Always a little kitten

Bodhisattva Miaoyi looked around and thought, looked at it carefully for a long time, and gently shook her head: No.

After Murong Fu heard this, the doubt in his heart still did not dissipate, but became more and more serious.

He touched the tree trunk again and again with his hands, always feeling that there was something he had overlooked.

Seeing that he had been circling the tree, Bodhisattva Miaoyi walked up and looked at it carefully: This tree? Is there anything special about it?

Murong Fu narrowed his eyes and shook his head slightly, but his eyes kept staring at a certain place.

Actually, throughout our journey along the way, although the entire [Spiritual God Realm] contains various scenery, the trees here are all of the same species.

In fact, some trees can be said to be carved from the same mold.

This is something I really can't understand.


Bodhisattva Miaoyi briefly explained what she had discovered, and Murong Fu suddenly became enlightened.

That's right, [Spiritual God Realm] is a collection of mountains, plains, grasslands, and valleys. Naturally, the vegetation in these places cannot be the same.


He looked around, seeing purple trees standing in neat rows, and even their shapes were carved out of the same mold.

This is indeed very confusing.

Bodhisattva Miaoyi patted his shoulder gently: Okay, let's forget about these trees for now. Let's continue looking for Zhuge Qingyun's whereabouts.

Murong Fu withdrew his gaze and nodded firmly.

The most important thing at the moment is to find the missing Zhuge Qingyun. If he delays for a moment longer, he will be in more danger.

Soon, the two of them followed the incense ash for guidance and slowly arrived at the depths of [Black Rock Mountain].

As the two of them advanced slowly, the black mist around them became thicker and thicker, making it difficult to see the road ahead.

On the other side, in a cliff cave, Sword Twenty-Three turned into a ball of flame, burning brightly.

One moment it turned into a bolt of lightning, the next moment it turned into a docile kitten, and there were thousands of changes in the blink of an eye.

Behind him were thousands of Void Spirits, floating around, both tangible and intangible.

As Jian Twenty-Three shouted loudly, a biting cold wind swept through the entire cliff cave. It was blown over the mountain wall and was instantly covered with a layer of white frost.

The other Void Spirit Tribes also slowly solidified, and the speed of floating in the air slowed down a bit, and the gray-yellow mist turned into a solid state.

Jie Jie Jie, great things are about to be accomplished, all we need is the east wind! Jian Twenty-three let out a cold laugh, and the surrounding frost faded little by little.

The frozen Void Spirits gradually returned to their original state, making all kinds of strange sounds.

At this time, a Void Spirit clan floated in from outside the cave and said to Jian 23: Boss, the fish is hooked!

Really? Jian Twenty-three's tone was a bit lazy and playful, turning into a human face with an evil smile on the corner of his mouth.

According to your instructions, the [Five Poisons] have been released to trap that person, and Murong Fu has found the place nearby...

Jian Twenty-three was extremely excited when he heard the reports from his men, and once again turned into a mist and floated out.

Come on, let's join in the fun!

As soon as he finished speaking, all the Void Spirits in the cliff cave instantly rushed out and flew in one direction at the same time.

At the same time, Murong Fu and Miao Yi Nu Bodhisattva also encountered some surprises.

They saw a docile little milk cat lying in front of the two of them, meowing meow meow towards them.

The cat was small and white, with eyes as blue as the deep sea. It meowed slowly and softly, and it looked like it had not yet been weaned.

Miaoyi Nu Bodhisattva was about to step forward to investigate, but then she thought of something and stopped dead in her tracks.

She couldn't help but ask: In this [Spiritual God Realm], there are so many ferocious beasts, how could a little unweaned kitten appear out of thin air?

Murong Fu did not dare to let down his guard. He was also very confused and looked at the little white cat in a trance.



Meow meow meow~

The little white cat lay on the ground, raised its head with difficulty, and meowed at the top of its lungs, as if calling the two of them.

How about? Let's go up and take a look first. Nothing will happen, right?

In the end, Bodhisattva Miaoyi couldn't resist the soft meowing of the little white cat, and hesitantly stepped forward to take a look.

She looked in the direction of Murong Fu, wanting to ask his opinion.

Murong Fu blinked slightly, winked at her, and showed a meaningful smile.

Bodhisattva Miaoyi quickly reacted and slowly stepped back until she hid behind a tree.

Seeing that they were retreating instead of advancing, the little cat couldn't help but become a little anxious, and its meowing became shrill and shrill, not as gentle and charming as before.

Ouch! Woo! Meow!

Murong Fu looked on with cold eyes and sneered in his heart: Ha, you can't pretend anymore? Wasn't it pretty good just now? Let's see how long you can keep pretending!

Bodhisattva Miaoyi also noticed the changes, and couldn't help but feel shocked and a little scared.

There was a bit of shock in her eyes, and it took her a long time to speak: Then what should we do now?

Don't worry, since it wants to act, let's play with it! Murong Fu finished speaking with a smile on his face.

The two people communicated behind the tree for a long time, and finally smiled at each other and walked out again.

When the little cat saw the two figures, a trace of longing and pleading flashed in its blue eyes.

It stood up staggeringly, its slender limbs supporting its weak body, which was a little precarious.

Oh, it's so pitiful. How about we give it a hug! Bodhisattva Miaoyi said sweetly, covering her chest.

Murong Fu also nodded with a smile on his face: Well, this little white cat is really cute and very humane. Why don't we take it back and raise it.

Bodhisattva Miaoyi's tone was full of surprise: That's great, then I'll go pick it up now.

Murong Fu shook his head: No, the kitten is so cute, so of course he asked me to pick it up.

After saying that, his face was full of pity, and he walked towards the little white cat step by step.


After hearing what the two people said, the little white cat was extremely excited, and a silver light flashed in his blue eyes.

Soon, Murong Fu walked up to it and looked at the small ball on the ground carefully.

He said in a deep voice: You are so cute, let me call you Erdan from now on!

After hearing this, the little white cat's little face suddenly changed, and his facial features were twisted together. He couldn't help but cursed in his heart: You are a douchebag, and your whole family is a douchebag.

However, there was no change on the surface. It stretched out its pink tongue and licked Murong Fu's shoe upper.

While calling meow to please him, he flapped his little paws and tried to climb onto Murong Fu's body.

Murong Fu chuckled lightly and bent down to hold him in his arms.

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