At this time, outside Feiyun City, another helicopter also landed on a hill, where the Rockets trio and researcher Dr. Seger had been waiting for a long time.

"Boss Sakagi, we are waiting for your arrival." Kojiro stepped forward.

At this time, the Rockets trio were no longer the white uniforms of the past, but pure black, and their spirits were very different from before.

Sakagi nodded at the three of them. In fact, he was not optimistic about these three guys at all. The problem was that where the three of them went, big things would happen.

In Hoenn, they assisted Tianlin in destroying the Lava Team and the Ocean Team. In Shenao, they completely destroyed the Galaxy Team and Hunter J. These are all conducive to the development of the Rockets. Now the Rockets have Having successfully established roots in Hoenn and Shenno will give them tremendous growth.

It is precisely because of their ability to do things that Sakagi specially promoted them. After a period of training, he was sent to the Hezhong area to assist Dr. Sage in completing important plans.

"How was the meteorite investigation at night?" Sakagi asked.

"Please rest assured, the meteorite has been found exactly." Musashi answered with oath.

"Hehe, it is said that the meteorite at night is a meteorite fragment that almost destroyed the world in ancient times. If Arceus hadn't desperately blocked the meteorite, the world would not have survived now." Dr. Seg said with a gloomy smile, "This is But the power that even Arceus almost killed, even if it's just fragments, we Rockets have to use it."

For his words, Sakagi refused to deny, he was driving the expedition, wasn't it just for the huge power, "I immediately started to act, and entered the final stage of the plan. Starting today, after Fengyuan Shenao, Hezhong will also be included in the I'm under the Rockets."

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"As ordered."

The Rocket team agreed and then reported, "Boss, we have just detected Dr. Yew's helicopter. They have entered the ancient ruins. Do you immediately send a team to block it?"

"No, it's just a doctor. I don't care about it yet. What we really need to pay attention to is another force." Although Sakagi is confident, but not arrogant, he has not forgotten that he is still entrenched in Hezhong. A huge force beyond the galactic cluster, the plasma cluster.

Kui Qisi is also one of the very few characters that even Sakagi is afraid of, because his purpose is exactly the same as Sakagi, to rule the world, which is completely different from those who wanted to expand the earth and ocean, or create a new world.


Kui Qisi is also a character who really takes action. His plan is to fool the world and let everyone else liberate the Pokémon in their hands. The power of Pokémon only needs to be in his hands.

As Sakagi expected, the Plasma Corps has also dispatched a team to capture the night meteorite. Although Kui Qisi or N did not personally take action this time, it is not a small role. Two of the seven sages are ranked Vio in second and Rhodes in third.

Rhodes looked like a kind old man, which made people feel good. He looked at the ruins in front of him, "Vio, this is it, right? The strange energy source we detected?"

"Yes, it is said that there is a piece called the Night Meteorite here. Originally, we thought it was just groundless, but the recent abnormal flow of energy has proved its authenticity." Vio looked a little sinister, the so-called phase is born from the heart. , this may be the difference between the two.

"Very well, if it is determined that the meteorite that night was the one we were looking for, then we will get it no matter the cost, for the great king." Rhode said excitedly.

He said it was normal, N was the king of the plasma group, and it was right for him to do his best for him, but Vio behind him secretly sneered and thought to himself, "For N? What a stupid guy, I'm afraid Among the Seven Sages, you and Asura are the only idiots who think so, who will help that puppet, we, but we want to rule the world!" Jin.

The first thousand and eighty-four chapters meet Tianlin and Sakagi for the first time

Unlike Team Rocket, the Plasma Corps did not have any idea of ​​hiding their trail, but walked into the ruins generously.

At this time, Tian Lin and Dr. Yew were investigating the information on the first floor of the ruins. When they saw the person, Tian Lin subconsciously made preparations for battle, but he did not expect that Dr. Yew directly greeted him.

"Oh, isn't this Mr. Rhodes and Mr. Vio, why are you here?"

Tian Lin almost forgot that not everyone knew the truth about the plasma group. At least in the eyes of most of the people, the Seven Sages were kind and kind old men.

Although Yew is a doctor, but after all, he is too young, he is not as wise and calm as Dr. Damu, and he has not found any clues about the plasma cluster.

"Dr. Yew, hello, we heard about Feiyun City. The Plasma Corps, as the "[-]" organization that protects Pokémon, wants to help the centipedes find their homes. Of course, they have to come here to find out The truth." Rhode laughed, his words were half-truths.

Rhode is different from the other Seven Sages. He really has ideals. Everything is for the happiness of Pokémon, so helping centipedes is indeed his purpose, but more importantly, he is helping N Find the night meteorite.

"This guy is serious." Tian Lin could clearly feel that Rhodes didn't tell a lie, but he didn't expect that in addition to Asura, there was a real good person in the plasma group.

As for Vio on the side, it is Tian Lin's real vigilance. He knows that this guy's strength is no less than the Heavenly King level. Once the battle begins, it will not be able to end the battle in a short time.

On the other side, Vio was also staring at Tianlin. He didn't expect that he thought it was a very simple task, and such a character would also be present. I'm afraid that in their plasma group, except for Kui Qisi, the head of the Seven Sages, there is no one. It is Tianlin's opponent.

The Plasma Corps is also a big organization. Dr. Yew welcomed them very much, and took the initiative to exchange information with them, which made Tian Lin shook his head. She communicated with Rhodes, the kinder among the Seven Sages. If it were anyone else, she would definitely be deceived.

"Hehe, it's all here, it's really a coincidence, it just happened to be wiped out." At this moment, a male voice attacked everyone with heavy pressure.

At the same time, a large number of gophers and three gophers appeared around everyone.

"Hell with quicksand."

After the ruins were buried by the sandstorm, there were already many quicksand areas. Now, countless gophers exerted their strength at the same time, causing everyone's feet to step into the air in an instant. Dr. Yew and the plasma clusters began to sink with the quicksand.

"What, what's going on?" Dr. Yew asked anxiously.

"Damn, Miss Junsha, Dr. Yew, grab my hand." Tian Lin wanted to use his superpower to rescue, but at this moment, a rock cannon attacked him, and Tian Lin sensed danger for a moment. Move quickly to dodge.

Although he successfully dodged the attack, the rescue was a bit slow, and he could only watch Dr. Yew and the others fall into the quicksand completely.

"Young man, don't worry, we will protect the doctor, it's not easy to come here, you have to be careful yourself." Rhodes reminded before being completely swallowed.

"Okay, please, Mr. Rhodes." Tian Lin can only rely on this old man now. He floated in the air with his superpowers, and didn't fall back to the ground until the quicksand stopped completely.

At this moment, there was a sound of heavy footsteps outside, and it was a heavyweight Pokémon.

"It's the super armored rhinoceros. The rock cannon just now is close to the top of the championship. Even I can't dodge. The strength is completely beyond that of Juye's grandmother. There is only one super-armored rhinoceros in this world that can do it." Tianlin guessed the identity of the person who came, and shouted, "Team Rocket leader, boss Sakagi, come out!"

'Clap clap clap!'

At the exit of the ruins, Sakagi clapped and walked in, followed by a large group of Team Rocket subordinates, including Dr. Seg and Team Rocket, "As expected of you, you discovered me at once, Tian Lin, I am right You have been friends for a long time, this is the first time we meet!"

"Come out, Minas!" Tianlin sent Minas to stand by his side, facing Sakagi, he didn't dare to be careless, "Mr. Sakagi, are you also interested in what's going on here, and you're actually bothering you to go out in person. ."

"Boss, Tianlin has saved us many times, can you not hurt him?" Kojiro tried to intercede, but was interrupted by Sakagi.

"Don't worry, this guy is not that easy to deal with, and it's not that you can get hurt..." Sakagi ordered, "You guys, go look for the meteorite at night immediately, here we are pass it to me."

"Yes!" The trio agreed and immediately took the members of Team Rocket into action. They were fully prepared, and they weren't as blind as Dr. Yew and the Plasma Corps were.But the location of the meteorite has long been determined.

There are a lot of quicksand in the ruins. If you step into different sand pits, you will come to different areas. As long as you step on one wrong one, you will fall into the underground desert labyrinth and lose your way completely.

"Don't think about leaving, Minas, use the water cannon!"

"Super armored rhinoceros, rock cannons!"

Tianlin wanted to stop them, but the super armored rhinoceros shot faster, and the huge rock cannon completely blocked the impact of the water cannon.

"Tianlin, don't worry, these subordinates of mine are not your opponents at all, why should you do something to them."

"Sakagi, do you want to fight me here?" Tian Lin stared at Sakagi, who would be his strongest opponent so far.

Sakagi sneered, "Why not, super armored rhinoceros, super horn attack!"

"Minas, water cannon!" Tian Lin immediately attacked.

The water cannon hit the super horn, obviously it was four times restraint, but the super armored rhino didn't care at all, and charged directly against the water cannon.

The sharp giant horn was seven inches in the middle of Minas, and with just one blow, Minas completely fell to the ground at 4.0.

The difference in strength is obvious. Minas only has the peak of the King of Heaven, and this super armored rhinoceros is at least a high-level champion. In addition to the environment here, the sandstorm is full of sky, and its venue advantage is too great.

Rock-type Pokémon's special defense is increased by 50% in sandstorm weather, and its characteristics have once again reduced the attack of the restraint attribute. It is no wonder that Super Armored Rhino is completely free from water cannons.

"Come back, Minas, you have done a good job." Tian Lin retracted Minas not unexpectedly, "Boss Sakagi, it is really amazing, my ordinary Pokémon is far from your opponent, so this is Guy, can you handle it, go, Suicune!"

Although Tianlin left Xiaomeng and Shirabi at home, Suijun still took him with him. Its power has reached the peak of the championship, and even slightly surpassed it. Even Sakagi's super armored rhino is enough to fight against each other.

The first thousand and eighty-fifth chapters of the shocking Tianlin VS Sakagi

"Suijun, this kind of divine beast may be an invincible existence to others, but for me, it's just stronger than ordinary Pokémon." Sakagi's expression did not appear because of Suijun A touch of emotion, this is the confidence of the strong, "Super armored rhinoceros, earthquake!"

"Earthquake? Are you crazy!" Tian Lin said angrily, using an earthquake in such a place is to shake the entire ruins down.

"I wouldn't do such a stupid thing, you'd better think about how to take it." Sakagi smiled confidently.

However, seeing the super armored rhino stepping on the ground, the strong shock wave did not spread like an ordinary earthquake, but turned into a shock wave and attacked Suijun as if the sound was forced into a line.

The strength and speed have reached the extreme. Even with the strength of Suijun, he was caught off guard at this moment, and his entire body was shaken.

"This is, the law, the law of the earth!" Suijun and Tianlin were stunned. The super armored rhinoceros in front of them, although the overall strength was only the champion's high-level to the peak, but they have already begun to understand the law, no wonder the combat power is so strong To the extent, you must know that even Suijun, who has a divine position, does not have such a high-end thing as the 08 grasping rule.

According to the law, it is an existence that a first-level god or some special phantom beasts are qualified to touch. Once an ordinary Pokémon begins to comprehend, it means that it has the opportunity to become a master-level Pokémon.

So far, Tianlin has seen only five Pokémon who have comprehended the Law. Among the first four, the Great Elder of the Fire-breathing Dragon Valley has comprehended a small part of the Law of Fire. Pikachu, on the other hand, has just begun to comprehend. Only the super ancient fast dragon, with the accumulation of thousands of years of comprehension, has completely mastered the law of dragons.

But Sakagi's super-armored rhinoceros probably understood at least one-third of the laws of the earth. As long as his strength breaks through the peak of the championship, not to mention becoming a real master, at least a half-step master like the fire-breathing dragon elder will not be a problem.

"Hehe, Tianlin, have you forgotten, I used to be called Sakagi of the earth, and I am the only one in the world who has the cultivation method of the law of the earth!" Sakagi said.

"It's really amazing, can you take some time to teach me." Tian Lin didn't know which muscle was wrong, so he subconsciously replied, and Sakagi was stunned for a moment.

Was he deaf just now, is Tianlin asking him to learn?After finally regaining his senses, Sakagi couldn't help laughing and said, "Haha, you are really interesting. When the enemy is facing the enemy, he actually turned to the enemy for advice!"

"No way, the laws of the earth, this kind of thing is too attractive." Tian Lin spread his hands, and made no secret of his coveting laws. Anyone who said that he didn't want to learn this kind of power was being serious.

"Okay, as long as you can beat me, why not teach you." Sakagi didn't care, he didn't think Tianlin could really beat him.

"Interesting, then you take the trick, Suijun, surfing!"

Although Suijun does not know the law of water, but with its strength beyond the peak of the championship, the control of the power of its own tricks has already been superb, and it can also compress a wide range of surfing to a minimum range.

"Come out, manatee!" Sakagi didn't fight to the death, this was not a fair one-on-one league competition, but a desperate battle.

The manatee stood in front of the super-armored rhinoceros, and with its characteristics, it diverted water and took over Suijun's attack unscathed.

The corners of Tianlin's mouth twitched lightly, and Sakagi's action, as he expected, was not someone who blindly pursued fairness.

After the waves, a green figure swiped the surf out of a gap with a 'swipe', and the Lizard King jumped out of the gap and slashed at the manatee.

Nine stars slashed together, and nine saber qi flew towards the manatee beast at the same time.

The manatee retaliated with freezing light.

Both sides hit their own unique moves, and at the same time hit the opponent hard.

However, Tianlin still has a slight advantage in this round of duel, because the manatee can't completely withstand the nine slashes, or the super armored rhino tried to block four with his arms, otherwise the manatee would just lie down. .

At this moment, one arm of the super armored rhino drooped down, and it seemed that it had been hit hard by the attack of the Lizard King, and this hand could not be used for the time being.

"What a powerful slash, even though the Lizard King has not yet reached the championship level, the blade is sharp enough to cut the arm of the super armored rhinoceros." It's not that Sakagi didn't know this move, Ah Yin was defeated by this move before. Down.

But hearing it and seeing it with his own eyes are completely different. At this moment, he also understands the sharpness of the Lizard King. No wonder Ah Yin is not his opponent.

"It's really interesting. Except for the champions of the major regions, few people can push me to this level. Go, Rumble Rock, King Nido, Queen Nido!"

Sakagi once again sent three champion-level Pokémon. Tian Lin didn't take a step, and he also threw out three Poké Balls. Fire-breathing dragon, fast dragon, and giant pincer mantis were in full force.

In terms of overall strength, it is Sakagi who has the advantage. After all, his Pokémon doesn't even have a single Pokémon below the champion level, and on Tianlin's side, Suicune, Fire-breathing Dragon, and Kuailong have broken into the champion level. , the giant pincer mantis and the lizard king are still hovering at the peak of the king.

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