Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 130 130, The possibility of healing the Emperor

Elsa, as the Eldar Goddess of Life, is a rare pure and kind god in the universe.

The goddess of life, who was deep in the Garden of Nurgle, looked at Mortarion and said slowly,

"Death, decay, and rebirth, these are Nurgle's authority. I can't resist Nurgle's authority. I can't untie the poison of decay. I can only suppress it temporarily."

Her voice is full of life and refreshing,

"Take this away, it can help you temporarily, but remember, no matter what you want to do, you only have one chance."

A ball of light was thrown along Elsa's fingertips and landed in Mortarion's hand.

"Thank you for your trust. Even if you can't verify my words, you are still willing to give me the antidote." The moment he got the light group, the Lord of Death was ecstatic.

"This is not trust, son of Nurgle. I can feel your ambitions, they are strong and alive. Although I have no way of knowing what they are, they are a good thing for my situation. . After all, my situation couldn’t be any worse.”

A tear rolled down Elsa's beautiful face.

She is the goddess of life among the Eldar and the most desperate god in the universe.

When Slaanesh was born and the Eldar fell.

Elsa watched all this happen, unable to resist the power of Slaanesh. As the goddess of life, she could only cry helplessly. She prayed to the gods, hoping to escape from the clutches of Slaanesh before she was ravaged to death.

Her prayers worked, and an ancient and great god heard her pleas.

But this god is not the kind of god that the goddess of life expects.

The loving Nurgle heard the goddess's painful cries and moans. He realized that he had developed a love for another entity, and he decided to do something.

For Elsa's freedom, he challenged the gods to the newly born Slaanesh and won.

To this day, Nurgle is still obsessed with the goddess of life. His loving father occasionally forces Elsa to drink the soup he has just prepared. As the goddess of healing, she can heal herself no matter what kind of poisonous soup it is. And quietly spread the antidote to these virulent plagues to the physical universe.

The benevolent Nurgle did not imprison Elsa's freedom. She wanted to escape from her father's garden several times, but every time she walked towards the border of the garden, she would see Slaanesh's lustful eyes - which forced her to He had to stay in the garden forever, suffering from the plague.

"One chance is enough." Mortarion was happy about this. "It will play a vital role in my great plan."

After getting the antidote, he was satisfied and said goodbye to the goddess of life.

On the way back, he thought about the current situation.

"The Lord of Change is plotting to break the fabric of death and rebirth, and he is working on it. There will be fights in the gardens, wars in the damned greenhouses. Khorne has allied himself with Tzeentch, and they are jealous of their father. I want to take away the natural disaster stars."

His heir Typhons had already retreated first,

But Mortarion didn't want to retreat. He even dragged the father of plague, Ku'gas, to stay in the real universe, disobeying Nurgle's orders.

"I have to fight for the greatest freedom for myself, even if it's just once."

Mortarion muttered to himself.


In Duker's office, this should be the quietest place on the Soul Fire at this time. In the large space, the only sound is the scratching of the pen tip across the paper.

Even the nuns responsible for secretarial work are not in the office at the moment.

There were only Dukel, who was constantly calculating something on the manuscript paper, and Magnus, who was placing it on the desk.

"Magnus, do you think it is possible for the Emperor to rise from the throne?" Dukel's moving pen suddenly paused and he raised his head and asked.

"I think it's impossible." Magnus replied rigorously. "To this day, I probably understand what purpose that man had in creating me. If it were ten thousand years ago, I would have sat on the car in his place. The Golden Throne may really be able to save the human empire that has not yet entered the abyss.”

"But now, everything is irreversible, Dukel." Magnus smiled strangely, "That man is dead. Now he is just a mummy on the throne. Once he is removed, a terrifying existence will appear. Will be born instantly!”

"To be honest, brother, although you have been winning, I never think that your current victory has any practical significance. You can win ten thousand times, win a million times, but no matter how many times, you can't really win hope."

"Because the hope of the empire has been cut off, not in the future, but in the past ten thousand years ago, at the hands of your most beloved emperor. This is simply the most tragic joke in the universe! Hahaha."

Magnus smiled obliviously. He didn't even look at Dukel - even though he knew that he would probably beat him if he did so, he still wanted to laugh.

But surprisingly, this time Duker did not punish him for his words and deeds, but said seriously,

"What if we could heal the Emperor's body?"

"Brother, are you sure you're not joking?" Magnus' laughter stopped abruptly.

"In your eyes, am I the kind of person who likes to joke?" Duker asked.

"No, that's impossible, that's ridiculous."

"He is already a dead man. Brother, even you cannot resurrect a dead man."

"That's not something a mortal can do."

Magnus denied repeatedly.

"You are right, resurrection from the dead is not a realm that mortals can enter, not even I can do it." Dukel sighed.

"So stop wishing, brother, and admit that you can't do anything about the situation."

Magnus laughed again, seeming to enjoy seeing Dukel deflated.

"What if it's a god?"

But the other person's next words made his laughter stop abruptly again.

"Elsa's goddess of healing, Aisha." As if afraid that he wouldn't understand, Dukel spoke again.

"This is even more wishful thinking, brother." After a moment of silence, Magnus said, "This goddess is in Nurgle's garden, and even the gods cannot covet her."

"But there's always hope, isn't there?" Dukel smiled.

Boom! ——

At this moment, a brief tremor occurred throughout the Soul Fire.

After the tremor,

"Magnus, do you know where our destination is?"

"Could it be?" A look of surprise appeared on Magnus' red face.

"Yes, it's what you think." Dukel nodded.

"Nurgle's Garden."

"I knew it! Dukel, I knew a long time ago that you have gone completely crazy!" Magnus exclaimed, "How can you set foot in the realm of the gods?"

"If it were normal times, I wouldn't do this." Duker said solemnly,

"But this time is different. Nurgle formed the Scourge Stars in an attempt to extend his hand to the physical universe. He crossed the line. Everyone wants to cut off his hand, even your master is one of them."

"Of course I won't rush into the garden rashly. Before the time comes, I'll walk around the garden first." Duker stood up, his huge body blocking the light in the room, converging into a pool of shadow.

He hung Magnus's head on his waist, "Let's go and look around the garden. I don't think anyone would have thought that we would launch a sudden attack at this time."

The domain of the Four Gods is the largest in subspace, and it is difficult for any adjective in the world to describe their power and scale.

Nurgle's realm thrives and spreads with disease and corruption, becoming a garden of plague, sewage, and the stench of decay.

Countless worlds are trapped in the garden, and their despair becomes the food for the garden to thrive, making the garden prosperous day by day.

Under the protection of the psychic force field, the expedition fleet gradually approached the edge of the garden and approached these desperate worlds trapped in the garden.

At the same time, a report sounded in the voice channel,

"We are close to the devil's world, Your Highness. In twenty-two minutes, we will reach the landing range. The firepower system has been charged and is ready for long-range strikes at any time."

The captain's voice came over the voice channel.

"Very well, Captain," Duker replied.

At this moment, Dukel and all the Destroyers were gathered on the deck, their armors looking as black as soaked in blood under the light.

The angel of destruction, tall and proud. More than two hundred angels gathered here, all giants beyond mortals, gathered around the tallest among them, their genetic father, the original primordial Dukel.

In everyone's hands, they held a chain sword that was still dripping with demon blood.

"We have only one purpose for this trip." Looking at his descendants, Duker said, "To give complete destruction, this time, no innocent people need to be saved by us, only unclean lives need to be saved by me. Waiting to be destroyed"

At the sound of Dukel's voice, more and more troops gathered near them. On every battleship of the expedition fleet, there were countless warriors preparing to go.

In the Blood Angels fleet,

Little Sanguinius was also eager to try after seeing this, but now he is too weak to participate in the war, which makes him a little frustrated.

"Holy Father, I don't think this is a wise move."

Suddenly, Dante knelt on one knee in front of little Sanguinius and said hesitantly.

"Wise?" the little angel asked confused, "My brother is fighting for the Empire, and you are considering whether it is wise to do so?"

"The original body is the representative of the Emperor and should not put himself in danger." Dante explained, "I believe that nothing is more important than your safety. By participating in this war, your guard force will will be weak”

"Dante, stop talking." The little angel interrupted. At this moment, his face showed a maturity that did not match his age. "This is a fight for the empire. It is a war with demons. It is not a matter of gains and losses. when!"

"Go ahead and win the war on my behalf. This is an order."

Amidst these childish voices, Dante lowered his head and didn't even dare to look directly into the other person's eyes at the moment, "Yes, father."


Under the command of the Primarch, vast armies poured into the hopeless worlds mired in Nurgle's Gardens.

In order to deal with Nurgle's demonic army, the nuns led by Efilar and the state priests jointly formed a holy army.

Long years have proven that faith is the most powerful weapon for mortals to fight against chaos.

Dukel and the Doom Slayers are charging at the forefront of the battlefield. For them, there is another important task in this war.

That is to absorb as much of the essence of demons as possible, create more Yajin energy, and prepare for the next war.

"For the Emperor, for the Empire, in the name of Sanguinius!" With Dante's battle cry, the Blood Angels also joined the battlefield one after another.

Every hopeless world trapped in a garden is a festering combination of forests, swamps, vegetation, and green spaces, manifested by unclean life and plagued by disease.

The place is filled with diseased sludge and worms, and the air is filled with thick smoke and buzzing flies.

Those huge, hairy flies flapped their wings and buzzed, forming dark, thick clouds beneath the lightless sky.

The cultists had faces that were twisted in pain but filled with joy. They were enduring the pain, thanking Nurgle for his gift, and longing for true demonic ascension.

A plague jungle with flesh and blood, swollen fungi and wildly blooming flowers squeezing each other. There was dripping fetid liquid everywhere, the smell of tangled worms and the sickening smell of exploding bubbles.

Fountains of rotten bones gush out from the lake formed by the green plague liquid. The towering buds are like swollen balloons, and every time they shrink, they will emit gray-green filthy poisonous mist.

A joyous voice echoes across these hopeless worlds, the song of the rotting, plague-ridden demons. The singing continues all day long, praising the father's heart and selfless love for all living beings.

Even though Duker's army was protected by a psychic force field, they all felt a little palpitated in this situation.

This is a place where no mortal can set foot, the outskirts of Nurgle's blessed garden. Let alone launching an attack here, being able to come here as a living person and leave as a living person is an amazing and great deed for a mortal.

No living creature, save for followers of Nurgle, can roam the gardens without the aid of protective gear.

Even under the protection of the psychic force field, the filter system built into the power armor was constantly sounding the alarm.

There is no air here that can be breathed by humans. The air is filled with plague pathogens. As long as humans take a breath, they will be completely corrupted within a few seconds.

The sudden intrusion of the expeditionary legion caused the demons who were having fun in the desperate world to fall into a brief state of consternation.

They stared at the human army with their triangular eyes, and for a time they thought it was some new type of hallucination caused by inhaling too much swamp gas.

It wasn't until humans shouted war cries and rushed in front of them that many demons dared to believe that a mortal army had broken into Nurgle's garden.

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