Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 208 15, Joint Operations of the First and Second Legions

The battle in the space of Vigilant Star has been going on for a long time.

Chaos once crushed the Imperial Navy and strode towards the victory that was within reach.

But as the commanders of the four original legions brought their huge fleets together, the fruits of victory became increasingly distant from the Chaos fleet.

The balance of victory quickly tilted towards the Empire.

Calgar, the king of the Ultramarines, and Dante, the king of the Blood Angels, jointly commanded this battle in space.

They had their own ideas, either for victory, or for glory, or for the favor of the Primarch.

The two heroes, who were experienced in combat and calm and reliable, adopted a style of play that made no mistakes.

They fought steadily and commanded the fleet to erode the Chaos fleet without haste. The result of such a watertight offensive was that the commander of the Chaos fleet felt almost suffocated and desperate.

The Empire's fleet was too stable and did not give Chaos any hope of counterattack.

They took their time, but the fate of victory had already been predetermined by them.

No matter what kind of counterattack the Chaos Fleet took, it seemed to be futile, and there was no hope of turning the tide of the war.

The commander of the Chaos Fleet felt the powerlessness of a child facing an adult when fighting with Dante and Calgar's fleet.

Facing the Imperial Fleet, which was advancing step by step, any sophisticated tactics seemed like a pitiful joke.

The Imperial offensive was impenetrable.

The Chaos Fleet did not forget the internal struggle at this time, and there was no coordination at all.

It was like a group of rabble fighting on their own, facing a well-equipped and perfectly coordinated army.

The scene was extremely cruel for a while.

The Imperial Fleet formed a sharp arrow, and the indestructible ramming horn cooperated with the energy shield, directly tearing a huge gap in the Chaos Fleet's defense line.

Just as the Chaos Fleet hurriedly retreated, trying to stay away from these barbaric enemies who were good at collision, the Imperial Fleet fired endless firepower again, and the saturated firepower strike condensed into a sickle of death in the cold and deep space.

Every Chaos ship at the coordinates ahead has suffered serious overflow damage.

The return of the Primarchs has brought about comprehensive improvements.

They have freed the technological shackles of the Mechanicus. After the radicals came to power, the wrath of the Om Messiah was vented in the material realm.

The shining light spears, the overloaded macro cannons, the roar of cannons in the flash of death, and every round of cannons and light spears are all to uphold the name of the God of All Machines.

The descendants of the Primarchs who have obtained a large number of weapons and equipment are like nouveau riche who have never fought a rich war. They suffer from a serious fear of insufficient firepower and regard the firepower theory of the Mechanicus as the truth.

If a macro cannon can't tear the enemy's ship into pieces, then use 10,000 shells to blow the enemy into pieces.

Even the battleships belonging to the Iron Warriors were torn apart by the firepower of the Empire.

The proud void shield was bombarded by dense barrages every minute and every second, overloaded in frequent flashes.

The entire energy shield was like being ignited by a spear of light. When the shield broke with a wail of being overwhelmed, the battleship had endured thousands of bombardments in just a few seconds.

The explosions of the ship's hull continued to sound, the silent explosions in the cold space, and the quietly blooming fireworks of death.

The keel of the battleship was broken, and a few seconds later, the ammunition depot exploded.

More than a hundred Iron Warriors and countless mortal slave soldiers were killed and injured in the violent explosion.

Then the protective force field of the engine was blasted through, the neutron energy engine exploded instantly, and the huge firestorm tore the seven-kilometer battleship into countless pieces.

When all the flames were extinguished, only countless corpses and wreckage were left, floating silently in the vast space.

What's more terrifying is that the Imperial Fleet did not make any rash moves because of the victory of the war.

They systematically encircled and suppressed the remaining Chaos Fleet, not giving the enemy any chance to resist.

Abaddon stood on the bridge of the Spirit of Vengeance, watching the battlefield situation getting worse for Chaos, and his anger surged. Even in the face of the powerful fleet led by four legion commanders, he was still unwilling to retreat.

After thinking again and again, he decided to release the forbidden creations that he had treasured.

This kind of demonic machinery was the forbidden object that was once destroyed by Clarks and Dukel in the dark world.

This is a terrifying killing weapon that can make the Primarchs who awakened the essence of the subspace feel threatened.

These terrifying killing weapons that have been treasured for a long time, there are not too many reserves in the Black Expeditionary Legion's treasury.

At this moment, all of them were put into the war, and even Abaddon felt a burst of pain.

But as he expected, as these forbidden objects that had never appeared on the battlefield were put into use, they immediately played an immediate effect.

The decline of Chaos on the battlefield was suppressed, and the situation became unpredictable again.

Seeing this situation, Abaddon's heart was filled with complexity.

At this moment, he had to thank the demon primarch whom he once despised, Lorgar.

It was Lorgar's arrival that won the assistance of Perturabo and Vashtor for the Black Legion, and they were able to create such a terrifying forbidden object.

Lorgar's help to him was not limited to this. The joining of the Death Guard and the Purifier was also facilitated by this demon primarch.

But even so, Abaddon never let down his guard against Lorgar.

The Chaos Warmaster knew that the Great Speaker was not trustworthy.

Lorgar had been chased and intercepted by the Krakus in the Warp Temple for more than 10,000 years.

But as Duker broke through the encirclement of the gods for the first time, the Great Speaker actually risked being seriously injured by the Raven Lord again, forced to leave the temple and joined the Black Legion.

With such a bizarre move, Abaddon would never believe that the Great Speaker just walked out of the temple to relax.

He could clearly perceive that the Great Speaker was secretly brewing a deep conspiracy.

The invisible hand that affected many primarchs was quietly making moves on the chessboard of the galaxy.

Abaddon had already noticed all this, and the reason why he could tolerate Lorgar's secret actions was because he knew that the Great Speaker's malice towards the Empire was not inferior to his.

To a certain extent, their goals overlapped.

Moreover, the benefits that Lorgar brought to him were real.

As long as it could help him conquer the Empire, Abaddon didn't mind Lorgar's unauthorized actions.

"I am the embodiment of the word galactic conquest." Abaddon opened his arms, revealing his infinite ambition, "No matter what kind of enemy I face, I will seize the final victory!"

Just when Abaddon showed his ambition without any scruples.


A violent explosion suddenly sounded from the side of the Spirit of Vengeance.

After ten thousand years, Abaddon has already merged with this battleship. Without the report of the herald, he quickly noticed the source of the explosion.

——Doom, the King of Destruction, and Azrael, the King of Dark Angels, actually launched a boarding operation directly to the Spirit of Vengeance.

Now the two powerful warriors have entered the interior of the Spirit of Vengeance with their personal guards.

"How arrogant!" Abaddon showed a bloodthirsty smile.

On the Glory Queen-class battleship of the Spirit of Vengeance, he can not only exert a more powerful force, but also have hundreds of millions of demon armies, which can be said to have the home advantage.

The Warmaster turned his head and looked at the iron fence of the bridge, where there were dried bloodstains of gods and archangels.

In the past, even the Emperor of Mankind and Sanguinius had to shed blood on this battleship, not to mention Doom and Azrael.

"I'll wait for you here." Abaddon drew the magic sword behind him and stroked the blade, "Then drink your blood!"


Doom and Dark Angel Grandmaster Azrael broke into the Spirit of Vengeance.

They soon approached the first defensive wall. Their detectors sensed the rise of energy in many places and captured dense heat sources.

Doom adjusted the parameters of the detector and finally confirmed that a large number of heretics gathered in the open space behind the defensive wall.

Considering that this was the first time to fight together with the Dark Angels, Doom looked at Azrael.

Doom didn't know much about the First Legion, this legion that was always full of little secrets in Duke's mouth-whether it would do some pre-war rituals or something like that. The Doom Soldier didn't have this custom, but they respected the battle brothers who had this custom.

By the way, there is basically no ceremony for the Doom Slayer. For them, the confrontation with the devil itself has a more sacred meaning, marking their oath and dedication to Duker.

"Fight for the Lord of Destruction." Dum said in the communicator, "Under his watch, our charge will not stop."

When his voice reached the Dark Angels, Dum got an answer that surprised him.

The Dark Angels, this seemingly old-fashioned and full of red tape, also did not have those cumbersome ceremonies.

The Dark Angels just charged silently with the Doom Slayer. They turned the last corner and rushed straight to the closed door.

Under the impact of hundreds of tall warriors, the alloy door was easily broken through.

"For Leon!" Until then, the Dark Angels roared symbolically.

The First Legion is more silent and efficient than imagined - Dum buried this impression in his heart, and their footsteps gradually accelerated until the entire passage was left with only the sound of steel boots trampling on the floor.

For the enemy, the sound of the Primaris Space Marines charging forward brought an unparalleled sense of oppression, and the demons and cultists were terrified.

The Doom Slayers' helmet visors were lit, the safety of the double-barreled shotguns was released, and the Argentum Energy Backpacks behind them were connected, making full combat preparations.

They ran wildly in the narrow corridor, and their huge bodies easily crushed the obstacles in front of them.

There were probably hundreds of demons blocking their way. The demons hid behind the bunkers composed of locked mosaic panels, holding various blasphemous weapons in their hands. Ten automatic turrets were set up on both sides of the corridor, basically covering every corner of the corridor.

But all this was meaningless.

When the Doom Slayer charged with unstoppable momentum, the Dark Angels created a sudden explosion, followed by dozens of flash bombs thrown out.

The violent sound waves and strong flashes mixed together, stirring the demons' senses.

These demons were confused by the sudden explosion and flash, and then they were hit by the steel torrent formed by the Doom Soldier.

The demons lost their senses and were crushed without any resistance. The team of Dark Angels moved forward and was responsible for tearing apart the enemies who resisted stubbornly.

In just a few seconds, hundreds of enemies were reduced to fragments without any reaction.

When the lightning-fast battle ended, Doom and Azrael looked at each other.

At this moment, Doom felt the insidiousness of the First Legion.

Azrael also felt the bravery of the Second Legion.

They were gradually familiar with each other's fighting style in the war.

Then they easily broke through the first line of defense of the Spirit of Vengeance and rushed into an open area.

In front of them, the maze-like tunnels stretched out and entangled with each other.

The tall bodies of the Primaris Space Marines became an obstacle for them to move in the narrow space, and the defenders here were also prepared for their arrival.

When the warriors passed through the narrow tunnel, the lasers and bombs of the Fallen War Gang fell on them like a rainstorm.

"Protect our battle brothers!" Doom's voice immediately sounded in the communication channel.

The Doom Slayer immediately propped up the force field, and their array immediately formed a ring, guarding the Dark Angels inside them.

The tall warriors used their bodies to form a steel wall to block all the upcoming attacks for their fighting brothers.

After being weakened by the mental force field, the bullets lost most of their power and bounced off the Doom Slayer's armor.

When the Fallen Warband finished a round of offensive, they dispersed and rushed towards their enemies.

Doom could no longer endure the difficulties brought by the narrow terrain. Like a speeding bulldozer, he used his body to directly crash through the wall in front of him.

His power was vented around without scruples. The entire open area was shaking violently, and the alloy wall made a creaking sound under the heavy load.

Then he rushed straight into the Fallen Warband's line, which was stumbling in the violent vibration, like a tiger.

Doom did not use the Argent energy weapon. He only used this powerful weapon when necessary.

And more often, he liked to use the chainsaw sword and his fists to engage in close combat with the demons and enjoy the pleasure of killing demons.

A bloodthirsty demon blocked him. This Khorne demon had caused the death of hundreds of thousands of imperial soldiers on the battlefield of mortals.

But in front of Doom, his strength was meaningless.

During the Doom Slayer's mad dash, he directly hit him against the wall, then the chainsaw sword pierced into his abdomen, and another huge iron fist slammed into his chest again and again.

The sound of bones breaking continued to ring, and the bones of the demon were shattered bit by bit. The flames attached to the chainsaw sword made the bloodthirsty demon howl with heart-wrenching pain.

In just a few seconds, the bones of the demon were broken, and the broken body had been cut by the chainsaw sword with red flames. More than a dozen horrible wounds.

The flames of destruction bit the flesh of the demon in the wound. Doom noticed that the ugly face of the demon, which was once bloodthirsty, showed an expression of pain and fear, and even the crazy eyes of the Khorne demon became much clearer.

Doom's mouth opened a smile behind the helmet.

Crush the bones of the demons and teach them fear - this is always so fun.

The Doom Slayers' chainsaw swords hummed, and they braved the rain of bullets and the bombardment of automatic artillery, and rushed to the front of the Fallen War Gang and tore their blasphemous bodies apart.

Unlike the Doom Slayers, the Dark Angels would choose different levels of force according to different combat situations.

The chaotic battlefield and noisy environment seemed to be unable to affect their focus on the battle.

The descendants of Leon preferred long-range attacks, and every bomb tried to find the head that should be blown up as much as possible, with almost no waste.

The mixed assault of the Doom Slayers and the Dark Angels put the enemy in a very strange situation.

They faced extreme violence and silent assassinations at the same time, and could not find any chance to resist.

If they retreated, the Dark Angels would throw flash bombs and smash their heads with grenade guns in unexpected positions. If they chose to confront head-on, the Doom Slayers would easily tear their bodies apart.

Whether to face the iron fist of the Second Legion or the short blade of the First Legion, in fact, they had no choice at all.

During the battle, the Dark Angels quietly extinguished all light sources, leaving only the flames of the Slayers swaying in the darkness.

The warriors who stood proudly in the world danced alternately amid the cries of grief.

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