Murong Fu and Miao Yi Nu Bodhisattva cooperated tacitly and repel the mist in just a moment.

The two men looked sharply in their eyes, nodded their heads, and once again tried their best.

As soon as Murong Fu fanned the mist, he felt something was wrong and his heart was shaken.

I saw that after being fanned back a few miles, the color of the mist gradually became lighter, and some of it even turned into water droplets.

What's going on? Bodhisattva Miaoyi also noticed something fishy and frowned.

Just when the two were confused, a hurricane suddenly roared past from a distance and blew straight into the mist.

For a moment, the flying sand and stones confused everyone's eyes, and everyone covered their eyes and closed their eyes tightly.

With a few tick sounds of rain falling on the ground, the hurricane slowly disappeared.

When everyone opened their eyes again, they couldn't help but exclaimed.

What about the fog? It disappeared suddenly?

Oh my God, why is there another purple forest here!

Be careful, everyone must not take it lightly, and must not leave the team.


Disciples from various sects discussed one after another, with a bit of curiosity and surprise in their eyes.

Murong Fu and Miao Yi Nu Bodhisattva were closest to the mist and did not feel anything strange at all.

That large piece of gray-yellow mist just disappeared in front of everyone, which was too weird.

He stood there for a long time, staring intently at the dark purple forest in front of him, lost in thought.

In the forest, instead of the usual emerald green or withered yellow, there is an extremely rich purple.

The purple tree trunks, purple land, and even the faint drizzle floating in the air are purple.

The forest was only a few steps away from them, with endless plains on one side and lush forests on the other.

Something's wrong! He shook his head and said softly.

The female Bodhisattva Miaoyi on the other side also noticed something strange, clasped her hands together and recited silently: Amitabha.

She recited a string of scriptures and then opened her eyes again: The evil spirit here is very strong, and I can vaguely feel that the smell of blood is very strong.

At this moment, the crowd suddenly burst into exclamations again.

Brother, look!

What's that light over there?

Why are you making such a fuss? It's just that you squeezed into Xiaguang, you...

Everyone looked in the direction of the purple forest, and everyone was stunned on the spot, with their mouths wide open.

Even Zhuge Qingyun fell into shock and did not recover for a long time.

It took a long time before someone timidly said, If I'm not mistaken, the strange light over there seems to be coming from some kind of treasure.

You are right! Master and I were lucky enough to see the sect's most precious treasure once, and the light was like this!

Is it possible that there is a treasure hidden in the forest?

Suddenly, everyone's minds became active again, and they all raised their heads in anticipation, with a bit of surprise in their eyes.

At this moment, a disciple suddenly said: Don't be fooled, have you all forgotten the lesson of the mist just now?

As soon as these words came out, everyone's hearts were instantly drawn back.

That makes sense. I'm afraid this is another of the Void Spirit Tribe's tricks.

Murong Fu didn't speak again, he just stared at the strange light in the purple hazy place.

In an instant, the entire sky changed color, and it hung down in darkness, giving the atmosphere of an impending rainstorm.

What's going on? Why did it suddenly get dark today?

As the surrounding light slowly disappeared, everyone fell into panic again, instantly drawing their swords and taking a defensive posture.

However, as time passed little by little, nothing changed except that the sky became dark and dark.

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

In the woods ahead, there was the sound of leaves being blown by the wind, which was particularly harsh in the silent night.

Just like that, everyone was waiting in place, and no one dared to make any rash move.

About half an hour passed, and the dark sky once again became bright again, hitting everyone's faces inch by inch, revealing nervous faces.

It was just dawn, and everyone was once again surprised to find that the location they were in had turned into a grassland.

In front is a purple forest, behind is a vast ocean, on the left is a steep cliff, and on the right is an endless waterfall.

This is too weird. Why do so many things suddenly appear?

If I remember correctly, there was no such green grass under our feet just now!

There are a lot of strange lights over there...

Under the exclamation, rays of strange light flickered from all directions in the [Spiritual God Realm], carrying a faint aura.

Everyone is the leading disciple of each sect, so they can naturally feel the rich aura, which is no different than a treasure.

Soon, some people were already planning to go take a look, and flew away regardless of the strange looks from others.

With this first person's step, those disciples who were originally hesitant also broke away from the team and moved towards the light.

Within a moment, most of the people had left one after another.

Zhuge Qingyun walked slowly behind Murong Fu and asked quietly: What do you think?

Murong Fu shook his head and frowned: It is true that there are treasures in those directions, but the timing of their appearance is too coincidental.

I'm just afraid...

Before he could finish his words, he saw a purple mist sweeping towards the crowd.

The disciples who were originally staying here to watch were instantly thrown into confusion by the mist and were dodging in all directions.

As soon as the mist touched one of the disciples, it made a sizzling sound.

The disciple immediately fell to the ground crying and howling, and the skin and flesh on his body peeled off bit by bit and fell to the ground.

In the blink of an eye, a living person was corroded by the purple mist until even his bones were left.

When everyone else saw this, they tried their best to avoid the mist that was wandering around.

Be careful! Bodhisattva Miaoyi flew from behind Murong Fu and pushed him to the ground.

The next moment, a huge pothole appeared where Murong Fu had been, filled with the smell of blood and stench.

He couldn't help being surprised, and felt deeply how strange this [Spirit God Realm] was.

Zhuge Qingyun also hurriedly took several disciples of the [Canglan Sword Sect] and fled everywhere.

Unexpectedly, the mist seemed to be directed by someone, rushing specifically in the direction where there were many people.

Soon, everyone was forced to disperse, leaving the spot and dodging in different directions.

Once they left the grassland, the purple mist stopped and turned into a puddle of water. ..

When Murong Fu saw this, he had a vague suspicion in his heart, and his eyes slowly changed.

Immediately, he pulled Miaoyi Female Bodhisattva and rushed into the forest, shouting at Zhuge Qingyun: Follow! Don't be touched by this purple mist!

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