"Who are you?" Looking at the person coming, Tian Lin asked knowingly.

"I forgot to introduce myself. My name is N. I am a human who can understand the voice of Pokémon. Just now, I heard the voices of Porkby and the Orb Shark in your Poké Ball." N said.

"Oh, so what did they say?" Tian Lin suddenly became interested.

"It's weird, they're saying, they like you and don't want to be separated from you." N showed a puzzled expression, "Obviously, like everyone else, you used Poke Balls to bind many 'friends', but they Why do you still say I like you?"

N has a weird habit, he likes to call all Pokémon friends.

"Bound, I have never bound them." Tian Lin does not admit such a big black pot, "The Poke Ball is just a place for my friends to rest, as long as they come up with it, they can "three nines seven" at any time. "

As soon as Tian Lin's voice fell, it seemed that in order to prove the authenticity of what he said, Porkby ran out of the Poké Ball and glared at N.

For it, N is the bad guy who actually encouraged his master to abandon it.

"My friend, why are you looking at me like this? I want to help you get free!" N puzzled. The education he received since he was a child is that people are restricting the freedom of Pokémon. To make Pokémon truly happy, the only way is The way is to liberate.

This idea is completely ingrained.

When he became an adult, he could finally come out and see, but under the special guidance of Kui Qisi, most of the situations he saw were humans abusing Pokémon, or commanding them to fight unscrupulously, which made him even more determined. The determination to liberate Pokémon.

N squatted down and reached out to Porkby gently, "Come with me, I'll take you back to nature, where there are no restraints, you can do whatever you want."

After hearing this, Porkby was not only not moved, but even more angry. This man not only encouraged his master to abandon him, but even wanted to kidnap his little fairy, whether he could bear it or not.

The black-bellied Porkby immediately spewed out a mouthful of fire.

N didn't seem to expect Porkby to attack him suddenly, and was stunned for a while. At this time, a pickpocket cat suddenly appeared and patted Porkby with his palm. A shocking force spread and repulsed Porkby. At the same time, it also blocked its attack. This is a practical move to control the field, high-five surprise attack.

Porkby didn't expect that there would be a spoiler, so he rearranged the battle and prepared to fight this pickpocket cat.

"No, friends can't fight." N immediately stopped between the two Pokémon.

This pickpocket cat is actually not his Pokémon, but he just met in the forest. After getting along for a while, the pickpocket cat seemed to like him, so he followed him.

The pickpocket cat listened to N's words very much, and immediately withdrew its hostility, but Pokeby doesn't care who N is, it is the most evil Pokeby in the world, and there is no other person in the world that can't be beaten except its owner.

"Okay, Porkby, darling, don't make trouble." At this time, Tian Lin hugged Porkby and whispered.

In front of Tian Lin, the black-bellied Lolita instantly became a good girl, and Porkby buried her body in Tian Lin's arms and couldn't stop acting like a spoiled child.

Seeing this scene, N became more and more confused, "Why, this friend likes you so much?"

"Because I have never regarded Pokémon as a tool, they are my partners and family members, and family members love each other, is there any problem?" Tian Lin asked back.

"N, I understand what you mean, you said that you want to liberate Pokemon from human hands, is this not your wishful thinking, have you really considered the mood of Pokemon, whether they are willing to leave their own trainer?"

N heard the words and looked at Porkby. It was the first time that Pokémon hated him so much, and the reason was because he wanted to give Porkby freedom and let him leave his master.

Is it really wishful thinking?

"N, why don't you ask this pickpocket cat if it wants to leave you? In my opinion, if you are willing to subdue it now, it will even jump into your Poké Ball." Tian Lin smiled.

"Meow!" The pickpocket cat heard the words, and immediately looked at N with hope, the meaning was obvious, it wanted N to take it away.

"I'm sorry, I can't promise you!" N can understand the pickpocket cat's words, and naturally knows what it means, but he still refuses. His ideal is to liberate all Pokémon and bring happiness to all friends. If now he himself To do something to subdue, wouldn't that completely deny himself.

However, for the pickpocket cat, following N is its greatest happiness. If N does not want it, it will only make it sad, which is also contrary to its own ideal, and N suddenly fell into a huge confusion. ....

"I found an unsolvable formula again!" N murmured, and finally he chose to escape.

Looking at the back of N leaving, the pickpocket cat lowered his head in despair. In the end, N still didn't want it.

"Don't be sad, I can actually feel that guy likes you very much. Don't you just want to be with him? It doesn't matter if you use the Poke Ball to subdue it." Tian Lin touched the pickpocket cat's head. said.

One sentence made the pickpocket cat suddenly enlightened. N was reluctant to subdue it because of his inner entanglement, but it didn't matter, even if he didn't enter its Poké Ball, he could still follow him.

"Meow!" Pickpocket Cat thanked Tian Lin, and immediately chased in the direction of N.

'Whoa whoa whoa! '

At this time, something nearby suddenly made the space tremble, which suddenly attracted Tian Lin's attention.

"I didn't expect that there are people with such a strong ability to hide here, and even I almost didn't find it." Tian Lin's eyes narrowed, and he suddenly felt three identical waveguides.

Now that the three guys have left, they should be chasing N.

"Dark Trio?" Tian Lin had already guessed in his heart, and he was a little bit afraid of these three guys. With such a powerful concealment ability, if they attacked, even he would not be able to easily deal with them.

At the Plasma Corps branch in Luzi Town, Kui 4.0 Chisi looked at the three subordinates who were kneeling in front of him and asked, "Where is Wang now?"

"On the outskirts of Luzi Town, Wang seems to be in a state of confusion because of what the young man just said." The three subordinates replied in unison.

"Hehe, are you confused? That's normal. From the day I let him out, I knew that he would have such a day sooner or later, but it doesn't matter, he will never escape my palm, the dark trio, follow the plan, Continue to expose the dark side of mankind to N." Kui Qisi said with a smile.

"Yes, what about that young man, how to deal with it, confused our king, do you want to solve him?" The boss in the dark trio asked for instructions.

Kui Qisi waved his hand, "No need, since he is the source of N's confusion, then let N finish him by himself.".

Chapter [*]: The encounter between N and Tou Zi, Tian Lin vs. Dragon Destroyer

For Tianlin, the appearance of N and Kui Qisi is just an episode. Maybe one day, he will meet them, but before that, he still has to continue his journey.

N, who came to the suburbs, was still a little confused for a while. Looking at the pickpocket cat following him, he couldn't help asking, "Pickpocket cat, why do you have to follow me, isn't it good to return to nature?"

"Meow!" Pickpocket Cat called and shook his head.

"You mean, you like me and want to be friends with me, don't you? It doesn't matter if you don't accept it." N could understand Pokémon's words, he didn't expect that Pickpocket Cat was so determined.

"But, I...!" N was still a little hesitant. People and Pokémon cannot live together. This is the education he has always received, but the current situation is completely different.

"Hey, you guy, are you a man? You don't want this pickpocket cat to like you so much, it's too indecisive!" At this moment, a nice but somewhat aggressive female voice shouted at him.

 08 With a beautiful face, a tall figure, and those hot pants, the person here is Tou Zi, one of the twin stars of Hezhong.

Her hometown is Luzi Town. Today is the day when she finished her penance and was going to go back to her hometown first, and then set off to practice again. In order to compete with Tianlintou, she decided to challenge the Hezhong Alliance again.

She didn't expect to see such an irritating scene on the first day of the trip. She didn't know the truth and only thought that N was the same as those who abandoned Pokémon at will.

"That, this lady, you misunderstood, I'm not a Pokémon trainer." N was also slightly shaken by the beauty of Touko, but quickly responded and explained.

"Isn't it a trainer, so I see, you don't have a Poke Ball, right? Then I'll give you one, so you can take this pickpocket cat!" After speaking, Tou Zi took out a Poke Ball Lost to N.

N looked at the ball in his hand, his expression changed, "I don't want this kind of thing, your so-called trainers are relying on this thing to constantly enslave my friends, I don't want to become a person like you."

Knowing that Tou Zi was also a trainer, N's affection for her disappeared instantly. After throwing the ball back to Tou Zi, he turned and left.

The pickpocket cat glanced at Tou Zi, it knew that the girl wanted to help it like Tian Lin, so it was grateful, but it really liked N the most, so it immediately chased after him.

Tou Zi was suddenly scolded, and immediately became angry. She wanted to help with good intentions, but it was fine if she didn't appreciate it. Why did she say that to her.

What does it mean to not want to become the same person as her, is there any problem with her being a human being?

"Damn bastard, make it clear to me today, otherwise don't even think about leaving like this!" Tou Zi, who was in a hurry, chased N directly.

One of the heroines of Hezhong and the leader of the first villain organization of Hezhong have forged an indissoluble bond since then.

Here, Tianlin also came to the suburbs after crossing Luzi Town. He is now on the No. 2 road leading to Tangcao Town, which is quite far from Sanyao City.

However, he is not in a hurry. The last Shenao Alliance has just ended, and the United Alliance is naturally the same. There is still a long time before the start of the new round of conferences.

And the purpose of Tianlin's coming to Hezhong is to precipitate himself, so as to prevent himself from being unable to control the strength that is growing too fast.

Therefore, for this journey, he mainly focuses on having fun.

It's a pity that Xiaoguang is not by his side at this time. Traveling alone is a bit lonely.

"Then, let's take some more Pokémon as partners on the journey." Tian Lin made up his mind and searched for excellent Pokémon in the Hezhong area.

In this suburb, there are mainly Pokémon such as Doudouge, Tantanmouse and Insect Treasure Bag, which is commonly known as the family series.

Unfortunately, he didn't find any guy with extraordinary aptitude.

"Hey, you, you smell like dragon-type Pokémon!" Just when he was disappointed, a girl with short hair and a short skirt stopped in front of him. "You must be carrying a certain dragon-type Pokémon, right? I can smell that nasty smell right away."

"you are?"

"Hmph, my name is Langley, and people call me the Dragon Destroyer. As long as it's a dragon-type Pokémon, I'll defeat them all," the girl said proudly.

"Dragon Destroyer, what a great title, so do you want to fight against me now, then I can only say sorry, I'm not free for the time being, I just arrived at Hezhong, and I'm about to take in some new partners. What!" Tian Lin refused before Lan Ge Lei invited him to fight.

"No, since the dragon appeared in front of me, I won't let it go, don't you want to subdue Pokemon? I know there is a strong guy nearby, and the purpose of my coming here is to defeat That guy, as long as you beat me, I'll tell you how to find it." Langley seemed to be in a relationship with the dragon-type Pokémon in Tian Lin's hand, and he would never give up until the last battle.

"Really, you didn't lie to me because you wanted to fight, right?" Tian Lin asked suspiciously.

"Damn, who do you think my great Dragon Destroyer is, I swear, if I lie to you, I will never be able to beat any Dragon-type Pokémon in the future!"

Such a poisonous oath, Tian Lin can really trust her now. As the destroyer of dragons, he has even said that he can never defeat Dragon-type Pokémon, so what is there to doubt about 397.

"Okay, I'll play with you, my dragon-type Pokémon is it, go, round land shark!"

"What, it's actually the Shenao quasi-god round land shark, that's great, I must defeat this opponent." Lan Ge Lei was delighted to see the hunter, the round land shark is very rare in Hezhong, this is a rare fighting opportunity . "Please, my ace, Tundra Bear!"

As expected of a person with the title of Dragon Destroyer, the Pokémon he uses are indeed ice-type.

"Tunda Bear, make an icicle crash!"

The icicle crash, this move seems to be the ice-based version of the rock avalanche. In the sky, countless sharp icicles are condensed and attacked towards the round land shark.

"The round land shark, dig a hole in the ground!"

The round land shark immediately burrowed into the ground and avoided the attack of the icicle.

"Tunyuan Bear, be careful, opponents may attack from anywhere." Langley reminded.

"It's useless to be careful, this trick depends on how you hide, quicksand hell!" Tianlin ordered.

Just below the tundra bear, a sand vortex suddenly formed, trapping its body completely.

"Ah, Tundra Bear, find a way to break free!" Lan Grey was anxiously at a loss. This guy looked amazing, but he was actually just a newcomer who had just debuted.

To replace it with Tianlin to cultivate tundra bears, there are at least two or three ways to get out of it.

The first thousand and forty-nine chapters defeat the shame of the blue dragon clan, the red-faced dragon

"Tunda Bear, another icicle crash."

Although the tundra bear can't escape from the quicksand hell, it still has the ability to make unique moves.

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