[The host has reached the Tianshu realm! ]

[System is being upgraded... ]

[From today on, the host will no longer gain cultivation from the bloodline of his offspring. ]

[For each offspring obtained, the host will gain 10,000 spiritual power! The unrefined cultivation is being converted into spiritual power... ]

[Congratulations to the host for upgrading his True Dragon Body to True Dragon Bloodline! ]

[The dragon is the Supreme of the Nine Fives, the King of Ten Thousand Bloods. The bloodline alone can suppress all living things in the world! ]

[The host's practice will be automatically upgraded with additional effects! ]

Since obtaining the Yin-Yang Hehuan Sutra,

Lin Xiao did not rush to exit the Hehuan Secret Realm.

Instead, he simply sat in meditation and began to practice this practice.

But not long after he started,

this system gave him another very unexpected surprise!

"True Dragon Bloodline, practice upgrade, additional effect?"

Out of curiosity,

Lin Xiao summoned the Qingshuang Sword.

He slashed it casually.

The originally silver-white sword light now turned into an extremely noble golden light.

The sword light carrying the sound of dragon roar was even more powerful!

He slashed casually without using any skills, and actually cut off a towering ancient peak ten miles away.

Countless huge rocks fell at once,

raising thick dust and fog.

The earth also trembled violently, and the sky and the earth changed color.

It was as if the end of the world had come.

Ningxiang was frightened and shrank to Lin Xiao's side.

He took her into his arms.

At the same time, he used the Yangchun Wuji Gong to protect himself.

This skill was originally just a single-person body protection spell,

but now it can condense a circle of golden barrier within a range of ten feet around the body.

Countless flying sand and rocks, accompanied by the might of shaking the earth and the sky.

It also did not cause the slightest hindrance to this barrier.

Ningxiang looked at Lin Xiao curiously,

and was even more surprised at the improvement of her senior brother's strength.

But for some reason,

Senior Brother Lin's pair of golden eyes made her even more afraid.

This inexplicable awe made Ningxiang confused for a while.

She and Senior Brother Lin had a deep relationship. Logically, she only liked him and didn't feel respect or fear for him.

After careful feeling, she felt that this fear seemed more like a kind of blood Innate suppression.

She secretly exclaimed.

'I always feel that Senior Brother Lin also has extraordinary power... I don't seem to know much about his origins..'

Lin Xiao looked solemn.

He slowly looked at his palm, a little absent-minded.

The casual slash just now had the power of Opening Heaven.

Even he was extremely surprised.

I really can't think of who in this world can catch his sword!

The system's voice sounded again,

[Detected that there is a common fire Spirit Root owner among the host's bloodline descendants. ]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining a common fire Spirit Root! ]

[Detected that there is a High Grade Wood Spirit Root owner among the host's bloodline descendants. ]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining a High Grade Wood Spirit Root! ]

[Detected that there is a common fire Spirit Root owner among the host's bloodline descendants. ]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining a High Grade Wood Spirit Root! ]

[Detected that there is a common fire Spirit Root owner among the host's bloodline descendants. ]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the ordinary fire Spirit Root! ]

[The host has been detected to have obtained the ordinary fire Spirit Root twice. ]

[The fire Spirit Root attribute has been upgraded to Middle Grade! ]

"Spirit Root?" Lin Xiao murmured,

"Most likely, among my many concubines, there is someone with Innate Spirit Root."

"This Spirit Root is inherited by my descendants, and I get such benefits from it."

"But... among more than a hundred descendants, only three have Spirit Root?"

"I guess there are only one person in the world who has Spirit Root."

Lin Xiao made up his mind.

In the future, he will take in more concubines with Spirit Root.

It would also be good to have more descendants with Spirit Root.

Now that he has Spiritual Sense,

he only needs to detect it to know whether the other party has Spirit Root.

As he was thinking, Lin Xiao immediately glanced at Ningxiang in his arms.

Although she has not yet practiced the immortal family skills and has no spiritual power cultivation.

But a strong wood Spirit Qi lingers on her body.

Sure enough, the offspring who inherited the High Grade Wood Spirit Root was the child in Ningxiang's belly.

Thinking about it,

Lin Xiao felt that there was no need to hide here to practice.

He went out to the entrance of Secret Realm with Ningxiang.

At this time, he no longer used True Qi to perform body movements.

Under the powerful effect of spiritual power,

the journey that took quite a long time to come here.

Now it was only a blink of an eye to arrive at the entrance of Secret Realm.


Joyous Union Sect, outside Secret Realm.

Fairy Wangchen waited for Lin Xiao to enter Secret Realm.

After staying for a while, he slowly left with all the disciples.

None of them noticed that shortly after they left, a white light flew out of Secret Realm.

This light was extremely fast, and it stopped at the top of Utmost Bliss Peak in the blink of an eye, turning into a nine-tailed fox.

Yun Yao looked at Joyous Union Sect from top to bottom with interest.

Then it turned into white light and fled into the distance.

She went north and passed 80 miles outside Joyous Union Sect.

But she found that thousands of people suddenly appeared under her feet.

Yun Yao used Spiritual Sense to explore and found that they were all ordinary Martial Dao mortals.

Suddenly she felt bored.

She had no intention of staying any longer, but suddenly she smiled evilly.

She found a lone Martial Dao disciple,

and after killing him, she transformed into his appearance, put on his clothes, and mixed in with the crowd.

These thousands of people were not others.

They were the six disciples of the Demon Sect who came to besiege the Joyous Union Sect.

Among them were many Martial Dao masters with deep cultivation.

But Yun Yao's actions just now,

none of these people noticed anything unusual.

"Senior Heisha... you told me not to alert the Joyous Union Sect, why did you suddenly say that the time has come today?"

This person was wearing clothes from the Heavenly Demon Palace.

He had a strong aura and extraordinary cultivation.

None of the disciples around him disrespected him, even the Martial Dao masters from other sects who were traveling with him.

They only dared to follow him silently, not daring to overstep their boundaries.

It seems that this person not only holds a high position in the Heavenly Demon Palace, but is also famous in the Martial Dao.

Such an extraordinary Martial Daoist was very respectful in front of a skinny Daoist.

Yun Yao couldn't help but feel a little curious.

"Is this Daoist also extraordinary?"

She looked at the Daoist again.

"Wow, he is indeed a master of the peak of the human Dao and the Guixu Realm. Hehe, there will be a good show later."

It turned out that the leader of these thousands of people was

the Black Evil Daoist mentioned by Ye Qingqiu.

Following him were all Demon Dao masters from various sects.

This matter was serious,

except for the two Guixu Realm masters who did not show up in the six sects of the Demon Sect.

All the masters of the Guixu Realm and the True Origin Realm came out together,

just to take down the Joyous Union Sect in one fell swoop.

The Black Evil Daoist silently looked in the direction of the Joyous Union Sect,

and saw the top of the mountain was shining with rosy clouds.

His heart was lifted.

He said calmly: "Aren't you urging us to take down the so-called Joyous Union Sect as soon as possible?"

"What? Are you afraid now?"

The Heavenly Demon Palace said: "Hmph, senior, why do you underestimate us so much?"

"Except for a few Spirit Sea Realm elders, the leader of Joyous Union Sect is only a True Origin Realm."

"Even if you don't take action, what should we be afraid of?"

"I'm just curious, is the time you mentioned before really here?"

The Black Evil Daoist's face darkened.

Although he ordered these people not to alarm the Joyous Union Sect.

However, many people still disobeyed orders and repeatedly invaded the surrounding areas of the Joyous Union Sect.

This made the Black Evil Daoist very angry.

However, after he changed his mind, he also felt that such behavior was not without benefits.

The six sects of the Demon Sect have repeatedly embarrassed the Joyous Union Sect.

They didn't see any big moves, and they didn't even have the courage to question the six sects of the Demon Sect in person.

Instead, they tightened their defense and stayed indoors.

In this way,

Heisha Daoist concluded that the leader of Joyous Union Sect had been in seclusion for a hundred years and still had not broken through to the Guixu Realm.

Otherwise, how could he allow others to bully him?

Most importantly, Heisha Daoist concluded through this incident that

No one in Joyous Union Sect had discovered the great opportunity hidden in their own sect.

Otherwise, how could their leader have been stuck in the True Origin Realm for a hundred years and ended up dying?

One generation is worse than the next!

He looked at the sky again.

His eyes were full of greed and surprise.

‘In this case... I, the old Taoist, will accept the ancient inheritance of your Joyous Union Sect. ’

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