Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 105 105, News from Barr

After the original body finished speaking, there was only a short pause before cheers sounded like a mountain roaring and a tsunami.

"Praise the empire, praise humanity!"

"The throne is above, the Emperor is above!"

The Astra Militarum and the Space Marines were the first to let out deafening roars, and then more people joined in.

Driven by this atmosphere, even some dignitaries and high-ranking lords have lost their former stability at this moment. Their hearts, which have been increasingly corrupted by power, can't help but beat with hot blood at this moment.

The Chapter Masters of the Star Chapter looked excited. Some of them had seen Dukel before on the battlefield, and some were seeing him for the first time. But they all felt the killing intent and determination of the original body, and the unyielding fighting spirit impressed these loyal warriors.

They believe that such a leader of the original body will lead them to the final victory and sweep away the empire's past decline!

Fanatic shouts shook the sky and the earth.

Duker was once again surrounded by countless cheers. His huge eyeballs opened from between his eyebrows, but quickly closed without anyone noticing.

Every time he was exposed to this kind of scene, his power increased rapidly.

Countless human beings released their repressed emotions, causing terrible waves in the sea of ​​souls. The behemoth in the wheel opened its huge pupils, and countless subspace creatures hidden in the surroundings fled in haste.

Prophets and prophets all over the universe are now panicking to discover that the established destiny has changed, and the dark future of mankind is becoming blurred.

The destiny weavers in the crystal maze were wailing. More and more destiny fragments lost their original color. The future of countless galaxies was unknown, and everything was quickly out of their control.

In the roar of the mountains and the tsunami.

The atmosphere of this celebration was extremely lively.

This was a good thing, because today's celebration was originally a carnival after the victory of mankind, but such a warm atmosphere also made Guilliman, who spoke next, feel embarrassed.

Looking at the countless pairs of eager eyes below, he was unusually at a loss.

The temperament of each original body is different, and Dukel's aura that can inspire fighting spirit is something he does not possess.

What's more, he couldn't find a second Fateweaver to make into an Eagle flag.


"Next, several new decrees will be announced."

The Prince Regent read out his recently enacted Imperial Act.

Compared with Dukel's inspiring speeches, the decrees he implemented undoubtedly transformed the empire more effectively - but boring is really boring.

Except for those dignitaries whose interests were affected, who listened carefully and expressed their opinions from time to time, not to mention everyone else, even Duker was almost asleep.

Dukel sat on the throne built for him. Bored, he lowered his head and meditated. He used the computing power of the Heart Network to start calculating the projects that had not yet been completed.

Time passed little by little.

When he came to his senses again, he estimated the time. If the world was not covered by the artificial light of the fleet, it would be dark by now.

He looked around and found that Guilliman had finished his reading and was discussing some details of the decree with a group of lords and other dignitaries, and it seemed that the discussion was not very pleasant.

A young lord was arguing about something with a blushing face, while the regent replied calmly.

——It seems that Guilliman’s decree this time is a bit radical.

Duker thought with gloating, watching the excitement with interest. He has always been too lazy to care about this kind of thing.

It is normal to be blocked when promoting political decrees. Once their interests are touched, those corrupt nobles will dare to contradict the original body. Previously, when he was on Ophelia No. 7, Duker also tried to issue some political decrees. Likewise, It also encountered considerable resistance.

These resistances were gradually eliminated with the persuasion and influence of the members of the Heart Network.


"Your Highness."

Gris's voice came from the heart network.

"Rogue Trader and Navigator Varro are awake."

"Really?!" Duker looked excited. Although this experiment went very smoothly, he didn't expect it to be a success. He just wanted to accumulate some parameters.

"Yes, Your Highness, and we also received an important message."

Hear the message delivered by Gris.

Dukel's expression gradually became serious.

He stood up from the throne and walked towards Guilliman in the distance.

At this moment, the regent was still arguing with the young lord.

"Great Regent, I don't mean to offend, I just want to ask you, I inherited the world from my ancestors, this is my sacred and inviolable property, why do you tell me now that it does not belong to me?"

The young lord standing opposite Guilliman said almost questioningly.

The guard next to Guilliman looked angry because of this. The other person's behavior was undoubtedly an offense to his genetic father.

At the same time, he also heard the short-sightedness and selfishness of the other party from his words. At present, in the empire, there are really many such moths who inherit the glory of their ancestors and sit and eat the mountains under the halo.

However, Guilliman was not angry because of this. Just when he was about to answer, a voice suddenly came.

"Sorry to bother you, brother, the time for government affairs is over." Duker came here, picked up the regent and was about to leave.

His power was so huge. Driven by this power, although he still didn't know what happened, after Guilliman got up, he instinctively followed him.

"Wait a minute, Your Highness, it can't end like this!"

But what they didn't expect was that the young lord would actually stop in front of Dukel at this moment.

"Your Highness, I want to ask you. The honor my ancestors earned with their merits and blood, and his title was personally awarded by the Terran Senate. I inherited the honor and title of my ancestors, should these be mine? "

The reason why the young lord said this now was because he had carefully considered it.

He could tell that His Highness Dukel was not good at politics. As long as he spoke in a matter-of-fact manner and concealed some parts that he considered unimportant, there was a high probability that he would be recognized by the other party.

Guilliman, on the other hand, saw through his thoughts in just a moment.

The regent hurriedly wanted to stop him - once Dukel recognized the other party's identity, it would be difficult for him to change it in the future, no matter who he was. Even his next decree will be difficult to implement.

But before he could speak, a figure quickly rushed out from behind Dukel.

Before the young lord could finish speaking, he punched him in the abdomen, causing him to swallow the rest of his words.

Then there were two nuns, one on the left and one on the right, carrying the young lord out.

The whole set of movements was as smooth as water and extremely skillful, as if it had been done many times.



The sound of bolters sounded not far away, from an uninhabited corner.

"Has he always been so brave?" Duker asked, pointing in the direction of the bolter fire.

Then, ignoring the fearful and shocked expressions of the surrounding dignitaries, he led Guilliman straight away from here.

"Dulquer, what happened?" Guilliman asked as he walked to a deserted area.

"I have received word that Baal is about to be attacked by a massive Tyranids."

"Baal? That's not Sanguinius and the Blood Angels."

"That's right." Dukel nodded, "The Blood Angels are gathering, and they seem to be planning to fight the swarm to the end. But in the expedition fleet's deduction, their winning rate is extremely low."

After hearing Duker's words, the Regent's face gradually became serious.

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