Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 151 151, The Figure King is collected

The lion of Caliban led Dante through the illusory jungle. When they walked out of the woods again, they were already several galaxies away from Tau.

This is an extremely long distance, and it would take decades for the star's light to cross such a long distance. But with the help of the forest, the lion was able to break through the laws of the material universe and take Dante across dozens of light years in a very short time.

This is the ability that the lion unexpectedly awakened after sleeping for thousands of years, an ability powerful enough to span space.

Perhaps this ability is not as good as Clarks's shadow concealment, nor is it as good as Dukel's red flame rage. But it is equally powerful. This ability gives him unparalleled mobility. Whether it is traveling long distances or flicking around in close combat, the Lion King is invincible.

The Lion came out of the jungle and saw the leaves of Caliban burning before him, and in the red flames his brother was delivering a message to him.

But the Lion King didn't make any response, he just reached out and extinguished all the burning leaves.

Dante also saw the will expressed in the flames. He frowned and thought, and then said with some uncertainty,

"Lion King, is it possible that His Highness Duker did not come to Tau to pursue Ran Dan's secret?"

"Absolutely impossible." The Lion King said decisively. After returning to youth, his body was no longer heavy and his spirit was no longer tired. This allows him to better focus on current actions.

His sword-like gaze pierced Dante, seeming to be able to see clearly the deepest thoughts in the Blood Angel's heart.

"Dukele is eager to explore the truth about Ran Dan more than anyone else. Dante, you are a good boy. I know that concealing the truth makes you feel guilty. You don't want to deceive the benefactor who saved your father. This is a very noble virtue. But for the sake of the empire, We must bury those years completely."

"Don't let your emotions affect your judgment of the situation." The Lion King's upright and resolute gaze, like that of a knight, supported Dante's will and quickly calmed down the Blood Angel's uneasy heart.

"Use reason to judge, Dante. If Dukel was not pursuing Ran Dan's clues, what reason would he have to go to the Tau system? For our great Emperor's second son, what reason would he have to condescend to the throne? Did you come to this remote place?"

"Is there a possibility?"

Dante racked his brains to think about this problem. He had to think carefully, because this may cause misunderstandings between the original bodies. If this misunderstanding can be avoided, it will be a blessing for all mankind.

"I'm talking about the possibility. Great Lion. Could it be the Tau who provoked His Highness Duker first?"

"Do you think this is possible?" Lion King asked.

"He is the bravest and most courageous of the Emperor's children. Just like the giant beast in Caliban's forest - when the giant beast moves in the forest, even the most unintelligent and crazy beast will Clamp your tail and get out of the way. Do you think any animal would dare to challenge the giant beast? Even an experienced hunter who has lived in the forest for a lifetime has never seen such a funny scene."

"You are right, this is indeed unimaginable." Dante also felt that his conjecture was too ridiculous.

Although he had never seen what Caliban's giant beasts looked like when they were moving in the woods, the experience of Baal's defense was still fresh in his memory - during Baal's most difficult moment, when Dukel's legions appeared. , even a swarm of insects with extreme indifference to life will flee immediately.

Are the Tau braver than the Tyranids?

Dante shook his head, throwing this ridiculous idea away, and then asked again,

"His Royal Highness Duker has picked up the leaves of Caliban Forest. He will find us soon. Lion King, what should we do next?"

Dante began to feel flustered again at the thought of Dukel arriving quickly.

The courage of the Lord of Destruction is a morale-boosting force, but when you are against him, it is also a courage that makes all enemies fearful.

Even an orc who knows no fear would be frightened to death by this aura, let alone him.

"There is no need to worry. The emperor's eldest son will not lose to any of his brothers. First, we must summon the Dark Angels to completely bury Ran Dan's past in history." came the proud voice of the lion.

These calm words made Dante look at the Lion King with more admiration.

Then, the Blood Angel heard the Lion King continue to say,

"After burying Ran Dan, we will return to Terra as quickly as possible. Even Dukel, well... even he can't possibly do extraordinary violence to us under the watchful eyes of His Majesty the Holy Majesty!"

The lion's voice was as proud as ever.

Dante: "."

Over the next few days, Lion King and Dante briefly stayed in this world to deliver messages to the Dark Angels. They were organizing the ceremony to bury Ran Dan as quickly as possible.

But Dukel's arrival was quicker than they expected.

On this day, when they were making preparations for the ceremony, they saw golden light lighting up the sky, and the mighty fleet blocked the brilliance of the stars.

"Leon, my dear brother, why do you avoid me?"

With the spread of psychic energy, the voice of the original body covered the vacuum outside the atmosphere and echoed throughout the world.

The busy lion and Dante suddenly raised their heads. Faced with questioning from their blood relatives, the lion king once again chose to escape.

"Go quickly."

The forest of Caliban was born in illusion, and the Lion King took the lead in entering the dense forest.

"Run away again?" On the bow of the Soul Fire, Duker looked down at the star. This time, his voice didn't sound too surprised, as if he had expected this scene to happen.

At this moment, he has assembled his expedition fleet and is once again chasing among the stars. The difference is that this time the target he is chasing is not the enemy of the empire, but his only brother, the leader of the First Legion, the Lion King Leon.

Seeing the lion escaping again, Duker had roughly guessed what the lion was thinking.

"I see, are you trying to hide the truth about Ran Dan's alien form? That's right. In your eyes, I should be very eager to know everything there."

Duker thought in his mind.

In fact, he was indeed interested in the truth about Ran Dan, but it was far from being 'urgent', especially since the matter was related to Tzeentch.

"However, I can use this opportunity to pry some secrets out of this old lion's mouth."

Duker thought secretly in his heart.

The existence of the First Legion is like a huge double spiral staircase, claiming to hold the most secrets of the empire. There are circles within circles, and there are secrets within secrets. People can never see the end clearly. It can be called one of the three treasures in the galaxy.

Therefore, although the Primarch was not angry that the truth about Randan was withheld,

But when the Lion King feels he should be angry,

He better be really angry.

Only in this way can this strict-mouthed old lion take the initiative to spit out some true and credible secrets from his mouth.

"Your Highness, do we want to continue chasing?" At this time, the captain's request came from the voice channel.

"Chase!" Duker immediately ordered,

"If this old lion dares to snatch food from my mouth, he must be prepared to spit out the truth."

Then Dukel picked up the leaves of Caliban's forest,

"Leon, I hope that thousands of years of sleep have not weakened your martial arts, otherwise you will suffer a lot if you are caught."

The primarch whispered to himself, with a strange smile on his face.

Fortunately, no one saw this scene, otherwise one would have to wonder whether he ordered the pursuit of the lion king to find out the truth, or whether he just wanted to find an opportunity to beat the lion.

Or maybe both? .

And at the same time.

The Tau commander, Shadow Yang, was rushing towards the Tau planet. The distance between the stars is very far, and communication is extremely easy to cut off, so she still doesn't know the news that Tau has been destroyed.

At this moment, she was looking forward to it with great hope that the Tau's defense force was still resisting the invasion of the Empire.


"Why did this scene still happen?" Yingyang stood on the deck of the Tau ship, looking at the mother planet that was burned by flames. With a pop, she knelt down on the deck, the red firelight illuminating her cheeks.

The red flames finally destroyed the Tau's homeland, and the scene before her was exactly the same as what she had known in her prophecy.

Destiny is closed at this moment.

And even though she knew the prophecy, she still couldn't change anything.


It was she who single-handedly contributed to the fulfillment of the prophecy!

The light of the flames illuminated her face, and the cries and blood of her clan members enveloped her whole body. The surge of sadness made her unable to breathe.

Finally, with a pop, she passed out on the Tau deck.

When she wakes up again.

The soldiers on the Tau fleet have carried out emergency cooling of their home planet.

Regardless of the obstruction of his colleagues, Yingyang stubbornly boarded the dead mother planet.

The once beautiful and prosperous planet of life has now completely become a stone world after the lava has cooled.

Relying on her memory, she walked to the once most prosperous metropolis of Tau. Originally, this place was supposed to be protected by layers of defenses. It occupied the best oasis in the desert of Tau and was the most prosperous city on Tau.

But now all that's left is ruins buried in dust.

Yingyang walked aimlessly through the ruins of the city. She saw the once huge and glorious civilization signs scattered in pieces in the dust. She saw the corpses of her compatriots embedded in the lava-solidified rocks.

Walking on the ruins of his home, Yingyang's heart felt like a knife piercing his heart.

"Commander, we should leave here as soon as possible. The fleet of the Human Empire may return at any time. Some alien races that once relied on the Tau Federation are no longer peaceful. They are plundering our territory and there is no place here now. Not safe.”

The voice of a colleague came from the communication channel.

"Let me stay for a while, soon." Yingyang's voice could not hide the great sadness.

The sound in the communication channel no longer comes.


Suddenly, Yingyang tripped against something hard under her feet. After staggering a few steps, she fell heavily into the dust.

"What is this?" She sat in the dust and looked over blankly.

After dozens of seconds, her eyes focused on a safe that was also mostly embedded in solidified lava and was not particularly large.

Although the quality of the safe was very good, it was still greatly deformed in the disaster. Yingyang opened a gap without much effort.

She rummaged through the safe to see if there were any belongings from her compatriots.

But to her surprise, what was heavily protected in the safe was not some precious object, but a seemingly ordinary notebook.

"Danva·Essays of an Ordinary Tau Man."

On the title page of the notebook, Yingyang saw the first line of words left by the owner of the notebook.

She looked through it curiously. In the ruins where the Tau were destroyed, the handwriting of her compatriots could bring her great comfort.

In the first half of this note, Yingyang saw an ordinary Shui clan recording his ordinary life.

Trivial matters at work, troubles at home, arguments with friends, or complaints about your wife.

These ordinary scenes are so precious in Yingyang's eyes at this moment.

But in the second half of the note, this ordinary scene was suddenly broken.

She saw Imperial legions invading the Tau system.

She saw the golden light covering the sky, and together with the golden eagle, they tormented the spirit and will of the Water Clan.

She saw a large number of texts, all carrying the same emotion, which was panic and confusion about the future.

Shadowyang even saw it. The owner of the note cursed her, complaining that she, a hero of the Tau tribe, had provoked the legions of the Human Empire.

These words were like steel knives, piercing her heart.

Yingyang controlled his emotions and forced himself to read it.

Until she turned to the last page and saw the last paragraph written in crooked Tau language——

"With my own experience of the demise of my race, and as a person who has experienced it, I would like to issue a warning to all races who see this note - in these dark stars, weakness and ignorance are not the root cause of destruction, arrogance is."

When he saw these words, Yingyang's struggling emotions collapsed completely at this moment.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!"

The Tau commander cried hoarsely, mourning and mourning at the top of his lungs.

The emotion contained in her voice was enough to move any intelligent life in the galaxy.

"This is the cry of a race after the end of the world. Her voice is so sharp and high-pitched, and her sadness is unparalleled. She learned about the prophecy about the end of the race, but accelerated the end in her actions. There is a certain meaning. "

Yingyang's expression stopped at her most sorrowful moment, and her screams stopped at the sharpest pitch.

As if the pause button had been pressed, everything around her was stagnant, and even the airflow stopped flowing.

The realm of darkness spread out from the cracks in space. In the space of the galaxy, the engines of thousands of Tau ships were extinguished at the same time. The souls of all life were expelled at the same time and became soulless walking dead.

The space where Yingyang was located was continuously folded and shrunk, until it was finally small enough to be held up by a metal hand.

In the folded space, it is like going back in time,

——Yingyang once again walked sadly among the ruins of Tau.

——"Commander, we should leave here as soon as possible. The fleet of the Human Empire may return at any time. Some alien races that once relied on the Tau Federation are no longer peaceful. They are plundering our territory. Here It’s not safe now.”

——"What is this?" She sat in the dust and looked over blankly.

——"Danva·Essays of an Ordinary Tau Man."

--"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!"

"What a perfect collection." Endless Tracinto held up the space and said happily,

"Being able to harvest such a perfect collection is worthy of my waiting on the ruins of this planet."

"How happy it would be if every time I waited, I could gain something like this."

Having said this, the Endless One suddenly remembered his original purpose of coming here.

"It's a pity that we passed by the original body of the Empire again. We are both the greatest collectors in the galaxy. Why do we always miss each other." Trazin's tone became sad again,

"Let me find another world where we can meet."

After harvesting a new artifact, the Infinite once again prepared plans to attack the Imperial Primarch.

Trazin sets out again. He must first find the trajectory of the original body and then conduct a premeditated ambush.

If he initially ambushed the primarch, it was to wait for work. Now, I have to do this.

On the way to pursue the original body, he also made a rough judgment on Dukel's war potential. In his calculation-if he was not fully prepared and carried out a premeditated ambush,

He might really not be able to defeat the Primarch.

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