Everyone decided to rush to the summer camp after the end of the fashion conference tomorrow.

As for the package Nazi sent, after Tianlin opened it, there was a box inside, and the box contained a strange stone.

"This is a super evolution stone, and looking at the pattern inside, it should be Eludor's!" Tian Lin was surprised.

Nazi knew that Tianlin was currently cultivating a male Laluras, so when she became the Four Heavenly Kings and went to the Alliance Treasure House to select treasures, she did not choose items that would help her, but instead gave priority to Tianlin.

Tianlin is really touched by Nazi's selfless contribution. When she gets home next time, she must thank her and accompany her!towel.

Chapter [*]: Miss Qiu Ke of Fate Fashion Conference

On the second day, Tianlin Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang, who completed the registration, came to the venue of the Fate Fashion Competition. Today, they all prepared gorgeous costumes. Except for Xiaozhi, which was designed by Xiaogang, Tianlin Xiaoguang was all himself. Completed.

After all, they are coordination trainers, and this kind of thing can't be faked.

"Is there a lot of people? It seems that this competition is quite popular." Tian Lin looked around. Although it can't be said that it is as crowded as the official gorgeous competition, it is still lively.

Everyone dressed themselves and Pokémon carefully, and at this moment, there was a sudden commotion at the door.

"Ah, it's Miss Qiu Ke, everyone's idol!"

Tianlin and the others followed the exclamations of the crowd and saw a woman in luxurious clothes walking slowly, looking like a young lady, "Everyone, thank you for your welcome."

 "Twenty-three" "Who is that person?"

When Xiaoguang asked casually, there were several little girls around her who questioned, "Are you also the stylist who participated in this clothing conference? You don't even know Miss Qiu Ke. Miss Qiu Ke was born in a super stylist family. Famous, has always hired world-class fashion accessories designers.”

Miss Qiu Ke walked to the center of the venue and said gracefully, "After I saw the idol Pokemon stylist Paris, I made a big decision, I want to make a gorgeous debut at the fashion conference, and then by fate The city's idol has transformed into a world-class idol, Qiu Ke."

Qiu Ke seemed to be very popular in the City of Fate, and her words made the whole venue cheer.

Xiaoguang's curly ears also seemed to be attracted to her, and jumped to her side, wanting to touch her gorgeous skirt, but she pulled it apart and blamed, "Please don't. Touch me with your dirty hands."

Hearing the words, Scroll Er took back his hand angrily. It looked a little sad when someone said that, and Xiaoguang hurriedly picked it up and apologized, "I'm really sorry."

"Hmph, do you want this kind of curly ears to play in the game? It's ridiculous." Qiu Ke said with disgust.

"Hehe, I thought the so-called idol of the city of fate was such a powerful character, but it turned out to be just a frog at the bottom of the well." Tian Lin stepped forward and said disdainfully, how could he watch Xiaoguang being bullied.

"What did you say, how dare you say that about Miss Qiu Ke, what kind of identity do you have?" Before Qiu Ke could speak, her fans couldn't help it.

"Me, just an ordinary coordination trainer, I'll just say it straight, Miss Qiu Ke, with your material, you don't even know the priority of the fashion conference. Winning is just wishful thinking, and participating in the conference is just a self-collection. It's just humiliation."

"You bastard, dare to say that to me, do you have the qualifications?" This time even Qiu Ke was irritated, but the usual tutor prevented her from shouting like ordinary people, she could only ask coldly.

"This person is really qualified. You don't even know him. You are really looking at the sky, Miss Qiu Ke." At this time, a short-haired lady appeared in the crowd. This person seemed to have a high status, and those who knew her took the initiative. Make way.

"You are, the current editor-in-chief of Pokémon Pop magazine, Ms. Hoshino, why do you even say that, who is he?" To the big shots, Qiu Ke remained polite, but she still seemed a little unconvinced.

"Tian Lin, the youngest Heavenly King-level trainer in the world today, is also the youngest high-level investigator in the Alliance, and he is also a Pokémon research doctor, top coordination trainer and many other names, no matter his strength, or gorgeous. The level of the competition is enough to approach Michaeli.”

Hoshino seemed to be very optimistic about Tianlin, and only listened to her final comment, "If this person focuses on the gorgeous competition, I think he is the second master of the gorgeous competition."

"What?" Qiu Ke's eyes were horrified. Who is Mikri? That is the king in the hearts of all coordination trainers. The stylist is also proud of being able to design images for him and his Pokémon.

Now Hoshino actually said that the boy who had just belittled her was on a level comparable to that of Michael, which was a huge blow to her.

"Ms. Hoshino, you are too complimented, I am ashamed to be worthy of it. Compared with Mikori, I am far behind." Tian Lin said modestly.

"I'm looking forward to your performance!" Hoshino finished speaking and walked into the venue first. She is today's judge and should prepare in advance.

"Hmph, no matter what your identity is, I will prove it to you, whether I am a frog at the bottom of a well!" Qiu Ke also left with a cold snort. She was very dissatisfied with Tianlin's evaluation and vowed to be at the conference. Hit him in the face well 0 ........

"Everyone, welcome to the Fate Fashion Conference!" The competition started. As the host and master of ceremonies, it was the uncle in the market who was in the doubles competition. Sure enough, the Shenao region went from champion to heavenly king to gym owner. Now add Shi Chang, is all idle and panic.

"For the fashion conference in the city of fate, today we invited Miss Paris, the idol Pokémon stylist, and an authoritative master who has developed the field of Pokémon style with popular accessories, Pokémon Fashion Magazine. 's editor-in-chief, Ms. Hoshino! The two of them will serve as judges for this conference."

It can be seen that the popularity of the two judges is very high. When the spotlight shone on their heads, the boys and girls in the audience cheered.

After introducing the judges, the prelude to the competition will be kicked off next. Mr. Shi Chang held the microphone high, "The Fashion Conference of Fate is a competition based on Pokémon's costumes, popular accessories, and overall aesthetics including unique tricks! "

"Then let's start, and invite the beautiful angels to appear."

Contestant No. [*], as the curtain opened, the trainer appeared with a beautiful flower dressed in radiance. The flower of the beautiful flower is matched with a crystal pendant. Overall, it is very good, but it should be said that it reflects the beautiful flower. The charm of its own is a little lacking.

In other words, because there is no threshold, the level of participating in the conference this time is relatively average. To Tianlin's surprise but to his expectation, Musashi also appeared.

She used Sakura Fish 4.0 this time, who didn't really have it. The body of Sakura Fish is a dark blue drop-shaped pendant.

Very simple, but very tasteful. The so-called red and blue come out of CP since ancient times. These two colors are an excellent match. The blue drop-shaped pendant and the pink body of the cherry blossom fish are more and more beautiful.

But the problem is, I don't know why, this sakura fish is full of various patterns, or the children's graffiti is more suitable, and the harmonious beauty of the original red and blue tone is instantly defeated.

"What is that pattern? Musashi, this guy has destroyed my minimalist concept!" Kojiro held his head, like an artist whose work was destroyed, completely plunged into despair.

The two judges also shook their heads and sighed, they could have gotten high marks, but they were all ruined by this inexplicable graffiti.

Chapter [*]: Fashion Conference Winner

"The following is contestant No. 19, Ash, the Pokémon he uses is Pikachu!"

After finishing a bunch of unnutritious stylists, it was finally Xiao Zhi's turn to play.

Before the curtain was drawn, the electric lights flickered and the thunder roared behind the curtain.

Afterwards, Ash and Pikachu pushed aside the curtain and walked to the stage. Their costumes, how should I put it, were very avant-garde.Just like the blue ghost and red ghost responsible for controlling thunder and lightning in myth.

The cute looks of the two directly made the audience laugh, and even Ms. Hoshino, who had always been serious, couldn't help covering her mouth.

"Okay, let's go Pikachu, now you are the protagonist on this stage, you have to completely transform into Rai Gong!" Xiao Zhi cheered the shy Pikachu.

Pikachu nodded, jumped to the center of the stage, and used the steel tail to continuously beat the small leather drum on his back, the faster he beat.

In the end, the tyrannical [*] volts spread to the entire arena. This is how the red ghost in the mythology and legend made thunder and lightning. Pikachu's performance was really wonderful.

But Xiao Zhi seems to have misunderstood the meaning of the game a little bit. This fashion show is more about gorgeousness, not fancy clothes, but at least he caught one thing, that is, the protagonist is Poke 08 Dream.

"Thanks to Xiao Zhi and Pikachu for bringing us wonderful performances, as expected of the players who made it to the finals in the doubles competition, then the next group, the contestant number 20, is the proudest queen of the city, Miss Qiu Ke, And her dream demon appears."

It seems that this uncle Shi is also a fan of Qiu Ke, and he was very enthusiastic when introducing her.

The audience cheered even more. Qiu Ke attended in full costume, sexy and beautiful, and the dream demon beside him was also wearing a luxurious orange dress.

"Dream Demon, let everyone take a good look at your excellent dress!"

The Dream Demon floated above the stage, and the white skirt of the orange dress actually stretched out, swaying in the air like the tentacles of a demon, and then the Dream Demon used a phantom light to dye the skirt with colorful colors.

"Wow, it's so beautiful!" Miss Paris couldn't help but praise her, but that's all. She praised the dress, which was indeed gorgeous.

"Being arrogant, I made the same mistake as Xiaoguang back then!" Tian Lin chuckled lightly.

The next one is Xiaoguang's turn to appear. After such a gorgeous performance, ordinary people may feel that Xiaoguang is very disadvantaged, but Tianlin believes that this is the best time.

I saw Xiaoguang wearing a long snow-white dress, with an ice-blue gemstone necklace hanging around his neck as an embellishment, and curling ears also wearing a small skirt, exactly the same as Xiaoguang.

After Qiu Ke, Xiaoguang appeared unexpectedly simple, but such a simple image was eye-catching and felt very comfortable.

Xiaoguang bent down and said softly to the curled ears, "Look at the curled ears, this is a silver-white snow mountain, you have to turn into a snow elf!"

Curly ears jumped on the stage excitedly, and jumped back and forth on the stage, perfectly conveying his liveliness and joy.

Since it is a snow elf, how can there be no snow-capped mountains? Curly-ear used several bursts of freezing light to create beautiful icebergs on the stage, and it played happily on the iceberg itself.

"Curly ears, the protagonist of this stage is neither accessories nor costumes, it's you!"

Xiao Guang's words made Miss Paris and Ms. Hoshino nod again and again, yes, this is the biggest theme of this game.

"It seems that Xiaoguang has won this time!" Tianlin smiled.

Xiaoguang and Curly Ears fully bring out their cuteness. Although cuteness is not worth mentioning in front of sexy, it must be at the same level, just like the power rating of Pokémon. If Qiu Ke is sexy Belonging to the quasi-king level, Xiaoguang's cuteness has reached the champion level, and the strength gap is very obvious.

The last one is Tianlin's appearance. To be honest, he is not very good at this, so like Kojiro, he chose the minimalist concept.

Set off Pokémon with his own and simpler costumes, and he uses Sui Jun. As a legendary Pokémon, Sui Jun caused a sensation at the beginning and attracted everyone's attention.

In order not to overwhelm the guest, today's Tian Lin gave up the king's suit that he liked before, and even did not wear ordinary aristocratic clothes. Instead, he chose a set of clothes similar to guards.

And Sui Jun didn't have any other clothes on his body, only a luxurious crown on his head.

"I believe everyone knows this Pokémon, the Water Monarch, the Water Monarch. At this moment, it is the king who rules all water-type Pokémon!" Tian Lin said as he stood beside the Water Monarch.

Wearing a guard suit, he is the bodyguard who always guards the monarch.

"His Royal Highness Shuijun, the time has come, it's time to announce that your courtiers have an audience." Tian Lin bowed slightly and said respectfully.

Sui Jun nodded and shouted, "Cool!!!"

In an instant, all trainers with water-type Pokémon turned on their Poké Balls automatically. As long as it was a water-type Pokémon, they all looked at Suijun with reverence.

This scene raised Sui Jun's kingly aura to the maximum.

"It's great, noble, majestic, sacred and inviolable, I see its biggest characteristic from Sui Jun!" Hoshino couldn't help standing up, even the most critical of her, it was difficult for Tian Lin and Sui Jun to pick on her. What's wrong.

"So strong, Tianlin is really too powerful!" Xiaoguang muttered with admiration on his face.

"As expected of the boss of Tianlin, he is really my bosom friend. I didn't expect that the minimalist concept destroyed by Musashi would actually be reflected in him." At this moment, Kojiro was extremely supportive of Tianlin.

After all, Tianlin's aesthetic concept is the same as his, and Tianlin's victory represents his victory.

"Okay, now the results are going to be published. First, the three who stand out from the many style divisions will be selected, and then today's champion will be selected from these three."

Qiu Ke was very confident. She thought that there was enough 207 to be her opponent, and only Tianlin was there, but when the result came out, it shocked a lot of people.

Because the three people who qualified were Xiaozhi, Tianlin and Xiaoguang.

She was even worse than the original book, because there was an extra Tianlin among the contestants, and she couldn't make it into the top three. Even if it wasn't for the original book, where Musashi destroyed Kojiro's design, she might not have made it into the top three either.

An angry Qiu Ke asked, "Liar, why can't I even get in the top three, I can't accept this result!"

"That's because of your performance. The only thing that stands out is the dress, but the most important dream demon has become a complete supporting role. This fundamentally violates the original intention of this game." Hoshino taught mercilessly.

Qiu Ke showed despair, and Tian Lin's words before the competition came true. She was really just a frog at the bottom of the well. With her material, she would never win the championship.

There were only three people left on the field. In the end, Xiao Zhi won the Individual Feature Award, Xiao Guang and Curly Ears won the Best Combination Award, and the rest Tian Lin was the winning champion medal.

The performance of the three of them was very good. Hoshino even invited Tianlin and Xiaoguang to serve as their exclusive Pokemon stylist, but neither of them had this dream, so they could only refuse with apology. .

Today's game is a very important part of Xiaoguang's journey. In fact, her performance is not inferior to Tianlin, but the gap between Pokémon has opened up the difference between them.Today's achievements will make her gorgeous contest go further.

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