Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 52 52, twenty-two swords!

As time passed, the Great Unclean One's mentality of winning was gradually beginning to change.

"According to his current exercise intensity, it only takes another thirty seconds." But at this moment, Lymph's heart was still full of confidence.

But thirty seconds later.

"Dirty thing, can you only run away?!"

Dukel swung his chainsword and slashed violently.

"Is it possible that the soup that the original body inhaled is still a little bit less? It doesn't matter, just wait for another minute."

One minute later.

Two hideous wounds were torn open on the demon's body again.


"Run, run, let's see how long you can run!"

Amid the buzz of the chainsword, the primarch laughed wildly and pursued him like a perverted murderer.

Not only has the pursuit not slowed down at all, it has even become faster and faster!

No, it's because my speed has slowed down.

Only at this moment did Lymph suddenly realize that his body, which had been blessed by Nurgle with almost immortal vitality, was gradually collapsing.

"Could it be that the emperor gave him a blessing that could withstand the soup of a loving father? Yes, the false emperor is becoming more powerful in human faith. This possibility is not impossible."

"But it doesn't matter. Even the blessing of the false emperor cannot suppress the delicious taste of the soup forever. When you can't resist the temptation, you have to wait for a while."

five minutes later.

These five minutes felt longer than ever before, and it was as if the original body had not been eroded at all.

Lymph: "."

He looked at the original body that was still charging towards him at high speed with a confused look on his face.

How is it possible, why hasn't he fallen yet? !

That is the seven-course soup of a loving father!

"Run! You shit-like thing, I'm catching up with you again! You have to run faster!" Dukel shouted, and a ball of spiritual fire shot out.

It spread rapidly across the battlefield like a pillar of fire, so fast that the demons along the way were reduced to ashes.

Dukel admitted that the Great Unclean One was indeed very capable of running.

His speed is not very fast, but the zombies he controls can always cause certain obstacles to the original body at critical moments.

Even though Duker was much faster than him, he was still able to get a gap and managed to escape with a short distance dodge.

He is indeed a powerful opponent with rich combat experience.

However, the surrounding Nurgle demons were greatly affected by the original body's attack.

However, it's soon

Lymph can't guarantee that every escape will be unscathed.

"This hunting game is almost over." Duker murmured to himself.

Even if he is slashed several times during his escape, the inner fire attached to the chain sword will cause horrific damage to the demon's body.

No matter how strong his vitality is in his body blessed by the evil god, he will eventually be killed.

As for the seven soups in the mouth of the Great Unclean One?

Duker said he simply didn’t know what to say!

The twisted evil god likes to do these fancy things. In the eyes of the original body, this kind of tricks and tricks that are not on the table are not even as good as the real swords and guns of Khorne!

The psychic force field is a psychic barrier originating from the human heart.

It is the highest expression of human beings' unyielding will through the release of the soul!

With the blessing of the Heart Network, and the psychic energy provided by hundreds of thousands of Heart Network members for him to mobilize, his rejection of the negative energy of subspace is almost to the extreme!

Khorne's blessings can be temporarily suppressed, and Nurgle's soup is no exception.

And if you don’t talk about measurement and only talk about toxicity, you are playing hooligans.

Unless these thick soups are directly injected into Dukel's body, the poisonous mist that escapes will lead him to fall.

It can only be said that I think too much.

The smile on Lymph's face faded at this moment, revealing a puzzled look.

His trust in his loving father was unlimited, and he never thought that the original body could resist the erosion of the soup. Maybe the other party was just bluffing, and maybe he was actually on the verge of collapse.

The primarch might succumb to the delicious taste of the soup in the next second, or suddenly fall into chaos.

But Lymph knew better that it could no longer be delayed.

Even if his body is not under attack at this moment, rotten pieces of flesh are constantly falling. The fire of the soul is constantly burning the energy in his body. This body seems to have reached its limit.

And it is accompanied by the accumulation of attacks on oneself.

A fatal sense of crisis kept warning in his inspiration.

Looking back on the battle so far, he had been stabbed seventeen times by Duker.

The Great Unclean One had a strong premonition that as long as he was slashed four or five more times, he would be completely dead.

That is true death, turning into complete nothingness. Even the sea of ​​souls no longer has a place for him.

This feeling shouldn't exist. Death and rebirth are Nurgle's authority. No one should be able to completely eliminate him!

But this feeling just appeared.

And it’s getting stronger!

Eighteen knives!

While he was distracted, his body was again cut with horrific wounds by the chain sword.


The growing sense of death made the Great Unclean One feel panic.

He had forgotten the last time this feeling occurred.

Maybe it never happened,

Maybe ten thousand years ago, or even longer?

Nineteen knives!


Stinking blood sprayed on the battlefield.

Never before has the Great Unclean One been so desperate to be away from a human being.

But the difference in speed between the two sides exists objectively.

Even though he had used all means, he still could not completely avoid the original body's attack.

Twenty knives!

The fear in my heart became stronger and stronger.

Before the real death comes, even the terrifying demon cannot take it easy.

He has even begun to panic and want to open a passage back to the subspace.

Unfortunately, everything here has been blocked by the Fire of the Soul, and the previous passage was barely established by several demons together.

There are not many big demons here to help him establish a stable channel.

Twenty-one knives!


The buzz of the chainsword was like a death letter.

The final demise seems to be inevitable.

At this moment, the Great Unclean One's fat and bloated body had most of the flesh and blood gone. The body running in vain looked like a skeleton with its flesh and blood shaved off.

This strange and rare scene sent Nurgle's Blighted Legion into a state of complete rage.

They all bravely blocked the pursuit of the original body.

The military strength of the imperial soldiers has reached its peak at this moment.

The arrogant demon is now running away in fear, pursued by the soldiers.

Amid the roars and roars of guns and ammunition, the glory of mankind seemed to have returned to everyone's heart.

But at this moment, Lymph, who was approaching his final demise, felt inexplicably calm.

The noisy battlefield seemed to calm down in his perception, and the children's wails and roars were also silent for a moment.

"Loving father!——"

"The end of life is yours."

"But what will be at the end of death?"

"I can never return to your arms. Even the power of rebirth cannot save me."

"Lymphs can no longer sleep in your garden—"

Scenes from the long period of time appeared in his mind, and a muddy teardrop actually flowed from the devil's eyes.

twenty two! ——


No matter what kind of prayers the devil has gone through in his heart.

The chain sword that turned crazily finally pierced his body.

The final execution has come!

"Original body, you don't seem to understand what kind of terrible power you hold."

At the last moment of his life, Lymph looked at Duker and murmured to himself, showing a smile that seemed to be mocking or self-deprecating.


Dukel didn't understand how much inner drama the Great Unclean One in front of him had gone through.

"You'll be fooled by being chopped!"

The original body, still angry, kicked away the stinking corpse that was penetrated by the chain sword.

But at this moment, an extremely huge yet extremely delicate force was absorbed into his body for no reason.

The strength of the body increased dramatically at this moment!

Even the essence hidden deep in the subspace suddenly opened its huge one-eye at this moment, and the precision device within the wheel rotated at an unprecedented speed.

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