Half a month flies by in a blink of an eye.

North County.

Tianguang City.

Lu Chen, who was wearing brown armor, stood on the city wall and stared at the flying snow in the distance.

Many scouts from the North have returned. This time, many of their scouts are barbarian soldiers.

It has to be said that the barbarians have great advantages on the grasslands, especially in detecting the enemy's situation.

At this time, Xiao Pengtian jumped up from the tower and jumped to Lu Chen's side, "My lord, according to the gathering speed of the tribes in the northern grasslands, it will probably take another month before they can go south."

"Furthermore, I have estimated that the number of barbarian soldiers that the North Xian King can summon by issuing a summons order does not exceed 150,000 at most."

After hearing this, Lu Chen thought for a long time.

How dare 150,000 barbarian soldiers go south to attack Beijun in winter?

What did King Beixian think?

At this time, Lu Chen asked: "Have our spies found out why King Beixian chose to go south in winter?"

Upon hearing this question, Xiao Pengtian immediately replied: "Back to my lord, there are indeed soldiers in some small tribes who heard the reason why King Beixian went south, but they only heard the news from small tribes, I don't know whether it is true or not. "

Many of the spies they sent out were barbarian soldiers from the original Sirius King tribe. In addition to being familiar with the grasslands, they also had a very big advantage, that is, they could communicate with other barbarian tribes to find out more. News about the various barbarian tribes on the grassland.

After hearing Xiao Pengtian's words, Lu Chen immediately said: "I can distinguish between true and false. Just tell me what you have learned."

Xiao Pengtian immediately said: "According to the soldiers who came back, the reason why the King of North Xian went south in winter was because the King of North Xian felt that you had robbed his princess, and he couldn't swallow this breath."

Hearing this, Lu Chen was stunned for a moment.

If he had not defeated the 300,000-strong army of the Sirius King, then Xiao Wenyao would indeed marry the King of Beixian in the end. However, Lu Chen still felt that it was too far-fetched to send troops to attack Beixian just for a woman.

Lu Chen continued to ask: "Is there no other reason?"

Xiao Pengtian said: "There is another reason, that is, the North Xian King believes that the 300,000 troops of the Sirius King tribe have severely damaged Beijun, so Beijun is no longer powerless to resist their march south."

Speaking of this, Xiao Pengtian's emotions were a little complicated. He had also participated in the battle to attack Beijun, but in the end he was captured by the generals of Beiwang.

At this time, Lu Chen laughed, and then said: "I'm afraid this is what King Beixian really thinks. No wonder they go south in winter."

Lu Chen couldn't figure out why the North Xian King went south in winter at first. After all, the barbarians had never gone south in winter.

Even the Sirius King's tribe had never braved a snowstorm to march on the grassland before. The decision of the North Xian King was really too bold.

If the march was in winter, it is very likely that many barbarian soldiers would have died before they reached Beijun. This was extremely disadvantageous for the barbarians.

Just when Lu Chen was about to say something, a man wearing black and red brocade clothes came to Lu Chen.

"See you, my lord!"

Seeing this Jin Yiwei, Xiao Pengtian's face darkened instantly, and he even had the urge to draw his sword.

The Jin Yiwei soldier in front of him was none other than Wu Yuan, the businessman who had been lurking in the tribe of the Heavenly Wolf King.

Now that the Heavenly Wolf King tribe has all moved to Beijun, there will be no Heavenly Wolf King tribe from now on. Wu Yuan was also promoted to the rank of Jinyiwei Qianhu because of his meritorious service in collecting information about the barbarians, and because Jinyiwei was expanding its recruitment recently.

Although Xiao Pengtian has surrendered to Lu Chen, and he and Wu Yuan are now Lu Chen's subordinates, when Xiao Pengtian thinks of what happened in the past, he always has an urge in his heart to kill Wu Yuan directly. The urge.

Lu Chen asked: "What's the matter?"

Wu Yuan replied: "Your Majesty, the craftsmen have made the first batch of things you need, and we have quietly transported them to Beijun."

Lu Chen's eyes lit up when he heard this. Not long after the craftsmen from Dayucheng arrived in Beijun, they actually made what he needed.

Lu Chen then continued to ask: "Have you Jin Yiwei tested the power?"

Wu Yuan replied: "It has been tested. It is not as powerful as a howitzer, but it is not far behind. According to your suggestion, we added a lot of metal fragments to it, and the killing effect will be better."

Xiao Pengtian on the side trembled when he heard the three words "howitzer".

He has been with Bei County for a while, how could he not know what a "howitzer" is? Although he is not qualified to touch a howitzer, he also knows that the name of the terrorist weapon that bombed them was a howitzer.

Xiao Pengtian felt a chill down his spine when he heard that Bei Wang and the others had actually made a weapon that was as powerful as a howitzer.

Sure enough, is the era of warriors coming to an end?

I don’t know where Bei Wang and the others got such terrifying weapons!

If the Sirius King tribe had known that Beijun had such weapons, they would not have come to attack Beijun, let alone be annexed by Beijun.

But those are not important anymore, Xiao Pengtian just sighed in his heart.

At this time, Lu Chen said: "General Xiao, come with me to see our new weapons."

Having said this, Lu Chen jumped down from the tower. At this time, Xiao Pengtian looked at Wu Yuan with wide eyes.

Seeing Xiao Pengtian staring straight at him, as if he wanted to eat him alive, Wu Yuan smiled and said: "General Xiao, we are our own people now, you don't have to look at him with such hatred. Follow me?"

Xiao Pengtian snorted coldly and said: "You bitch!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Pengtian jumped down from the tower and followed Lu Chen to see the new weapons.

Wu Yuan shrugged his shoulders and didn't care at all. The Jin Yiwei were originally the lackeys of the Northern King. Xiao Pengtian's words were not wrong, and he didn't feel that it was insulting him at all.

In the eyes of their Jin Yiwei, being scolded as a bastard of the Northern King was actually a compliment to them.

Soon Lu Chen and the others arrived in front of the convoy transporting ordnance.

Lu Chen immediately asked people to open the boxes, and then checked the gunpowder weapons shipped by the Jinyi Guards.

Because this is the first batch of gunpowder weapons made by craftsmen, these things are relatively simple. Basically, an iron ball wrapped with gunpowder is considered a bomb.

Moreover, there were no artillery, and the only way to launch them was with catapults.

If you want to make artillery, you still need further development of materials. It cannot be made so quickly. Lu Chen also knows this.

Lu Chen then said: "Take two of them and go to the grassland first. I want to try the effect myself."

It just so happens that Tianguang City is now just a military fortress. There are no ordinary people and there are only soldiers stationed in the entire city.

And outside Tianguang City is the endless grassland. It is just right to test these gunpowder weapons on the grassland.

After hearing Lu Chen's order, some Jin Yiwei immediately carried a bomb-laden weapon to a wooden cart and then pulled it towards the grassland.

Seeing those round iron balls, Xiao Pengtian couldn't understand. Is this the kind of iron ball that defeated the barbarian army of 300,000 in the Wanning Valley?

Isn't this just an iron ball?

Why is it so destructive?

Could it be that this iron ball contains the entire life of a great master?

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