I saw that the Beijun soldier in front of me was covered in blood. The blood on the armor had not yet dried, and the armor on his body was full of knife marks. It looked like he had just experienced some battle.

Lin Xiuming's heart skipped a beat. Could it be that Beijun was really fighting with the barbarians before they entered the city?

Lin Xiuming didn't think much. He then jumped up and jumped directly to the city wall of Beijun.

As a result, as soon as Lin Xiuming jumped onto the city wall, he saw the corpses of barbarians on the ground in the distance outside the city wall, as well as countless large pits.

The death scenes of some barbarian soldiers and horses were particularly horrifying. Their limbs were almost separated, their organs were all over the ground, and the land outside the city was dyed red with blood.

Seeing this scene, Lin Xiuming was stunned.

He even forgot to walk in front of Lu Chen and salute.

It can be seen from this that there was indeed a big battle before the imperial army entered the city.

And judging from the fact that the barbarians left so many corpses, the barbarians must have been repelled by the defenders of Beijun.

Lin Xiuming was extremely surprised. He wanted to know how so many barbarian soldiers died, and it seemed that those barbarian soldiers died before they even got close to the city wall of Yancheng.

Especially the big pits on the flat ground made Lin Xiuming very puzzled. What were those pits used for?

Of course, they were surprised, but Lin Xiuming still didn't think that what they heard before about Beijun soldiers killing 200,000 barbarian soldiers and capturing 100,000 barbarian troops was true.

Lin Xiuming took a deep breath to calm down quickly, then raised his head and looked into the distance.

At this time, a young man wearing golden armor was standing on the wall, looking into the distance. Lin Xiuming had seen Lu Chen before, so he recognized Lu Chen at a glance.

However, for some reason, Lin Xiuming always felt that the aura on Lu Chen's body seemed to give people a very unusual feeling, and his whole temperament had changed greatly.

When Lu Chen married the princess, he also attended Lu Chen's wedding banquet. At that time, Lu Chen did not have such a temperament at all.

Lin Xiuming quickly walked towards Lu Chen. After approaching Lu Chen, Lin Xiuming suddenly understood why he felt that Lu Chen was different.

It turned out that Lu Chen exuded the aura of a warrior, and he had a very strong murderous aura. An average warrior would have to kill a lot of people to have such a strong murderous aura.

King Bei is actually a warrior?

How can this be?

Lin Xiuming felt even more confused. The Beiwang he saw in the capital was a complete waste, a man without any strength and not good at practicing martial arts. How could he be a warrior?

The key is that Lin Xiuming feels that Lu Chen's strength is not weak. At least he has reached the level of a half-step master. Even Lin Xiuming, the master, feels a little pressure in front of Lu Chen.

Lin Xiuming immediately saluted and said: "See you, Your Majesty, my subordinate failed to come to Beijun immediately, please punish me.

Lu Chen did not turn his head, and kept his eyes fixed on the north. At this time, he said lightly: "Punishment? No, no, no, General Lin, you came in time."

Last night's battle killed 200,000 barbarian soldiers. Now the entire Wanning Valley is littered with the corpses of barbarian soldiers and horses. Although Lu Chen also thought about letting the captured barbarian soldiers carry the corpses and clean the battlefield.

But those barbarian soldiers were captured after all. Lu Chen was worried that they would have other ideas.

So they were not asked to clean the battlefield, but the battlefield needed to be cleaned. If the corpses of so many barbarian soldiers and horses were left in the Wanning Valley, a plague would probably occur.

What's more, there is a Wanning River in the Wanning River Valley. So many corpses on the riverside have polluted the entire river. Where will Yancheng get water from?

These corpses must be disposed of. Since they cannot be handled by barbarian soldiers, Lu Chen also thought of asking soldiers from Beijun or mobilizing ordinary people to deal with them. He just asked people to return to the city to announce the results of the battle just because he wanted to mobilize the ordinary people.

But now that the imperial court's 70,000-strong army has arrived, the common people are no longer needed. It is just for these 70,000-strong army to clean up the battlefield.

You've come here, what if you don't do anything and just go back?

At this time, Lu Chen continued to say to Lin Xiuming: "General Lin, I'll leave it to you to clean up the battlefield."

Hearing this, Lin Xiuming was stunned for a moment.

Cleaning up the battlefield?

Have all the barbarians retreated?

Lin Xiuming immediately asked: "Your Majesty, has the barbarian army retreated?"

Hearing this question, Lu Chen just said lightly: "You will understand when you leave the city to clean the battlefield."

After Lu Chen heard that the imperial army was coming to Yancheng, he only brought a few people back with him. Now the soldiers from Beijun are still cleaning up the battlefield outside Yancheng. Lin Xiuming and the others will be able to know what is going on outside when they go out.

If you tell Lin Xiuming about the outcome of this war now, I'm afraid Lin Xiuming won't believe it, so let them and the imperial army go out and take a look in person.

Lu Chen had just asked the artillery battalion to retreat the howitzers. Now even if Lin Xiuming and the others go out, they will not see weapons like howitzers.

As for the heavy cavalry.

It doesn't matter if Lin Xiuming and the others see it. After all, Beijun has achieved such great results, and there must be a reasonable explanation, otherwise it will make people more suspicious.

Hoplites are a good explanation.

When Lin Xiuming and the others see the tens of thousands of heavy cavalry in Beijun, they will most likely think that the reason why Beijun won is because of these heavy cavalry.

This will make it easier to hide the howitzers. As for whether the heavy cavalry will arouse the fear of the court, that is inevitable.

However, Lu Chen also knew that the imperial court and his father had no intention of dealing with him, the vassal king of North County. Emperor Xia's focus was still on purging the court and cleaning up the family.

Before the aristocratic family was eliminated, it was unlikely that he would take action against the feudal king.

What's more, the imperial court has just issued an order to expand the army. As a vassal king who can recruit up to 150,000 soldiers, it is no problem to raise a cavalry, right? There is nothing in the military expansion order that prohibits the formation of cavalry units.

At this time, Li Feng came to the tower.

Seeing that the general who came was Lin Xiuming, Li Feng was stunned for a moment. Fortunately, General Mu had returned just now, otherwise he would be in trouble if Lin Xiuming and the others found out later.

Li Feng saluted Lu Chen and said, "See you, Your Majesty!"

Lu Chen turned to look at Li Feng and said, "General Li, please lead General Lin and others to clean up the battlefield."

"I am a little sleepy, so I will go back first."

Li Feng immediately said: "Yes, Your Majesty!"

Then Lu Chen turned around and left.

Looking at Lu Chen's leaving figure, Lin Xiuming was stunned. Then he looked at Li Feng and said, "General Li, has the barbarian army retreated?"

Lin Xiuming still had some impressions of Li Feng. After all, Li Feng was considered Mu Changtian's right-hand man in the Huben Army.

Hearing Lin Xiuming's question, Li Feng said with a smile: "General Lin, the barbarians were not just repelled by us. When we leave the city later, you will know that under the leadership of the prince, our soldiers in Beijun have won the victory." What an achievement.”

Seeing that Li Feng was also trying to sell things off, Lin Xiuming frowned slightly.

Not only did he doubt that Beijun had really achieved great results this time?

Could it be that they were lucky enough to kill an important figure in a barbarian royal court?

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