Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 103 103, the gap between reality and illusion

When the soldiers of the Second Legion returned from their first mission, Duker looked at the neat rows of Nurgle Legion dolls placed in the window of his office and fell into deep thought.

From the Great Unclean One to the Nurglings, there is a complete range of categories.

In this universe, dolls may be involved in some mysticism, but in the psychic force field, there is no need to worry about being contaminated with unclean energy.

"Your Highness, don't you like these?" asked Efilar, who was standing on the left side behind him.

".It's hard to evaluate."

"Isn't this exactly what you wanted?" Shivara, standing on the right, said with a smile.


Duker was equally noncommittal.

The Rogue Trader who was rescued fell into a coma after returning.

Guilliman even came to visit him once during his coma.

The celebration that followed soon, in his mind, was not only to celebrate the hard-won victory, but also to announce the return of the Second Primarch to the entire Empire.

In order to show the importance he attached to this celebration, the Prince Regent took a break from busy government affairs and visited the guest from afar in person.

But after he came to the emergency room, he was told a terrible thing.

"The patient was infected and our instruments showed that the demon had left seeds in his body."

The pharmacist pointed at the Rogue Trader lying on the hospital bed.

"His soul has been contaminated and he is using his consciousness to fight against the demon's invasion. He cannot hold on for long."

At this time, Duker also brought Magnus to the emergency room. He came here not to see anyone, but because he heard that there were cases of soul contamination.

Duker looked into the ward through the window.

A strong middle-aged man with many signs of mechanical modification on his body. At this time, a demon was gestating in the body of this man who believed in the Emperor.

His body is connected to a life-support device, and a steady stream of fluid is injected into it to help him maintain his body in the physical universe from being infected by the plague virus.

"How long can he last?" Duker asked.

After hearing the original body's question, a trace of helplessness flashed in the pharmacist's eyes, "For about a month at most, we can treat the virus in his body, but we cannot treat his soul."

The negative energy of the warp had contaminated his soul, and not even psychic energy could dispel it.

"Maybe I can help him, or that's why I'm here." Duker said,

"We are working on a device that can project one person's consciousness into another person's spiritual world, but this is equally dangerous. If the person who enters the spiritual world cannot escape in time, there is a high probability that consciousness will be lost."

"It is lost in the gap between the spiritual realm and the physical universe, and almost no one can retrieve it." Dukel reminded seriously.

Sanguinius almost fell into this gap ten thousand years ago. Even if he is as dazzling as the great Primarch, once he falls into this gap, he cannot be retrieved by current means.

Compared with Sanguinius, the light of mortal souls is like fireflies and stars, and is naturally more difficult to find.

Although Duker and his scientific research team are actively studying this field, there has been no progress yet, other than the development of such an instrument.

"In other words, if someone can enter his spiritual realm, maybe he can help him escape from the devil's pollution?" Guilliman asked with some uncertainty.

The pharmacist looked at Dukel with admiration. If this machine could be popularized, wouldn't it mean that even souls could be saved?

In the past war where "chicken thieves summoned evil demons to fight against the followers of Khorne", the Expeditionary Legion executed tens of billions of humans due to soul pollution.

Once such a large-scale contamination occurs, other imperial legions will even directly issue an extermination order and cleanse the entire world together.

It is conceivable that once this instrument is put into large-scale use, how many lives of Imperial people will be saved.

"Dukele, has this instrument been tested? How many people have become idiots because of this instrument?"

Guilliman knew very well how many Imperial lives this would save, so his tone couldn't help but become excited.

Duker thought for a while, "Twenty-one. There were 21 death row experimental subjects at that time, and they became idiots because of this."

Upon hearing this, Guilliman became even more excited.

Only twenty-one people! In a hive world, hundreds of times more people would starve to death every day!

But Guilliman suddenly thought of something, and he cautiously asked again, "Brother, how many experiments have you conducted in total?"

Duker turned to look at his brother, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

He seemed to be wondering why the other party would ask such a question.

"Didn't I say that twenty-one people died? That must mean that twenty-one experiments were carried out."

Dukel said it was natural, and Guilliman was speechless for a while.

Only now did he understand.

It turns out that Duker came to this ward just to find the experimental subjects.

Guilliman secretly complained about his second brother.

"Your Highness the original body, then let me be the next experimental subject."

Just as the regent was complaining in his heart, a hoarse voice suddenly sounded from another ward.

The two of them heard the sound and saw that it was a psyker whose body had obvious signs of mutation.

It was this psyker as the navigator who squeezed the last of his potential in the subspace, which allowed the spacecraft to break through the node of reality and usher in the rescue of the Second Legion.

A large area of ​​his body had been removed, and the lower part of his abdominal cavity was completely empty. He relied entirely on the instruments around him to maintain his vitality.

Fortunately, the Expeditionary Legion's treatment methods were developed enough to allow him to save his life, but that was all.

The respiratory system replaced his lungs, and the blood circulation was also driven by machines.

His face was pale, his hair was dry and falling off, and after the mutated flesh and blood in his eyes were removed, most of his body was empty, and he was relying on a life-support device to survive.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, I am willing to participate in this experiment, not only for my clan leader." The navigator's eyes were full of piety,

"My life should have ended. If I can participate in this great experiment that saves countless people at the end of my life, it will be my greatest honor."

He expressed his thoughts to the Primarch in earnest words.

After hearing this, Duker walked directly in front of him, his tall body almost occupying his entire field of vision.

"What is your name, child?" asked the Primarch.

"Varo, Your Highness, my name is Varo."

"Very good, Varro. If this experiment can be successful," Duker promised him, "Not only will you be given a healthy body again, but this instrument will also be named after you. How about that?" "

"my pleasure!"

Varro's pale face was filled with color due to excitement.

Although Duker's expression did not change, he was extremely happy in his heart.

The field that this instrument peeps into lies in the eclectic gap between reality and illusion.

And Duker had a vague guess in his mind that after Sanguinius' soul was shattered, part of his soul might have fallen into this gap.

Whether it was to save those imperial humans whose souls had been contaminated, or to retrieve his brothers, he hoped that this research could be completed successfully.

The navigator's resolute soul is obviously more suitable than those on death row to shuttle through the unpredictable gaps.

"It's a pleasure to work with you and I wish us success, Mr. Varro."

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