Many Children, More Blessings: Hehuan Patriarch Takes In Another Female Disciple

51. Powerful Enemies From Outside The Domain Can Be Destroyed In A Snap!

"May I ask who you are, and can you tell me your name?"

Yushan Perfected Being shouted.

The man in the sky just smiled coldly:

"Are you ants like you worthy of my name?"

He held the blood-red long sword horizontally:

"If you don't want to die, kneel down and call me grandpa!"

This man's name is Fang Tianjing,

from Celestial Wonders Realm,

a serious Monster Dao cultivator,

whose realm has reached the middle stage of Foundation Building.

Many years ago, he was defeated in a fight with someone, and accidentally fell into a space fragment and came to Wunanxi.

But the Spirit Qi in Wunanzhou is thin,

he has been dormant for several years, and his cultivation has not improved at all,

even the injuries on his body are difficult to heal.

That's why he tried to find a way back many times,

but he didn't have the Feixiantu and couldn't find a way to get it.

This time, by chance, he learned that the map was in Tianling City,

so he showed up to fight for it.

Although he was in the early stage of Foundation Building, he was not afraid of facing a group of Human Race Martial Dao monks in the Guixu realm. As a Monster Cultivator, his strength was far beyond that of ordinary Foundation Building mid-stage monks. Moreover, the immortal cultivators had Law Treasures, and their power was beyond the imagination of these mortal warriors! Fang Tianjing used Spiritual Sense to detect these three distinguished human race masters and learned that they had entered the Guixu realm. Although the peak strength of the human race was a bit tricky, fortunately, all three of them did not have Innate Spirit Root. As long as they did not enter the Tianshu realm, they would never be his opponents! Martial Dao in the Guixu realm could kill Foundation Building monks without Law Treasures, and Martial Dao monks in the Tianshu realm were comparable to those in the Gold Core stage. If there were such masters, even if Tianjing had a few proud Law Treasures, he might not dare to use such force. He stood proudly in the air, his smug expression becoming more and more ferocious.

Faced with the arrogant words of this demon,

the masters of various sects in Tianling City all looked extremely ugly.

Not to mention the three highly respected Guixu Realm masters, Master Mu Xing, Yushan Perfected Being, and Master Qionghua,

even the heads and elders of various sects are usually highly respected.

But today, facing this demon's arrogant call for a weapon, such humiliation, how can people not be angry.

At that moment, several sect leaders stepped forward, glaring at the demon in the sky, "You are so arrogant!" "How dare you be so disrespectful to the three ancestors, you are looking for death!" Fang Tianjing let out a series of sharp and piercing laughs, his muscles all trembling, "What the hell are the ancestors? They are just a few larger insects!" Then he swung the long sword in his hand, and the sword exuded a thousand feet of enchanting blood light. He chopped it down with a sword, and his energy was as high as a rainbow! The Martial Dao people in Tianling City, when the blood-red light appeared, they felt their blood turbulent, "This thief's sword slash has the power to destroy the city!" Yushan Perfected Being roared, and the three Guixu masters all had Resonance of Heart and Spirit, and used their lifelong cultivation to form a dark blue True Qi barrier,

When it collided with the blood-red knife light,

a mighty force that could destroy the heaven and earth burst out from the two rays of light,

and the ground shook instantly, and most of the houses in the city collapsed.

Even the three of them vomited blood,

and their faces were full of astonishment!

With the strength of the three of them in the Guixu realm, they fought against this monster,

and they couldn't gain any advantage?

At this moment, they were more convinced that

the one who destroyed the six sects of the Demon Sect must be the one in front of them!

The three Guixu masters had not yet stabilized their bodies,

and the other Martial Dao disciples were attacked by the shocking might just now.

Those who were closer had their meridians broken and died of bleeding from all seven orifices.

Those who were a little further away,

although they had suffered considerable internal injuries, fortunately they still had a breath of True Qi left to save their lives.

At this time, everyone screamed wildly and fled in all directions!

"What is the strength of this monster? How come even the three Guixu ancestors are not his opponents!"

"Could it be that he is the mysterious man who exterminated the six sects of Demon Dao? With such means, he is indeed a member of Demon Dao!"

"With just one knife...he destroyed half of Tianling City? Why don't we run away quickly? Are we going to stay here and die?"

Fang Tianjing laughed triumphantly: "Want to run?"

Eight bright red flags appeared out of thin air,

with runes painted with golden ink on the flags.

Seeing him wave slightly, the eight flags turned into several silk threads and flew to the eight directions of Tianling City.

Immediately, he took out a round plate,

and cast a spell, and Tianling City was imprisoned by a blood-red magic array.

Everyone was frightened by this magnificent scene.

Although they didn't understand what method he used, they knew that their retreat was cut off.

For a while,

Tianling City was shrouded in a breath of despair.

Master Mu Xing, Yushan Perfected Being and Master Qionghua's faces darkened.

With their knowledge, they had naturally heard of the immortal family's formation.

At present, Tianling City is trapped by this monster's formation. I am afraid that the creatures in this city will not have a chance to survive! Master Qionghua frowned: "Two senior brothers, our country will not gain any advantage in fighting against this monster. "It is better to fight him in close combat. If we can make him unable to take care of both ends, we may be able to find a way out. "

The three exchanged glances,

and stepped into the air in tacit understanding.

Three figures attacked the demon from different directions.

Fang Tianjing snorted coldly,

and in a blink of an eye, he had already sacrificed three red blood pythons.

But in a moment,

the three powerful people in the Human Dao Guixu Realm were each tightly entangled by a blood python,

and could no longer move at all.

Yushan Perfected Being bared his teeth: "With our cultivation, it would be a breeze to join forces to deal with him alone.

"No wonder this thief was able to wipe out six sects in one night. Could it be that today... we will have to die here?!"

Everyone in Tianling City,

originally placed all their hopes on the three Guixu Realm ancestors,

but they didn't expect that the three of them were captured alive in a blink of an eye.

If they were no match for him with their strength, the remaining Martial Dao disciples,

what else can they do?

Fang Tianjing looked very proud:

"The peak of the human Dao is only this little bit, I haven't had enough fun yet!"

Then his eyes turned cold,

and he asked: "Where is the Flying Immortal Picture? Give it to me quickly!"

Mu Xing Perfected Being's face changed, and he was very puzzled.

Flying Immortal Picture?

Isn't this the picture that Lin Xiao just wanted!

This demon is extremely powerful,

how can he be so interested in that ordinary mural?

After hearing what Fang Tianjing said,

the eyes of the people present turned to Lin Xiao,

and everyone was shocked again!

These people are either weak or have difficulty maintaining their bodies.

Lin Xiao's face was still normal, and he didn't seem to be hurt at all. It was really strange! "Lin Xiao, since this immortal only wants this ordinary thing, you might as well hand it over!" Someone in the crowd shouted, and then many voices followed. "Yes, Lin Xiao, why do you have to endanger the lives of the whole city for this bird map?" "You are very powerful and talented, there is no need to die here for this map, right?" "Brother Lin... I... I don't want to die! Please, take out this map quickly!" Fang Tianjing heard all the chatter, and his eyes were fixed on a handsome Martial Artist on the field. This boy was not very old, but his appearance was extraordinary. If his body was damaged in the future, he would be a good candidate for possession. It would be good to use him as a spare tire. Fang Tianjing smiled evilly, and his figure flashed, and he was in front of Lin Xiao. "Boy, it seems that the Yin Chang Fei Xian Tu is on you? Why don't you quickly offer it to me?"

"Maybe if I feel good, I can accept you as a disciple."

Liu Lingzhu, who was far away, saw that Senior Brother Lin was stared at by this monster, and felt her heart suddenly tightened and she was extremely sad!

Liu Lingzhu hated those people who were greedy for life and afraid of death and spoke nonsense just now.

In order to please this monster, she did not hesitate to push Senior Brother Lin in front of her.

She was protected by Elder Xueyue just now, so she was safe and sound.

At this time, she heard Xueyue gently say: "Ling'er, if Senior Uncle is gone, you have to take good care of Senior Brother.

Liu Lingzhu's face suddenly changed.

Just when she wanted to hold Xueyue's hand tightly,

but her palm suddenly felt empty,

A shadow had passed by her.

Fang Tianjing growled: "Looking for death."

He swung his right hand back,

and a scarlet light shot out,

slashing towards the white figure,

but this time, it was his turn to lose his composure.

The powerful scarlet blade light disappeared in the blink of an eye,

and Xueyue only felt that she was pulled by an unknown suction force,

before she could react,

she was embraced by a strong and powerful arm,

and when she came to her senses, she found that her body was leaning on the broad chest of her beloved disciple.

"Xiao'er... you...?"

Fang Tianjing also came to his senses,

and he looked at the Human Race kid in astonishment.

I was too arrogant and looked down on him before, and I didn't use my Spiritual Sense to test the other party's strength and cultivation. Now I suddenly realized that this man was also a Foundation Building cultivator! Moreover, he was in the Supreme Realm of Humanity, the Tianshu Realm! "Hiss-"Dual cultivation of Dharma and body?!" "How is it possible?!" This man was so handsome, and he kept silent. Who knew that his cultivation was so strong, far above his own! Fang Tianjing roared wildly, and sacrificed seven or eight Law Treasures in one breath, and summoned all the beasts in the Spirit Beast bag. His body suddenly fell back, trying to distance himself from this weird Human Race kid and seek a glimmer of hope. But the other party just said softly: "Kneel down. "

Fang Tianjing's body softened immediately,

every part of his body was completely out of control,

and he fell to his knees.

The Law Treasures that he had sacrificed before all lost their original luster.

Several poisonous scorpions and giant pythons

also showed signs of submission.


Fang Tianjing looked up suddenly,

but saw the man in front of him with golden eyes,

as if he had supreme majesty.

Just a glance at him, Fang Tianjing's arrogance disappeared,

and he no longer had any arrogance.

The three Guixu Realm masters who were bound before,

because Fang Tianjing was subdued,

the red blood python on his body also released them one by one.

Looking at the scene in front of them,

everyone was shocked.

Even the heads and elders of the sects, and countless Martial Dao disciples,

all had their eyes wide open,

and were so shocked that they couldn't close their mouths..........****.......

"This man is so Divine Ability, even the three ancestors were no match for him, but he was subdued by Lin Xiao?"

"How did he do it?"

"Is this Lin Xiao... still the same Lin Xiao as before?"

Liu Lingzhu ran all the way,

and hurried over.

Although she was extremely afraid of the monster,

she was also worried about whether Senior Brother Lin and Xueyue Chang were injured.

When she got close to Lin Xiao,

looking at his pupils that were shining with noble golden light and not like ordinary people,

she asked worriedly: "Lin... Senior Brother Lin is still you?"

Fang Tianjing's face was full of reluctance. He entered the immortal path with Monster Dao,

and broke through to the Foundation Building Realm at a speed that ordinary people could not understand.

Even cultivators of the same level were not his opponents.

But this person only used one sentence,

and made him unable to use all his spiritual power,

and there was an invisible force that made his body uncontrollable,

and he knelt in front of this person like a slave.

Fang Tianjing not only had the reason, but also did not know that the True Dragon Bloodline on Lin Xiao's body could suppress Myriad Monsters,

I thought that Wunan Province was a place with many talented people and beautiful scenery.

Such rare Spirit Qi,

actually allowed this person to break through to the Tianshu realm.

He also entered the immortal path and broke through to the Foundation Building Stage.

It's really strange!

He smiled bitterly and said: "Fang was careless today and didn't know that Fellow Daoist was here. I offended him just now!"

"We are all cultivators. Can Fellow Daoist please step aside and let him go.

"I am willing to offer all the treasures and Spirit Beasts on my body as an apology to Fellow Daoist!"

Fellow Daoist?

Hearing this,

Master Mu Xing, Yushan Perfected Being and Master Qionghua looked at each other immediately.

They were still discussing how to teach this little disciple last night.

How could they know that Lin Xiao had already entered the path of cultivation?

Looking at the situation here,


This Lin Xiao's strength is probably several times stronger than the other party.

How can they, mortals, teach him?

The three masters all had a bitter smile on their faces.

Lin Xiao was not interested in the proposal of the person in front of him.

He shook his head slowly and smiled slightly: "Please let Fellow Daoist end it himself. "

"What? You" Fang Tianjing looked surprised and doubtful.

He certainly didn't want to die here,

but his body seemed to have its own plans.

He stretched out his right palm and slapped himself to death.

The whole audience was silent.

This demon's strength was unpredictable. With a wave of his hand, he seemed to be able to turn the entire Tianling City into ruins.

But a person like him,

but he made Lin Xiao not make a single move from beginning to end,

and only used two sentences,

to take the life of this demon.

Countless eyes were cast at him,

surprise, fear, and sighs were heard.

"Yesterday...didn't you say that Lin Xiao was Aperture Opening Realm yesterday?"

"With Aperture Opening Realm Realm's strength, can it deal with such a monster?"

"Hiss...I was competing with him in the training ground yesterday. Brother Lin is so powerful, can't he crush me to death with just one finger?"

The three Guixu Realm masters have been healing their wounds and taking a few pills,

then they slowly walked towards Lin Xiao.

Xue Yue blushed when she saw this,

and whispered: "Xiao'er...can you put your master down..."

Lin Xiao then remembered that his master was still in his arms.

Master Xue Yue's body was weak and boneless, and there was a chill all over her body.

Holding him in his arms seemed like hugging a ball of soft cotton, which had no weight.

The two had been teachers and apprentices for many years,

and this action made them feel strange at the same time.

Lin Xiao hurriedly said: "Oh...Okay. "

Liu Lingzhu also said coquettishly: "Brother, you have been hiding it so hard!d

Just now, the heavenly man was so powerful that he defeated three Guixu Realm masters in a row.

When she saw him dealing with Brother Lin, Liu Lingzhu thought that Brother Lin had no chance of survival this time.

How could she have guessed that such a powerful demon would have no power to fight back in front of her brother.

At this time, there was no longer any despair in her heart, and she was naturally surprised and happy.

If it were the past, she would definitely throw herself into Lin Xiao's arms and act coquettishly,

but now she just held Elder Xueyue's hand and stood still,

with a little strangeness, staring at Lin Xiao's eyes,

Liu Lingzhu said softly with a little heartache:

" much have you suffered in the past six months?"

Lin Xiao removed the Huaguang and turned back to his usual appearance.

It can't be said that he suffered a lot, but since he has embarked on this path of cultivation, he will have to pay some hardships, and hard work is indispensable. The three Guixu masters have come to the front. With their high and respected status, they are just acting like juniors in front of Lin Xiao. The three bowed and saluted: "Senior Lin..." Lin Xiao was slightly startled and smiled: "Masters, please call me disciple Lin Gengshi." "Yes, yes. We are grateful for your help this time... uh... for your help!" The three couldn't help but look at Lin Xiao. They knew he was extraordinary yesterday, but today they really knew how terrifying his cultivation was. At the age of only 20, he has not only reached the peak of Martial Dao, but also embarked on the path of cultivation. Compared with him, the old men felt that their lives were just a waste. "Since you have killed the demons of the six sects of the Demon Sect, we have a request for you."

"Can you also kill the people of the Joyous Union Sect?"

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