Many Children, More Blessings: Hehuan Patriarch Takes In Another Female Disciple

14. Junior Sister, What Is Aperture Opening Realm? Senior Brother Has Already Achieved True Origin R

Since she parted with Senior Brother Lin that day.

Junior Sister Liu has been worried all day.

She is worried about Lin Xiao's safety, and misses the figure that makes her lose her soul all day.

At this moment, she has led a group of people to leave Zuihualin.

She rented a carriage to save energy.

It will take less than half a month to return to Qixingmen.

‘I wonder if Senior Brother Lin is out of danger? ’

Liu Lingzhu looked haggard and uneasy all day.

That beautiful face, I don't know when it appeared a little old.

‘I really shouldn't have left Senior Brother that day. Even if we die, we should die together. ’

‘How can I leave Senior Brother alone in that dangerous situation? ’

‘I really deserve to die! ’

If Yunmeng hadn't stopped her.

Liu Lingzhu almost couldn't help jumping off the carriage several times and chasing back.

"Senior Sister Liu, you should take a good rest. You haven't eaten or drunk for many days. Senior Brother Lin will be distressed when he sees you when he comes back." Yunmeng advised. Liu Lingzhu naturally didn't appreciate it. She suddenly thought of the scene on the day of separation. Senior Brother Lin clearly said that this girl was very important to him and asked her to take good care of her. She obeyed Senior Brother's instructions with all her heart. But the more she looked at Yunmeng, the more unhappy she became. 'She is very important to Senior Brother, so what am I? ' The more she recalled this sentence. Liu Lingzhu felt even more bitter. So she ignored Yunmeng and turned her head away as if she was upset. But as long as she closed her eyes. The handsome figure of Senior Brother Lin would appear in Liu Lingzhu's mind. 'Master once said that Senior Brother Lin is the most talented disciple of the Seven Stars Sect and the genius who is most likely to break through the Aperture Opening Realm at the age of thirty. ’

‘But I haven’t seen him for only a few days, and he has already broken through from the Forging Pulse Realm to the Aperture Opening Realm, which is more than ten years earlier than Master expected. ’

‘It seems that my Master can also make mistakes. ’

Thinking of this.

A smile appeared on Liu Lingzhu’s face again.

‘As expected of Senior Brother Lin. ’

‘But...when I return to the sect this time and tell Master about this, she will probably not believe it. ’

‘But as long as Senior Brother Lin comes back, the elders will be shocked. ’

She sighed slightly, and her face was full of worry again.

Muttered: "I don't know when Senior Brother Lin will come back."


Since that day.

Lin Xiao and Ningxiang still find a private place.

Practice day and night.

At this time, he not only has the body of a real dragon and the blood of a fairy fox.

He also has the blessing of Linglong Jade.

In addition, both of them have learned the Hehuan technique.

Every time they practice together.

Lin Xiao benefits greatly.

At this time, not only the shackles of the True Origin Realm have been loosened.

Several learned skills have also been very effective.

The Seven-Star Wandering Dragon Sword Technique alone has been practiced by Lin Xiao to the second level.

This is already a very good progress.

The Seven-Star Wandering Dragon Sword has a total of seven levels. Each level requires twice as much cultivation.

The power of the sword technique is infinite, and it is naturally several times more difficult to practice than ordinary sword techniques.

As far as Lin Xiao knows.

There is only one master in the world who has practiced to the fifth level.

Most of the others stopped at the third level and could not make any further progress.

It is extremely difficult to practice.

And he broke through from the first level to the second level in just a few days.

With the power of this sword technique.

It would not take more than three moves to kill a master of the same level.

As for opponents with a lower level than him.

I am afraid that the sword energy generated by the sword drawing alone is enough to shatter the seven souls.

Killed on the spot.

In addition.

With Lin Xiao's help every day.

Her cultivation strength has also improved greatly.

She had reached the Aperture Opening Realm Second Layer yesterday.

Such an amazing speed.

Lin Xiao couldn't help but marvel at it.

But every time he praised.

Ningxiang just smiled like a flower, and attributed all the credit to Lin Xiao.

Then he begged this "senior sister".

Continue to practice with her tomorrow.

As time went on.

I don't know if she was just practicing.

Or just coveting the pleasure of that moment.

This day.

Ningxiang came to find her "senior sister" as usual, and agreed to practice together.

The difference is that this time she had a little sadness on her face.

"Inner disciples must complete a sect mission every month. Junior sister has been so immersed in practicing with senior brother these days that she has completely forgotten about this."

"Now I can't delay any longer. I have to go outside the sect to deal with some trivial matters in two days. Senior sister, don't forget me when you are away!"

Lin Xiao thought that he could take advantage of this time to break through the Seven Star Dragon Sword Technique to the third level.

He nodded immediately.

"Junior sister, just go."

Hearing him say this.

Ningxiang curled her lips and acted coquettishly:

"Senior sister, it seems that you have been waiting for junior sister to leave. Don't you worry about junior sister's safety?"

She pretended to be angry, but her little movements made her more lovely and moving.

Lin Xiao refused to be fooled by her.

"With your current strength, it's your enemies who should be worried about your safety. Why should I worry about anything?" Seeing that her plan failed, Ningxiang simply acted like a rogue: "Hey, Senior Brother, you can just pretend~" "Don't talk nonsense." Lin Xiao signaled her not to make trouble. Because at this moment, several heavily made-up disciples of the Joyous Sect were walking towards them. Ningxiang saw the appearance of the people coming. As expected, she returned to her well-behaved appearance. After letting go of Lin Xiao's hand, she bowed to the three female disciples of the Joyous Sect and said: "Junior Sister Ningxiang greets the three senior sisters." At the same time, she also used the sound transmission method to explain the identities of these three people to Lin Xiao. The leading Joyous disciple is a direct disciple of Elder Wuyou of the Joyous Union Sect. Her name is Fairy Rule. Although she is over 40 years old, her appearance is still as delicate as a girl. And she has recently broken through to the perfection of the Forging Veins Realm. She has such an extraordinary understanding. She is quite favored by Elder Wuyou and has a very high reputation and status in the sect. Therefore, she was somewhat arrogant.

"Junior Sister Ningxiang, I remember that I asked you to look for the Phoenix Pattern Spiritual Herb half a month ago. How come I haven't even seen its shadow until now?"

Ningxiang was slightly startled.

Due to Senior Sister Ru Le's status, her instructions were naturally very important.

Ningxiang had always kept it in mind.

It was a pity that she met Lin Xiao not long after.

She practiced with him all day and forgot about this important matter completely.

Since Senior Sister's tone was not angry, she must have come to blame.

Ningxiang had no choice but to shirk and said, "Junior Sister is about to go out to look for it these days, please wait a few days."

Fairy Ru Le didn't listen to her explanation at all.

She said angrily, "You are lying!"

"You and this Junior Sister go out together all day long, how can you look for spiritual herbs?"

"It's obvious that you don't want to do anything for me and want to delay it! Do you think this Senior Sister has forgotten it?"

Fairy Ru Le finished speaking.

The two followers behind her also fanned the flames:

"Sister Ru Le is about to break through to the realm of Tongqiao. If you find this spiritual herb and help her break through, it will be considered a contribution."

"Sister Jie Shi will definitely remember your favor. Don't you understand this simple truth?"

"Sister, this girl has said many times that our Joyous Sect is an evil sect. I guess she is unhappy with your rapid progress and is deliberately delaying."

"If I don't teach her a lesson today, she will really think that the disciples of the Qingxin Sect are the inheritors of the Joyous Union Sect!"

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