Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 119 119, Magnus: I suggest you be a human being first!

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," the veteran of Wan Zhan still cried, "Forgive us, War Commander, we have lost everything, please forgive us."

He has been completely immersed in his own world, immersed in chaotic memories, and the sadness in his heart that he has hidden for countless years. He could not hear the outside world at this moment, his body and mind were completely overwhelmed by his own pain and the brilliance of a living original body, and finally fell to the ground helplessly.

Dukel lifted him up gently.

Although he couldn't tell whether the other person's words were credible, the sadness and powerlessness he felt in his soul were real.

This was a respectable warrior no matter what, and the primarch was unwilling to let him lie on the ground in such a state of disgrace.

"Your Highness." At this time, Joel bravely walked up and begged, "Great demigod, please forgive our ancestor. He didn't mean to collide with you, he just..."

The Blood Angels usually call these veterans of thousands of battles their ancestors, and their age deserves such respect.

Before Joel could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Dukel. The original body's voice was low and filled with an inexplicable emotion.

"Don't be so nervous, Lord of the Blood Knights. He is a noble warrior. He is my brother, the son of Sanguinius." He said, "But he is also an unlucky child. He has experienced too much. Take him back to have a good rest, he is bruised and exhausted."

Duker handed the veteran of ten thousand battles back to Joel and told him, "When he wakes up, please tell him for me that he has done a good job and does not need to be forgiven by anyone. This is not their fault."

"Yes, Your Highness." Joel's eyes turned slightly red, "With your mercy, he will surely be freed from the long-term torture."

The veteran of thousands of battles in the fearless mecha, his existence has long exceeded the limit of mortals. He has experienced too many wars, witnessed countless deaths, and has accumulated too many secrets and pain in his heart.

Compared with the existence in the mecha, Yoel is just a new recruit. Although he cannot empathize with the opponent. But he understood that the forgiveness of the original body must be what this ancestor had dreamed of for a long time.

Duker nodded, then he looked at Efilar behind him, and handed the opponent the Destiny Eagle War Flag in his hand.

"Take this flag, Sister. The insect swarm is about to counterattack, and a new war is about to begin. I have a hunch that this time the insect swarm will be unprecedented in scale."

As the original body's words fell, as if in response, the ground on Baal Yi began to shake violently, as if a wave capable of destroying the world was rapidly approaching them.

"By your will, my lord."

Efilar took over the heavy flag, which was more than twenty meters high and carried the corpse of the great demon. The fire of the soul unfolded behind the nun, and the flames formed huge wings with a wingspan of tens of meters. The power of the soul was continuously output, keeping the light of the battle flag from weakening in her hands.

"Once the battle begins, be careful to keep a certain distance from the Blood Angels. They possess the power of rage. Although the power of the mind can suppress this power temporarily, as the battle progresses, this suppression will not be strong. Be careful. This may result in unnecessary accidental injuries.”

Duker did not say this directly, but announced it to everyone in the spiritual network. After all, he had to consider the feelings of the Blood Angels.

Long before arriving in Baal, he had encountered a group of blood knights caught in the black rage. At that time, he discovered that the power of the mind could temporarily suppress the influence of the black rage on them.

This is one of the reasons why after he arrived in the Baal system, he immediately used the Eagle of Destiny battle flag to radiate the power of his soul and announced his arrival in a high-profile manner.

But the power of the mind alone cannot cure Blood Angel's flaws. This suppression cannot last long, and there is also a risk of losing control under constant stimulation.

After receiving his prompt, the members of the Heart Network sent out responses one after another.

The Doom Slayers also silently drew out their jet black power swords.

The air of Bawei was once again filled with the smell of blood.

"The swarm is coming!"

Someone shouted, and everyone's eyes were drawn to the horizon.

The insect tide that fills the entire horizon is like a storm that can swallow everything. They occupy the earth and the sky, fill everything in this world, and rush toward all humans.

From time to time there would be ripples in the storm, revealing many ferocious and huge figures.

Insect Saint Titan, Insect Tyrant, Samurai Insect

Countless powerful Zerg units are looming among them.

"Dukele, I have reminded you long ago that the swarm is not unintelligent. If you announce your arrival to the entire galaxy, they will definitely respond well and have even accumulated enough power to completely destroy you." Magnus said.

"So what, I'm never afraid!"

Duker looked cold and unafraid. He could naturally foresee the consequences of this, but so what - at least this would allow him to see the Blood Angels who still retained their sanity, instead of the ghouls who were possessed by black rage and killed each other.

Even if he had to choose ten thousand times, he would still choose to save his compatriots instead of fearing the power of the aliens.


An unprecedented wave of insects submerged everything here. Before the expeditionary legion left the subspace, the brainworms who controlled psychic powers gave a prophecy that the original body was about to arrive on Bawei.

The insect tide is like a wall connecting the earth and the sky, swallowing up everything in this world and everything within reach. It swept over the ruins of human cities in a mighty manner, and tall buildings were swept into it, and were trampled into dust in just a moment.

Countless bugs crashed into the homes where humans once lived and tore everything apart easily. The insect swarm storm swept through so fast that in just a moment, it swallowed up everything that could be seen in the field of vision.

"Warriors, for the Empire, this is the time of glory!"

Dukel held a pain blade in each hand and rushed straight into the black mist in full view of everyone.

"Come on! Bugs!!!"

The storm of insects ignited with red flames, and even the roar of the original body, not even the chirping of thousands of insects, could cover it up.

"???" The Blood Knights and Flesh Tearers who retreated to the defense line were frightened when they saw this scene. This familiar feeling seemed to remind them of their comrades who had fallen into black rage.

The war had just begun, and the great Primarch, as the highest status present, rushed into the storm of the insect swarm in an instant.

The speed was so fast that even the Astartes couldn't see it clearly. This was something they never expected.

For a moment, great sadness spread among the Blood Angels. After Yoel was silent for a few seconds, he seemed to understand something, his eyes turned red,

"The great demigod made huge sacrifices and put himself in danger in order to attract the attention of the Hive Mind and protect our safety, just like the Holy Father protected us under his wings."

"May I live up to the blood of Sanguinius!"

After hearing Yoel's explanation, the eyes of the Blood Angels suddenly changed, and at the same moment they turned into dangerous scarlet light.

"We will destroy everything until death!"

The Doom Slayers let out war cries one after another and immediately followed the footsteps of the Gene Father and rushed into the terrifying insect swarm storm.


The roar of the insect swarm echoed throughout the Baal moon. The storm they formed moved forward at a speed beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Just like a flood passing by, when you look at it it is still far away, but it comes to you again in the blink of an eye.

Zhi! !

The dense laser gun beams were directed directly at the insect swarm that enveloped the entire world, but the storm never stopped for a moment. However, wherever the laser weapon swept, it would leave a burning mark that quickly heated up.

The roar of the artillery continued one after another. In the continuous explosions, the flames soaring into the sky destroyed countless insects. The broken limbs flashed past and disappeared in a very short period of time.

The flames of the flamethrower were like fierce dragon's breath, and some of the insects affected were like ignited catkins, which were reduced to ashes in the blink of an eye under the high temperature.

"In the name of Dukel!"

In a dark world devoured by swarms of insects, Efilar holds high the Eagle of Destiny flag, and the golden light shines, bringing new light to the world.

Boom boom boom!

The blaster in her hand was also roaring hoarsely. While the specially-made blasting bullets spattered outwards, they also shattered all the surrounding insect beasts that jumped up to attack people into dregs.

The bombardment of the railgun came down, hitting a huge swarm lord in the middle. This node creature lurking in the swarm storm was completely different from what Duker had encountered before.

Like a monster spliced ​​together by multiple bugs, it seems that the Hive Mind has indeed made a lot of preparations for the original body.

"Go to hell, you disgusting alien."

Efilar waved the huge battle flag of destiny and blasted an alien with various Zerg characteristics directly into the air, causing broken flesh and carapace to fly everywhere.


The terrifying roar sounded again, attracting the attention of everyone on the battlefield.

A terrifying monster nearly a hundred meters long stood up and emitted a roar that echoed throughout the battlefield.

With flames burning all over his body, Dukel, who was among the swarm of insects, also discovered this terrifying monster at this moment. On its body, the original body felt a familiar aura, no different from the shadow of the insect swarm in the subspace——

"Dukele, the biggest terror of the swarm has appeared!"

"This is not a simple biological weapon, it is also the incarnation of the Hive Mind. It seems that the other party has prepared a surprise for you."

The moment the giant insect appeared, Magnus started chattering, taking this opportunity to taunt Duker.

"Your Highness, according to our analysis, this monster not only has terrifying power, but can also truly integrate all insects. With its existence, the Blood Angels' defense line will be defeated with just one impact. We cannot let it Close to the defense.”

The slightly anxious voice of the think tank sounded in the voice channel at this moment.

"You're right, we can't let this monster get close to the defense line." Duker also looked solemn at this moment,

"Otherwise, regardless of whether it wins or not, the Blood Angels and mortals will pay a heavy price, and they must kill it first!"

After hearing what he was saying to himself, Magnus seemed to suddenly think of something, and the smile that was mocking Duker disappeared in an instant. He kept a straight face and remained silent, like a truly dead head.

But Duker's voice continued to sound,

"But I can't kill this monster at all when blocked by the swarm of insects. The Hive Mind has millions of eyes. As long as I launch a charge, it will definitely escape immediately. I can't catch it amid the obstruction of countless insects. "

"Even with my psychic abilities, I cannot use teleportation under the influence of the shadow of the insect swarm."

"It seems that the collapse of the Blood Angels' defense line is unstoppable. The descendants of Sanguinius are destined to be buried here today."

Duker muttered to himself, and suddenly, he looked at Magnus,

"Brother, why haven't you spoken? Is it because you don't like to talk by nature? Can you bear to watch all these cute little angels die? Give me some advice."

Magnus, who had been pretending to be dead, couldn't hold himself any longer at this moment.

"Brother, my suggestion is that you be a human being first!!!"

He almost growled through gritted teeth.

"Hahaha, stop talking nonsense, brother!" Dukel pulled off the head of Magnus from his waist. The power of his soul poured in continuously, and his one eye, which was already full of anger, suddenly Emitting dozens of brilliant rays of light,

"Magnus, use teleportation!"

Amidst the laughter of the original body, and under the guidance of the power of his mind, Magnus began to build a psychic teleportation circle without his own control.

One after another, mysterious runes float around like elves under the brilliant light.


Under Magnus's powerful psychic energy, the magic circle was constructed in just ten seconds, and the shadow of the insect swarm had almost no impact on this powerful psychic spell.

Duker's vision flashed at high frequency, and then a Zerg body nearly a hundred meters long and as huge as a train appeared in front of the original body.

At this moment, this huge monster is still uniting the insect swarm to launch a general attack.

If this incarnation of the Hive Mind is allowed to approach the defense line, everything will be torn apart by the storm of the insect swarm.

"Magnus, my brother, you have done me a great favor once again!"

"Me! @#***f*k"

Magnus's already red skin was even more rosy. This scholar who acted like a nerd most of the time, at this moment, very inappropriately, raped Dukel.

And this inappropriate rap continued until he was punched twice in the head, and then hung back to his waist again.

Then Duker focused his attention on the giant insect that was nearly 100 meters away.

"It's your turn to face me now, bug!"


The incarnation of the Hive Mind screamed in response.

At this moment, it also sensed the arrival of the original body. With its wisdom, it knew very well that it was unable to escape the entanglement of the original body due to its huge size. Therefore, it directly chose to attack, and its huge body was like a towering city wall, overwhelmingly pressing down.

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