Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 190 35, Lion King VS Angron

Demons emerge from the realm of the Blood God.

The son of betrayal standing at the front looked up to the sky and roared.

Their fury filled the world, their roars reaching every corner of Terra.

Sanguinius flew down from the tower with his white wings waving, and he immediately threw himself into the war.

The army of demons is endless, and there is no end as far as the eye can see.

Even for Sanguinius, this was his first time facing such a large demon army. With the smell of blood in the air, standing in front of the Lion's Gate, he almost felt the same tragedy as he had thousands of years ago.

Mephiston, chief think tank of the Blood Angels, stood beside the Archangel, loyally guarding the safety of the original body. The existence of this powerful psyker caused cracks in the space, and no demon could stand in front of him. Survive until the next moment.

The Blood Angels let out war cries, activated their weapons, and fought against the crazy demonic tide.

Sanguinius pushed the power within his body, and with this power and the fighting skills engraved in his body's instincts, he wielded the weapons in his hands under the siege of endless demons.

His movements were elegant and concise, leaping like a dancer in the demon's offensive, killing all the terrifying beings.

The commander of the Forbidden Army, Waldo, urgently mobilized hundreds of mortal legions inside the palace to join the battle, and all the Titan legions and fearless mechas guarding the palace were also awakened.

All loyalists know very well what a great being they are guarding behind this door.

Unfortunately, the demons are endless.

The enemies pounced on the loyalists' defenses again and again. Those bloodthirsty demons who were covered in blood, unleashed killings in the war, and acted on behalf of the Blood God's will, overthrew human defenses like devastation.

Towers fell before them, fortresses crumbled before them, everything was quickly reduced to ruins by the terrifying power and tyrannical will.

Nothing can stop them.

Failure seemed certain.

"Could it be that the Lion's Gate is about to be breached today? Do we really have the ability to protect our Lord from this force?"

For a moment, a thought that should never have arisen occurred in the heart of the commander of the Imperial Guard.

The terrifying demon army is still advancing, and there is nothing that can stop them.

Just when everyone's hearts are becoming more and more desperate.

From behind the demonic army of Khorne, a loud call to prayer suddenly resounded——


Your enemies fall with the sound of the sermon,

Taken away by the Almighty Hand,

When the Bible burns, we hold the martyrs sacred! ——”

Hundreds of millions of priests of the state religion suddenly rushed out from behind the demon army of Khorne. They used their flesh and blood to form an unstoppable torrent, attacking the enemy crazily and preventing the demons from continuing to approach the palace area.

Facing these terrifying nightmare-like entities, the priests not only did not have any fear, but their eyes were filled with madness that was not inferior to that of demons.

To die fighting for the Lord on earth,

The ruined body remains in the heaven of the Lord.

Destruction is no longer their end, but the divine beginning!

If the Apostles of Khorne are thirsty for blood, whether it is the enemy's or their own.

Then what they long for is to be destroyed in loyalty, whether it is the enemy or themselves.

Because of this, when the terrifying demon army attacked, they not only did not feel any fear, but actually launched a charge.

In the fight with the devil,

Many priests even overuse the power in their bodies and are physically destroyed before the enemy's butcher knife arrives.

It is precisely because of this madness that the pressure on the Lions Gate suddenly decreased.

In those lands where demons are at war, priests often send out hoarse prayers, and these voices often contain madness and the excitement of facing destruction.

Sanguinius and Waldo also noticed the changes on the battlefield immediately. Although they were temporarily unable to establish communication with the state church priests, they were able to fully understand the priests' intentions.

——Loyalist warriors and fanatic armies attacked each other from both front and rear. The fierce offensive shook Khorne's army.

Groups of World Eaters still roared loudly, swinging their chainswords and slashing at the Ecclesiastical Priests who charged at them.

Those crazy and ignorant cultists who were deprived of their souls by the evil god were confused. For a long time, they didn't even know whether they should continue to charge towards the Lion's Gate or turn their heads towards the crazy priests behind them. Vent your anger.

And the final result is to be engulfed by gunfire while hesitating.

Khorne's daemon army was in chaos. The daemon legions with contradictory orders began to collide with each other, and then fell into greater chaos.

The blood-covered Khorne berserker chopped the vampire in front of him with his sharp axe, roared and cursed and started killing the friendly forces around him, trying to open a channel for himself to charge.

The bloodthirsty demons trampled the chaotic cultists around them like war titans, trampling the cultists under their feet without any scruples.

In this huge chaos, the World Eaters charged towards the priests of the Ecclesiarchy, but quickly lost the power to move forward.

Under the attack of the priests' scepters and guns, their power armor was smashed into cracks, and eventually connected to themselves, and was smashed into pieces of flesh mixed with iron pieces.

The loyalist fighters also took advantage of this chaos and achieved a lot of results.

But not all demons are so chaotic——

"Blood sacrifice to the blood god!"

Angron's goal was very clear. He accurately found Sanguinius wielding a spear on the battlefield.

He let out a roar that could shake the earth, and the sound was like thunder. He waved his huge bat wings and rushed towards the archangel.

Dozens of Blood Angel fighter jets tried to stop him, but were split into two pieces by Angron's huge battle ax.

The broken wreckage of the fighter plane continued to slide down from the sky like burning meteors.

The Blood Angels' long-range fire support troops, which had taken up firing positions in the ruins of the tower, unleashed their firepower on Angron, but these attacks were all blocked by the black flames surrounding Angron.

The Scarlet Angel's body was covered with blood and flames, and he forced his way through the barrage, quickly closing the distance with Sanguinius.

"Skull Sacrifice Seat!"

Amid Angron's angry roar, a tit-for-tat war cry came from the sky.

"Fight for Sanguinius!"

Guarded by the Blood Angels, Sanguinius stood with his spear in hand.

He looked at his former brother with some sadness. Ten thousand years ago, Angron fought an endless war with him with the same fury.

The archangel's eyes swept across the cruel battlefield in front of him. The tragic situation outside the Lion's Gate was now indescribable, and large areas of bricks and stones fell like landslides.

He could clearly see the fighting between the absurd remnants. Corpses wearing various armors were everywhere. Sanguinius' extraordinary eyesight could clearly see the horrific wounds on the bodies of the warriors. He had once stood proudly in the world. They are now in this horrible state of death.

The scene that happened at the Lion's Gate ten thousand years ago seems to be overlapping with the present.

It was then that he triumphed over this wretched and abominable blood relative.

Ten thousand years have passed, and although he has lost most of his power, Sanguinius still does not believe that he will fail.

Mephiston stood silently beside the original body. The chief think tank silently estimated the time for the demonic original body to arrive here.

Angron broke through the blockade of the battlefield, but he himself was scarred. His armor had scratches all over his body, lava flowed on the burning flesh wings, and thick smoke continued to emerge.

He killed all who stood in his way. The demigod's power was so powerful that the mortal offensive to banish the demon's son did not even slow down his charge.

Angron was like a red whirlwind, killing every enemy he fought, and finally rushed to a position not far from the archangel.

But just as he was about to hit the holy angel with the blood-stained battle ax in his hand.

A green leaf suddenly floated before his eyes.

On this battlefield covered with lava and blood, the emerald green color was so scarce that Angron didn't even have time to wonder where this green leaf came from.

The diffuse mist almost immediately blocked his vision, and at the same time blocked his sense of demons. The mist contained a large amount of green that was incompatible with the battlefield.

Between Angron and Sanguinius, a large number of Dark Angels wrapped in black armor suddenly appeared.

Angron couldn't understand when these warriors appeared in front of him, but the few doubts in his brain could not stop him from attacking.

Under the urging of Butcher's Nail, his body immediately launched an attack.

His attention was completely attracted by the Dark Angel, and he didn't even notice that the eyes of these warriors were not looking at him.

——But behind him.


Angron's movement of swinging the battle ax froze in place. A sword pierced from behind him, breaking his armor, cutting through his flesh and blood, and cutting off his spine. Finally, the sharp blade stabbed out of his chest.

The violent power exploded behind him in the next moment, and the lion's shield hit him, placing Angron's entire body on the shield.

Then the lion king's demigod body burst out with all his strength, pressed his shield against Angron's body, and launched the most violent impact.

Like a speeding train, Angron's body was uncontrollable and he was forced to let the shield push him forward.

On the way of the lion's charge, Angron was also hung on the sword and shield and pushed thousands of meters away.

Finally, with a loud roar, the two of them crashed into the fortress not far away.

The strong fortress only lasted for a moment before collapsing in an instant.

Smoke and dust rolled up, and in the thick dust, the demon primarch was nailed to the wall of the ruined fortress by the lion's sword.

Angron's body was as tall and heavy as a mountain. Even the Lion King was panting after doing all this.

Leon looked at little Sanguinius, who was only a few kilometers away from him.

Eyes met, the concern expressed by the two Primarchs touched each other like a psychic shock.

The Lion King forcibly took away Angron, who was attacking the Archangel. This was not only for Sanguinius, but also created opportunities for the Loyalist soldiers.

Although they could not communicate verbally at the moment, it took only a moment for Sanguinius to know the Lion's intentions.

Angron let out a roar filled with hatred. Even though he was a demigod, he almost fainted after suffering such heavy injuries, but his movements of wielding the ax were still swift and powerful.

Just when he thought that the lion's head would be chopped off by his attack.

The lion king suddenly retreated,

Then he turned around and ran away——

In just the next second, he disappeared from Angron's sight.

Angron grew angrier, and the Butcher's Nail was stimulated, causing him a sharp pain that would inspire more rage.

He stood up immediately, ignoring the severe damage to his body.

Chase after the lion.

The lion disappeared without a trace, but the Dark Angels were still left on the battlefield.

After seeing the Gene Father taking the risk to lure away the Daemon Primarch, they immediately drew their weapons and joined the war.

"For Leon!" they chanted. This war cry attracted a chorus of responses. After seeing the power of the lion, many loyal warriors also responded. Thousands of shouts gathered in one place, eventually forming a roar of mountains and tsunamis. The sound suppressed the flames of war and covered up the roar of guns,

——"For Leon, for the Emperor!"

Angron chased the lion into a strange forest.

The original mighty power of the Supreme Heaven was continuously poured into the two demigods. Angron's battle ax burst out with murderous flames, while the lion hid directly in the jungle, leaving only a tentacle-shaped mist and shadow. shrouded woodland.

Many small figures kept flashing through the ghostly forest, but when Angron approached them, they all disappeared into the shadows.

The Scarlet Angel roared and searched for traces of the lion. He was already furious. Although he would not be tired, the inability to find traces of the enemy made him feel frustrated. The Butcher's Nail kept hitting his brain. , causing him extreme pain.

The lion listened to Angron's roars and curses, but he remained unmoved.

When Angron roared and smashed a ghost in front of him, the lion suddenly appeared from the side and slammed into the opponent with the Emperor's Shield.

Angron was instantly knocked out. When he stood up and prepared to fight back, he found that the Lion King had disappeared again.

Angron: "."

He no longer knew how to describe his mood. Every breath brought the most vicious curse to the lion. The butcher's nail struck his head more and more fiercely, but he could not find the existence of the enemy at all.

Angron's anger turned into a physical form beside him, and his bulging muscles burst into flames. He chased the lion with great momentum,

"You are just another skull thrown under the throne of the Blood God. Come out and fight me to the death. I will kill you and then slaughter those miserable mortals!"

But no matter how provocative he is.

The male lions were still hiding in the depths of the jungle, and from time to time they would poke out their sharp blades from the darkness and slash Angron.

The two sides fought like this for a long time.

Scarlet Angel's demigod body was covered with scars, and blood spurted out from all parts of his body, making this demon warrior no longer as ferocious as before.

Just when the Lions thought he had a winning chance.

This boring fight has attracted the ill will of a great being.

When the lion emerged from the forest again and struck Angron's head with the sharp blade in his hand,


A roar like a wild beast with a bloody smell suddenly sounded in this strange forest. The violence carried in the voice exploded like a bomb, and the anger released instantly was something that not even the lion could do. resistance.

Angron's failure forced the power of Chaos to increase the stakes, and the Blood God personally lowered his power, which not only destroyed the fairness of the decisive battle between the two demigods.

At the same time, it also brought Terra further into the abyss.

The lion's heavy body was thrown directly away under the impact of this divine power, and flew out of the forest almost instantly.

On the battlefield of Terra, the figure of the lion suddenly fell out of the void.

The cloak of the original body was ignited by anger, and the thick black smoke blackened most of the lion's armor. Under the impact of the huge force, the lion's body plowed a ravine of tens of meters on the ground of the battlefield.

What appeared from the void together with him was a roar with infinite rage, and the demonic body covered in blood around the scarlet angel.

The lion lay on the ground breathing hard. His breastplate was shattered by the roar, and several bones were broken.

The physical injuries were nothing.

What's more serious is that a nameless anger burned in his mind, and he suddenly felt that the smell of blood was so sweet like never before.

Under the double torture of the divine power, the Lion King lost the ability to even get up.

"Blood sacrifice to the Blood God." Angron roared, all his sanity had been lost, and his power became even greater.

He strode towards the Lion King, swung the battle ax burning with rage, and chopped away all the soldiers who came up.

Mortal warriors were vulnerable to him, and not even the Imperial Guard could face his offensive.

The assembled Custodes were unable to stop the Daemon Primarch, and the Dark Angels were also rapidly defeated.

No power can stop him,

"Skull!" The demon primarch raised his battle ax and stood in front of the lion.

In just an instant, he could easily take the head of his blood brother.

The Dark Angels in the distance almost fainted when they saw this scene, and Sanguinius and the commander of the Imperial Guard also roared unwillingly.

The heavy ax blade swung down.

at this time,

Thick and thick golden light suddenly pushed away Terra's blood-like clouds.

The golden eagle condensed with infinite will suddenly emerged in the Lion King's mind, and courage and strength returned to the lion's will again.

The impact of the roar on his will was also squeezed out in an instant.

Bathed in the golden light that enveloped all of Terra.

The lion saw the ax blade that almost reached his face, and narrowly avoided this fatal attack.

His body staggered into the forest of Caliban, no longer distracted by worrying about the situation on the battlefield.

He knew that he had accomplished his mission.

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