Many Children, More Blessings: Hehuan Patriarch Takes In Another Female Disciple

11. This Woman Is Not Only Attractive, But Also Has A Good Relationship With You.

Fairy Ningxiang looks so delicate.

It's really hard not to like her.

With her charming appearance, it's estimated that no man in the world would refuse any request.

It's just that Lin Xiao has been busy with cultivation recently.

Although he verbally agreed to Ningxiang before, he didn't take it to heart at all.

So he forgot about it.

Now this little girl has been looking for him for a day.

She's here again.

Taking advantage of the time after cultivation, Lin Xiao no longer refuses.

He gave her some pointers.

Lin Xiao is already very talented in this life, and he studies hard.

Not only does he have a very solid foundation in the Seven Star Sect, but he also got the Joyous Union Sect's skills from Yunmeng a few days ago.

This time, he not only pointed out some tips for practicing the Joyous Union Sect's skills.

By the way, he also explained the experience of the Seven Star Sect's skills.

Ningxiang was shocked.

Even her cherry mouth opened wide enough to swallow an egg.

It took her a while to recover, and she could not help but bow repeatedly:

"I didn't expect that Senior Sister's cultivation level is so high. Just a few words made Junior Sister feel suddenly enlightened and benefited infinitely!"

Ningxiang said this without any false intention.

You can see it from her shining eyes.

This little girl smiled sweetly.

There was even more admiration in her eyes.

It was inevitable that she was happy again: "On this path of cultivation, there is a world of difference between having someone to guide you and not having someone to guide you."

"Junior Sister must have changed her luck recently, and I can actually meet such a good Senior Sister."

"But since I have received Senior Sister's kindness, it would be too ignorant if Junior Sister didn't express her gratitude."

She jumped to Lin Xiao's side.

He whispered, "Junior sister has something that may be of some help to your cultivation."

"Just leave it at my place for now. Can you wait for me tomorrow? I will definitely bring it to you."

"Okay... okay, please teach me something!"

Lin Xiao was not very interested in this suggestion.

She was just a small inner disciple, and her cultivation level was only at the Pulse Refining Stage.

She probably couldn't come up with anything very useful.

It was more important to seize the time to consolidate the foundation.

He declined, "Junior sister Ningxiang, I have other important things tomorrow, so why not postpone it for a few days."

But Ningxiang didn't seem to hear what he said.

She actually nudged Lin Xiao like a puppy.

She kept sniffing greedily.

She also said with an intoxicated look, "Senior sister smells so good!"

Lin Xiao's illusion technique was performed very well.

So Ningxiang didn't realize that the senior sister in front of her was actually a man.

So she didn't have so many concerns.

Then she jumped away.

Before leaving, she said, "Sister, that's it! Remember to wait for me here!" Lin Xiao shook his head, "What a difficult guy." He immediately decided to change the place tomorrow. Fortunately, the Joyous Union Sect occupies a large area. Most of its disciples practice the Joyous Skill, and they don't need to go out on weekdays. It's not difficult to find a secluded place. Lin Xiao didn't spend too much effort and found another one. According to his calculations, the most important thing today is to practice the Seven Star Dragon Sword Technique to exert the maximum strength of the True Origin Realm. Who knew that he had just sat cross-legged for a while. He heard the familiar and crisp voice of a young woman. Lin Xiao couldn't help frowning. "I just found this place, how come this little girl found it so quickly?" Unfortunately, although Lin Xiao changed the place, he didn't know that this place was close to Ningxiang's residence.

As soon as the girl went out, she saw the figure of the senior sister.

After Lin Xiao's advice yesterday.

It was quite a miraculous effect of clearing the clouds and seeing the sun.

Coupled with her excellent Root Bone, her cultivation level increased greatly.

At this time, she was extremely happy.

She even refused to walk slowly to find Lin Xiao.

Thinking of showing off in front of her dear senior sister, she even showed her body skills.

After tapping a few rockery walls, she jumped to Lin Xiao's side.

However, in this way.

Lin Xiao, who had turned off the illusion secret technique because he was preparing to practice the exercises.

He appeared in front of Fairy Ningxiang in his original appearance.

"Just now I saw that it was my senior sister, why did she become a man now?"

Such a strange scene scared the girl and she took a few steps back.

Even the gift prepared for the senior sister in advance accidentally fell to the ground.

It was an ancient jade pendant with a white body.

The jade body exuded a bright white light, and it seemed to contain a lot of energy.

It was indeed not an ordinary thing.

Ningxiang didn't care about that.

She drew her sword, pointed at Lin Xiao and asked:

"Joyous Union Sect never allows men to walk freely. What did you do to my sister?"

Before she finished speaking.

Ningxiang's eyes seemed to be a little red.

She recognized the man at a glance, wearing the clothes of a disciple of the Seven Star Sect.

It seemed that this man was waiting for an opportunity to sneak into the sect to do something unfavorable to Joyous Union Sect.

I'm afraid he was caught by Sister Hongchen.

He must have fallen into his hands.

Although she and Sister Hongchen had only been together for a few days.

She felt a lot of warmth from her sister and had long regarded her as a close friend.

Yesterday, she also gave her some advice.

Who knew that she had been killed today before she could repay him.

Thinking of this.

The little girl was already crying softly.

The look she gave Lin Xiao was more hateful.

"Give me back my sister!"

Without caring whether he could defeat the opponent, he stabbed Lin Xiao with a long sword.

Lin Xiao smiled bitterly: "You little girl."

After spending a few days together.

He also had some good feelings for Ningxiang.

He thought that this girl was innocent, like an ignorant girl next door.

So he planned to knock her out and hide in a different identity.

If it was someone else, I'm afraid it wouldn't end so well.

But the little girl only took two steps forward.

But her figure suddenly froze.

"No, no!"

She looked at Lin Xiao in confusion: "The smell on you is the same as my sister..."

" are my sister? brother?"

According to common sense.

Even if Lin Xiao's aura is somewhat similar to that of his sister.

It should be just an inference.

But this girl was so sure, as if she had already determined that Lin Xiao was Hongchen.

Lin Xiao was puzzled: 'This girl is so sensitive, is there something unique about her? ’

Ningxiang put away her weapon.

She no longer had any hostility.

“Yes, yes, you used the secret method of my Joyous Union Sect, right?”

Lin Xiao pretended to be angry and said, “Don’t talk nonsense, you witch. I’m in a good mood. I can let you go and leave quickly.”

Ningxiang actually acted arrogantly.

She held her head high and said, “Hmph! Senior sister, don’t act with me anymore!”

I thought Ningxiang was invincible in youth before.

But she puffed out her chest.

She was really impressive.

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