The ancient bell in the Joyous Union Sect rang for a long time.

After hearing the bell, all the fairies rushed to the observatory to gather.

However, the gathering speed of this gathering was the slowest in thousands of years.

Most fairies were pregnant, even if they had Martial Dao skills.

They were afraid of disturbing the fetus and did not dare to use their body skills at will, so they had to walk slowly.

Lin Xiao was not in a hurry.

He sat on the high platform to recuperate.

Looking at the little girls gradually gathering together, he was quite touched.

Most fairies rarely saw him, the ancestor of Joyous Union,

and they all looked happy and beautiful.

After arriving at the observatory, the fairies first came to pay their respects to the ancestor.

Trying to leave a little more impression in Lin Xiao's heart.

Then they went to their own positions.

The eyes of the crowd were hot, and there was inevitably a discussion.

"This is the first time that the ancestor is worried about us, but what is the big announcement?"

"Hehe, junior sister dares to guess that the ancestor should take some concubines from us again!"

"Are you serious?! If so, I hope I can be one of them."

"And me, and me! Junior sister has been waiting for so long, it's my turn to have this honor!"

The figure of Elder Fendie also slowly came to the observatory.

As the first concubine favored by the ancestor, her belly was already very conspicuous.

She saw these disciples whispering like this, and she couldn't help but frowned slightly.

"How can you whisper like this in front of the master?" She looked at the last female disciple who spoke and said: "The master has his own ideas about who to take as a concubine. How can it be done by wheel?" Fendie sighed slightly and softened her tone: "Since you hope to be favored by the old master, you must practice the talents I teach you." "In the future, you will have the opportunity to perform in front of the master, so that you can be more eye-catching." The fairies did not dare to make any more comments and bowed to her. "Master is right. I will practice hard day and night and serve the old master with all my heart!" "That's right." After a while. All the female disciples in Joyous Union Sect have come to the observatory. Lin Xiao looked around and nodded slightly. Among the more than a thousand fairies of Joyous Union, more than two hundred are pregnant with his children. There are nearly a thousand fairies still crying for food. Lin Xiao feels that the responsibility on his shoulders is very heavy. I think he, the ancestor, will have to work harder in the future.

This time, the whole Joyous Union Sect was summoned for this matter.

Now Lin Xiao's body has become a saint.

These Joyous Union Fairies are still mortal.

During the practice, Lin Xiao felt that he was not satisfied enough.

Taking advantage of today's leisure time.

He, the ancestor, decided to teach some of the mental methods in the Joyous Union Sutra.

While improving the cultivation of the disciples,

it will also enable them to cooperate with the ancestor in practice.

After Lin Xiao announced the purpose of this trip, all the disciples were surprised and happy.

They had seen the ancestor display his divine power that day and knew that he had extraordinary skills.

As long as they could learn a little from the ancestor, they would benefit a lot.

But this matter was not as simple as they imagined.

Lin Xiao slowly began to teach the Yin-Yang Joyous Union Sutra.

The disciples felt that it was mysterious and extraordinary when they first heard it, and their minds were blank.

It is difficult for people to find the method.

The secret method of the immortals is extremely profound, and they can only hear it vaguely with their cultivation level.

Moreover, even if they can fully master what Lin Xiao taught.

Most fairies without Innate Spirit Root still cannot condense Spirit Gathering power.

The final benefit can only be used to serve Lin Xiao.

Two incense sticks later.

Lin Xiao has finished explaining part of the mental method.

Although he is not like ordinary masters teaching apprentices, he deliberately only teaches part of the method when imparting it.

However, he also considered whether everyone could grasp the mystery, so he taught from the simplest content in a step-by-step manner.

Even with such considerations, what would be the final effect?

He was still not sure in his heart.

"Forget it, this matter cannot be rushed, take your time."

Lin Xiao sighed slightly.

Seeing this, all the disciples on the observatory were ashamed.

"The ancestor's Divine Ability is unparalleled, and we are dull and can hardly learn the method. I beg the ancestor to punish us!"

As the leader of the sect, Fairy Wangchen took the lead in saying this.

The other disciples followed suit.

For a time, the observatory was full of neat shouts of "I beg the ancestor to punish me."

Lin Xiao waved his hand: "No need."

"This skill is extremely mysterious, and I have only comprehended some of the fur. You don't have to blame yourself too much."

He was telling the truth.

But the fairies on the observatory were more guilty.

Previously, they only thought that this ancestor had great Divine Ability and was handsome.

After what happened today.

Only then did he know that this ancestor was actually a kind and gentle person, and his admiration for him became even stronger. When Lin Xiao looked at everyone again, he felt that the countless eyes on the observatory were extremely hot and fiery. It was as if the fairies in front of him were like wolves and tigers, wanting to eat him alive. "Well..." Lin Xiao cleared his throat, "All the disciples worked together to defeat the strong enemy. It is a blessing for the Joyous Union Sect to have disciples like you. This seat is also very happy." He stretched out his hand slightly. Thousands of pills came out of the storage ring in a row. They fell accurately on the heads of each fairy and hovered between their eyes. "This seat has refined some pills in the past few days, which have the effect of maintaining youth and beauty. Taking them can keep youth forever." "Just consider it as a reward from this seat to you." Lin Xiao first taught the Joyous Union Heart Method and then rewarded the Youth-Retaining Pill. The reason is simple. These Joyous Union fairies are of great use to him. Yin and Yang Hehuan requires harmony between each other. If the strength of both sides is too different.

Then the effectiveness of these female disciples will naturally be greatly reduced when they practice with him.

Lin Xiao naturally wants to improve the strength of these fairies so that he can meet his own needs.

His actions that benefit others and himself.

In the eyes of the fairies, he seems to become more noble.

"We are dull and cannot be familiar with the magic skills passed down by the ancestor. It would be fine if he didn't blame us, but he even rewarded us with Divine Pill..."

"Although the Hehuan technique has the effect of keeping the face young, it can only delay aging. The ancestor's pill is so magical that it can make us eternally young!"

"I haven't had the honor of being the ancestor's concubine, but I can also be given Divine Pill..."

"That day, it was the ancestor who suppressed the invading enemy alone, but he still attributed the credit to us..."

"I didn't expect that the ancestor would be so gentle to us..."

"How can there be such a person as the ancestor in this world..."

Lin Xiao was a little confused.

Since his cultivation level increased greatly, he had not lost his composure like today for a long time.

It was just because there was a faint cry on the observatory, and he didn't know where it started.

And the crying on the observatory soon became one, one after another.

Although Lin Xiao knew in his heart that these were tears of gratitude,

he felt like he was mourning.

He waved his hands repeatedly: "Okay, okay! Um..."

"Since that's the case, I hope you will practice hard and don't let me down!"

All the disciples knelt down and shouted in unison:

"We will never forget the kindness of our ancestors! We will practice hard and serve them for life!"

"Well, that's right! I'm alive and well, so don't look like I'm mourning!"

The fairies were moved by his humor when they heard his words.

In an instant, they cried and laughed, and the delicate appearance of women was revealed.

In a loving look,

all the beautiful fairies were both emotional and moving.

Lin Xiao nodded thoughtfully, and then slowly announced: "I have other important matters to attend to, and I have to leave Joyous Union Sect for a while." "When I come back, I will have a gift for those who perform well."

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