The densely packed airborne pods were like countless fireballs, piercing the dark gray clouds over the battlefield of Decas World. In the eyes of the almost desperate loyalist warriors, this spectacular sight was incomparable to any beautiful scenery in the galaxy.

"God Emperor, thank you for sending angels to this poor world!" The fire at the airfield and the atmosphere reflected the side of Moti's face red. This Imperial Navy Vice Admiral with a death wish could not suppress his excitement at this moment. He shouted, no longer as calm as before.

Accompanied by rumbling explosions, the landing force of the Second Legion descended on the ground battlefield of the world of Decas.

Indifferent and silent, the Krieg Death Corps in black and green military uniforms surged out of the airborne container like a tide of destruction.

Huge war machines arrived with them.

The cold soldiers remained silent, like the most efficient killing weapons.

High in the sky, the roaring sound was endless, and the dense Firewing fighter jets opened the way for the ground troops.

Groups of flames rose up one after another, and the dense explosions instantly drowned the rebellious soldiers and cultists.

The Doom Slayer descended on the most dangerous location on the battlefield. These upgraded Primaris Space Marines transformed into even more terrifying war machines in the war against the demons.

Even the Corrupted Warriors of the Chaos Warband can hardly last a round in their hands.

Whether it was a chaotic wizard or a big devil who claimed to be powerful, in front of the array assembled by the Doomsday Slayers, they were all defeated as quickly as the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves.

The front lines of Chaos were penetrated one after another, and the empire conquered the land they lost at an extremely fast speed.

"Oh my God, if this is a sweet dream, I wish I would never wake up." Moti exclaimed in disbelief as he stared at the battlefield through the reconnaissance equipment.

In the image displayed on the screen, this legion, with black and green as its main colors, collided with the minions of Chaos with unstoppable momentum. Those who face their blades, whether they are cultists or human rebels, will be turned into powder in a very short period of time.

He was extremely shocked by the power of this heavenly soldier.

But there was one thing that made him a little confused

——When this legion faced the defeated minions of Chaos on the battlefield, it would not completely execute these heretics. Instead, it would use iron cages engraved with runes to imprison all the heretics.

The commander-in-chief of this demon army also received information about the space battle at this moment.

When he learned that he had lost more than 70% of the Chaos fleet as soon as the enemy appeared, he also showed a mixture of shock and anger.

He couldn't believe it.

The Black Crusade has been carried out so many times and fought for so many years. Why is there such a powerful navy within the empire?

The commander of the Black Legion who captured the world of Decas this time was Abaddon's personally chosen general, Seed of Hell, Threxos.

In previous battles, the Hell Seed would plunder every resource from the conquered planet and drain every drop of blood from the defeated. He is Abaddon's general and leader of the Hounds of Abaddon, the warrior legion of Khorne.

In his eyes, the soldiers of the empire were so weak that they could harvest a large number of lives with just a wave of their weapons.

The setback in the battle ignited endless anger in the heart of this proud Chaos General.

It's a pity that this Black Legion general knows very little about the newly restored Second Legion.

Perhaps he had heard of Dukel's war deeds, but he didn't know that Doom's fame was overshadowed by the glory of the original body.

If he knew how many terrible demons had died tragically in Doom's hands, maybe what he should do at this time was not anger but running away.

Unfortunately, the glory of the Primarch overshadowed the glory of his children.

From the perspective of the Hell Seeds at this moment, if Duker did not appear on the battlefield, then this young second legion would not be afraid.

In order to restore the situation on the ground battlefield, Hellseed issued an order, and the demon coalition gave up the encirclement and suppression of the local imperial soldiers and mobilized the main force to face the black and green soldiers who landed in the air.

The arrival of the Second Army brought new inspiration to the commander, giving him the idea of ​​encircling the point for reinforcements.

He plans to turn the world of Decas into the cemetery of the empire, and continuously use its special location to attract reinforcements from the empire, thereby tearing more flesh and blood from the empire.

But soon the hellspawn discovered his folly.

Firewing fighter jets passed by at low altitude, and the firepower they dropped instantly opened a ferocious gap in the Demon Alliance's defense line.

A large number of Gothic-style architectural ruins were enveloped in blazing flames.

On this battlefield where the Imperials once bled, the mud was soaked with the blasphemous blood of demons.

The Doom Slayers formed the front line, and under their joint charge with the Krieg soldiers, the demonic coalition of Hellseeds could not even organize an effective resistance.

The demon army was defeated at an extremely fast speed.

Roaring artillery fire fell like raindrops, and then set off a thunderous explosion on the ground, and red flames rolled up, purifying the impurity of the world of Dikas.

The battleship's railguns bombarded places where a large number of Chaos believers gathered, instantly turning them into forbidden areas of life.

Whenever there is a gap in Chaos's defense line, the soldiers of the Doom Slayer and the Krieg Death Army will swarm forward and tear the gap apart quickly.

Those demonic engines that represented blood and terror were trampled under the feet of the steel boots of the Space Marines.

Some were destroyed in the red flames before they even had time to launch an attack.

The torn gap quickly enlarged, and eventually the entire defense line collapsed completely.

"This is impossible!" The hell seed roared angrily.

When he learned that the imperial fleet had come to reinforce Dicas, he even felt joyful in his heart.

His demon coalition is backed by the Eye of Terror. As long as the war lasts longer, it will be able to continuously obtain supplies from the demon world.

The Imperial Legion, on the other hand, had come a long way and had just passed through an extremely dangerous subspace storm, showing signs of fatigue.

Under such circumstances, how could they lose.

But when he climbed to the high point of the fortress and overlooked the entire battle from this position, he saw the proud Imperial warrior crushing the spine of the Khorne Berserker with one kick and locking the demon into a cage. He saw the Doom Slayer in black and green paint, tearing apart the huge demon engine with his bare hands.

As he saw these incomprehensible sights, he tasted panic for the first time in his life.

The terror of this legion far exceeded his expectations.

In the face of the absolute strength gap, his orders had almost no effect.

When he mobilized combat troops to reinforce the front line that was on the verge of collapse, the demons on the front line were already defeated before the combat troops even reached the designated coordinates.

And that's not all.

Having lost their air supremacy and anti-aircraft weapons, they could only watch as countless airborne pods high in the sky smashed the ground into dense depressions like a grand meteor shower.

Tens of thousands of soldiers and a large mechanical army were quickly brought to the battlefield by transport aircraft.

Those heavy fire weapons poured onto the ground, and the earth shook like thunder.

The moment these heavy firepowers were brought to the battlefield, they began their killing mission. The upgraded heavy firepower weapons could cause even more horrific damage to the legion array than the demon engines.

The cannon barrel, which was larger than the building, was aimed at the place where chaos gathered. Every time the barrel roared, the entire battlefield was filled with red flames.

The loyal soldiers poured out their fury against the minions of Chaos.

Krieg soldiers, fearless of death, charge together with the Doom Slayer.

A large number of plague zombies rushed towards them from the flanks, but were killed by these cold warriors one after another.

At the very beginning of the war, the cultists corrupted by Chaos expressed their disdain for this regiment. The mortal soldiers who despise these weak and powerless soldiers can only rely on their lives to offer their foolish loyalty to the damned.

But now, they paid the price for their previous slight, and their former pride was gone when their backs were broken by Krieg's soldiers.

The chaotic coalition was completely suppressed, and Doom walked out of the red flames.

Imperial Lieutenant General Moti saw this warrior bathed in demon blood and stepping out of the flames in the fortress.

At this moment, he even had the urge to cry.

As in many myths, in a world in despair, the Emperor sent his angels to overthrow the demonic offensive.

"Son of Dukel!"

Abaddon's personally chosen general, the Demon Seed, saw Doom walking out of the Empire's battle ranks, his eyes overflowing with deep malice.

The cultists have piled up blasphemous magic circles in the devil's fortress. With the protection of this magic circle, his power can be greatly enhanced.

A Space Marine who has not been transformed by Primaris cannot survive a single turn in his hands.

With this power, even at this moment, he still did not think that Doom would be his opponent. He absorbed the power of the magic circle and waited for Doum to walk into the trap he had laid in advance.

Soon, as he expected, Doom led the Doom Slayers in a final charge.

This is a decisive battle, and the victorious party will gain ownership of this world.

The Hellspawn holds a spiked chain in his hand, hiding in the shadows of the ruins, waiting for Doom to step into his attack range.

When he delivers a fatal blow, and with the blessing of great power, kills the leading warrior, the war situation will be reversed.

By that time, even if the war in this world fails, he can use his own ability to attack Doom, and after returning to the subspace, he can still receive rewards from the gods.

Everything was as he expected, Doom walked into his ambush range unsuspectingly, which made his heart more excited, and his eyes were filled with murderous blood.

"Humble mortal, your death has come!" The hell seed jumped out from the shadows and hit the warrior hard with the chain in his hand.

But it was just one blow.

With the roar of the double-barreled shotgun, the demon chain in his hand was completely shattered, and even the demon inside was killed.

When the hell seed saw this, he was stunned for a moment.

He couldn't understand the scene in front of him. The powerful weapon of the host demon could not block even one of the opponent's attacks.

But the wail of the devil in my ears was so real.

Just when he was distracted, Doom's actions did not slow down at all. He grabbed the head of the hell seed and smashed it against the ruins on the side again and again.

Under his continuous beatings, the general chosen by Abaddon had most of his bones broken, and he no longer had the ability to resist.

“Another great ingredient.”

The hell seed, who fell on the ground with all his limbs twisted, suddenly heard a delighted whisper from the Doom Slayer's mouth.

He couldn't understand what "raw materials" meant, so he naturally thought it was a humiliation given to him by the other party.

"Servant of the false emperor, I admit your bravery, but you are happy too early. Even if you take back the world of Dikas, you still cannot stop the expansion of Chaos." A ferocious smile appeared on the face of the hell seed, with a hint of laughter. With endless ridicule,

"The formation of Chaos has been constructed, and the Eye of Destruction is destined to expand again!"

The Hell Seed laughed arrogantly. His biggest purpose in this war was not to conquer the world of Dikas, but to build a Chaos Array and expand the scope of the Eye of Terror.

Even if this world is taken back by the Empire, will the Empire occupy a world inside the Eye of Terror in the future?

"I really don't understand the chaos array in this world." Doom replied sternly.

The Doom Slayer did not become angry because of the demon's ridicule. After all, in his view, the demon was just a consumable that provided nutrients for humans, and was not much different from food.

Even if it looks a little uglier, it is still food. No one will care about the mockery of a ball of bread when eating.

"But there is only one thing I can be sure of." He continued to answer seriously, "The operation of any magic circle is inseparable from the charging of subspace. As long as the connection between them is blocked, the magic circle will collapse on its own. "

The seed of hell seemed to have heard something extremely ridiculous, "Hahaha, warrior, admit it, you have nothing to do and are destined to fail. This place is so close to the Eye of Fear, how could it be possible?"

The hell seed laughed, but before he could finish his words, his smile gradually solidified.

He saw that every soldier, whether it was thousands of Doom Slayers or hundreds of thousands of Krieg soldiers, had a strange force field visible to the naked eye spreading out from each person's body.

The force field dissipated the aura of chaos, creating ripples layer by layer in the air. Finally, these force fields gathered together, using each soldier as a node, to build a huge force that could wrap the entire world. matrix.

"This is impossible! How can each of you have such technology!"

The hell seed roared, his tone filled with madness that did not want to accept reality.

This is unreasonable. If every Imperial soldier mastered such technology, how could Cadia fall? How could Abaddon's dark crusade win again and again?

Doom didn't answer his question.

Because a Krieg team came over with an iron cage engraved with runes.

Thinking that the other party was about to become a raw material for Yajin Factory, Doom was no longer in the mood to chat with food.

"Your Majesty, we win!"

When the war situation calmed down, Vice Admiral Moti, who stood firm in this world, walked out of the castle, and with him came the surviving mourners.

They took off their helmets, and everyone had a bloody smile on their face.

"Brother Battle, thank you for your rescue." The leader of the Lamenters came out and expressed his gratitude to Doom with elegant etiquette.

"I didn't know that there were powerful warriors like you in the empire." He said apologetically.

The Lamenters have been isolated from this world by warp storms for several years.

They had heard nothing of either Dukel or Sanguinius.

"We are from the Second Legion." Doom replied, "We are the descendants of the Lord of the Second Legion, the King of Destruction, and the Supreme Warmaster of the Empire, Dukel."

When the name was mentioned, Doom's face showed genuine pride.

As they talked, the Krieg soldiers silently began to clear the battlefield.

Only between their actions, these soldiers, who were known for their cruelty and indifference, would occasionally raise their heads and look at the Doom Slayers who stood proudly in the world.

They were glad that they were born in Krieg, because only soldiers of this regiment could become one of those proud warriors.

There was a glimmer of hope in their eyes, hoping that one day, their own figures would appear among those warriors.

"Brother." A Doom Slayer walked towards Doom, "What is our next move?"

he asked.

"Take a rest in this world for a day, and then go to the next rescue coordinate." Doom replied.

After hearing this arrangement, Mo Ti looked unbearable.

They had just conquered the world, and one day was considered a rest, but in fact it was only enough for them to clean up the battlefield.

The eyes of the Imperial Navy Vice Admiral overflowed with sadness. What a desperate situation it was that made these noble warriors dare not rest for even a moment.

But the Destroyer had a completely different mood after hearing these words.

"Really? You don't need to return to the factory immediately, but continue the rescue mission?!" He said happily, "It's really rare that my father gave us such a long time."

"Yeah, it's a rare leisure time." Recalling the work on the assembly line, Doom also had a smile on his face.

"Father plans to expand the output of Argent weapons and expand the number of Destroyers. To accomplish this goal, our factory needs to swallow hundreds of millions of demons every day. This is the reason why he allows us to come out."

He patted the other person's shoulder and said, "Enjoy this time, brother, even if our task is not easy."

Then Doom looked at Moti aside and said,

"We will leave three thousand technicians in this world."

"——Because the Second Army needs to build a factory here."

Mo Ti, who was unable to understand the conversation between the two Destroyers, could not help but exclaimed at this moment,

"Here? Sir, this place is very close to the Eye of Terror."

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