Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 182 27, Mars Bleeding Night

The Second Legion is the most reasonable. This is the main theme set by Duker when he established the Legion. Facts have also proved that reason can indeed travel all over the world.

Not to mention those great sages who were convinced by Duker's explanations. Even Gris, who had been welcomed by everyone, suddenly trembled.

"The great heart can always intuitively see through evil, the disguise of the heresy of the chief forger, and the true situation of the chief sage and the ruling sage. Since it is difficult for the two sages to participate in the election, although I have shallow knowledge, I can only temporarily take over the duties of the Martian Forge General. I also hope that Lord Duker can supervise my mistakes, and the Empire and the Mechanicum can work together to clear the road ahead and restore the glory of mankind."

After saying this, Gris felt a little scared and breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

He got used to calling Dukel the Lord of the Heart, and almost exposed the existence of the Heart Network.

The main reason was that Duker's previous words and deeds of 'reasoning' in public were somewhat shocking to this pure scholar.

It's hard not to feel surrender to such a "son of the emperor".

Fortunately, his reaction was quite quick, and the great sages present did not hear the strangeness in his words. They were still shocked by Duker's "principles", and it seemed that it would take a long time to relieve the pressure they were under.

Duker showed the proper humility and courtesy that the original body should have. He said to Gris reservedly, "Old friend, I can't do this. I am the son of the Emperor, and I will take over the responsibilities of the Supreme Warmaster in a week. . According to the Martian Covenant signed by the Emperor himself thousands of years ago, I have no right to interfere in the internal affairs of the Mechanicus."

After hearing his words, a series of binary curse words popped into the minds of many great sages.

Isn't this called interfering in the internal affairs of the Mechanicum?

When could even the human god of the empire tell lies so calmly?

"Gris, you still need to stabilize the situation within the Mechanicus. All the great sages have also made meritorious services, and their rewards must be distributed in a timely manner. We cannot lose justice to the loyal ones."

Duker had just said that he would not interfere in the internal affairs of the Mechanicum, and now he was teaching Gris how to do things in public.

Gris naturally reached a consensus with the original body, "Sir, your reminder is very necessary."

"Thank you for your hard work, old friend. I also have to deal with the follow-up matters. The Chief Forger committed suicide in fear of guilt after we exposed the truth about his fall into darkness, and his guardian knight assassinated the original body in anger. We must give us an answer to these things. , give the empire an answer!”

Dukel's emotions gradually became aroused, and his voice became fierce: "Ten thousand years ago, the Holy Emperor once taught us - if someone wants us to bleed, we must take his life!"

Gris was shocked again.

He had been following the Second Primarch for several years, but Dukel's ability to say these words loudly still exceeded his cognitive limits.

This is the behavior of the master he follows - there is no right or wrong in war. As long as the greatest victory can be achieved at the lowest cost, any method is worth trying.

The great sages were once again convinced.

It's obvious that you took the initiative to break the Martian covenant, and now you're going to turn around and bite the victims.

Has the emperor's family tradition always been so wild?

Why did the Imperial Regent also join in confusing right and wrong?

Is this the "god on earth" and the "perfect man" promoted by the state religion?

The great sages moved closer together unconsciously, not daring to express any opinions.

At this time, Guilliman happened to make a proposal,

"The sudden appearance of the Chief Sage and the Controlling Sage here cannot be a chance visit." Guilliman frowned and analyzed, "Their residence is far away from here, but they can quickly learn what is happening in the palace. "

The regent's cooperation was perfect.

He handed the "handle" to Duker's hand just in time.

Duker looked at him with relief, his brother had made a lot of progress.

With primarchs like them leading the empire, I believe the future of the empire must be bright.

"Brother, there must be minions of Chaos conveying news to the Chief Sage and the Ruling Sage. Even the Chief Forger is a heretic. There must be more darkness hidden within the Mechanicus. We need to investigate these thoroughly. "

"Only with our last sword, cutting off the head of the last heretic, can Mars completely avoid the poison of Chaos!"

Duker looked at Gris, and he took the responsibility, "Old friend, the Regent and I are both descendants of the Emperor, and we will never interfere in the internal affairs of the Mechanicus. But this incident involves the Chaos Heretic, and we must kill the heretic. , is the duty of every Imperial person, let us investigate to the end.”

The great sages present were not stupid people. They were keenly aware of the edge in Dukel's words, and their hearts became tense again.

These are not human words, this is clearly the shining butcher knife held high by the original body.

Their killings have not stopped and they may behead all opponents at any time.

And before beheading, he would also wear the heretic's skin for the opponent.

Even living people can be defamed and have their reputations damaged.

They looked at the torn-down Chief Caster. Who was willing to prove the innocence of the dead?

"Gris, the safety of these loyal sages must also be guaranteed. Chaos' invasion is pervasive and must have infiltrated all over Mars. Perhaps there are Chaos believers hiding beside the sages. The Regent and I have accumulated enough experience in the fight against heresy. With us here, we will never let such things happen." Gris was shocked when he heard this. The acting chief caster asked the Lord of the Second Legion for help, "I also understand the horror of Chaos. My lords, how can I cooperate with your thorough investigation?" Duke Rong nodded slightly. Now Gris is the acting chief caster. Next, he will clear out those technical bureaucrats who are unwilling to obey his will. "Seal this place. From now on, this palace can only be entered but not left." Duke said. "My Lord, I have the same idea, but it is beyond my ability." Gris said helplessly, "Your Highness Dukel, you may not have noticed that when I came here, I had already asked the great sages who supported me to block this place, but the Chief Sage and the Ruler Sage were still able to move unimpeded." Dukel narrowed his eyes slightly. Gris was born a commoner. He could not be an incompetent person to become a great sage in the Mechanicus. He has proved his ability in the Dark Crusade. But now it seems that the conservatives have too much power in the Mechanicus. If he hadn't helped Gris to get rid of a group and win over a group. Gris might still find it difficult to control the situation. If you want to declare war on Chaos and want to tear up the chessboard of the Great Game of Gods, only the power of unity is needed by the Second Great Crusade. Otherwise, even if Gris becomes the 'General Caster', it will still be difficult to help too much. Once the Mechanicus shows some hypocrisy or rebellion during the Great Crusade, the consequence will be the death of tens of billions of loyal soldiers. All mechanical creations needed for the expedition need the support of the Mechanicus. They are too important for future wars.

"We will never allow the minions of Chaos to act recklessly on the sacred Mars!"

Dukel first determined the general strategic direction.

Then he implemented specific measures.

"Gris, I suggest that the 'Great Sages' Conference' be convened immediately to block Mars and summon all the Great Sages to attend this council. The Chief Caster committed suicide out of fear of crime, and the people in the Mechanicus are bound to be in turmoil. The Imperial Regent and I will attend this meeting to help the Empire's allies calm down the people."

"I agree, then follow your wishes."

Gris nodded.

No matter what others think, Dukel is indeed very kind and generous to his own people.

The Great Sage knows the great existence he follows. As long as he stands behind the other party, any war that wins will be a full return.

So Gris bravely launched a charge.

Dukel nodded, "The situation is too urgent. Please stick to your duties and be loyal in this crisis. If I find anyone colluding with heretics, kill them immediately."

The naked threat of the Primarch was so powerful to these great sages.

They did not dare to oppose openly.

They were not as ruthless as the Primarchs who had been fighting for years, their backgrounds were not as noble as the Primarchs, and their strength was far less than that of the Primarchs.

Unless they were true Chaos believers, they would be able to jump out and oppose the Primarch's will at this moment.

After settling the affairs here, Dukel considered what to do next.

The Chief Caster was the nominal leader of the Mechanicus, but there was a more transcendent organization within the Mechanicus.

——The Guardian Order of the Dragon of Mars.

The Dragon of Mars had a great war with the Emperor in the 30th millennium. It was also in that war that he sealed the Dragon of Mars in the underground palace of Mars and concluded a covenant with the Mechanicus.

The true appearance of the Dragon of Mars is unknown. There are rumors that it is a fragment of the Star God "Void Dragon".

The Emperor ordered an Eternal to guard the underground palace where the Dragon of Mars was sealed for eternity.

This is the origin of the Guardian Order.

Although Ducker was not afraid of the Eternal or the Dragon of Mars, there was no need to fight with them.

The Guardian Order would definitely send an investigation team to investigate the fall of the Grand Forger into Chaos.

The issue that the Primarch is currently considering is how to deal with the upcoming investigation team.

Time passed quickly.

Soon, Mars ushered in the night.

Under the leadership of Gris, Ducker walked into the meeting hall of the "Great Sages".

This is a grand place that Mars will only use when holding major ceremonies and receiving distinguished guests.

Gris convened the Great Sages Meeting and chose this place as usual.

After Ducker and Guilliman appeared together, the great sages present looked at each other.

Although they didn't know why the two Primarchs appeared in the Council of the Great Sages, they all stood up and saluted.

"Greetings, Dukel, Lord of the Second Legion, Son of the Emperor."

"Greetings, Regent."

The two Primarchs returned the salute.

Gris stood at the front and presided over the meeting. He spoke first, "My colleagues, the reason why we have gathered here is because the two Sons of the Emperor have something important to announce to you."

As the words fell, everyone's eyes focused on Dulquer and Guilliman.

Although Gris is the person in charge of this Great Sage Meeting, he also remains loyal to Duker. "Lord Duker, following the previous agreement, the Great Sage Meeting will be held as scheduled. Please tell us what happened not long ago. The bad news should be made public to prevent these loyal sages from being deceived by heretics."

Dukel nodded, "Gris, the empire is grateful for your loyalty. I also ask you all the sages to bear witness. The former chief forger Dia'an failed to resist the temptation of chaos. After being exposed by me and the regent, he committed suicide in fear of crime. "

As soon as this statement came out, many people, especially the extremely conservative great sage, exclaimed.

The great sages who were able to come to the meeting today all knew that there was a problem with the chief caster.

But not everyone knows the truth about the specific problem.

After all, the Chief of the Supreme Council controls public opinion.

Gris blocked the news in time.

The chief sage and the ruling sage can move unimpeded in Gris' blockade because of their identities and the power they hold, but not everyone has such energy.

Some great sages who were loyal to the conservatives immediately raised their voices in protest.

"This is impossible!"

"How could Dia'an fall into chaos!"

"My logic module tells me that the Chief Founder will never commit suicide out of fear of crime!"

This meeting composed of great sages suddenly became as noisy as the assembly area of ​​Xialao.

The commotion was not beyond the expectations of the two Primarchs. Guilliman drew his sword angrily, and the Emperor's sword rose in golden flames.

"Silence!" the regent said coldly,

"Under the gaze of the Emperor and the God of All Machines, can you still remember the reserve of being a great sage!"

The huge conference hall fell silent instantly.

Seeing that Guilliman had taken control of the situation, Dulquer continued, "Gentlemen, I know it is difficult for everyone to accept this bad news, but the evidence on this matter is conclusive."

Duker laid the evidence on the table.

The three pieces of evidence lay quietly on their sides——

A spherical mechanical core eroded by chaos, and two envelopes, one is a secret letter, and the other is also a secret letter.

As the leader of the Second Legion said, the evidence is conclusive and irrefutable.

The mechanical core is not bad.

However, when he saw the two secret letters, Guilliman couldn't help but blush slightly.

Gris was also silent.

But some people are not willing to remain silent,

"This is simply unreasonable!"

The chief sage slammed the table angrily.

Although his body suffered a serious malfunction, he still tenaciously participated in this Great Sage Meeting.

The main reason was that it would be impossible if he didn't come. Duker specifically asked Gris to invite the chief sage and the governing sage to attend this meeting.

Then the chief sage saw the 'evidence' that made him furious.

"Dukele, how arrogant are you? Do you think that no one dares to contradict you?" His body continued to tremble, and arc light burst out from inside,

"These two secret letters were sent by Terran dignitaries in collusion with the murderous ghosts. Can this also be regarded as evidence that the Chief Forger colluded with Chaos? Do you want to say that the assassination of the Emperor by the murderous ghosts was also instigated by the Chief Forger?"

That's right, Duker didn't even bother to come up with new evidence.

Worried that the mechanical core could not convince the public, he simply took out the secret letter from the murderous ghost.

The main thing is to save resources and run the house diligently.

That's why the chief sage is even more angry.

If he had only one mechanical core, he might still be able to overturn the verdict of the Chief Founder.

He had already thought about the plan, but he never expected that Dukel's frame-up methods would be repeated one after another.

And this original body is not even willing to re-forge the fabricated evidence!

Is there any axiom? Are there any laws?

"Well, the chief sage has a unique vision." Duker nodded. "He could tell at a glance that Dia'an colluded with the murderous ghosts to assassinate the emperor, and he took the initiative to testify that the chief forger was the mastermind behind the assassination of the emperor."

"Praise the Emperor, praise you and our Empire. Dukel has fulfilled his mission and finally found the real culprit of the Emperor's assassination."

Then Duker looked at the stunned scribe aside, "Record all of this, I can't wait to announce this good news to all the people in the empire."

"I have a unique vision for you 01010111101! @¥%%..." The chief sage completely broke the defense and cursed loudly. Gothic binary language and various dialects took turns in his language system.

"Dukele, you are not even willing to forge some new evidence. Do you just want to use this evidence to deceive all the Imperial people?"

The Chief Sage has never seen such a shameless person.

He didn't even dare to assume that Duker was a human being.

Duker looked at the angry Chief Sage and said regretfully, "Chief Sage, I thought you were loyal, but now it seems that you have also been corrupted by Chaos."

The chief sage was extremely angry, but calmed down, "Dukele, are all those who oppose you are followers of Chaos?"

Duker nodded calmly, "Everything I do is for the empire and for the ideals shared by all mankind. In the face of the interests of the human community, those who oppose me are bound to be heretics who have fallen into chaos."

The words fell.

Red flames rose.

The Chief Sage's body suddenly exploded, and he and the Chief Forger walked into nothingness.

Dukel withdrew his steel fist.

Frankly, without any hesitation, he obliterated the chief sage of the Mechanicum in front of all the great sages.

The entire conference room was eerily quiet, and the only sounds that could be heard were the sounds of the power armor and the machine's operation.

Duker was upright and said, "Killing heretics is the duty of every empire member. Gentlemen, who else wants to complain about heretics, and who else feels the same for heretics? Just stand up, just Let me face all the enemies of the empire!"


Dukel punched.

"Thieves of the country."

Before he finished speaking, his body was exploded by a punch.

"Betrayer! Boom!"

Under everyone's gaze, Duker killed twenty-two great sages in a row.

To be more precise, twenty-two heretics were killed.


You can hear a pin drop.

All the great sages looked at the original body's killing spree in disbelief.

Duker's expression was cold and there was no warmth at all.

The Second Legion is the most reasonable, but it only talks to those who deserve to hear it.

Regardless of Terra or Mars, this group of mortals who had been comfortable for too long always thought that he was here for a power struggle.

But in Duker's view, this is a war, and Terra and Mars are not sacred countries, but the battlefields he wants to conquer.

War is about attacking the weak with the strong, without any compromise or morality.

Apart from giving an explanation to the people of the empire and doing some superficial work, he didn't bother to use any so-called tactics and tricks.

Kill directly through the interior of the empire!

Cutting off these rotten abscesses of the empire and slamming them to the ground is what he needs to do!

"On Mars, there are many heresies. Fortunately, I have made adequate preparations."

Duker looked around the entire council and asked, "Who else is a heretic?"

No one answered.

The radicals are their own people.

The neutral faction has long been bought off.

A portion of the conservative Archmagos had also defected to the Primarch in Diaan's palace.

Those who are truly unafraid of death have been obliterated and sunk into eternal nothingness.

Duker was very satisfied with the result,

"It seems that all of you are the pillars of loyalty to the empire. I am deeply gratified that you can stick to your heart and remain loyal to the empire. Gris, I believe that the twenty-two heretics who just tried to assassinate me are among their residences. , there must be evidence of colluding with Chaos believers."

Gris: "Sir, I will send someone to search immediately."

There will certainly be evidence.

There is no possibility of nothing.

Duker has demonstrated it to him many times. If Gris still can't learn it, he will be embarrassed to say that he has followed the Expeditionary Corps.

"The Adeptus Mechanicus is the most important ally of the empire and cannot live without those who lead her. Dia'an fell into chaos and sought its own destruction - Gris' temporary position as Chief Forger is ultimately unjust."

The school that Gris belonged to was originally not eligible to run for the chief caster.

Even if the original body forced him to take over the position and temporarily take over his duties, it can be expected that a group of ten thousand-year-old guys who are not inferior to Caul in age will soon jump out to oppose him.

Therefore, Duker decided to take advantage of today's Great Sage Meeting to launch a fair election to completely finalize the candidate for the Chief Forger.

After the chess game has been decided, no matter how much the old guys want to object, they can't find a suitable excuse.

Griese is currently only the second candidate.

So the original body looked at the ruling sage who was poisoned.

"After the death of the chief sage, you are the first candidate for the Martian Forge General. May I ask, do you voluntarily give up your qualifications to run?"

The ruling sage's body was covered with poisonous lines. His eyes were dull, and it was obvious that his consciousness had been eroded by the poison.

What can a vegetative person who has even lost his self-awareness say?

Duker was not disappointed, but nodded happily.

"If the ruling sage doesn't speak, that means he has acquiesced. In this case, Gris will officially take over the position of General of Mars Casting. Old friend, I regret to tell you that you may have to work hard all the time."

The great sage is now the chief caster Gris, and he follows the good deeds: "I am willing to restore the glory of the empire."

"Well said, gentlemen, let us witness this sacred scene together for the sake of the ideal shared by all mankind!"

Duker was the first to salute and celebrate.

The great sages gather, the bells ring, and the loyal people gather together happily.

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