Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 114 114, Meeting Kahn again

The will of the swarm felt the pain, and the huge swarm of worms retreated quickly like a real tide.

Dukel certainly would not let the aliens go, and led the Doom Warriors to chase them with black power swords.

The never-extinguished fighting will continued to spread in the battle. Under the radiation of psychic energy, spiritual energy, and even the human field of beastmen, this unyielding and high-spirited fighting spirit spread to the whole world in a very short time.

The survivors in the ruins ignited the will to survive, the soldiers in the trenches rekindled the will to fight, the dignitaries hiding in the fortress who were shirking responsibility to each other quieted down, the priests of the state church sang praises together, and even the stray dogs in the streets barked.

All the living beings in this world felt the coming of the Son of God very clearly at this moment.


Several warrior insects hissed. As node insects, in addition to having powerful combat capabilities, they also commanded a large number of low-level swarms like officers.

But at this moment, the node creatures actually gave up the advantage of the swarm, and instead exposed themselves, actively rushing towards the Doom Warriors, but were swarmed by the warriors and easily chopped into pieces by the black power sword.

The low-level swarms that had already escaped far away, with the death of these warrior insects, all let out painful wails. They stood there trembling, vomiting continuously until their lives died and their bodies dissolved.

The huge swarm sand python suddenly emerged from Duker's feet, opening its bloody mouth, and actually wanted to swallow the original body into its stomach.

This is the experience gained by the swarm consciousness in past battles. They can rapidly evolve their own thinking in battle and adopt different tactics.

But this time, they obviously did not choose the right target. The sand python, which was nearly 20 meters long, was directly torn to pieces by the original body.

In this actual battle with the Tyranid swarm, Duker really felt the usefulness of the "Blade of Pain".

Killing low-level swarms can concentrate on polluting high-level node creatures.

Killing high-level nodes can also radiate low-level swarms.

Under the erosion of a large number of extreme negative emotions, the consciousness of the swarm has lost its rational judgment. The instructions of the entire swarm are affected by negative emotions and begin to become chaotic, contradictory, and hysterical.

Most of the swarms are still fleeing, but high-level node creatures and swarm titans have taken the initiative to charge Duker, and at the same time, a large number of spore drop chambers have fallen from the sky.

The two contradictory instructions of fleeing and fighting actually appear on the swarm with unified consciousness.

This is enough to make Duker excited.

But other imperial people don't have such a good mentality as him. Even if they have suffered too much in the dark age, what they see still makes them look terrified.

In a very short time, the sky of this world is dark.

The spore cloud that covers the sky and the sun pours down from the sky, covering the entire sky like an extremely thick dark cloud.

Under the slaughter of the Primarch and the Slayers, the Hive Mind, feeling intense pain, seemed to issue two completely different orders - they feared those dark blades and wanted to escape instinctively; at the same time, it launched a hateful and resentful counterattack against this world, hysterically wanting to destroy those blades that could make it feel pain at all costs.

This was a terrifying scene that many people had never seen in their lives. Looking up, all they could see were the terrifying Zerg waving tentacles and limbs.

"Do we still have hope? Once the Zerg swarms attack the fortress, we will die miserably." The Imperial Planetary Governor hiding in the fortress lamented after witnessing this.

The dignitaries behind him were even more pale, and no one could remain calm under such a large Zerg swarm.

Rumbling explosions and beams of light streaked across the air, and the only remaining planetary guards were still desperately resisting, the defensive artillery battleships roared with flames, and fighter planes flew into the air.

The gorgeous lasers and dense spores formed a death net in the air. A large number of spore drop chambers were torn into pieces before they landed under this devastating offensive.

"We are the Emperor's currency. We use our lives to redeem the survival of the empire."

Many soldiers have heard this sentence, but many of them have never understood the specific meaning of this sentence. But today, they looked at the spore cloud pouring down like a torrent and covering the sky. They really felt the weight of this sentence.

"For the Emperor!"

Countless warriors shouted the name of the Emperor, radiating the fighting will of the whole world, and constantly giving them courage.

The great demigod is in this world. If not, they would probably have difficulty in taking out weapons at this moment.

Facing the hysterical counterattack of the Zerg, Dukel just killed calmly.

He wielded the black power sword, and the fighting will that burned like wildfire burned more and more vigorously.

The same is true for the Doom Soldier. They are not afraid of fighting with their gene father and facing such a huge enemy group. Instead, their mind engines are running excitedly.

Whether it is a low-level Zerg or a node creature, they will be chopped down to the ground in an instant when they approach.

As the killing progresses, Duker is also keenly observing the changes of the Zerg.

This war with the Zerg is not only to save the fallen Empire compatriots, but also a test of the actual combat performance of the Blade of Pain.

Under the influence of the malevolent mind, every change in the insect swarm must be observed and recorded.

As time went by, Duker discovered new changes.

Perhaps the erosion of the will of the insect swarm by the malevolence of his mind has reached a threshold. Now, every time he attacks with the Blade of Pain, a large number of the insect swarm will die.

This made the killing efficiency geometrically multiplied. Duker chopped the low-level bugs in front of him like worms with one sword, but caused the spore capsules that had not landed at high altitude to explode one after another.

For a moment, the original body and the Destroyers opened a huge gap in the sea of ​​insects.

As the killing continues, the mental malice that the will of the swarm can endure seems to be gradually reaching its limit.

As a result, the Astra Militarum troops who were all over the world and fighting fiercely with the insect swarm suddenly discovered that the insect swarm in front of them suddenly let out a collective cry, vomited, and finally exploded.

"This must be His Majesty's great power!"

After a brief moment of astonishment, someone shouted, although they didn't quite understand why the bugs in front of them suddenly exploded.

But in their simple concept, everything that is incomprehensible but can bring victory is a miracle of the Emperor.

In the outer orbit, the expedition fleet was still fighting fiercely with the Hive Fleet and the Khorne Fleet.

Although the expedition fleet is larger in size and the battleships and firepower systems are sufficiently advanced, it is not easy to win such a large-scale space battle.

"How long will it take for us to win?" Efilar asked in the expedition fleet's voice channel.

"According to the calculations of the thinkers, in the best case scenario, it will take at least ten hours." The data department quickly responded.

"Ten hours." Efilar's eyebrows frowned slightly. According to the radar display, many small fortresses in this world have been breached by swarms of insects, and a large number of empire civilians died almost every minute and every second.

The extremely dense spore clouds spewed out by the insect swarms have almost blocked the entire world, and it is difficult to achieve any effect by risking dropping airborne pods onto the ground battlefield.

Although Efilar was very anxious, he was also helpless.

"May the souls of all loyal people return to the throne."

She prayed silently in her heart.

Although great as the Primarch cannot save everyone perfectly, the same is certainly true of her.

Just when she was praying in her heart, a sudden change occurred. Those insect swarm biological hive ships that were fighting with the expedition fleet, as huge as mountains, covered with mucus, flesh, twisted carapace and tentacles, did not suffer any attack. The situation suddenly exploded!

"Your Highness's experiment was successful!" Efilar's eyes showed a hint of excitement.

At this time, the people of the empire on the ground also saw a scene that they would never forget in their lives. The spore clouds floated in the sky like thick and persistent clouds, and exploded without warning like countless balloons.

The huge wreckage of the swarm hive ship fell into the planet's atmosphere, adding countless firelights to the horizon.

From these exploding organisms, the spilled plasma and water gathered together, eventually forming a torrential downpour in the air.

This is a heavy rain that spreads to every corner of the world, with slightly turbid liquid splashing down, irrigating the world's war-torn soil.

Duker's killing action was a pause, and under the infusion of massive spiritual malice, he finally broke through the limit that the insect swarm's consciousness could bear, and all the insects died at the same moment.

The original body stood in the rainstorm, and the force field around him prevented him from getting wet.

"Sure enough, the dead insect swarm is the good insect swarm."

Duker thought to himself as he watched the liquid gather into puddles and the water level was rising rapidly.

Although these liquids look a little disgusting, they are pure biomass. If such a large amount of biomass is spilled into the world, there may not be obvious benefits in the short term, but after the planet's own recycling, it won't take long. This will make this war-torn hive world rejuvenate.


The battle on the ground battlefield is over, but the space battle in outer orbit is still going on.

With the crash of the swarm hive ship, only the demon fleet was still fighting tenaciously against the expedition fleet.

If it were other demon fleets, they would have retreated long ago under such unfavorable circumstances, but the Khorne fleet never retreated, and the commander of this Khorne fleet was an 'old acquaintance' of Dukel— —Kahn.

And Kahn is no longer the chosen champion of the past. As early as when the original body had just recovered, Kahn had joined forces with Kabanha to launch a general attack on Ophelia No. 7.

However, he was humiliated and killed by the newly revived Dukel. After being killed, Kahn received the gift of the Blood God and became a Prince of Khorne, and his power became even more powerful.

When he recognized that this was Dukel's fleet, the newly promoted Khorne Daemon could no longer suppress the anger in his heart. Not only did he have no intention of retreat, he even brazenly launched a gang alliance with the Inner Fire.

He rallied all the World Eaters on Khorne's fleet, and they had one more chance of victory, which was to destroy the Mindfire once and for all.

The Fire of the Heart is the flagship of the expedition fleet and Duker's vehicle. As long as it is destroyed, the entire fleet will inevitably fall into a state of morale collapse.

Kahn also knew that the chance of doing so was slim, but his anger towards the second Primarch had completely destroyed his few sanity.

Meeting an enemy again in the vast starry sky, he was not going to retreat so easily. Even if he failed and died, he would make the other party pay a painful price!

After a long period of charging, the Khorne flagship launched an extremely accurate attack on the expedition fleet. The huge energy beam could not be completely offset even by the shield of the Soul Fire.

Seeing the gap in the shield, Kahn immediately activated the teleporter and carried out a boarding operation.

They went directly into the interior of the Soul Fire. The moment he entered, he felt something was wrong. Under the cover of an invisible force field, his connection with the warp became extremely weak.

Even the Khorne Daemon, after losing the connection with the warp, the combat power that can be exerted is very limited.

But he did not think of evacuating, but continued to rush towards the energy core of the battleship.

Soon they were blocked by the Imperial soldiers, and a frenzied and intensive laser shooting was intended to keep them here.

Faced with such a strong attack, Kahn and the World Eaters broke through the firepower network of the Guardians with their heavy armor.

Bullets streaked across their armor covered with hideous steel spikes. Kahn took out his giant axe and long whip, with a hideous smile on his face.

Even though he was suppressed by the mental force field, he was not something these mortal soldiers could fight against.

The World Eaters also raised their weapons one after another, and they calmly fought against the soldiers who came.

But just when they wanted to use the power they got from the Blood God to start a bloody killing, they were surprised to find that the imperial soldiers in front of them had quickly evacuated.

There was no scene he had imagined, where the imperial soldiers fought to the death after encountering invaders.

Just when he was confused,

"Warning, warning--"

"Intruders have been found and have been added to the killing sequence."

"The attack command is being activated."

In the long and narrow corridor, batches of mechanical servants with artillery installed all over their bodies came over, their mechanical eyes flashed red, and they started to fire instantly.

Kahn was horrified to find that the firepower of just one mechanical servant was comparable to the volley of more than ten imperial soldiers!

These are naturally war weapons that Cawl and Gris jointly transformed. They are currently in the testing phase and are only responsible for the defense of the Heartfire. The neural linker is used to connect the brain of the servitor to the control core of the heavy firepower.

After such a transformation, the servitor can control five heavy firepower weapons at the same time through consciousness. The ammunition fired by only one person is enough to form a powerful steel storm.

The indicator light on the head of the servitor flashed red wildly.

But although they have strong firepower, their defense capabilities are limited, and they were soon turned into pieces by the attacks of the World Eaters.

The powerful invaders pushed forward all the way. After a brief fight, the imperial soldiers retreated quickly as if they had received some kind of message. These Khorne warriors could only vent their anger on those servitors.

But even so, their killing only lasted until the arrival of the battle sisters.

The World Eaters are extremely powerful warriors. They have not only undergone the transformation surgery of Astartes, but also been blessed by the Blood God. And each of them is a veteran. The long years have honed their martial arts to an extremely amazing level.

Before Duker woke up, they were the most powerful fallen warriors in the galaxy, but now they are not.

They were surprised to find that as Astartes, they could not even beat the Battle Sisters.

Sisters with 50,000 biomagnetic fields could not lose in close combat with the World Eaters, and sisters with 90,000 biomagnetic fields could almost beat them.

What was even more shocking was that these sisters had no solemnity and solemnity in the battle, but were like fighting madmen, with amazing madness and fighting spirit flashing in their eyes.

The eyes of the sisters made Kahn very irritable - this familiar look reminded him of Duker. When he was on Ophelia VII, the Primarch also had such eyes, and he was shamefully afraid of such eyes.

The fear he had in the past now turned into anger, and without words, he rushed up directly.

Neither side used long-range weapons, only the buzzing of chainsaws echoed in the corridor.

In the fierce battle, the power armor of both sides was damaged and blood splattered on the ground.

But no one retreated because of this. On the contrary, with the smell of blood, both sides became more excited.

The madly rotating chainsaw sword rubbed against the ceramic steel, splashing bright sparks, and blood and flesh splashed everywhere under the harsh sound.

The World Eaters were completely suppressed in the short resistance.

They were almost all chosen by Khorne. They were blessed in the battle and gained stronger speed and strength from the blood god.

But at this moment, they were defeated by the mortals in their eyes.

With the fall of the first World Eater, their lives began to be harvested continuously.

Kahn was also not in a good mood. After becoming the bloodthirsty demon of Khorne, he never thought that he would be beaten by twenty-two mortals without any ability to fight back.

The cooperation of these nuns was perfect, and Kahn almost collapsed several times. As the battle progressed, the weapons burning with the fire of the soul left wounds on his body, and the flames attached to the wounds made him extremely painful.

With a "bang".

Kahn's body, as big as a hill, was kicked out by one of the nuns, and the chain sword in the other nun's hand also slashed hard, about to cut off the big demon's head.

But the accident happened suddenly.

Kahn's eyes suddenly turned blood red, and his body muscles suddenly increased.

Even more terrifying power spurted out from his body. Kahn punched the chain sword that was slashing at him, and then punched the nun again, sending the nun flying.

Just when he was completely crazy and wanted to kill all these annoying mortals.


A sound like a glass bottle falling to the ground and then rolling suddenly sounded at this moment.

When Kahn heard the sound, he saw a nun with black hair and black eyes walking slowly towards him. On the way, a needle of hormone medicine was inserted into the neck vein.

"Stay back, sisters."

This nun is the captain of the Soul Guard, Shivala. With the last injection of hormone medication, the nun's body's strength also began to increase rapidly.

Biomagnetic field·120,000 rotations!

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