Chaos Warmaster, Great Despoiler, Lord of the Black Legion - these titles carrying the black terror are all insignificant crowns picked up by Abaddon on his road of conquest. In the galaxy, only a few creatures are more notorious than Abaddon.

Since he served as the First Captain of the Luna Wolves, he has been known for his skill and ferocity in battle.

Now, he is the undisputed master of the Traitor Legions, winning the favor of the Daemon Primarch and the Chaos Gods. He has absolute majesty, and his deeds are written in dark legends.

Abaddon walked out, a giant in brass armor looming in the darkness, and a transparent crystal ball suspended in front of him - thousands of times, the omen of fate emerged in the crystal ball, and every time, he would win the battle.

Fate has already appointed his victory, and now it is only for him to reap the rich fruits of victory.

"Join me, for the Primarch and the Emperor!" Azrael shouted first, and then sprinted forward.

He and Doom rushed towards the Great Reaver, the Dark Angels and the Doom Soldier, fighting with the soldiers of the Black Legion, opening a path for them to charge.

Abaddon faced their charge, anger and bloodlust engraved on his face.

He glanced at the crystal ball beside him, then showed a malicious smile, stepped back a few steps, and his giant figure disappeared in the shadow of the Spirit of Vengeance.

He was as cunning as a wolf, actively avoiding the sharp edges of the two commanders, waiting for an opportunity in the dark, looking for an opportunity to give them a fatal blow.

Abaddon did not despise the two commanders just because they had just experienced a long battle.

The Great Reaver moved quickly in the maze-like corridor.

He had been with this Spirit of Vengeance for ten thousand years, and everything here was so familiar to him. At this moment, he turned this advantage into a weapon to win the battle.

But what he didn't expect was that someone also figured out the complex terrain here in a very short time.

While running, Abaddon suddenly saw the warning in the crystal ball, and he stopped without warning.

At this moment, Azriel suddenly pounced out from the blind spot of his vision.

This was a sure-win attack, but the existence of darkness interfered. Abaddon stopped and the Dark Angel King's dagger stabbed only a few inches away from Abaddon's neck.

And this short distance of a few inches became the gap between life and death at this moment.

Abaddon looked at the sharp blade passing in front of his eyes, and a bloody grin like a shark appeared on his face.

The Claw of Horus, a weapon so evil that the entire galaxy was afraid of it, was swung at this moment, attacking fiercely and hitting Azriel's chest.

When the Dark Angel King's heavy armor confronted the Claw of Horus, some secret equipment that Azriel had never made public burst into a dazzling and strong light.

If this scene was seen by the Inquisitor of the Empire, he would certainly have doubts in his heart, even though he was the Grand Master of the Dark Angels - because many of these secret props came from aliens and even heretics.

But at this moment, these blasphemous things saved Azrael. The claws of Horus bounced off his ancient heavy armor, and the unclean power from the warp was still destroying his huge body.

But such erosion was not enough to shake the King of the Dark Angels.

Azrael's body, which was hit by brute force, retreated uncontrollably. At this moment, he showed the extraordinary martial arts that a champion of the Legion should have.

During the retreat, he quickly found balance and rotated his body. This not only removed the power from his body, but also counterattacked Abaddon.

The assassination sword in his hand was rotated, and the light of the phase force field lit up at its edge.

This unpredictable attack like a venomous snake made Abaddon unable to avoid it, and the power of the assassination dagger exploded in Abaddon's abdomen.

The dagger of the phase force field easily cut through the armor on Abaddon's abdomen like cutting through cheese, and tendrils of pure darkness flowed out from the cracks in the armor.

Countless battles in the past have proved that no matter how strong the armor is, it cannot stop the sharpness of the phase weapon.

Azrael took advantage of the victory and pursued, determined to execute the Chaos Warmaster himself.

But just as he rushed up, the demon armor on Abaddon's body suddenly let out a terrible scream.

Azrael's spirit was shocked by the scream, he froze in place, and lost control of his body.

The next moment, he was knocked to the ground by the claws of Horus.

The claws were tightly grasped by the Chaos Warmaster. This time, Azrael's heavy armor was torn, and the bright red blood dripped along the surface of the armor onto the deck of the Spirit of Vengeance.

When Azrael's body fell on the deck of the Spirit of Vengeance, he saw that the magic sword was pulled out.

The magic sword Drachanian trembled with excitement. Now, it was its turn to take the soul of this noble hero.

Time slowed to a crawl at this moment, and Abaddon had the reins of victory firmly in his hands.

The evil power of the Chaos Warmaster was so strong that the deck under his feet showed black traces of decay. He raised the ancient demon sword and issued an evil curse to the King of the Dark Angels when the fatal blow fell.

"It's a pretty good victory." The Dark Warmaster sneered, "Killing you makes me feel pretty good. Well, of course, it's just good."

"Heretic, it's too early to announce the victory now." Azrael fell in a pool of blood, and the injury to his lungs made his voice turbid and noisy.

He saw Abaddon raising the magic sword in his hand to him.

Drachanian let out an excited howl, eager to drink the blood of a hero.

The nobility and unwillingness in the hero's soul always made it feel happy, and all of this would be transformed into nutrients to nourish it.

Just as the magic sword stabbed down, the wall on the side suddenly shattered with a roar.

Red flames surged out from the gap in the wall, and Dum's mind sword popped out from the flames, blocking the magic sword stabbing at Azrael.

"Demon, the time of your destruction has come."

A heavy and powerful voice came out in the light of the flames, and the warriors with black and dark green paint on their armor stepped out of the firelight.

Azrael, who was lying on the ground for a short rest, stood up again at this moment.

"This is different from what fate has revealed!" Seeing the two legion commanders standing side by side in front of him, Abaddon looked at the suspended crystal ball with a resentful look.

Obviously, this transparent crystal ball did not foreshadow the occurrence of this scene.

In Abaddon's eyes, Doom is a more threatening enemy than Azrael, even though the latter is younger.

All along, Doom has been following the second Primarch and fighting in the stars of the galaxy. During that time, the Doom Slayer showed their superhuman bravery. In his first battle, he killed the Great Unclean One of Nurgle with his iron fist and killed countless enemies of the Empire.

After that, he followed the Primarch to fight east and west, repelled the Hive Leviathan, broke into the home planet of the Tau, and even set foot on the heaven of Nurgle.

In recent years, Doom has cleared the rebellion on behalf of the Lord of Destruction and asserted his authority. His record of victory is outstanding, and his brilliant deeds are famous throughout the Empire. Even in the realm of chaos, his reputation was spreading rapidly. His heroic name was known to everyone. Even the chaotic demons would show unprecedented timidity and fear when facing him.

A famous hero.

Although Abaddon was not afraid of such an enemy, or rather, he was never afraid of any enemy.

But when facing Doom, he still decided to be conservative and continue the previous strategy.

He slowly retreated, wanting to use the same trick to withdraw from the battle again, and start a guerrilla war with Doom, looking for a chance to kill him.

This time, Azrael, who was seriously injured, would no longer have the strength to entangle him like an annoying hawk.

Although he was dissatisfied with the crystal ball at this moment, he still did not think that victory would be far away from him.

Savoring the expectation before the victory came, his smile was raised again.

But at this moment, the situation he did not expect appeared again.

The magic sword Drachanian, the greedy ally who fought alongside him, suddenly made a hissing sound and kept approaching Azrael's wound.

The insatiable desire of this magic sword for the soul of the Dark Angel King pulled Abaddon little by little to the two legion commanders.

Abaddon: "."

Doom: "."

Azrael: "."

The scene fell into silence for a while.

"You taught me to laugh." Doom was the first to break the silence. He said so, but there was no smile in his deep and heavy tone.

"They chose you to be the warmaster, maybe because the twisted and sad warp also needs a clown?"

Abaddon coughed and then fell silent.

But Doom's mental power could feel the endless hatred and anger of the Chaos Warmaster, which was really pleasant.

Doom's contempt made the already angry Abaddon even more manic.

He struggled to control the magic sword. This was not the first time. Similar things happened in previous wars, but he never thought that this powerful weapon would lose control again at such a critical moment.

He raised the Claw of Horus, and the built-in kinetic weapon roared and fired at Doom.

Doom did not dodge, and the visible force field halo emerged, blocking this attack.

The flames of the explosion covered the shield, but failed to break through.

"That's it?" Doom said disdainfully, "Your masters gave you such power? How disappointing!"

"I'm not a servant, I just use their power!" Abaddon's face twisted in anger.

"That's right, that's right." Doom changed the subject, "But I heard that the last person who said that was Horus? What was his final outcome?"

"You're looking for death!" Abaddon was furious. This touched the part he was most reluctant to face, and the air beside him screamed.

In a rage, he regained control of the magic sword again, and countless hideous tentacles stretched out from the blade. The Claw of Horus was also fully charged at this moment, making a crackling sound.

Abaddon was extremely angry, and he swung the most powerful and evil blow.

The magic sword split Doom's force field shield and continued to slash at the body of the Slayer.

But Abaddon was not happy about it.

When the force field was broken, the annoying flames that blocked his vision spread in front of his eyes, and he saw the black muzzle of Doom's double-barreled shotgun facing him——

"DooM!" The voice of the Slayer sounded in his ears, and the indicator light of the mental sensor on the surface of the Argent Energy Backpack lit up.

Then, a red column of flames gushed out of the double-barreled gun muzzle, which was larger than a mortal's head.

Abaddon was shocked. Doom's whisper at this moment was like a judgment before the arrival of destruction. He could even imagine what the expression behind the Doom Slayer's helmet was like at this moment.

The extreme sense of crisis continued to emerge. He wanted to draw back the magic sword and take this horrible blow for him, but it was too late.

The battle between the Doom Slayer Champion and the Chaos Warmaster was decided in an instant.

The red flames wrapped with countless explosive arrows covered Abaddon's entire body in an instant, not only tearing his demon heavy armor, but also making his skin and flesh torn and his bones broken.

His head was dizzy for a short time, and his body was blown away by the powerful kinetic energy.

It was not until he fell heavily on the deck of the Spirit of Vengeance that his consciousness returned again.

"Ugh!——" The Chaos Warmaster vomited blood, and the black blood was wrapped with minced meat.

He wanted to stand up again unwillingly, but Doom stepped on his head.

This heavy kick made the side face of the dark warlord stick tightly to the blood-stained floor.

"Is it only this level?" Abaddon heard Doom asking him seriously.

The Slayer continued, "Such quality can only be rated as excellent in the factory."

Abaddon could not understand what this quality represented, but it did not prevent him from feeling extremely humiliated.

He roared furiously, but the Slayer's iron giant foot suppressed him like an unshakable mountain.

"No one can defeat me, Doom, and you too!" Abaddon's voice was full of hatred.

"Shut up, inferior product." The Slayer said, "You disappoint me."

But at this moment, the entire Spirit of Vengeance suddenly trembled violently.

In a place that neither Doom nor Azrael could see, on the twisted steel altar in the middle of the battleship, six braziers, seven bottles of poison, and eight skulls exploded into twisted blasphemous energy almost at the same time.

Purple, red, green, three boundless shadows stretched out, and time froze at this moment.

Abaddon was extremely afraid of the power of Chaos.

He had witnessed with his own eyes how his father Horus, in the whispers of the gods, turned from a powerful and perfect commander into a weak fool.

He always kept this lesson in mind and knew that Chaos was not trustworthy.

When the dark gods gave him great power, he did not use it, but sealed it on the altar of the soul of vengeance.

He offered mortals as sacrifices so that the power of the gods could be kept there peacefully.

Abaddon once thought that he would never use this power.

But now, he broke three altars in a row just to defeat Doom in front of him.

Blood, purple, green, three-color auras lit up all over his body, and an extremely powerful force grew in his body.

The body that was smashed by the double-barreled shotgun was now filled with pus and decay.

An extremely powerful unclean energy erupted, stirring with Abaddon as the center. The air was squeezed into a solid under this force, and finally formed a shock wave visible to the naked eye.

Doom stood unsteadily in the shock wave and staggered back a few steps.

Abaddon stood up again, and the giant became taller and more inhuman.

The whispers of the gods echoed in this narrow passage, and Abaddon felt an extremely wonderful feeling at this moment.

"I have only experienced this great power at this moment." Abaddon thought silently, this wonderful experience was enough to crush all the beautiful senses he had ever experienced.

He felt that he was omnipotent, and with just a slight force on his fingers, the magic sword wailed in his hand.

The blade succumbed to the will of the Warmaster, and there was an extremely morbid cruelty in his eyes when he looked at the Slayer of Destruction.

"Let's begin our second round." He looked down at the warriors in front of him and said, "I will knock you down and tear you apart. After that, I will kill all your people, set the galaxy on fire, and burn the stars. Until I dedicate everything to the gods."

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