Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 192 37, The Emperor sneak attacks on Khorne

——Your day has not yet come, or it is unknown at this moment.

Sig was born in a lost world controlled by Nurgle cultists. Under the revelation of the black star, he successfully saw the truth of this world.

The blessings of disease, the blessings of stench and rot, as well as the rotting corpses of relatives and neighbors were all ruthlessly destroyed by him.

He used the power he brought from the virtual realm to save the children who had not been polluted by their loving father. His power was extremely powerful. Infinite flames shot out from his eyes. He was invincible. In the face of the great power in the virtual realm, he was extremely powerful. , the abominable and rotten evil things are no match for children like them.

But Seager also understands that everything comes at a price.

But in the past, he thought the price was something they could bear, or they could find some way to avoid it.

But when the end comes,

He discovered that they couldn't afford it, and they couldn't avoid it.

Because the price they have to pay is everything——

It was just a moment, so fast that they didn't have time to react.

Where there used to be hope and light, now there is only end and darkness.

Golden flames dripped down his world like thick liquid, and the fiery pulse of death burst out from Sig's veins.

He once thought that the other party was his savior, just because the great god allowed him to swim in His kingdom of heaven, but in the end he had to pay the price inevitably.

The bitterness of betrayal was expected of him, and only then did Sig suddenly realize that he didn't like this god at all, and he had no intention of dedicating himself to this god.

Today's destruction is the inevitable outcome of his naive blind faith in the past. The darkness of destruction fills his consciousness. His teeth are stained with blood, and the smell of bleeding fills his nostrils.

The years Sig spent in this long night world emerged in his memory, and the scenes now appeared before his eyes as if they happened yesterday. Intermittent light pierced the rustling darkness, and the artificial light sources on the street flickered dimly. The frightened children remained silent, and there was a dead silence.

In this fetid darkness, every beautiful vision of the future that had once had enlightenment and hope, and sincerely hoped for, has now become a mirage.

Hope was gone, the dazzling golden spear seared into his mind.

A world is completely dead, and everything of value has become final dust. In the distant sky, the ring of thorns of flames is like a giant black gold eye, watching the destruction of this world.

A golden eagle swooped down from the dreamlike heaven.

The scene of destruction and the end of all things unfolded in Sig's consciousness, and he screamed in agony.

The extremely terrifying end and death is happening.

And this is only an insignificant microcosm of what is happening in the Long Night world where thousands are branded with imperial beacons.

The ultimate weapon of the Empire's virtual realm has such a profound impact on the Supreme Sky.

All the demons witnessed this moment with their own eyes. These abominable people who had never known what fear was, all showed brief panic and uneasiness at this moment.

"Dukele!" Angron, shrouded in blood shadow, roared.

"Your anger is meaningless. No matter how angry your will is, Lord of the Skull, from now on the situation has been reversed, and human souls will never be harvested by you again."

Burning swords and bloody battle axes bit each other, and the sound of fighting was endless.

No one can stop Dukel. Even though Angron is now the incarnation of the Blood God, in this material realm, defeating him requires more power from the gods.

But more power also means more bets.

If this attack by the Demon Army of Khorne fails, the more the Blood God pays, the more he will lose.

"You can't compete with me with your current strength." During the battle, Duker provoked.

The burning sword blocked the sharp axe. The original body keenly sensed the opponent's flaw and punched him in the chest.

The heavy armor covered with spikes shattered instantly. Even Angron's demigod body was unable to resist the destruction of this force, and the sound of broken bones was heard.

The broken bones penetrated the skin, and the hot and blasphemous blood spurted out, but was blocked by the force field around Dukel.

Angron let out a roar and swung his giant ax as if he wanted to tear the earth and the sky apart, but this had no effect on Dukel in front of him.

Duker's figure disappeared into the red flames, and he nimbly avoided his attack.

When he reappeared, his giant steel hand had grasped the squirming Butcher's Nail.

The huge palm surged with endless power, and under the erosion of chaos, it became a butcher's nail that blasphemed the living body, making a sharp whine as it was torn apart.

"As I said, with the current strength alone, there is no possibility of defeating me."

Dukel smashed his arm hard, and Angron's body as strong as a mountain collapsed.

Dukel trampled on his body, and the butcher's nail holding on to his head kept exerting force.

"No! -" Angron, the Butcher's Nail, and even the infinitely extending blood shadow behind them all roared at the same moment.

But even the ancient gods could not stop Dukel's atrocities in the land of Terra, the material realm.

"Pfft!" There was a sound, blood dripping, and Angron's huge skull was torn apart.

The Butcher's Nail, which was attached to his head like a leech, was also torn off.

Even a demigod must abide by the laws of physics in the material realm. The heavy damage caused by the butcher's nails being torn off instantly put him in a state of near-death.

The blood-red, armor-covered hands weakly grasped the void a few times, and then fell heavily to the ground.

The Butcher's Nail is still twisting in Duker's hand. Under the erosion of Chaos, it has become an independent life form.

It was unwilling to be completely destroyed like this, but as the red flame burned, it was completely transformed into eternal nothingness in the flames.

In the past, due to the existence of demonic characteristics, even if he and Angron were killed together, they could be resurrected in the realm of the Blood God.

But under the power of Dukel, it was completely destroyed.

Feeling a tiny trace of the original origin pouring into his body, Duker felt a little emotional.

Such a fragile device could actually bring a miserable life to the great demigod.

Duker looked down at Angron, who fell to the ground like a dead dog, and witnessed the other party being exiled once again.

He felt a little disappointed, not for Angron, but for the great being behind him.

If the Blood God simply admitted defeat like this, the results of this war would be extremely limited.

Dukel originally thought that his brother, an entity in the material realm, would collapse like this.

But what he didn't expect was.

The moment before he was exiled, Angron summoned up extremely strong will and climbed up from the ground.

Duker didn't know what the opponent was going to do. He didn't even assume a fighting posture - Angron, whose body was almost collapsed, could not pose any threat to him.

He looked at this miserable brother with some curiosity.


The next moment, the Lord of Red Veil knelt down in front of him.

Angron struggled to lift his broken head and stared at Duker. The moment before his body collapsed, his eyes were clear. They were no longer filled with pain and fury under the control of the Butcher's Nail, nor were they filled with blood. God's puppet.

He said for himself,

"Dukele, my brother, please destroy me and show me your last mercy."

At this moment, his language can finally speak for himself, and he pleads to Duker for himself.

But the Lord of Destruction, who was always known for his kindness, ruthlessly rejected his plea.

"Angron, maybe one day you will have to pay for everything you have done, but not now."

"Now, get back to your master."

As he spoke, Dukel raised his heavy steel feet and was about to banish Angron back to the subspace.

Just when his steel boots were about to crush Angron's body,


The terrifying roar was like a wild beast, penetrating the barrier between the material realm and the supreme sky at the same time.

The anger that turned into reality not only blocked this attack, but even lifted Duker's body away.

Adjusting his body shape in mid-air, Duker staggered and landed on the ground.

The power of the endless anger detonated made his right foot numb.

And that's not the worst.

To make matters worse, endless amounts of blood and sand poured down from Khorne's realm.

The golden light emitted by the Destiny Eagle Battle Flag, enough to cover the galaxy, was completely blocked at this moment, and the sky returned to a blood-like color again.

Amidst the roar of blood and yellow sand, even mortals without spiritual awareness can vaguely see at this moment the great god who stretches across the endless void, is in charge of the eternal killing, and sits on the brass throne.

In just an instant, the human throne world was plunged into chaos and war. The dry riverbed was filled with blood like rivers and oceans. All the mountains were covered by the skull. All kinds of miracles and scenes were evident, and His fame was also revealed. Express.

Unstoppable aggression, mindless madness, and a sea of ​​blood that flooded the entire battlefield. Those who thirst for blood will be blessed by Him, and those who kill with weapons in hand will be favored by Him.

If millions of members of the Heart Network and tens of billions of state church priests had not used their firm will to build an extremely strong spiritual barrier that enveloped the entire planet at this moment - then the moment the God of Blood revealed his true face, the cruelty and anger would have been overwhelming. Differences occur.

The entire world will become an Asura purgatory that pleases the Blood God and makes him watch with joy.

"Woo! -" The sound of the brass horn sounded in this world.

All the followers of Khorne erupted in even more insane rage.

Amidst the loud howling and the storm of blood and yellow sand, Angron stood up stiffly.

The Son of Betrayal's eyes were completely filled with blood.

The broken heavy armor was repaired with brass, and all the damage to the body was repaired in blood. The intact head was gradually twisted into the shape of a hound.

He roared irrationally like a beast and raised the giant ax in his hand high into the sky.

Infinite anger and the energy of the original power are injected together, and all living things are trembling under this terrifying pressure. The most primitive and brutal killing power turns into an entity that destroys everything.

As the energy gathered, Angron's strength and size also continued to expand. His body covered the sky and the sun, and his shoulders were level with the highest mountain peaks.

Under this terrifying majesty, only Duker still stood unyieldingly.

The violent air currents stirred his cloak.

While his black hair was dancing wildly, the bright gaze of his eyes was still piercing the sky like an unbroken sword.

He is the eternal flame of the Empire, a divine weapon forged by the indomitable courage of mankind.

Even when facing the power of the true god, the courage and fighting spirit in his eyes are still as unquenchable as wildfire that spreads wantonly.

"Dukele, what other forbidden weapons have you not used?"

At this time, a sacred and majestic voice resounded in his mind, which was the emperor's message to him.

In the Emperor's rehearsal, his original intention was to use Khorne's lack of information on his own status to trap the Lord of Skulls.

To the gods, there is a huge difference between an emperor with a clear will and an emperor who is overwhelmed by faith.

The former emperor could only react passively, but could not take the initiative to express his power - in the eyes of the gods, he was like a hedgehog. Although it was a bit prickly, it was not untouchable.

It is precisely because of this that Khorne directly invaded the throne world of mankind for revenge.

Because He knew clearly that under the pressure of faith, the Emperor would not be able to cause much harm even if he fought back, and the Lord of Mankind would also pay a heavy price.

It's a pity that beings like the Emperor and the gods, who know almost all the secrets of the universe, are ultimately unable to understand each other's true state.

The Emperor's healing gave him a chance to harm the gods.

He didn't need to do anything, he just needed to wait for the Blood God to stretch his claws towards Terra, and then cut it off with one strike.

Everything just needs to happen naturally, and the Primarchs just need to act step by step.

The most high-end divine battles are often so simple and unpretentious.

All conspiracies and tricks are illusions. Only information gaps are the iron fist that can deal a heavy blow to each other.

Therefore the Emperor did not tell his sons of this plan.

He doesn't need anyone to cooperate with his strategy.

But as Dukel returned to Terra, the situation suddenly exceeded the Emperor's expectations.

The big boy was really good at dealing with things. He poked a hole in the Supreme Sky without saying a word, and then used Angron's Butcher's Nail to dig it out with his backhand.

This series of actions completely angered the already bad-tempered Khorne, who desperately wanted to show his miracles on sacred Terra.

Like a red-eyed gambler, he has the courage to kill Duker even if he loses everything.

But in this situation,

Duker's expression was still calm and calm.

Now it is no longer a question of who will cooperate with the Emperor.

Rather, the Emperor should cooperate with Dukel's actions.

After all, humans have never staged so many shows in their wars with the gods before.

"Your Majesty, as you can see, what would happen if this divine ax fell to Terra?"

Duker stared at the giant ax that was still accumulating energy, his eyes burning, and the courage in his eyes did not weaken at all.

"What will happen?" the Emperor asked enthusiastically.

Dukel responded immediately, "I would die, and Terra, and possibly the entire solar system, would be completely shattered."

"F**K, why didn't you tell me earlier? Your performance made me think you were confident!"

The Emperor did not hold back. He died in a polite manner, which made him lose a lot of appearance.

Along with this will, thousands of golden lights emerged as sharp as swords. The immeasurable golden light pierced the bloody sky of Terra in an instant, piercing the barriers between the material realm and the subspace, until It stabbed straight into the blood god's territory.

"Boom!" A terrifying loud noise came from the void, and a sharp golden light like a sharp blade instantly opened a huge gap in the blood god's domain.

Over the endless wasteland covered with yellow sand and blood, the cold and ruthless golden sun rose brightly!

Under that merciless light, all filthy existences, even the bloodthirsty demons that terrify all sentient beings, will evaporate under this ruthless light.

Wherever the light can cover, a large-scale army ready to go is sharpening its swords.

The Cursed Legion——

This cursed legion is the incarnation of the flames of vengeance, and the spirits of all the great warriors in human history can find their counterparts in it.

Bathed in the icy light of the golden sun, they stride forward from the realm of Hades to unleash divine wrath on the enemies of the Empire.

The loyal warriors who have fought to the death for the empire for thousands of years are now stepping on the yellow sand of the Blood God's realm.

Unparalleled golden flames burst out, bursts of hymns, and a chorus of praises and praises to the great Lord of Humanity.

The blood and yellow sand made a sizzling sound in this light. No matter how powerful the demon was, he would scream and hide in all directions under this light.

He is the sun of hope for mankind and the ultimate destruction of the enemies of the Empire.

"I am the divine soldier who protects the empire. I am forged by the will of our people. I am an unclean monster. When I come to this world in person, I declare my final destruction to you." The light of the golden sun, carrying an incomparably magnificent will, shines in A terrible storm arose in the highest sky, extending infinitely,

"The destiny of our race is above all darkness. This is Manifest Destiny!"

This supreme and great subspace entity is not only destroying the Kingdom of the Blood God unscrupulously, it even dares to declare war on all the dark existences in this bizarre subspace!

This is destined to be a horrific war.

Humanity, the overlord of the new generation in the galaxy, is, like his predecessors, unwilling to succumb to a dark fate.

Checkerboard layout.

It is not yet known who will win and who will lose.


The incarnation of the Blood God above Terra let out an extremely furious roar, and the power condensed on the giant ax instantly fell apart.

His house has been robbed, what strength can He muster? Maybe he considered that the Lord of Mankind would retaliate against him, but he never thought that this shameless guy would take advantage of the situation and directly attack his domain along the blood domain that invaded Terra!

The throne world, the blood-like scarlet realm and the will of the Skull Lord are all shrinking at the fastest speed.

Compared with the violations suffered by His domain, the invasion war against Terra is not worth mentioning.

And what's even more serious is.

In the infinite and far-reaching subspace, there are even three such shameless existences!

The Chaos Gods are eternally playing their great game, and in a sense, they are allies.

But when the blood god's domain was violated, the choice his allies made was—

After the emperor's golden light opened a huge gap in the Blood God's core domain, the other three dark gods not only did not help, they even wanted a share of the pie.

They are smiling happily in their respective heavens.

In the Eternal Mansion of the Plague Garden, Nurgle hummed a mournful ditty after a long absence.

Although he had also suffered persecution from the Emperor and the Primarch before, the Plague Lord had no intention of joining forces with the Blood God. On the contrary, he urgently needed to obtain enough results in the Blood God's wasteland in order to This heals wounds previously pierced by a golden blade.

Then the trumpet of the disease sounded.

The apostles of disaster and the rotten demon army, carrying the triple curse and the seven divine plagues, broke into the desert of the Blood God in a mighty manner.

In the Hidden Temple, deep in the Crystal Maze, there are no stars or any artificial light sources, but it is always bright.

Forbidden knowledge and arcane runes are like decorations that can be seen everywhere. Tzeentch is in this palace, toying with the fate of all sentient beings in the galaxy.

At this moment, he was also laughing strangely, and threw all the cards in his hand on the table.

Countless demons brought crystal creations they had never seen before, wielding infinite magic power, and poured into the gap in the Blood God's domain.

And in the psychedelic time and space shrouded in six layers of gauze, exquisite buildings rise from the ground on the bloated wasteland.

The Prince of Joy stretched out his long pink tongue and licked his flaming lips.

Frightening buildings stood up, and around the six-ringed area surrounding the temple, a group of troops exuding amazing charm and extreme perfection set out to fight.

With extremely depraved desires, they burst into the Blood God's domain with joy, venting their desires without scruples.

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