The blizzard was torn apart by the Flying Leaf Storm from the middle, and the mini-ice was helpless. In one move, it was knocked to the ground by the rattan snake.

However, seeing the green streamer light emerging from the vine snake at this time, it is obviously the state where the lush characteristic is exerted. Tianlin just sent an icy light just to trigger this.

From this point of view, Emperor Xiu confirmed that the characteristics of the rattan snake are indeed lush, but what the hell is the flying leaf storm, and why is it getting stronger and stronger.

"Since the flying leaf storm can't be broken up or frozen, then I'll burn it down, go, Candlelight Spirit, use flames to splash!"

A candle-shaped Pokémon appeared, and it was a burst of flames.

"Following the flying type and the ice type, it's the fire type Pokémon, Xiudi, your lineup is really strong against the grass type." Tian Lin smiled, "Unfortunately, your opponent is my vine snake. , Flying Leaf Storm!"

The fourth flying leaf storm command, this time really reached the limit of the power of this move.

After the first three launches, with the help of the naysayer's characteristics, the special attack of the rattan snake has been increased to the limit of the sixth level. At this time, the double increase of the lush and green grass field is added. This flying leaf storm is a 12th level. typhoon.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 0

Although the wind helps the fire, it must be done evenly. At this time, the strength of the two sides is disparate, the flame of the candle light spirit is directly blown out, and the whole body is blown out of the field.

"The candle light spirit lost its ability to fight, and the rattan snake won."

"Three to zero, is the person who is fighting now really the Emperor Xiu who easily defeated Xiao Zhi yesterday?" Alice covered her mouth and dared not believe.

She didn't think she was mentally weak at all. It was natural for Emperor Xiu to be able to beat him like this, but now, he has almost no power to fight back. Even the only successful ice light attack was given to him by Tianlin. His, used to trigger the lush characteristic of the vine snake.

.... 0 ......

"Both are Samsung in Zhenxin Town, is the gap between you and Tianlin too big, Xiaozhi?" Tiantong wondered, how did Xiaozhi achieve the same fame as Tianlin with such a difference in strength.

Xiaozhi clenched his fists with a look of unwillingness on his face. His strength is not what he was yesterday. In Fengyuan and Shenao, he has enough strength to compete with Tianlin, but now, he himself feels weak. I can't imagine that as soon as Xiaogang leaves him, he will die?

This can't go on like this. At this time, Xiaozhi made up his mind that he can no longer be opened by Tianlin, and he must strengthen his strength.

On the battlefield, Tianlin finally answered the Emperor Xiu's doubts generously. He first asked back, "Emperor Xiu, have you heard of the dream feature?"

"Monte? I seem to have heard of this. Is it true that Pokémon has the idea of ​​Mengte?" Emperor Xiu recalled the book he had read, and it seemed that he had written this, but the Pokémon of Mengte was too much. It was rare, he had never seen one, and there was no formal teacher to teach him. Over time, he thought it was something made up.

"Of course there are, such as your coo dove, Mengte is the fighting spirit, candlelight, Mengte is penetrating, and my rattan snake is an extremely rare dual-type Pokémon, it also has normal characteristics Lush, contradicting the characteristics of dreams, now you understand!" Tian Lin replied.

"The naysayer! So it is." Although Emperor Xiu didn't know the existence of Mengte, he was clear about the effect of the naysayer, and reversed the change in ability.

It is no wonder that the Vine Snake, which should have been reducing its special attack due to the side effects of the Flying Leaf Storm, has been continuously improving, and the confusion has finally been solved!towel.

Chapter [-] Tianlin is serious, and defeats the arrogance of Emperor Xiu!

"This flying leaf storm is really terrible, and we must find a way to solve it. In this case, I will show you my application of the characteristics." Emperor Xiu quickly thought about the strategy in his mind, and quickly figured out how to deal with it. , "Light and fluttering, go to battle!"

"This is, Emperor Xiu wants to repeat his old tricks!" Xiao Zhi in the stands understood Emperor Xiu's thoughts. Piao Piao Piao has a characteristic called Cursed Body, which has a chance to seal the opponent's attack trick. He was so defeated yesterday. .

"Hehe, Teng Teng Snake, use the Flying Leaf Storm!" Tian Lin didn't care, and once again took out the Flying Leaf Storm's trick.

It's too late for Xiao Zhi to remind him, but Tian Lin doesn't need him to remind him. Can he still not know the characteristics of lightness?

Emperor Xiu knew that Qing Piao Piao was not the current opponent of Teng Teng Snake, and he did not intend to resist. He did not give any orders, so he let it be hit by Feiye Storm and fell down.

However, Emperor Xiu's "[-]" luck was not bad. At this time, the rattan snake was surrounded by a black gas, which was obviously disturbed by the cursed body.

Seeing the success of his tactic, Emperor Xiu showed a satisfied expression, and said, "Isn't that what you are, you are actually attacking like that against the fluttering body with a cursed body, this time, your vine snake will no longer be able to use it. The Flying Leaf Storm is out."

"Hehe, Emperor Xiu, it's still the same sentence, you are [-] years too early to use your characteristics to deal with me." Tian Lin shook his head and said. "You cursed body is actually a waste of effort, because the rattan snake just sent the leaf storm, which was originally its last attack. I haven't given it special training in this regard, so the rattan snake is in a The number of Flying Leaf Storms that can be used in a game is only five at most."

If Tianlin uses the words in the game to explain, it means that the PP value is exactly five points.

"What?" Emperor Xiu was startled and recalled the battle just now. Indeed, the rattan snake had used the Flying Leaf Storm five times in total, and had reached the limit of its use. The cursed body was sealed with a zero PP. Skills, so to speak, his lightness, isn't it like a free gift!

Emperor Xiu took out another Poké Ball with an ugly face. He still hasn't given up. No matter what, it's a fact that Teng Teng Snake is no longer able to make the Flying Leaf Storm, and he has been hit by Ice Light before, and even Maosheng has been hit by it. After hitting it, it can be seen that there is not much physical strength left, and this is a good time to defeat it.

"Go solve it, carry the young general!"

Xiudi's fifth Pokémon is a fighting player, holding a wooden board in his hand, which seems to have a sense of strength.

"Fighting department, this time is exactly what I want, and there shouldn't be much time left for this green grass field to be maintained." Emperor Xiu's colleague who is doing calculations, Tian Lin is not, as a master of data flow His computing power is more than ten times stronger than that of Emperor Xiu.

"Transfer the young general, solve it quickly, and use the enhancement fist." Xiudi's idea is good, and he hopes to improve the strength of the young general while defeating the rattan snake.

"The skill is exactly what I want!" Tian Lin smiled and gave an order, "Teng Teng Snake, slow down the attack speed, take the boost punch and then counterattack with super absorb."

Originally, in terms of speed, Teng Teng Snake was far superior to handling teenagers, and it could take the first shot, but Tianlin completely gave up this advantage and just took the boosting punch of handling teenagers.

Just when everyone was puzzled, Teng Teng Snake suddenly counterattacked violently, green light enveloped the young man, and he drained all the physical strength of the young man in an instant.

Just at the next moment, the grass field time ended, and the field effect disappeared.

"The young general loses his ability to fight, and the rattan snake wins!"

Another one was killed in seconds, and Emperor Xiu's self-confidence could no longer be maintained. "Why, why didn't the fist of the little craftsman deal with the rattan snake?"

"Stupid, do you think that the vine snake is already at the end of the shot, so a trick with little power is enough to take away the disability, but unfortunately, when it kills your Pokémon one by one, its stamina has recovered a lot, Didn't you find it, even its lush state has long since disappeared." Tian Lin explained.

"By the way, this green grass field is constantly recovering the stamina of the rattan snake. The reason why Tianlin slowed down the attack speed of the rattan snake just now is to increase the damage of the fist to let the rattan snake return to the state of prosperous triggering again. Next, the super absorption is not the ultimate absorption, the power is not enough to kill the transporter in seconds, but after the flourishing increase, it is more than enough." The first person to understand here is Tiantong, he is a gym trainer after all.

First use the opponent's trick to trigger Lush, and increase the super suction power to suck the opponent dry in one breath. This tactic is really clever. Not only did Teng Teng Snake defeat the opponent in one fell swoop, but his physical strength also returned to a relatively healthy state.

After listening to Tian Tong's explanation, Emperor Xiu looked at Tian Lin without a trace of contempt, but with a strong fear. He was afraid, and at the same time he couldn't believe that human computing power can be so strong. ......

From the start of the competition to the present, Tian Lin's control over the power and frequency of use of Pokémon's ultimate moves, the use of characteristics, the calculation of physical strength, and even the disappearing time of the grass, all have been calculated to an extremely subtle level.

He turned his head and glanced at the game screen. The dazzling score made Emperor Xiu confused. In a full-scale battle, all five squares on his side were darkened, but only one on Tianlin's side was lit. Lin's second Pokémon couldn't be forced out.

"What's the matter, Emperor Xiu, you still have the last Pokémon, it should be the Ivy Snake, don't you use it? Or, you decided to admit defeat?" Tian Lin urged.

Emperor Xiu forcibly held down his trembling hand because of fear, and took out the last Poke Ball, "No, I can't just admit defeat, I have to surpass Mr. Adek's, and fight to the end no matter what."

"Come on, Ivy Snake."

Just as Tian Lin thought, Emperor Xiu's last Pokémon was his original Pokémon, a ivy snake that had already evolved to a stage.

The strength is not bad, it has reached the elite level, but unfortunately, because of the promotion of the sixth-order special attack, the special attack of the current rattan snake is comparable to the high-level gymnasium level, even if it is an evolutionary type, I am afraid it is difficult to compete with it.

"Ivy Snake, rush over and use the blade!"

Emperor Xiu also seemed to understand this point. He did not compete with special attacks, but chose close combat with physical attacks.

But such an attack, doesn't Tianlin have a way to deal with it, "It's a rough attack, the rattan snake, it's charming."

The other party rushed over like this, Tian Lin didn't put a charm to limit it to 4.0, he was simply sorry for this great opportunity, Tian Lin has already decided that he will not release half of the water today, and he must completely defeat the arrogance of Emperor Xiu.

Qingteng Snake was hit by Charming, with love in his eyes, he stopped attacking immediately, and looked at Sister Snake obsessively.

"Is this rattan snake actually female?" Emperor Xiu said with an ugly face. Female Yu Sanjia is too rare. He didn't take this into consideration at first, and it was all over.

After being hit by the charm, the Ivy Snake, who was in a state of fascination, couldn't do any tricks at all, and let the Ivy Snake be slaughtered. With the current high-strength special attack of the Ivy Snake, two super suctions completely drained the Ivy Snake's physical strength.

At this point, the game was completely over, Tianlin won six to zero, and even because of the last two shots, the stamina of Teng Teng Snake returned to its peak state.

What does it mean to be completely abused, to wear six without injury, that's it! .

The first thousand and sixty-three chapters are also coming to the battle post of the four

In the battle club, the battle between Tian Lin and Emperor Xiu was over, but none of the spectators left.

Many trainers looked at the score in horror, unable to recover for a long time.

In order to train his Pokémon, Emperor Xiu has been here for many days. In the past few days, he is almost invincible. Even a senior trainer like Xiao Zhi is still defeated by him. enough to prove his power.

But it was such a character, who was actually worn six times.

"It's so cruel!" Alice said suddenly, Tian Lin's merciless shot made her, the spectator, also have lingering fears.

"Emperor Xiu, you, including your Pokémon, are all too tender and completely out of character." Tian Lin walked up to Emperor Xiu and sneered arrogantly. Even if Emperor Xiu had already lost, he was still not forgiving.

Usually Tianlin is not like this. He likes to leave three-point leeway in his actions, but the behavior of Emperor Xiu to ridicule Zhenxin Town every time he meets has stepped on his bottom line. If he can't even protect the reputation of his hometown, he is still What a king-level trainer.

Emperor Xiu is very unwilling. This battle is completely different from all previous battles. Since his debut, except for Pokeby who lost to Tianlin, he has never lost 08, and he lost to Pokepina. In the battle, he also felt that Porkby was too despicable, so he did not approve of that battle.

But today, such a huge fiasco made him unable to give an excuse for denial, and almost made Emperor Xiu a little stunned, and even had a little doubt about his own trainer path in his heart.

Could it be that he doesn't have the talent to be an excellent trainer?

When he was a child, Emperor Xiu met Adek, the champion of the United Nations. From then on, he was attracted by Adek's power and determined to become a trainer like him, or even surpassing him.

He was confident that he could do it, but now, his confidence was completely shattered by Tianlin.

Seeing Emperor Xiu's confusion, Tian Lin smiled and said, "This is a loss of confidence? Your arrogance is very similar to a friend I knew before, his name is Shinji, but he is a hundred times stronger than you in both strength and character. ."

After saying that, Tian Lin turned around and prepared to leave. He did not intend to continue to enlighten the emperor. The two of them were not familiar with each other, and the other party's repeated insults to his hometown had already made him very uncomfortable. Today, it was just a vent.

"Mr. East George, the game is over, so I'll leave first." The battle was over, and Tian Lin didn't plan to stay.

East George nodded, "Okay, the BP points you win will go to your trainer card, don't worry."

Seeing that Tian Lin was going to leave, the trainers watching the game gave way with ugly expressions. After all, it was an away game. As a foreign trainer, Tian Lin's merciless behavior had already angered these Hezhong trainers. But they think that their strength is not enough, they can't even beat Emperor Xiu, let alone deal with Tianlin.

"Hmph, I want to leave if I win, Tianlin, when did you fall to the point of bullying our newcomers?" At this moment, a familiar figure walked into the gate, which made many trainers' eyes light up, as if Found the backbone.

"That person is Tou Ye, the former winner of our United Alliance Conference, a genius taught by Mr. Adek himself, and I heard that his current strength is enough to fight against the Four Heavenly Kings."

"Excellent, Lord Toyo, please teach this outsider a good lesson, he is too much."

Some trainers did the most humiliating thing, complaining.

Tou didn't pay any attention to those people, but went straight to Emperor Xiu, "Stand up for me, it's just a defeat, what are you losing, do you think you can beat Tianlin? I'm not necessarily his opponent."

"Mr. Touye, you said that even you can't win against him, how is that possible?" Emperor Xiu was taken aback. According to rumors, Touye's strength was probably surpassed by the Four Heavenly Kings, but he said that he might not have won Tianlin.

"Even if you win, I won't help you get revenge today. You have to pick up the confidence you lost. You have good aptitude. From today, travel with me for a while. To get revenge, you must first become stronger. " Tou also said seriously.

Sai Weng lost his horse and knew that it was not a blessing. He did not expect that although Emperor Xiu was defeated, it attracted the attention of Tou Ye, and he was even willing to take him.

Emperor Xiu stood up excitedly and responded, "Yes, please give me more advice in the future."

After solving the Emperor Xiu's matter, Tou Ye looked at Tian Lin, "I originally knew the news that you had come to Hezhong, and I made a special trip to see you, but I didn't expect you to be bullying us. Wouldn't it be too much for a new trainer?"

"I can't say it too much. I didn't use my veterans, and the rattan snake was just conquered. Besides, I just gave him a small lesson. It's not good to be arrogant if you have a little achievement." Like those people, they need to be respectful and respectful to Tou. Speaking of which, Tou is just one of his defeated generals.

Perhaps his strength has been reborn in recent years, but is he just standing still?

Tian Lin is confident that even if he fights again, he will still win.

"Really, since that's the case, you have to wait. In the league competition, I will definitely defeat you and get back the face we lost today." Tou Ye came here today, in fact, Xiang Tianlin initiated the official 410 The incident of Emperor Xiu, who challenged the book, only deepened his determination to defeat Tianlin.

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