Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 101 101. The warrior who destroys the evil leaders of all enemies!

in subspace.

An Imperial Rogue Trader ship that was severely eroded by chaotic energy penetrated the tide of the Hidden Land like a slightly flawed dark gold spear.

The spacecraft's engine was spitting out blue-white flames, and it was about to fall far away in the bizarre sea of ​​souls.

The thruster is like a heart with a disordered pulse. It beats hard, driving the spacecraft forward, just to find a way out in the turbulent subspace wave.

The tortured Geller force field maintained the protection of the spacecraft in the blink of an eye.

Every sway of the subspace tide gradually caused the poor ship to deviate from its proper trajectory.

Hidden in the shadow of the highest sky, indescribable tentacles swept across the shield of the spacecraft from time to time, trying to drag them into the depths of the subspace from which they could not escape.

The captain of the spacecraft always maintained the highest vigilance. This experienced captain carefully returned the deviated spacecraft to its proper route.

Navigators gaze upon the bright torch in the Warp, the only beacon they can trust in the Warp.

It is also their last resort from getting lost in the sea of ​​souls.

The patriarch of the Xingshang family looked at the navigator in front of him, and he could clearly feel the pain of the other person. No matter how hard they struggle, this mysterious place doesn't want them to leave.

The navigator continued to burn spiritual energy and tried his best to see the course in front of him clearly.

In this ocean called the Sea of ​​Souls, the bizarre sea surface is churning with sickening flashes of light.

The vortex of arrogance rolled, and the waves of greed hit the hull. The navigator saw this wave of desire coming, and hurriedly called the captain to avoid this huge wave that could sink people.

Beside the whining engine, the Mechanic Priest is appeasing the spirit of the machine, working hard to repair and pray.

But after struggling to avoid this huge wave, the navigator desperately discovered that a storm of hatred and hatred was heading towards them.

"The Chaos Demon is coming, hurry! We must escape faster!"

The Navigator emits a high-pitched voice, and the psychic energy contained in it ensures that each one is heard clearly.

The captain and first mate skillfully manipulated various instruments. Under the distressed eyes of the mechanical priest, the power supervisor roughly pulled the power lever to the end.

In an instant, the entire spacecraft was shaking violently, as if it would fall apart in the next second.

The engine made a huge whine, pushing the entire spacecraft to quickly rush out of the psychic stagnation zone of the subspace.

There was a "bang", the spacecraft shook violently amid the loud noise, and a terrifying subspace creature slapped on their spacecraft.

The Geller force field was broken with a whine.

A horrific killing took place.

The demons climbed onto the deck in just a moment and fought with the Trekkers.

The leader of the merchant clan quickly recognized the type of demon, which was a demon belonging to Nurgle.

When these Nurgle daemons surge up through the breach in the shield, it's like pus overflowing from a festering wound.

The Plaguebringer let out a dull groan, accompanied by the faint and gloomy sound of bells, and moved forward slowly with heavy steps amidst the buzzing sound of the demon flies.

The bodies of these demons were dilapidated and twisted due to disease, and a huge hole was torn out of their swollen abdomen, and filth flowed out.

On that head covered with ulcers was a haggard face that had experienced many vicissitudes of life.

The turbid eyes stared at the human soul. Driven by the power of decay, the tall and clumsy body of the Nurgle Demon advanced at an alarming speed.

Armed with rusty weapons, these guys are eager to spread their father's gifts and infect living flesh with carefully prepared plagues.

The desire to infect every living thing and every world into a garden that a loving father loves.

Their plague swords finish off those they harm with just a small gash on their target.

There are countless fungal spores and various strange germs, which are enough to bring down any powerful warrior.

Even if they don't die on the spot, they will be tortured by the gift of their loving father and eventually fall or die.

The Rogue Trader's escorts fought with the demons, and the priests chanted the Emperor's psalms loudly while smashing the demons in front of them with their weapons.

The guards took out high-temperature flamethrowers and aimed them at the buzzing magic flies. Amidst a nauseating smell of burning, the fat magic flies fell in pieces.

The corridors of the spaceship are covered with a thick layer, which is soft underfoot when you step on it.

When some soldiers are injured in battle, even if their armor is scratched or their skin is damaged, they will immediately ask their comrades to show mercy to them.

This is already the best way to die.

Otherwise, these injured people will lose their minds due to repeated pain and suffering, and eventually become zombies of the plague exuding stench.

In this battle, once injured, death is the best outcome.

Any nostalgia and persistence in life will be twisted into nutrients for the devils.

This is the tragedy of mankind.

The leader of the Xingshang clan didn’t know how long he had been fighting.

The soldiers around him fell one after another.

And in his heart, he couldn't even feel sadness and despair.

Because that will also become food for the devils.


There was a huge roar accompanied by strong shaking, and the driver's frightened shouts rang out in the communication channel.

"Damn, what's wrong with them coming in!"

"Who is going to stop them? The spaceship is going out of control!"

The crazy shouting was mixed with the sound of weapons being fired.

Just after wiping out a group of Nurgle demons, more blasphemous things came flooding in.

"It seems that the last moment has arrived. Gentlemen, this is the time to die for Your Majesty. Fight until the last moment. I hope we can meet again under the throne!"

The leader of the Hongshang clan held a weapon and raised his arms to actively face the wave of demons.

More warriors followed, even if they were just rocks worth noting compared to the terrifying wave of demons.

From the communication equipment, there were constant screams.

Huge spiritual energy surged, and the navigator burned his life for the last time.

His voice was full of hysterical pain, but also had an indomitable tenacity.

"Praise be to the Emperor, in the name of Mankind!"

The navigator roared, and he let out a low roar. The huge pain caused his facial features to twist and his seven orifices to bleed.

Within the Warp, his projection began to emit unimaginable light.

It was the last flash of a psychic, the last flash of an insignificant human being.

The unyielding will climbed up at this moment, and the terrifying spiritual energy was mobilized.

In this surge of spiritual energy that far exceeded the limit, his body was constantly fragmenting, and ugly and twisted organs continued to grow in the fragmented flesh and blood.

His body was undergoing terrible changes, but he was still stimulating the spiritual power in his body without hesitation.

In the end, he burned everything he had, but he also succeeded in prying open the nodes of reality, opening the way for the spacecraft to the physical universe.

The navigator's body began to peel off like sand.

The terrifying mutation caused his voice to begin to distort.

The Trekkers finally broke out of the subspace and returned to the vast galaxy.

The leader of the Hongshang clan watched the warriors in front of him die one by one, and looked at a small mountain-like figure, dragging its internal organs and walking towards him.

——The Great Unclean One!

The arrival of the Great Demon of Nurgle brought the despair in his heart to the extreme.

The stench hit his face, and in just a moment he lost the strength to resist, and could only watch as humans were brutally slaughtered.

But at this moment, a voice like this suddenly sounded in his communication voice,

"We are the swords of mankind, warriors who destroy the evil leaders of all enemies."

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