Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 222 29, Lion's Report

The low roar of the Space Wolves was like a prelude to the flames of war igniting again. As his voice fell, another group of gene stealers emerged from the darkness.

Wild Wolf Snowpelt's weapon roared, blasting a gap into the oncoming enemy group, but soon more enemies came up.

Shivara opened the flamethrower and sprayed cleansing fire at the oncoming enemy group. The nuns lined up and picked up their weapons to launch a volley.

The monsters rushed in desperately under fierce firepower, as if there was some force more powerful than their original ferocious instincts driving them. Judging from their orderly attacks, perhaps there was something similar hidden behind these aliens. on the role of commander.

Amidst the stray bullets and flames, the Genestealers howled in the flames, but even so, they still surged towards the Imperial troops as a unit.

"Back up, back into the room!" Faced with this unpredictable situation, Sister Shivara gave the order loudly.

They need to temporarily break away from the battle to investigate the true nature of this group of aliens.

The nuns took her orders and retreated, maintaining a tight formation and continuing to fire.

Every Sister of the Psychic Guard is an elite who has followed the Primarch since the beginning of Ophelia VII.

Each of them is battle-hardened and experienced.

The Space Wolves followed closely behind them, and during the retreat, he used high-explosive bombs to blow up the stone pillars at the top of the tunnel to delay the pursuit of the alien monsters.

Upon arriving in the room, the formation of the Imperial forces immediately changed.

The enemies that followed swarmed in from the entrance, Battle Sisters and Space Wolves standing in a line and pouring firepower.

At this narrow entrance, they killed the enemy faster than the enemy could attack them.

The Genestealers were unable to attack for a long time, and as time passed, the alien offensive began to weaken.

Afterwards, the enemy group dispersed, and a figure covered in dust appeared in the tunnel. The genestealers crawled like wild beasts, but this figure walked upright like a human.

It was wearing a richly decorated robe and had a mark carved on its exposed skin - a bug covered with spikes.

Compared with its human-like body, its head is completely different from humans. The swollen skull is almost three times that of a normal human. The three thick purple blood vessels bulging on it are beating as if alive.

"You are not welcome here," it said to the wolf and the nun.

The voice of these words went straight into his mind, and Shivara realized that this alien had some kind of psychic power.

Under this force, her body felt a stinging pain. This pain was a bit unbearable for ordinary people, but for Shivala, it was not worth mentioning.

The nun gathered her will to attack the spiritual energy that invaded her mind, and then the influence of this spiritual energy on her disappeared.

"You are standing on the territory that belongs to the empire, but you are driving away us masters?" Shivala responded disdainfully.

"The Warning Star belongs to us. The rise of the Lord of the Stars is a foregone conclusion. Any resistance is meaningless." The monster moved forward as he spoke, as if he was gliding forward.

"The Vigilance Star is really an unlucky world. All the bastards who overestimate their capabilities want to declare their sovereignty." Shivara sneered and pointed the gun in his hand at the monster.

"Get over here and die, you alien scum."

The monster was not angry at the nun's insult. It just raised one of its six arms. Shivara suddenly felt that her whole body was stiff, and even pulling the trigger became extremely difficult.

"See, you can't stop the great children of the stars at all. You can't, the orcs can't, and the monsters of chaos can't either. We are endless, we are justice, and we are the true masters of this world."

The monster hasn't finished speaking yet.

Shivara broke the stiffness on his body, took out a grenade from his tactical belt bag and threw it.

The Space Wolves and Sisters reacted quickly, and the moment they hid in the bunker, the energy released by the violent explosion made the entire room tremble.

The gravel and dust shook from the cracks in the ceiling, and the gravel and dust poured down, making everyone look disgraced.

The alien, which had withstood most of the force of the grenade explosion, was still alive. Amidst a burst of piercing screams, its figure was lost in the room.

After it left, the Genestealers swarmed up again. Their numbers were shrinking, and their violent temper seemed to be reduced a lot. The nuns quickly eliminated the remaining enemies.

"Shivara, where did that bastard go?" the Space Wolf asked the nun. He was standing where the monster disappeared.

Shivara said nothing, but came to the edge of a jagged cave entrance.

When the grenade exploded, the alien dug out the hole with his bare hands in a very short period of time. Only then did he escape the full impact of the explosion and survive.

The Space Wolves also came here and threw lighting equipment into the cave. The nuns stood aside and looked down.

They were shocked at first, and then ignited unknown anger in their hearts - the lighting equipment fell into a huge cave hundreds of meters below the cave.

This cave is extremely wide. Just by visual inspection, it is five times larger than the lower nest in the hive city.

Through the weak light source of the lighting equipment, the nun could vaguely see the heretic who had suffered most of the impact of the grenade. At this moment, the broken body was lying on the ground of the huge cave.

Compared to the huge cave hidden underground that the alien had carefully constructed, the broken body seemed unimportant.

"It seems that you can't avoid the punishment of Warmaster Duker." The Space Wolf said to the nun, "We will stay down there longer than you thought."

"The Primarch once said that when a bug appears in the living room, it means that they have built a huge nest in the invisible corner." Shivara picked up the flamethrower, and the bloodthirstiness unique to warriors appeared on the nun's girlish face.

"Put aside the punishment of the warmaster, we didn't miss the real nest of the bugs, and I just feel lucky for it now."

Under the weak light of the lighting equipment, the nun and the Space Wolf drilled into the hole blown by the grenade and headed towards the huge cave.

The huge cave is like a maze-like winding and deep passage, leading directly to the unforeseen darkness for them. Countless shining eyes are staring at them maliciously in the darkness.

On the outer orbit of the Vigilant Star.

The engine of the Heartfire roared like thunder. This Queen of Glory-class battleship was suspended in space. The Second Legion's holy relic, the Carlos Fate Eagle Battle Flag, stood on the bow. The heavy golden light of the flag enveloped the entire Vigilance Galaxy, declaring the sovereignty of the Empire to all those who coveted the existence of Vigilance in the galaxy.

Dukel sat in his office. On the desk in front of him, there were thick paper documents. These were war reports submitted to him by the leaders of various legions.

The battlefield of Vigilance was not large, but it was the most chaotic battlefield he had ever encountered.

He had received the news from Shivara and learned that there was a huge hive hidden under the ground of the hive.

The active performance of the Genestealers almost confirmed that a large hive fleet was heading to Vigilance at this moment.

Not only the Tyranid swarm, but the Mechanicus and the Dark Mechanicus actually broke out in war at the edge of the galaxy at this moment because they found many sleeping tombs of Necrons here.

Under such circumstances, the awakened Necron Overlord may come here with its dynasty at any time.

There are also Eldar, Dark Eldar, Mutants, many dark demons from Chaos, two demon primarchs, dark lords, etc.

The Vigilant Planet is a magical place. In this small place, you can find almost all the forces in the galaxy.

In this important position, all races want to plant their own flags.

But so far, victory is still firmly grasped by humans.

The imperial soldiers here stubbornly repelled one enemy after another. Even though the Vigilant Planet has been completely changed in the war, it is still loyal to the Empire.

Under Duker's order, the Imperial Fleet gradually moved away from the Vigilant Planet.

At the same time, the energy readings from this planet have reached an incredible range. All technological products of the Empire, except for the virtual instruments, are completely ineffective here.

In Lorca's ceremony, the Vigilant Planet has been closely integrated with the subspace and is no longer suitable for the survival of mortals.

From this perspective, Lorgar and the Word Bearers won. Although they were defeated in the war, they still achieved their goal and transformed this place into an extension of the Supreme Heaven.

Dukel had a completely different idea about this.

No matter what Lorgar wanted to do, his move brought the Empire and the Warp closer together again.

In the past, getting too close to the Warp was extremely dangerous for the Empire - because at that time, the Empire was still in the position of a victim, and Chaos was the perpetrator.

No victim wanted to get close to the perpetrator, and no perpetrator wanted to stay away from the victim.

But now, humans are no longer willing to be victims, and they are turning into perpetrators.

If the demons still stay in the old ideas, then what awaits them is destined to be a significant surprise.

Dukel raised his head, and he looked at the planet in front of him through the dome lens of the Heart Fire in fascination.

He watched the Supreme Heaven energy radiating from the surface of the Vigilant Planet become brighter and brighter - this will be a perfect energy source.

Dukel thought to himself.

If the largest Argentum energy plant in the empire is built here, how high the output will be, even he finds it hard to imagine.

No longer needing to run around the galaxy to capture "raw materials", Doom and the Doom Slayer can focus on production on the assembly line.

Duker issued orders to various departments through virtual communication.

Soon, a large number of transport fleets will come to the Vigilance Planet with a large amount of supplies.

This planet is no longer suitable for survival.

Therefore, all existing buildings will be demolished, and soon, the largest Argentum energy plant in the empire will rise from the ground.

No matter what layout Lorca has prepared on this planet, now the consequences of the ceremony will be enjoyed by the empire first.

Just as Duker was thinking about the prototype of the factory, Efilar's voice sounded in his ears,

"Your Highness, the agent of the Dark Angels requests a private meeting with you. He brings news about the Lion King."

"Lion King?" Duker's eyes were filled with surprise. The clues that the Lion and the Archangel went to investigate Horus finally began to get feedback.

"Bring him here quickly." The Primarch said happily.

The agent of the Dark Angel walked into the hall where the original body was located. He had almost run all the way through the corridors of the Soul Fire. Until now, his heart was still beating rapidly.

He held a mithril mailbox firmly in his hand. The weight was not heavy, but he seemed to have exhausted all his strength.

When he saw his primarch, Duker looked up from his desk, which was swamped with data pads and paper files.

The huge holographic projection star map occupies nearly half of this hall. In front of the Imperial War Commander, all the galaxies igniting war in the galaxy will be visible at a glance.

The noble saint quietly served beside the original body. Her eyes were also slightly curious as she looked at the agents of the Dark Angel.

"Warmaster, this is the report sent to you by the Lion King." The Dark Angel gasped.

Then, he handed the mailbox into the hands of the War Commander with some force.

Duker opened the seal of the mailbox and walked to the other end of the hall, stuffing the mithril mailbox into a projection device made of mithril and glass.

A certain control lever was pulled, and the electric nuclear-powered wall lamp was temporarily extinguished. Then Duker used the power of his mind to wake up the equipment in front of him.

The gears of the machine began to rotate, making a clicking sound. It projected a rectangular image on the wall. The image was blurry at first, but soon became clear.

A man's face emerged, and the agents recognized him as a member of the Hidden Order of the First Legion, said to be an Angel of Absolution, a 10,000-year-old veteran who had recently returned to the Empire with the Lion.

But the agent never thought that this man with such a famous reputation throughout the galaxy would actually reveal his fear and uneasiness like a mortal.

"Greetings to you, Lord Warmaster." Angel Pardon said in the video, "We are still lurking in the dark stars, and the clues point to your interpretation of the Son of Betrayal is correct. The Lion King has discovered deeper clues, and we are currently We have separated from the Blood Angel fleet because what happened next is a bit too much. Sir, what happened here, even with the training I received."

The agent saw the veteran trying to find the right words.

"Lord Warmaster, you will see a complete report about this place. The data link is in the letter."

The Angel of Absolution in the video continued, "Your prediction was correct, and your interpretation of the omen. A complete report of the matter has also been attached to this letter and locked with your No. 22 encryption scheme."

"The Lion King has confirmed the return of Horus and is approaching it. He is moving deeper into the dark stars."

Hearing the name of this betrayed son, hearing that he has returned again from the mists of history. The agent felt dizzy. Even though he had been prepared for it, he still wanted to find a place to sit down and digest the news.

But he still kept his stance, because he knew that the Warmaster's office was not a place where he could act arbitrarily.

Just hearing this name made the agent's heart involuntarily jump, but when he heard the next sentence in the video, his heart almost died immediately.

"Lord Warmaster, I really hope that this is the only thing I have to report at this moment, but there is even more terrifying news. The Lion discovered Fabius Bayer's laboratory and discovered the cloning source in it. The data of the experiment are very complete, and we speculate that it may have been successful. Of course, until the Lion King sees the truth with his own eyes, these can only be regarded as rumors about the accuracy or purpose of this matter."

Angel of Absolution stammered and shook his head slowly.

"Sir, the parameters and experimental records found inside the laboratory are also recorded in the video. You are a noble scholar, and you must understand it better than us."

Then, the image of the Angel of Absolution disappeared.

Instead, there were a large number of data parameters, and Duker looked at these parameters, as well as additional test records.

The agent could not understand these parameters. He carefully observed the Warmaster's expression. Suddenly, he found that the Warmaster, whose expression had not changed at all, frowned for a moment.

The agent's breathing also stopped.

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