Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 174 19. The Great Pope of the State Religion:

In the next three days, Duker perfected the concept of the virtual realm. He invested a lot of computing power and orc manpower field energy into it, and he not only asked Magnus's opinion, but also asked Efilar , Gris, and many clergy and scientists.

Even the suggestions of mortal scientists sometimes bring him unexpected inspiration. After brainstorming, his 'Imperial Virtual Realm' project has made astonishing progress.

Duker even went to the Emperor for advice.

The Lord of Mankind is not only the king of the empire, but he is also the greatest and maddest scientist in human history.

Most of the crazy technological creations in the empire now, overtly and covertly, were researched by the emperor.

And these are only a small part of the emperor's creations. According to legend, there are more crazy and forbidden things that are still sealed underground in the palace. Those crazy creations even have the power to destroy the galaxy.

Since the return of the Second Primarch to Terra, Lord Custodes Valdor has had few days of peace.

When he once again saw Dukel quietly coming to the palace alone, his heart began to rise again.

"My lord, what brings you here again?" the commander of the Forbidden Army asked the original body.

Despite the isolation of the golden heavy armor, the tremor in Waldo's voice could still be heard.

At this time, Duker had been thinking about the 'Void Realm' in his mind. He did not notice the abnormality of the commander of the Imperial Army, and had no intention of talking to him too much. He just told the truth about his purpose.

Under the leadership of the other party, he entered the throne room for the third time.

Just as Duke expected.

The Emperor was not frightened by the madness of the 'Imperial Void Realm' like Magnus.

After carefully listening to the entire plan, the emperor gave many opinions rigorously.

After the communication is completed.

"Dukele, I hope your virtual realm plan can succeed and contain all those idiots in the state religion." The impolite emperor continued through the speaker,

"Those mentally retarded people are chattering in my head every day. It feels like 100 million villains are blasting my brain with impact drills. Compared with this kind of pain, pulling out a million nose hairs is just a pain. A gentle touch."

"You have indeed been overwhelmed by the weight of your faith." Dukel nodded.

One of the key reasons why they chose the National Religion as the first experimental point for the Virtual Realm is to use the Virtual Realm to accommodate their beliefs that have nowhere to place them.

The state religion prevailed in the name of the Emperor, offering the most pious faith to the Lord of Mankind.

But the emperor was not happy about this, but in fact suffered from it.

In Duker's conception, when the soul enters the virtual realm, all the energy it generates will automatically be integrated into the virtual realm.

Naturally, their unfounded beliefs would no longer harass the emperor.

Without the supply of faith, the divine side of the Emperor, the progress of resurrection will be greatly delayed.

"Just like destroying the Perfect City, the entire state religion should be reduced to dust."

Suddenly, this sentence popped out from the emperor's speaker.

Dukel: "My lord, you are going too far."

"This is one of the legacies of that war."

After the conversation, Duker left the palace in a hurry.

He didn't even say hello to the commander of the Imperial Guard, but walked out of the Eternal Gate alone and returned to his palace on Terra.

His biggest gain from this exchange with the emperor was,

——Good news: The Emperor does not think that the ‘Imperial Realm’ is similar to the Realm of the Gods.

--Bad news: The Emperor believes that the Void is a plane similar to the Warp.

"Magnus is still too conservative."

After learning this conclusion, Duker sighed in his heart.

His stupid demon brother is still worried that what he has built is the realm of the Chaos Gods.

The mad scientist Emperor directly taught him how to construct another subspace.

The pattern between the two is a matter of judgment.

The material world is a space built by matter, and the subspace is a space built by spiritual energy.

The Imperial Void Realm is a space constructed entirely by the power of the soul.

The power of the mind is not psychic, and the void is not the subspace.

However, in the Emperor's deduction, when the capacity of the virtual realm continues to expand, it can even directly extract the energy of the subspace.

Theoretically, the energy in subspace is infinite and will never be exhausted.

Even if that day does come, neither the Emperor nor Duker can predict what will happen.

Maybe nothing will happen.

Perhaps the Warp will disappear completely, and the material world will be free from the waves of the Sea of ​​Souls forever.

Or maybe everything in the universe will restart after collapse, and all living things will reach their end and starting point, the end of reincarnation.

This is an extremely crazy idea.

But the most indispensable thing in this universe is madness.

One day later, Duker was finally fully prepared and used a lot of computing power for several days, which made his demigod body feel overwhelmed.

"Which should allow humans to become the best race and inherit the manifest destiny to rule the galaxy? Or drag everything into destruction and drag all the gods into the bottomless abyss?"

At this time, his eyes were bloodshot, but his expression was crazy and excited.

Dukel said to himself.

The huge thing in the wheel in the highest sky has a solid and illusory structure condensed around it.

When these structures are arranged and combined in elusive ways, an almost infinite realm opens up in this bizarre sea of ​​souls.

Just like the great cause of the creation of the world, everything is rumbling, the supreme sky is shaking, and the sea of ​​souls is boiling.

The light of the soul, overflowing with fire, radiates outward, carrying a seemingly endless amount of knowledge.

Dukel plunged into this realm the blade of reason given to him by the Emperor.

The sword burning with golden flames continued to expand, and eventually became a golden sun hanging high above the realm, carrying absolute rationality, coldness and ruthlessness.

Imperial Virtual Realm, activated!

Theoretically, this infinitely vast virtual realm can hold countless souls. Without control, He will greedily invite all souls to join, and no one will be refused.

But under Dukel's will, he carefully restrained his power and did not announce his existence to the entire universe. He only spread his gospel in Terra.

The first batch of state religion testers, Duker narrowed the scope to the extreme.

Only 220,000 Anglican clergy were invited to join.

If he hadn't deliberately restrained himself, this number would have increased tens of thousands of times with just one breath in the subspace.



The Grand Pontiff of the state religion, as usual, paid tribute to the statue in an atmosphere of incense.

This is a practice that he must maintain every night. In the past hundreds of days and nights, he has never slacked off. The accumulation of time has made every one of his movements as elegant as art and pleasing to the eye.

He is a servant who serves the Emperor and a devout believer.

But in today's praise, the Pope was unusually absent-minded.

The Primarchs returned one after another and began to cleanse all the power structures of Terra, which made him feel vaguely uneasy.

Although the Ecclesiastical Church does not participate in the affairs of the Empire most of the time, everyone knows that the power in their hands can even rival that of the Inquisition.

It is one of the permanent members of the Supreme Council.

Almost every citizen of the empire is a believer in the state religion.

The Great Pope was not afraid of the Primarch's blade, nor was he afraid of death, but he was worried that the Primarch would hinder the spread of the Emperor's faith, causing those lost lambs to lose the guidance of the God-Emperor.

If such a thing really happened, even if his soul returned to the throne, he would not be able to face the God Emperor.

However, what surprised him was that after the Primarchs cleaned up and took over all departments in recent days, only the State Church and the Mechanicus were left behind. They just focus on managing the secular world and seem to have completely forgotten these two religions that cannot be ignored.

"The original bodies are all the descendants of the God-Emperor. They are the sons of God who walk the world in place of the Emperor. They are perfect people that mortals cannot imagine." The Great Pope murmured to himself,

"Perhaps they recognize the existence of faith and understand our sanctity."

Even though he convinced himself this way, he still felt that the Primarchs would not give up so easily.

"My Majesty, please give me a revelation, clear up the confusion in my heart, and guide me on the way forward."

After spreading the fragrant oil all over the statue of the emperor, the Pope prostrated in front of the statue and began the evening prayer.

Pray to the Emperor's statue every night, recite the God-Emperor's scriptures, and confess the sins of the day to His Majesty. This is a practice that every believer in the state religion must complete.

"Love the Emperor, he is humanity's salvation."

“Obey His word and He will guide us into a bright future.”

"Tremble before His Majesty, for we all walk in his immortal shadow."

Every believer in the state religion can find inner peace in prayer, even the Pope is no exception.

In the chanting of scriptures, his heart calmed down, and his previous uneasiness quickly dissipated.

However, just as all the believers of the state religion were performing evening prayers.

In the throne room of the Terra Palace, the human emperor sat on a golden throne, exuding endless golden light. At this moment, the light around him fluctuated frequently.

Talker: "hurry, grass, grass, grass, grass, grass, grass, grass, grass, grass, grass, grass, grass, grass, grass, grass, grass, grass, grass, grass, grass, grass, grass, grass, grass, grass, grass, grass, grass."

There was a sound of curses mixed with anger and pain.

Followers of the state religion may never think of it.

Their daily collective prayers are exactly when their god is suffering.

"Pray softly and devoutly to the God-Emperor, and they will save our souls."

The prayers of the Grand Pontiff of the State Church continued.

It is unknown whether his devout and pure faith gained the Emperor's attention. But at this moment, in the undercurrent of the Sea of ​​Souls, a huge burning eyeball accurately detected his presence.

The light of the soul condensed into a beam bloomed from the pupil of the flame eyeball. This light instantly penetrated the barrier between subspace and the real universe, and enveloped the Great Pope accurately.

In this light, everything in the room ignited with orange flames, the walls, the floor, the statues, the candlesticks - when the Archbishop opened his eyes, everything around him was burning.

The room seemed to be on fire instantly, but strangely, the flames seemed illusory and did not harm any items in the room.

The whispers resounded in the consciousness of the Great Pope, which carried endless insights, countless knowledge, and complex and abstract concepts poured into his consciousness.

"Devil, your temptation cannot make me give in."

The Great Pope looked at the room filled with flames and shouted angrily,

"No amount of blasphemous knowledge can shake my determination!"

His willpower, which is almost at the pinnacle of mortals, makes him unyielding in the flames and whispers.

But suddenly, he noticed that the whispers seemed to be mixed with some kind of magnificent tone. The tone was getting louder and louder, and it gave him an extremely familiar feeling.

He recognized it as a hymn in praise of the Emperor.

The whispers became louder and louder, and eventually it was like millions of people singing praises to the Emperor at the top of their lungs in his ears.

The Great Pope's eyes were blank. He obviously couldn't understand how such a sacred tune could appear in this unreasonable sound.

The song praising the emperor gradually reached its climax.

Amidst thousands of cheers, time and space suddenly froze,

The Great Pope saw - golden flames rising from the top of the emperor's statue in front of him, eventually gathering into a crown-like ring of flame thorns.

"This must be His Majesty's great power!"

The Archpope's lips trembled with excitement. At the same time, the countless fragments of complicated knowledge that had poured into his mind were gradually pieced together into concrete knowledge.

"Imperial Void Realm. Life Magnetic Field Technology. Spiritual Cultivation Technology." The Great Pope gradually understood the knowledge in his mind and clearly understood the role of this knowledge.

Single-body enhancement technology that can increase the level of life, spiritual meditation that can resist the corrosion of the evil god of subspace, as for the virtual realm of the empire

"That is His Majesty's Kingdom of Heaven! It is the Emperor's Divine Realm!" the Great Pope shouted out of control. He danced excitedly and shouted loudly,

"Awesome, I finally understand it all!"

"Omniscient and almighty God Emperor, take me away, take me as your servant to your eternal kingdom, and serve you under your throne forever!"

As he shouted hoarsely, illusory flames covered his whole body, and even his mouth and nose were enveloped in flames.

Then, all the flames were extinguished, and there were no traces of burning in anything in the house, as if the flames had never been here.

And disappearing with the flames was the extremely excited Grand Pope of the State Religion.

The room was empty and unusually quiet.


Bang bang bang——

"Sir, are you in there?"

There was a knock on the door, and the waiters who heard the Grand Pope's shout knocked on the door.

They asked cautiously, for fear of disturbing the presence in the house and causing the other party's displeasure.

But no matter how they asked, there was no response from the house.

Finally, with a "boom", the waiters opened the closed door. They searched every corner of the room, but found nothing.

The Pope did not leave the room, nor was he in the room.

"My Emperor, the Great Pope is missing!!!"

The news quickly spread like fire, awakening hundreds of millions of lights on Terra, and the priests investigated the whereabouts of the Great Pope.

But the results of the investigation are even more shocking. It is only a rough estimate that during the evening prayer time, the number of missing state church priests exceeded 200,000!

For a time, the entire state church was enveloped in an uneasy atmosphere.

Even the Lion King, who was far away in the Ministry of Justice, was alarmed by the disappearance of the priests.

At this moment, a Dark Angel was reporting the situation to him.

Lion King: "What?! The state religion has lost more than 200,000 priests in one hour, and even the Pope has disappeared?!"

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