Many Children, More Blessings: Hehuan Patriarch Takes In Another Female Disciple

32. Hehuan Secret Realm Opens, Seeking Another Breakthrough Opportunity

It was deep winter.

It was snowy outside the palace, and the wind was as cold as a knife.

But inside the palace, it was still bustling.

Hundreds of fairies gathered together, dancing to the moving music.

Lin Xiao sat at the head.

He was surrounded by seven or eight concubines, all of them beautiful girls.

This scene was in contrast to the bitter cold outside, and it was full of spring.

It was really refreshing!

Although this scene had lasted for more than half a month,

Fairy Wangchen was quite careful.

Her son usually chose a few new concubines, but today he didn't even take a sip of the nectar in front of him.

Several concubines who were quite favored in normal times wanted to play with him intimately, but Lin Xiao just waved his hand to refuse.

Seeing his sadness, Fairy Wangchen smiled charmingly and came to Lin Xiao slowly with a gust of fragrance.

"Sir, is there anyone you like among these disciples today?"

Lin Xiao shook his head slightly.

He was still in deep thought.

Fairy Wangchen usually handles the affairs of the sect very skillfully. But she can't help Lin Xiao at all with what he is thinking about at this moment. Since Lin Xiao's strength broke through to the peak of Guixu Realm, the shackles of his cultivation have never been loosened. He tried to refine his cultivation several times. But all of them were in vain, not even a wave could be stirred. This is really strange! Whether it is Spirit Sea Realm or True Origin Realm, as long as it reaches perfection. The True Qi in the body will become extremely agitated, and the meridians will be smooth. This is a sign of an urgent breakthrough. But the Guixu Realm is very different. Every time Lin Xiao cultivates a level, his body will undergo new changes. The meridians will be expanded and the body will be strengthened. Every time it is like a rebirth, whether it is True Qi or spirit, there will be earth-shaking changes. But since he stopped at the peak of Guixu Realm. No matter how he cultivates, his body can't produce the slightest abnormality. ‘Could it be that... the Guixu Realm is already the pinnacle of the Martial Dao, so no one can go further? ’

Although there are many doubts.

But there are only a few people in the world who can enter the Guixu Realm.

Even if he wants to ask for advice, Lin Xiao has no one to ask.

He thought about it.

He felt that there were only two options for this worry.

Either he would capture a senior in the Guixu Realm alive to ask.


He could only hope for the immortal family skills in the Hehuan Secret Realm.

At this time, there were disciples outside the hall asking for an audience.

Lin Xiao waved his hand, and the heavy and simple hall door slowly opened.

For a moment, the cold wind blew in, and the snow fluttered.

A fairy from the inner sect of Hongye Peak walked in.

Although it was icy and snowy outside, the fairy's clothes were very cool.

She was bare-shouldered and had a slim figure.

Her large area of ​​white and tender skin was still rosy, and it seemed that it was not affected by the severe cold at all.

All the falling snowflakes dissipated and evaporated around her. The fairy walked through the crowd and slowly bowed in front of Lin Xiao. "Reporting to the ancestor, I have been ordered to guard the entrance to the Secret Realm every day. For three consecutive days, the seal of the Secret Realm has been moving frequently." "Based on past experience, this phenomenon is a sign that the seal is loose. I think the Secret Realm will be opened in a few days." Lin Xiao, who has been worried about this matter,

It was a rare opportunity to smile.

"Okay, you reported this in time."

Lin Xiao waved his hand slightly.

The fairy who came forward to report was immediately startled.

Under the envious eyes of the other disciples, she sat down beside Lin Xiao gently.

The concubine who had just leaned on Lin Xiao gave up her seat reluctantly.

I guess this rare opportunity to serve the ancestor tonight.

It can only be given to the fairy who came to report.


Wunan Province, the easternmost sea-facing Seven Star Gate.

Elder Xueyue of Qingfeng Hall stood on the high platform,

staring deeply at the turbulent sea.

She was plain and elegant, although she didn't put on makeup, she was still beautiful.

Although Liu Lingzhu was called the most beautiful female disciple of the Seven Star Gate by everyone,

every time she saw Elder Xueyue,

she couldn't help but feel a little ashamed.

Ever since Liu Lingzhu and Senior Brother Lin parted in Zuihualin.

After returning to the Seven Stars Gate, she came to visit Elder Xueyue almost every day.

There was no other reason.

Elder Xueyue was the master of Senior Brother Lin.

In the Seven Stars Gate, she was the only one who was most closely related to Senior Brother Lin.

Whenever Liu Lingzhu missed her Senior Brother Lin, she could not help but come to Qingfeng Hall to pay respects to Elder Xueyue.

Liu Lingzhu had just arrived at Qingfeng Hall not long ago,

and had not had time to greet the elder.

But she saw Elder Xueyue unsheath his sword, holding the sword in his right hand and waving it in the air.

The sea surface, which was full of waves, was blown into thousands of layers of shocking waves.

Its might was extremely terrifying.

Even though Liu Lingzhu was at the level of Duanmai Realm and was at a distance.

She was still forced to retreat several steps by this momentum.

Liu Lingzhu sighed secretly.

In her heart, Elder Xueyue had always been a peaceful person.

When had she ever been so confused?

"Ling'er, you're here." Elder Xueyue sighed softly and put away the sword, saying without turning his head. Liu Lingzhu dared to step forward: "Ling'er greets the elder. Today Ling'er wanted to ask you some questions." "Since the elder is worried, Ling'er will not disturb you." Liu Ling said and planned to leave in a hurry. Elder Xueyue suddenly laughed: "You girl, you come to Qingfeng Hall to find me every day, do you need me to tell you what's on your mind?" "Why bother to find those excuses." Liu Lingzhu said shyly: "Then... Elder, have you heard about Senior Brother Lin recently?" Elder Xueyue turned around, and she didn't know when a few white hairs appeared on her originally black and shiny hair. "Alas... Lin Xiao grew up under my watch. How can I ignore his misfortune?"

"In the past six months, I have ordered other disciples to go to Zuihualin to get information."

"But for some reason, I can't find any news about my beloved disciple."

"What's more, I don't know what happened to Joyous Union Sect six months ago, and its style of behavior suddenly became extremely low-key and abnormal."

"Those Hehuan demon women not only did not commit crimes and kidnap strong men like they did in the past, but also the defense around the sect was extremely tight."

"What's even more strange is that those demon women found my Qixingmen several times, but they didn't show any hostility."

"I'm afraid that this group of evil demons have other plans."

Liu Lingzhu didn't have any good feelings for Joyous Union Sect,

and she was not interested in the sudden change in the behavior of those demon women.

She only hoped that Senior Brother Lin would return safely,

and didn't really become the cauldron of those Hehuan demon women.

When she heard Elder Xueyue say that they had not been able to find any news about Senior Brother Lin in the past six months, she could no longer hide the despair on her pretty face. "It's all Ling'er's fault. I should have been stronger and fought alongside Senior Brother." "It wouldn't be like this today. I can only wait for Senior Brother and worry about his safety..." She spoke more and more quietly, and her bright eyes became crystal clear.

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