Lin Xiao returned to his residence.

He signaled the female disciple in charge of guarding Ye Qingqiu to leave.

This woman, called Soul Chaser Yaksha,

was still tied up all over her body at this time, and was tied up tightly.

But it also made her originally proud parts.

look even more dazzling.

At this point, Soul Chaser Yaksha Ye Qingqiu, no matter how much she doubted Lin Xiao's identity before.

She had to believe that the person in front of her was really a member of the Joyous Union Sect.

And he was a person of prominent status in the sect.

So she was worried that the other party would really take her Yin Origin.

Thinking of this,

Ye Qingqiu looked dejected.

She didn't dare to put on airs anymore,

and explained everything she knew clearly.

It turned out that the six sects of the Demon Sect.

They had colluded two years ago.

They intended to harm the Joyous Union Sect.

As for the motive, it was not a particularly strange reason.

The Great Demon Sect simply had their eyes on the resources of the Joyous Union Sect, the many stunning female disciples, and the treasures and skills that were treasured in the sect. Although this matter has not yet succeeded, the elders and leaders of the Demon Sect have already regarded everything in the Joyous Union Sect as their own. And they have divided it clearly in private. "But..." Ye Qingqiu hesitated, "I heard that the leader of this plan is a master named Fang Tianzong." "This person is known as the Black Evil Daoist. He only showed a little strength, and the leaders of various sects were particularly impressed." "But although he is the leader, he seems to have no interest in this Joyous Union Sect. Whether it is skills, secret treasures or disciples, he said he doesn't want them." "Just say that if this matter succeeds, he will take it." After Ye Qingqiu told all he knew, he looked at Lin Xiao expectantly. "Senior, I have told you everything I know. I hope you will keep your promise and let me go!" Lin Xiao looked indifferent. He put his hands behind his back, without any surprise on his face.

These six sects of the Demon Sect,

to the past self, were quite dangerous.

But with Lin Xiao's current strength,

how could he be afraid of the cooperation of these villains?

But after listening to what Ye Qingqiu said.

These Demon Dao sects have repeatedly appeared near the Joyous Union Sect.

It makes sense.

In the world of cultivation, the weak are the prey of the strong.

The Joyous Union Sect is not only severely suppressed by the righteous path.

It is not difficult to understand that the other Demon Dao want to take advantage of the opportunity to make some benefits.

'No wonder I met two Demon Dao masters just when I escaped from the Joyous Union Sect with Yunmeng that day. It turned out that these people had been planning for a long time. '

'But now the female disciples of this sect are extremely important to me, and I can't tolerate these evil people. '

Lin Xiao's eyes became colder and colder.

A bold idea emerged in his mind.

Before, he said to Ye Qingqiu that he would destroy the six sects of the Demon Sect, although it was just a threat.

But now,

he is a little serious in his heart.

When Lin Xiao was a disciple of the Seven Stars Sect in this life,

he knew that among the six sects of the Demon Sect, only the Soul Devouring Hall and the Blue Flame Sect had powerful people in the Guixu Realm.

This kind of person.

Although he rarely participates in the affairs of the sect.

But if he wants to challenge,

such a person will not sit idly by.

And with Lin Xiao's current strength in the Guixu Realm, and the blessing of the True Dragon Body.

If he encounters one of them, he is sure to fight with him.

But if he faces two at the same time, he has to be on guard.

What's more, who is the origin of the Black Evil Daoist?

He can actually lead the six sects of the Demon Sect.

Is his strength also in the Guixu Realm?

Lin Xiao said to Ye Qingqiu: "Answer me another question, what is the origin of the Black Evil Daoist?"

Ye Qingqiu didn't dare to hide anything.

But this Daoist is elusive.

With her prominent status in the Soul Devouring Hall, she had only heard of such a person, but had never even seen him. She could not answer. "I really don't know the origin of this person! Now that things have come to this, I will tell you everything I should and shouldn't say." "There is no need to deceive the senior, please believe me!" Lin Xiao pondered for a moment. He made a quick judgment in his mind. Ye Qingqiu's eager look to survive was probably not a lie. Although the strength of this Black Evil Daoist is unknown, considering that these six sects of the demon sects joined forces to deal with a mere Joyous Union Sect, it would take two years to plan. During this period, they only explored and invaded the surrounding area. I guess there must be some special reasons. If they are not afraid of the strength of the Joyous Union Sect, then they are waiting for a certain time. In this way, Lin Xiao still has a lot of time left. This is a very favorable opportunity. He only needs to guard the Joyous Union Sect. Practice diligently day and night with the female disciples of the sect.

Wait until the strength reaches a higher level.

These six sects of Demon Dao are just a group of ants.

There is no need to be afraid.

Lin Xiao has made up his mind.

During this period, strengthen the defense in Joyous Union Sect and reduce the number of disciples going out.

The female disciples in the sect,

just need to cooperate with him, the ancestor, to practice Soul Refining.

Also take this opportunity to temper the disciples and improve the strength of Joyous Union Sect.

Ye Qingqiu saw that Lin Xiao was hesitant to reply.

He thought he still didn't believe it.

He said with a bit of weakness:

"I have told you everything I know, senior... can you let me go free?"

Lin Xiao sneered: "Are the people in the Soul Devouring Hall as naive as you?"

He didn't expect that the Soul Chasing Yaksha, who was once feared by everyone, would be so frightened after falling into his hands.

He even forgot the simple truth of letting the tiger go back to the mountain?

Once Ye Qingqiu is free.

All the changes in the Joyous Union Sect, and the matter of the Hehuan Patriarch.

Shouldn't the six sects of the Demon Sect know about it?

Ye Qingqiu's face turned miserable when she heard this.

This time, she was not only used by the person in front of her.

What was going to happen next was also what Ye Qingqiu didn't want to see.

As a furnace, being absorbed by Yin Origin would damage her cultivation.

What's more, she was a Yin-cold body.

Compared with ordinary women, her cultivation would only fall faster.

Ye Qingqiu's body shrank in the corner.

A female demon like her who killed people like crazy could be so pitiful.

"Don't think of succeeding, demon. Even if I die, I don't want to be your furnace!"

Lin Xiao shook his head and sighed slightly: "What are you thinking?"

"Although I am the Hehuan Patriarch, I am not a picky eater."

"A woman like you, I look down on you. You should just be a servant in my Joyous Union Sect."

After saying that, he left without looking back.

Ye Qingqiu was restrained and tied up with golden ropes.

She could not use any of her cultivation.

She looked at Lin Xiao's cold back.


Ye Qingqiu became even more angry: "What do you mean? Come back!"

What was waiting for her was only the sound of the door closing.

Only Ye Qingqiu, who looked unhappy, was left in the hall.

Originally, in this Demon Dao, Ye Qingqiu had a nickname of Yaksha.

But her appearance was also extremely beautiful.

Many people in Demon Dao were fascinated by her.

Some people even regarded her as one of the most beautiful women in Demon Dao except Joyous Union Sect.

Ye Qingqiu should have been grateful for escaping the fate of becoming a furnace.

But now, she was a little hurt by Lin Xiao's indifference and disregard.

"Is it great to be handsome? I don't even like you!"

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