Three days later.

The Joyous Union Secret Realm was indeed opened.

In front of a secret cave under the Utmost Bliss Peak, more than 200 Joyous Union fairies stood in a row.

The cave was filled with rosy clouds,

and the fairies' originally beautiful faces were even more radiant.

Originally, Lin Xiao approached the fairy Wangchen in order to enter this Secret Realm.

Now that he has become the ancestor of the Joyous Union Sect,

the rules have naturally changed under his arrangement.

Anyone who thinks he is powerful and wants to enter the Secret Realm for training can go there voluntarily.

After learning that the ancestor is also interested in going in to find out.

All the Joyous Union female cultivators participated enthusiastically.

They just wanted to accompany Lin Xiao.

But among the hundreds of fairies,

only the junior sister named Ningxiang had the honor to stand side by side with the ancestor.

For a moment, countless eyes were on her alone.

Ningxiang was a little at a loss.

She pulled Lin Xiao's clothes: "Brother, Xiang'er is a little uncomfortable..."

Ningxiang's pregnancy signs were already very obvious.

Although cultivators are not as fragile as ordinary people.

But being pregnant will affect the performance of skills to some extent.

Lin Xiao had asked her to stay in the sect to rest and take care of the baby.

Ningxiang insisted on going with him in person.

"After all, this time we are going to rescue my sister, and I am more familiar with the various things in the Secret Realm. Xiang'er has to go."

Lin Xiao understood her feelings.

He did not argue with her too much, but secretly decided to take good care of Ningxiang along the way.

Seeing her so shy.

Lin Xiao simply hugged her in his arms.

Ningxiang said shyly, her face flushed.

I suddenly felt that the eyes behind her became more scorching.

"I don't know how many days it will take to enter the Secret Realm this time, Wangchen, all the affairs of the sect are in your hands."

Before officially entering the Secret Realm, Lin Xiao did not forget to explain.

Consider the plans of the six sects of the demon sect.

The defense matters in the Joyous Union Sect naturally cannot be taken lightly.

Sect Master Wang Chen and several elders newly promoted by Lin Xiao.

With many disciples with high cultivation, they stayed behind to guard the sect.

Although they felt very sorry that they could not accompany the ancestor.

Everyone just bowed slightly in front of Lin Xiao.

The disciples guarding the sect all had charming eyes and nodded silently to accept the order.

Fairy Wang Chen touched her slightly bulging belly.

"Please be careful, young master."

This Joyous Union Secret Realm was only used to train disciples in previous years.

With Lin Xiao's strength, there was naturally no danger.

But she was still a little worried.

Lin Xiao nodded.

Then he disappeared at the entrance of the Secret Realm with all the disciples.

I felt a dizzy feeling.

The scene around me was twisting and changing constantly.

When I opened my eyes again.

Everyone had arrived in a new world.

Surrounded by dense forests, and high peaks in the distance reached the clouds.

Before entering, it was clearly daytime outside.

But in the Secret Realm, it was like a polar night.

Fortunately, there were stars everywhere, and several light curtains were hanging from the sky like silk, which was quite bright.

The scenery was so beautiful that everyone felt like they were in a fairyland in the sky.

Lin Xiao sighed in his heart:

‘This Secret Realm is indeed created by the immortals. Not only is the scenery unique, but I’m afraid even this world is independent of the human world. ’

Thinking that the true scripture was right in front of him.

Lin Xiao became more and more excited.

Seeing that those beautiful disciples were all around him, unwilling to act alone.

Lin Xiao directly issued an order.

Ordered all the disciples to follow the previous rules and practice in this Secret Realm on their own.

He pulled Ningxiang and performed his body skills to fly into the air.

Under Ningxiang’s guidance, he went to the direction where his sister was sealed.

After officially setting off, Lin Xiao once again sighed at the vastness of the Secret Realm. That day, he set out from the Joyous Union Sect to rescue Ningxiang. It took only half an incense stick to travel hundreds of miles. In this Secret Realm, he walked through the air with Ningxiang. He could not reach the sealed place. "No wonder no one in the Joyous Union Sect has been able to rescue your sister for thousands of years." "Just such a long distance is beyond the reach of ordinary disciples." Ningxiang blushed. She and her sister had not seen each other for decades since they last parted. She was naturally happy to reunite this time. She also thought of the last time she parted with her sister, she was still an innocent girl. Now she is pregnant. Ningxiang leaned in Lin Xiao's arms, her face flushed. "Hehe, I wonder what my sister would think."..................I don't know how long it took. Lin Xiao only felt that the scenery in front of him changed, and it was no longer as bright as when he first entered the Secret Realm. Instead, it became darker.

However, in this way,

a transparent dome with golden light on the horizon was also seen by him soon.

Ningxiang said happily: "Brother, that is where the formation is!"

Lin Xiao had heard about the immortal formation, but he only knew a few of them.

"I don't know if I can break this formation and rescue your sister."

Ningxiang smiled: "I definitely can!"

The two landed in front of the formation and looked inside.

But they didn't see any human figures.

Only a nine-tailed fox was taking a rest in the formation.

This fox was shining with spiritual light and had an extraordinary origin.

Seeing someone breaking in, it suddenly opened one eye.

After looking at Lin Xiao and Ningxiang.

It seemed to be quite bored and was about to close it again.

But suddenly opened both eyes.

It turned into a spiritual light and appeared on the inner wall of the formation in an instant.

Lin Xiao sighed, "What a fast speed!"

Ningxiang climbed the edge of the magic circle with both hands and shouted, "Sister, it's Xiang'er!"

"Your sister is a fox?"

Ningxiang looked embarrassed: "Brother, in fact, my sister's true form is also a fox..."

"Hiss..." Lin Xiao's face changed slightly.

Needless to say, the reason.

There are many strange stories in the world, but it is still a bit unexpected when it really happens to oneself.

The nine-tailed fox in the formation saw the bulging belly of his sister at a glance.

Although he did not open his mouth, he spoke human words:

"Sister, I haven't seen you for decades. It seems that you are doing well outside!"

"Sister, I don't know how it feels, but you have become a mother. It's great."

"Did you come to see me this time to make me jealous of you?"

After saying that, the spirit fox looked at Lin Xiao again.

Its ears twitched, as if it had discovered something incredible.

It no longer maintained the appearance of a spirit fox.

It turned into a silver-white light, and after the light dissipated.

The fox in front of Lin Xiao had turned into a young girl.

She looked similar to Ningxiang.

But she had silver hair.

She was slender but not skinny, plump but not fat.

Her face was rosy and her body was white.

She looked like a flawless jade.

Although she looked like a young girl, she was charming.

But her appearance after turning into a human form made Ningxiang blush:

"Sister, what are you doing? There are no extra clothes here. You are naked like this... Aren't you embarrassed...?"

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