Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 220 27, Roar of the Void Dragon

Titus, a warrior from the Ultramarines, had taken a commando squad to defeat the Ork warboss in a battle against the greenskins before the return of the Primarch.

Then he tore a demon prince apart without stopping.

In the process of executing the demon prince, he was not only completely exposed to the energy environment of the warp, but even his body was covered with a layer of golden light.

It was precisely because of this that a new recruit who had just joined the Ultramarines reported him to the Inquisition for fear that he would be corrupted by Chaos.

In accordance with Guilliman's "Astartes Codex", he was investigated for a long time in the Inquisition until Guilliman returned. Today, he has also completed the transformation surgery of the Primaris Space Marine.

Titus held his breath and tried to calm his heart. When he did so, his physical strength and injuries were healing rapidly. At the same time, this warrior from the Ultramarines calmly observed the plague demons that ambushed them, and envisioned several ways to lead the troops out of a dangerous trap.

Guilliman returned to the Ultramarines. The Primarch had great expectations for his sons. Titus would never allow him and his brothers to fall in this place. Before fulfilling the Primarch's expectations, they would never fall in the bubbling swamp and the miasma of rot flies.

Under his leadership, the Ultramarines fearlessly broke through the demons.

In order to complete the task assigned by the Primarch and the Lords, he must break through the enemy group in front.

A stinking Plague Vanguard rushed towards him. This great demon from Nurgle's heaven wielded a rusty giant blade and was filled with the miasma of plague. Its existence on this battlefield could not be ignored.

Titus knew that only by knocking it down could he pass through here. He swung his sword to meet it, and the swords collided.

"Make way, monster!" Titus shouted at the festering face in front of him.

"You can't go anywhere, little bug of the cursed." The Plague Vanguard laughed, and the smelly pus splashed out of the wound.

The Vigilant Planet is now so close to the Warp, and the two are closely connected, so the demons can almost exert all their energy.

In such an environment, Titus's battle with this powerful demon was not easy.

"Get out of here!" Titus roared again, and this time, a faint golden light burst out from his body.

The azure power gauntlet was swung out, and the head of the powerful demon entity was instantly smashed by this punch, and its huge and bloated body flew out.

Titus did not chase immediately. He stood there breathing a little heavy. To be honest, even he himself could hardly explain what had just happened.

The Plague Vanguard was even more clearly confused. The powerful demon roared, and this punch even severely injured the extremely tenacious Nurgle scion, so that it fluttered on the ground of the battlefield for a long time and did not stand up its body.

Titus took a fighting stance, and the chainsaw sword hummed in his hand. In the next attack, he will completely execute this monster.

But just when he was about to act, suddenly, the head of the demon entity exploded, and the golden steel boots crushed the rotten head.

"This is not a Space Marine's boots, the size is not suitable." After seeing the boots that were nearly three times smaller than those of the Space Marines, Titus thought instinctively.

Then he focused his sight on the demon and moved upwards. He was a little curious about which mortal warrior had the power to crush the demon's head.

Then he saw the full appearance of the other party, that is, a combat nun.

Titus recognized the identity of the nun, who was one of the nuns who came to the battlefield with the warmaster.

The other party had black hair that was rare among nuns, and the whole person exuded a cunning temperament, which was also extremely rare among the dignified and solemn nuns.

Compared with the other party's glorious identities, the spiritual sister Shivara, the captain of the warmaster's personal guard, crushed the head of the powerful demon with one foot, which was not surprising.

The Sisters of the Heart are a group of powerful warriors. They cannot be simply regarded as women. In the current imperial system, their status is as transcendent as that of the Sisters of Silence.

Titus looked around and saw a group of battle sisters with blood-red cloaks joining the battle. Their appearance reduced most of the pressure on Titus's assault team.

But this warrior of the Ultramarines still doesn't understand how these sisters suddenly appeared without anyone noticing.

There was a lot of blood on Shivara's armor, and thick blood stains on his weapons - it was obvious that the girls of the Warmaster had also experienced many fierce battles after arriving in this world.

Titus looked at them from a distance, and he thought that he should take the initiative to communicate with them and ask the sisters about their purpose and the tasks they undertook.

But the Great Unclean One had already led a large group of plague demons to attack, and he obviously didn't have time to communicate now.

Shivara walked over and pushed Titus's armor.

"Don't stand there stupidly. Take the Ultramarines to the evacuation point." The sister urged quickly, "My sisters and I will be responsible for blocking the demons."

Titus almost instinctively rejected the sister's suggestion. The son of Guilliman did not have the habit of abandoning his comrades and retreating alone.

But the other party's next sentence made him stop talking.

"Captain of the Ultramarines, you don't want the Inquisition to know that you have emitted the golden light, right?"

After hearing the words of the nun, Titus was stunned for nearly a second. When he punched the Plague Vanguard, he did witness a flash of golden light emanating from himself.

He thought it was just an illusion that could be ignored during a long battle, but he didn't expect that the nun also saw the flash of golden light.

If it was a soldier from another legion, he might just take the words of the nun as a joke to urge him to leave.

But Titus would not. He had a similar personality to his original master, and was equally old-fashioned and credulous.

He thought about this sentence quickly and seriously in his heart, and then immediately said,

"If you want to do that, then go ahead. Even so, I will not abandon my allies on the battlefield."

Shivara seemed to be amused by the rigidity of the Ultramarines. A smile appeared in her exposed eyes, and then she said seriously,

"This is an order, soldier, we all have our own missions!"

After leaving this sentence, the nun ignored him and led the spiritual nuns to charge together.

When the Sisters of the Heart rushed towards the Great Unclean One and his demons, Titus hesitated for a moment and decisively seized the opportunity they created.

He ordered the Ultramarines to continue the attack and to completely break through the demons' defenses at all costs.

Shivara quickly traveled through the poisonous quagmire and thick fog, which were also harmful substances and could not corrode her solid armor and pure heart.

The power of the mind constructed a physical shield that was almost visible to the naked eye, and the life magnetic field climbed to more than 200,000 during the charge.

She jumped lightly between the demons, and came to the Great Unclean One in a few flashes, and then kicked the bloated demon over with one foot.

Other demons gathered like a tide, scrambling to help their masters.

The Ultramarines ran into the demons' battle line head-on and rushed out of the trap that besieged them.

Along the way, the momentum of the loyal warriors gradually increased, and the whole planet seemed to tremble under the feet of humans.

Red pillars of fire gushed out from the cracks of the earth, and the unclean breath was completely purified by the fire of destruction. In the thick toxic gas, countless demons poured out.

But they were completely unable to stop the Ultramarines who were only a few feet away from the evacuation point. Titus looked back. With the extraordinary vision given to him by the surgical transformation, he could clearly see that the Great Unclean One was trembling in pain under the siege of the Sisters of the Heart more than ten kilometers away.

The nuns were also covered with blood, making it difficult to tell whether the blood was from the enemy or their own.

They fought bravely with the demons, and then there was a roar of artillery fire from the demons' positions.

The earth exploded and raised dust all over the sky. These shells bombarded the ground without distinguishing between enemies and friends, and the figures of demons and nuns all disappeared in the thick smoke and flames.

Seeing this tragic scene, Titus led the assault team with an extremely heavy heart to rush across the edge of the wilderness and arrived at the evacuation point.

After noticing their arrival, several fallen warbands, which were fighting on their own, launched a desperate and fierce counterattack against them.

But the defenders of the evacuation point and the strike force that had just arrived here formed a pincer attack on them.

The battle was over soon.

Titus and the Ultramarines crossed the piles of bones and the broken ruins of the city, guarding the transport plane waiting in the distance.

They cleared the demons and rescued the survivors nearby. Titus and the Ultramarines were the first Space Marines to break through the siege and arrive here.

They took the initiative to take over the responsibility of guarding here, which was destined to be very difficult, but they had to bear it.

Titus looked at the innocent people who were rushing over and vowed to guard the passage in the wilderness and protect the safe arrival of the people of the Empire. This was not only the duty given to them by the Primarch, but also to live up to the efforts made by the friendly forces for them.

Thinking of the group of nuns who were drowned by the artillery fire and their lives were uncertain, Titus made a vow in his heart.

And where the red fire column burst out, deep underground on the Vigilant Star.

The duel between the demigods has come to an end, and the energy of the endless fire was detonated by Duker.

The will of destruction released instantly, even the Lord of Death felt a sense of dread, even his extremely firm will could not resist the power of this will.

Mortarion was blown away by the flames, and when he stood up again, the cloak behind him had been ignited, and the cracked armor was blackened in large areas.

Behind the breathing mask, Mortarion breathed hard, and at this moment he was left with countless wounds.

What made him feel even more suffocated was that Duker's raised sword disappeared again.

The reasoning of numerology sent a crazy omen in his mind. This time, it seemed that no matter how he acted, he could not change the fate of being doomed to be destroyed.

He would be restored to the most primitive original source, and there would be no place for him in life and death.

Mortarion did not feel too much fear at this moment, because he did not have any extra energy to raise such useless emotions for fighting.

He kept asking numerology for a way to save him.

In the constant calculation, he felt the suffocation of the coming destruction.

But in this unsolvable situation, his body suddenly flashed quickly.

"Motarion, I will use this sword to hunt down the murderer and end your lifelong sins. You have no way to escape." Duker's loud voice.

As he said, his blade was unavoidable, and his fate had been written before he thrust it out.

Then he handed over the sword in his hand, and the wounds on Mortarion's body began to appear.

Just as he was about to thrust the blade into the wound that had already been completed and complete the final execution.

Duker's brows suddenly frowned.

The portal suddenly lit up in front of him without warning, and the black and gold arch was ignited by a huge energy halo, and the other side of the door emitted a dazzling light.

A tall figure walked out of the portal at this time, wearing a crown depicting burning spells, and the power of runes surrounded him.

He held a hideous hammer in one hand, and the dark power contained in it seemed to be ready to break through the shackles at any time. In the other hand, he held an ancient war club, the body of which was made of unknown metal, and was covered with countless scars and gaps.

The unique blue eyes of the golden giant still carried the pride that had not yet dissipated.

But when the giant walked out of the teleportation array, he happened to see Dukel holding a sword and stabbing at him, and the Lord of Death had appeared behind him without knowing when. This sudden scene quickly turned the pride in his eyes into shock and anger.

Lorgar: "."

He instinctively swung the hammer and the war stick with all his strength and smashed it towards Dukel's chest.

Mortarion, who was standing behind Lorgar, breathed a sigh of relief.

With the help of numerology, this time it was Dukel's turn to make a choice. If he insisted on stabbing out that sword to execute himself, he would inevitably have to bear Lorgar's heavy blow.

If he retracted the blade in his hand, then the wounds on his body alone could not kill him.

In the desperate situation of certain death, this was the best way he found for himself to break the situation.

But then, he suddenly widened his eyes, as if he had seen something that even the Lord of Death could not believe.

Faced with such a choice, Dukel continued to stab without dodging.


The sword finally pierced into Mortarion's body, and the wound was actually formed, causing the Lord of Death to scream heartbreakingly.

At the same time, the full-strength blow from the Great Speaker also hit the chest of the incarnation of flame.

This blow was more explosive than the sound of thunder, and the energy at the tip of the hammer exploded instantly.

And on the surface of Dukel's armor, the dragon-like single eye suddenly opened angrily.

At the moment when the hammer and armor collided, everything within a few kilometers inside the valley was shattered.

Mortarion was also blown away. Although he was extremely embarrassed, Dukel did not complete the final execution after all. The Lord of Death changed the fate of final destruction because of the appearance of the Great Speaker.

The Lord of Death got up with difficulty, and he flapped his broken wings, and the thick poisonous mist was released instantly.

With the help of the thick fog, he quickly found the location of the Great Speaker.

When he arrived there, Lorgar was lying miserably on the cracked ground, with the gaps in his armor filled with gravel and dust.

A huge wound also appeared on the body of the Great Bearer of Words. Dukel not only pierced Mortarion with a sword, but also seriously injured Lorgar.

Perhaps this is also an important reason why Mortarion was able to survive by chance.

Lorgar was lying on the ground unconscious. The serious injuries on his body were secondary. More importantly, at this moment, the roar of the dragon was constantly echoing in his consciousness.

In this roaring sound, a large amount of chaotic and disordered scientific and technological knowledge exploded in his mind, constantly washing his consciousness.

Dukel was inevitably knocked away by Lorgar's full-strength blow. When he jumped out of the ruins, a deep dent appeared on his chest.

The solid metal surface of the armor was wriggling like a living being, repairing the gap. Apart from that, he did not suffer more serious injuries.

Giant pupils appeared beside Dukel, helping him search for the traces of the two demon primarchs under the cover of the poisonous fog.

When he used his sword to chop a half-entity condensed by the poisonous fog.

The poisonous fog suddenly dissipated, and with it, the traces of the two demon primarchs disappeared.

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