Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 166 11. Imperial Fist Think Tank: Do good people have to be pointed at by bolt guns?

Because Dukel's actions were too efficient, he was notified from the beginning to investigate the fire of the Paul family. He arrived late until the fire broke out in the Inquisition.

The Imperial Fists are the strongest iron wall of Terra. They inherited the perseverance and loyalty of the Primarch Dorn, always guarding the safety of the throne world. They are also the only legion among the twenty founding legions that are willing to obey the command of the authority.

"My lords, Milo, the son of Dorn, is here to report." Facing the three Primarchs, the Imperial Fists think tank saluted meticulously, and then looked at Dukel,

"Your Highness, regarding the fire of the Paul family, we have found several doubts and need to verify with you. We found that the psychic traces left in the flames are very similar to your fire magic psychic power."

Milo took out a report and rigorously verified it with the Primarch.

"It's normal to have doubts. I set the fire."

Dukel looked at him strangely.

He set the fire, of course there would be doubts, and he didn't intend to hide it from others.

But didn't the Paul family confess? Even the patriarch Viz admitted that he was the one who set the fire.

In the face of such a situation, shouldn't a normal person just hand in a report and go back to sleep?

What evidence did you come to me for?

Oh, it turned out to be the Imperial Fist, the son of Dorn.

That's no wonder.

The strange look in Dukel's eyes faded, and a hint of understanding emerged.

Dorn was a well-known stubborn person on Terra ten thousand years ago. People hated him, and even the Emperor felt pain when talking to him.

As his descendant, the Imperial Fist inherited Dorn's perseverance and this trait.

Dukel's doubts were dispelled.

Milo, the Imperial Fist, was even more confused.

Ah? His Highness Dukel admitted it just like that?

Didn't he even try to defend himself?

But just as he was wondering, the news came that the Sister of the Heart had found a secret letter from the safe of the Inquisition.

The Lion King, Guilliman, and the Commander of the Imperial Guard all looked at Milo.

The main responsibility of the Imperial Fists is to be responsible for the security of the Emperor. The assassination of the Emperor has caused all the sons of Dorne to fall into self-blame and guilt. They are also doing their best to track down the real culprit.

Before, they also determined that the Inquisition had nothing to do with the assassination of the Emperor.

The three Lion Kings certainly knew that this secret letter was fabricated, so they wanted to see how the Imperial Fists think tank would react.

They were not disappointed.

The face of Milo, the Imperial Fists think tank, showed visible shock, and he quickly summoned the people planted by the Imperial Fists in the Inquisition.

"What's the matter with this secret letter? When did the Grand Master of the Inquisition contact the assassin?"

The two agents of the Imperial Fists looked at each other and shook their heads slowly.

"My Lord, we never noticed it."

"Your subordinates. Your subordinates seem to have seen that the safe was brought in by the Sisters of the Heart."


After these words came out, the scene was extremely silent.

Even Dukel couldn't hold back and glared at Efilar behind him.

The corner of Milo's eye twitched, "Your Highness is really. Frank."

As a think tank of the Imperial Fists, he certainly trusts his subordinates' agents more.

So what Dukel did was simply the arrogance he had never seen before.

Even the most arrogant Inquisition on Terra knew to avoid people when framing others.

He didn't avoid people!

What? The Inquisition is being burned now?

Milo continued to remain silent. He thought for a long time in silence, and finally couldn't utter a word. He could only look helplessly at the Lion and Guilliman.

His meaning was very clear-two Primarchs, are we just going to endure it?

Guilliman couldn't bear it. He stepped forward and said in a deep voice, "Let's go and witness how many sins are hidden in the Inquisition."

Led by the Sisters of the Heart, they walked towards the safe, but before they arrived, the Sisters brought another good news,

"Your Highness, we found an Imperial Fist."

Milo almost lost control of his expression again.

Even with his wide knowledge, he didn't understand what it meant to find an "Imperial Fist".

Milo quickly walked towards the scene of the incident. After a moment, his tall body trembled with anger.

Because he really saw an Imperial Fist, it was a headless corpse, stored like a specimen in the underground secret room of the Inquisition. The corpse was wearing a set of ancient relic-level power armor with the original emblem of the Imperial Fist printed on it, and the cloak was the "Brother of the Sword" cloak.

Milo looked at the headless brother and the power armor he was wearing in awe. This is the original model of armor, so old that it can be traced back to 10,000 years ago. This does not mean that this armor is backward. On the contrary, this relic-level armor can better highlight the bravery and glory of its owner.

Just by looking at this armor, Milo can be sure that this is a noble and brave warrior.

"But why is my brother's body here? Who cut off his head?!" Milo gritted his teeth, with obvious anger in his voice.

"Your Highness, this is the file we found in the secret library of the Inquisition, which contains information about this warrior."

A nun presented the file to the Primarch appropriately, and used the word "warrior" to express her respect for the dead.

The nun looked at the headless corpse with admiration and pity.

The long journey across the galaxy allowed the Sisters to learn about the Primarch they followed. Correspondingly, Duker also knows these girls equally well.

Although they killed people, set fires, and framed them, they were all good girls.

If this headless corpse can gain the admiration of the nuns, he must be a loyal warrior of the empire.

Just by seeing her look, the original body roughly understood what was recorded in the dossier.

Duker looked at Milo, and Milo looked at the file in the nun's hand.

"Bring this file to the Son of Dorn for a while. He is more curious about its contents than I am." The Primarch said.

"How can I thank you, Lord of the Second Legion?"

Milo was overjoyed and once again offered his primarch the courtesy of the Aquila.

Duker did not answer, but simply handed the file into the other party's hands.

Milo opened the file with reverence and saw that what was recorded on it was a battle group named "Tianshi"——

The Celestial Lion Chapter is one of the Imperial Fists Chapters, founded in the 38th Millennium. In what became known as the Hatar Rebellion, Judge Abron commanded the Celestial Lion Chapter to crush the Hattar rebellion.

The orbital defense system of this world was nothing to the Space Marines. They arrived in this world smoothly, but as the battle progressed, they discovered that this world was not just a small-scale rebellion. The leaders of the planet fell into the arms of Slaanesh. After three months of war, the Celestial Lions won the war and boarded the return ship.

But when the spacecraft left the orbit of the planet, the Imperial Navy, under the order of Inquisitor Abron, issued an extermination order to the entire world, wiping out everyone in the world. This move frightened the Celestial Lions, who were furious as they witnessed their honor being destroyed along with those cities.

They began to denounce the inquisitors, and the company commander even personally tried to prevent the execution of the extermination order, but to no avail. After this incident, the Celestial Lions were extremely dissatisfied with the Inquisition. They believed that there was no need to destroy the world.

The Tiens issued a series of very loud public denunciations of the Inquisition, and a delegation of Chapter executives traveled to Terra to expose the evil deeds of the Inquisition. However, it was blown away from the defense line by an abnormal subspace storm. The wreckage of the spacecraft was discovered two years later, but this still could not stop the Tianshi. They still demanded an investigation into the destruction of Hatar.

But this is completely in vain. The Inquisition is only responsible to itself and the Emperor, and does not accept any criticism or pressure from the outside world.

During the Third War for Armageddon, the Celestial Lions suffered heavy casualties over several months. The intelligence they received was so inaccurate that entire Chapter ships disappeared.

The senior Tiens officials began to suspect that this was intentional, a conspiracy to wipe out the entire war group, but there was no evidence to prove this.

The final result was that in this large-scale battle, almost all Tianshi died for various reasons. There were more than 900 Celestial Lions, and only about 90 people were left.

Sergeant Dubaku avenged his company commander and chapter by killing the enemy's war chief.

After the war, Dubaku became Chapter Master and was given an ancient suit of armor. The surviving Tianshi returned to their hometown on the "Black Templar" spaceship and began to rebuild their war group.

As the Great Rift unfolded, the Celestial Lions' homeland was invaded by the Chaos warbands. Chapter Master Dubaku hoped that enough Imperials would survive, and he did his best to evacuate the civilians.

However, in a secret meeting before leaving, Dubaku was beheaded by an assassin from the Assassin Court.

At the bottom of this file, there are a few lines of small words, annotations from the trial court——

[1. Use unconventional means to create small subspace storms to deal with the top leaders of the war group. 】

[2. In an extremely dangerous battle, give them wrong intelligence, confiscate the group's weapons while they are distracted, and send snipers to assassinate them. 】

[3. Find the moment when they are in danger, and choose the opportunity to behead their leader, causing the battle group to completely collapse. 】

——"All for the supremacy of the Holy Emperor and the Tribunal, may His Majesty forever favor us."

And at the bottom of this line, there is a hidden dark pattern, which proves the authenticity of this dossier and is not a fabrication out of thin air.

Restraint is a virtue, but at this moment, even if Milo is a knight of Dorne, it is difficult to restrain the anger in his heart.

His hands, and indeed his whole body, were shaking with rage.

At this time, not far away from him, the sound of Dukel and the nun talking quietly reached his ears just right.

"My Lord, there is something I don't understand. Why can't the noble Brother Astartes escape the persecution of the powerful?" The nun, who looked like she had just grown up, asked the original body for an answer.

After thinking carefully, Duker replied, "Because of the Codex Astartes - it is true that the existence of the Codex reduced the destructiveness of the Astartes rebellion, but also because of this, those who were divided into insufficient The sub-group of thousands of people has become a vulnerable group when facing the 'big man' who holds power."

"A conservative estimate is that so far at least one-third of the Astartes monks in the empire have died due to the persecution of power. Under their persecution, even loyal Space Marines will throw themselves into Chaos when they are desperate."

"That's the Emperor's angel!" the nun exclaimed after hearing this answer.

"Yes, those are the angels of the Emperor. In the world of the Empire, even the Astra Militarum are heroes that mortals look up to. The Astartes monks are even more so in the eyes of mortals as demigods who walk in the world on behalf of the Emperor. He is the most powerful guardian of the empire. Under the pressure of power, the situation of demigods is still like this, and how difficult it must be for mortals to survive. "

Milo's hands trembled again after hearing these words.

Then, he heard the voices of the original body and the nun again——

"But Your Highness, why did you only mention the follow-up legions? Won't those founding legions be persecuted?"

"Of course it will, but the Dark Angels will lose allegiance to the Inquisitor because of a little secret. The Space Wolves will directly start a war with the Inquisition in order to protect civilians, and throw the Inquisitor into a pig pen. Once the Blood Angels It's normal to eat a few living Inquisitors alive after being stimulated. The Ultramarines are guarding the Five Hundred Worlds, and no one wants to pay attention to them." Duker counted the twenty founding legions one by one.

When his words were finished, the nun asked again,

"Your Highness, why didn't you mention the Imperial Fists? They are also a founding legion."

"They are the exception. The Imperial Fists are the only founding legions that have ever been forced by power."

"Why, is it because they are weaker?"

"No, the knights of Dorne are not weak."

"Your Highness, why is that?"

"Because they're good people, kid."

"Your Highness, I don't understand. Should a good person be pointed at by a mortal with a bolt gun?"

"That's right."

"Your Highness, then I won't be a good person."

"Haha." Duker patted the nun's head lovingly.

The original body and the nun were talking quietly, but in such a small room, no matter how small their voices were, they could not escape Astartes' extraordinary hearing.

Imperial Fist Librarian Milo gritted his teeth until he felt cracks appeared on his teeth that could bite through steel.

Snapped! ——

He dropped the file in his hand heavily to the ground.

Milo's eyes were about to burst with anger.

As a knight of Dorne, he has always been well-educated. When he saw Dukel's arrogant behavior before, his heart has always been as calm as a lake.

But now, he has really broken through.


He growled lowly, coming from the killing side of Dorne's genes, which was showing signs of losing control.

After the regent saw this, he said, "The Inquisition has been destroyed, and their Grand Master is dead. Son of Dorne, calm down your emotions and don't be angry because of the dead."


Milo's breath went straight to Tianling, but he just didn't vent it out.

"I'm going to help His Highness Dukel search for evidence of the Inquisition's collusion with assassins!"

When it comes to checking family assets, the Imperial Fists, who are good at architecture, are even more professional than the Imperial Guards brought by Waldo.

Seeing Milo like this, both Lion King and Guilliman knew that the Inquisition's death was really in vain this time.

They have committed too many evil deeds over the past ten thousand years, and they have as many enemies as they have power. Having offended the Imperial Fists on Terra is something that the Primarchs need to consider.

Sure enough, with the addition of Milo and other Imperial Fists, what was found in the Inquisition was simply shocking.

Don't talk about others, even Dukel was amazed by this moment.

The Tribunal is mainly composed of three departments - the Demon Tribunal, the Heretic Tribunal, and the Alien Tribunal.

In the Alien Trial Hall, more than 200 alien races were found.

The Inquisitors not only cooperate deeply with these aliens, but also study alien technology unscrupulously. They will even have an intimate relationship with aliens to enjoy themselves.

There are countless kinds of alien creations.

The nuns even found a can of alien pollen - an alien drug - from the possession of an alien inquisitor.

As for the Demonic Tribunal and the Heretic Trial, they are even worse.

Some of the stolen goods even need to be destroyed directly.

It can be summed up in a simple sentence - demons are summoned from the house of demons, and heretics are brought from the house of heretics.

And in their files, they recorded a large number of crimes they had committed.

It has been thousands of years since the establishment of the Inquisition. These long years have long made them lose their original intention. They are no longer hunters fighting demons in secret, but watchdogs of power, an empire that suppresses political opponents on unfounded charges. borer.

Today's Inquisition spends four-tenths of its energy on internal factional struggles, four-tenths of its energy on suppressing political opponents within the empire, and only two-tenths of its energy on fulfilling its duties. In the process, it will also , cleansing the world and massacring civilians.

Even the lowest level judge only needs to sign a piece of extermination order, and in an instant he can witness the wailing of the entire world. They are immersed in this supreme power and cannot extricate themselves.

"I knew the killing was good." Duker's face was cold, "Waldo, from today onwards, the Imperial Palace Guards will temporarily perform the duties of the Inquisition. Can you do it?"

The original body looked at the commander of the Imperial Guard beside him.

"But Your Highness," Waldo reminded carefully, "the Forbidden Army still needs to protect the safety of the palace."

The voice of the commander of the imperial army became smaller and smaller, because he saw that the second original body had set its eyes on him, showing a stern smile,

"You don't have to be rigid Waldo, no matter what you say, as everyone knows, I am the most reasonable and never impose my will on others." The original body said with a smile.

"I will send up to eight thousand forbidden troops, Your Highness!" Waldo responded immediately. "It is necessary for the remaining forbidden troops to stay in the palace. They must maintain the operation of the palace and the Golden Throne."

While speaking, Waldo stared at Duker's expression closely, and he felt relieved when he saw that the other party did not show any displeasure.

Theoretically, as the commander of the Forbidden Army, he should not be afraid of the original body, but the one in front of him still needs to avoid the edge for the time being.

More importantly, Valdor knew very well that Dukel was about to take over as Supreme Warmaster, and in a sense, his words could also represent the Emperor's will.

After hearing the words of the Custodian Commander, the Primarch nodded.

As the strongest combat force in the empire, this group of forbidden troops had been squatting in the palace for ten thousand years, doing almost nothing except running around naked and playing offensive and defensive games.

As for protecting the emperor? If the emperor could speak, he would let them out of the palace immediately.

It's time to let them move around.

At this time, Milo walked up to the original body and said, "Your Highness, I need to remind you. The Inquisition cooperates closely with the Ministry of Military Affairs and the Ministry of Justice in most operations. If the Inquisition is involved in the assassination of the Emperor, case, it is difficult for the other two departments to escape suspicion.”

Duker understood what he meant, "You mean, the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Military Affairs are more likely to collude with assassins to assassinate His Majesty?"

The Imperial Fist think tank remained calm, "Your Highness, this is just a reminder, not much evidence. Didn't you find the secret message from the safe of the Inquisition?"

Duker shook the secret message in his hand and smiled slightly.

This secret letter will not be opened until the operation is completed.

As long as the secret letter is not opened, this is a secret letter from Schrödinger.

"Come on, let's go meet the next murderer."

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