"Hahaha, Suijun, look, this guy looks just like you!" Tian Lin pointed at the big wolf dog and said to Suijun in the pokeball while laughing.

"Where does it look like?" Suijun's head is covered with black lines, but it is a representative of elegance and elegance. Is it so rough?

Finally, it was Xiaogang's turn to appear. He carefully matched the bad frog with the emerald green pattern of the mosquito-repellent frog emperor, which looked very similar. In addition, the bad frog learned the signature action of the mosquito-repellent frog emperor and kept applauding, not only The shape is similar, and it adds a bit of spirituality, and the result is very popular.

Then Musashi brought Miaomiao on the stage. Miaomiao has a unique advantage, that is, it can speak human words. It uses this to dress up as Marula and imitate Maroon's voice. Not only that, other Pokémon's The sound is also imitated vividly.

Needless to say, the combination of Musashi and Miao Miao naturally got a very high score, because this is really incredible to outsiders.

Next, the simulation show of Kojiro and Monini, as well as the form simulation of Ash and Pikachu, are all very distinctive, and there must be no problem through the first round.

On the other hand, Xiaoguang, she overturned the car. Originally, Pogaman dressed as a unicorn was quite cute, and it caused a lot of repercussions. Unfortunately, Pogaman was too excited and used the bubble light trick.

Do unicorns foam light?How is that possible, this is the most typical gangbang, and as a result, there is no doubt that Xiaoguang was eliminated.

The five groups that entered the second round of 120 were the last champion and his Noisy Bird, Ash and Pikachu, Xiaogang and Bad Frog, Musashi and Meow, and the last Kojiro and Monini.

Originally, in Tianlin's opinion, Musashi had the best chance of winning. After all, Miaomiao's ability to speak can be called a bug, but unfortunately, this guy has an occupational disease, and he just refuses to play honestly, so he pulls Kojiro and directly steals the Pokémon eggs.

Of course, there was no suspense in the result. The two of them were knocked out by Pishen again. In this way, the game changed from five-choice one to three-choice one.

"Tianlin, who do you think will win, Xiaozhi, or the last champion?" Xiaoguang asked, she thought the performances of the two were very good, but the one who didn't choose was the bad frog, and it stopped I kept clapping my hands there, it seemed too stunned, and I felt that the odds of winning were not high.

"Both of them can't do it, it's Xiaogang who wins!" Tianlin laughed, "This is a role-playing competition, it's not about cuteness or strength, whoever plays the most like is the champion. From just now, the bad frog has always maintained With the attitude of the mosquito coil and frog emperor, this is not something that anyone can easily do."

Just as Tian Lin said, all the lights on the field suddenly converged on Xiao Gang and Bad Frog, and the reason for winning was the same as Tian Lin said.

In this way, Xiaogang got a Pokémon egg that belonged to him.

Chapter seven hundred and fortieth fishing bellicose swimming gas itachi

After the Pokémon Play Conference, Ash and Xiaogang planned to check the egg laying situation at the Pokémon Center because they just got the eggs, so they needed to stay for a few more days.

After all, they don't have a system and can't always pay attention to the status of the eggs. This is the right choice, so Tianlin and Xiaoguang bid farewell to them and set off first.

"Okay, Tianlin, you and Xiaogang each got a Pokémon egg, I want it too!" Xiaoguang said with envy.

In the past few days, Tian Lin felt that the egg in his hand seemed to be about to hatch, so he often held it tightly. Just like this, before it hatched, there would be a strong feeling of love.

But this is a bit exciting to Xiaoguang, she also wants to get a new partner, and she has never hatched a Pokemon by herself.

"Xiaoguang, don't worry, I think you will get your Pokémon eggs sooner or later during the journey." Tian Lin comforted.

"You cheer up, Trumpet, I'll take you to the Pokémon Center right away!"

Just when the two were discussing Pokemon eggs, they saw a trainer suddenly running towards them, holding a trumpet bud that had lost the ability to fight in his arms.

Not only that, but after walking for a long time, another uncle ran over with a stunned snake bear, exactly the same situation as just now, Tian Lin couldn't help but asked, "Excuse me, what happened? , why are so many trainers' Pokémon being beaten like this?"

"When I was fishing by the river, a super swimming weasel appeared. Not only did it knock down my snake bear, but it also took away my fishing rod. It was really unfortunate." Uncle sighed. Angrily, he warned, "You are Pokémon trainers, right? In short, it's better not to go fishing in that river."

It's okay if this uncle doesn't say anything, the more he talks, the more interested they get. With Tianlin's strength, he's not afraid at all, and Xiaoguang is also a newborn calf and is not afraid of tigers, and because Tianlin got an egg , she couldn't wait to conquer her new companion.

So when the two summed up, they must go to the river to see, there are powerful Pokémon, no matter what, they can't miss it.

The two rushed to the river, and Tian Lin took out his top fishing rod and bait. Since this swimmer will provoke the trainers who come here to fish, then this top fishing tackle will definitely lead him out.

"I really didn't expect, Tianlin, you actually have such a good fishing rod, you feel so advanced~'!" Xiaoguang noticed that Tianlin's fishing rod was really extraordinary, both in appearance and material, it was excellent.

"Of course, in order to get the best water-type Pokémon, this is an essential item." Tian Lin smiled, "Let's see what I will do next!"

Tianlin said and threw the fishing rod into the lake, quietly waiting for the result.

"Hey, Tianlin, Xiaoguang, so you are here too!" At this moment, a familiar voice sounded behind the two of them, and the person took off his sunglasses, "It's me!"

"Xiao Wang!" Xiaoguang was so happy to see her rarely, "Long time no see, I haven't met you since the Celebration City Gorgeous Competition, are you okay?"

"By the way, I have something to show you!" The first thing Xiaoguang saw Xiaowang was to show her the ribbon medal he had won, which meant that he was one step closer to her.

"I know, this is the medal you won in the Yuanzhihuan Competition. I watched that game. You played very well!" Of course, Xiaowang also pays attention to Xiaoguang's game, after all, he is a strong opponent he recognizes.

"What, so you already knew it!" Xiaoguang said embarrassedly, "Xiaowang, what about you?"

"Haha, this? Actually, I lost all the conferences I participated in recently, so I still only have two ribbon medals in my hands." Xiao Wang scratched his head embarrassedly.

According to Tianlin, although Xiaowang's current strength is still far behind that of Xiaojun Saori and others, he can barely match Harry's. He can be regarded as an excellent coordination trainer. I never thought that even at her level, He even tasted the taste of defeat in a row. It seems that the level of gorgeous competition on Shenao's side is indeed quite high.

"Xiaoguang, you will definitely participate in the next gorgeous competition in the city of fate, right?"

"Of course!" Xiaoguang agreed immediately, but it was a pity that the next second, "However, in fact, I just found out that the next game is in the City of Fate!"

Recently, Tianlin and Xiaoguang have been just busy on their way. She has no time to check the information about the gorgeous competition. Fortunately, she met Xiaowang today, otherwise she might have missed it.

During the conversation, the two learned that Xiaowang also came here to capture water-type Pokémon, so the three of them went fishing together. After a while, Tianlin's fishing rod moved.

After all, it is the top-level fishing rod with the top-level fishing bait. As long as the water-type Pokémon is not blind and has a transparent nose, he will definitely choose his side.

"'" is coming, no problem, get me up! "Tian Lin shouted, his arms were hard, and he suddenly pulled the Pokémon out of the water. It was a swimming gas weasel that was much larger than the normal one, looking at the sky full of fighting intent. Lin, it can see Tian Lin's extraordinaryness at a glance, and he is sure that he is the strongest trainer here.

Swimming gas weasel, sea weasel Pokémon, water type, characteristics of leisurely swimming, frank personality (balanced personality), height 1.2m, weight 32kg, excellent qualifications, Tianwang-level potential, the current elite level peak of strength, with skills: sonic boom, Water gun, water jet, split kernel.

"Nice eyes and decent strength, so I will be disrespectful." Tian Lin stepped forward to accept its challenge.

This swimming gas weasel should be the one that Xiaoguang subdued in the original book, but this Pokémon is very belligerent and has no interest in gorgeous performances. Xiaoguang can't control it, so he changed it to Xiaozhi in the later stage, but Now that he has met him, he can only say sorry to Xiao Zhi.

It just so happens that Tianlin doesn't have a suitable water-type Pokémon yet. If he can't meet anything, let Suijun go. This swimming gas weasel is just right for Tianlin's challenge gym. As for Xiaozhi, there will be more in the future. If there is a chance, it's a big deal to lend him your top fishing tackle and let him catch other water-type Pokémon.

"Tianlin, be careful, I feel that this swimming gas weasel is very strong." Xiaoguang reminded him.

"Don't worry about Xiaoguang, it's not difficult for me to deal with it, let's go, Luck cat!" Tianlin sent the electric-type Luck cat to fight. This is its first battle after evolution. Half a catty, it happens to be a well-matched opponent.

Faced with the intimidation of the Lux cat, although the attack power of this swimming ferret has dropped a little, its expression has not changed at all. It is quite rare to see such a full-fledged Pokémon, even Tian Lin has never seen it. Only.

What a good guy, Tian Lin added a little more to his appreciation.

Chapter seven hundred and forty-one subduing swimming gas itachi

"Lux cat, discharge!"

The first is the strongest, this is the eternal principle of most Pokémon battles, even if it is a naturally slow Pokémon, doesn't it rely on the magic space to reverse the time and space?

The strong electric discharge spread by the lake, blocking all the escape routes of Yuqi Itachi. Seeing that he was about to be hit by the electric discharge, he wrapped the water flow all over his body and used the trick of water jet.

This is not an attack, but a defense, and the discharge can't break through its water barrier and hit it hard.

Swimming Qi Weasel's face wrapped in water flow showed a smile. After the discharge was over, he immediately started to act, and repulsed the Luck cat with a jet of water very quickly.

"How come, Tianlin's preemptive attack was ineffective, and it was countered!"

"What a powerful swimmer itachi."

Xiaowang and Xiaoguang exclaimed in amazement that a wild Pokémon in the face of the top trainer Tian Lin could do so much.

"Hehe, pure water, good guy, you have mastered even such a difficult skill!" Tian Lin couldn't help but praise.

In fact, it is because this swimming gas weasel is very belligerent, and he usually provokes electric-type Pokémon. After experiencing repeated defeats, it finally mastered the method of using pure water tricks to resist electric-type Pokémon. attack.

Since then, I don't know how many electrical-type Pokémon have been defeated by 123.

After the Swimming Qi Weasel succeeded in one hit, he was invincible. With the help of the reaction force of hitting the Lux cat, he flipped a few somersaults in the sky. At the same time as his tail swayed, he made a sonic boom, which not only successfully hit the Lux cat again, but also The wind pressure generated by the explosion kept the Lux cat away, preventing it from recovering and fighting back.

This combat experience is really admirable.

"It's really interesting, then Luccat, we can't be beaten all the time, let's use the discharge again!" Tianlin ordered.

"Another discharge?" Xiaoguang was puzzled, this would still be defended by pure water.

Sure enough, the swimming gas Itachi once again condensed pure water and used the trick of jetting water, completely isolating the current.Tianlin laughed at this moment, which was exactly what he wanted, "Luke cat, take advantage of this time, rush up and use frozen teeth!"

The Lux cat's mouth gathered a strong cold air and opened its mouth wide. This mouth did not bite on the swimming gas ferret, but on the water flow that wrapped its body. Originally, the freezing probability of frozen teeth was only 10%, but now, Because it is not the body of the Pokémon that hits, but the water, which greatly improves the freezing ability.

"Swimming Qi, you are really good at protecting your body with water, but unfortunately, that's also your biggest weakness. If you encounter an ice-type Pokémon, you will become like this." Tian Lin looked at the frozen Ice Cube's swimming gas Itachi laughed.

"Okay, it's time to end the fight, Luccat, use Crazy Volt!"

Luck Cat took out its strongest trick in one breath, the golden-yellow powerful and violent electricity wrapped the whole body, and while smashing the ice that wrapped the swimming gas Itachi's body, it also completely damaged it.

However, the Lux cat himself is not feeling well. Like Volt's attack, Crazy Volt is a move that has a reaction force and damages itself.

"Go, bait balls!" This is a fishing-induced battle, and the chances of catching bait balls are very high.

The bait ball was successfully received into the swimming gas Itachi, and it shook slightly for a while, and finally calmed down. Tianlin successfully subdued the new companion of the swimming gas Itachi.

Moreover, Yongqi Itachi did not disobey Tianlin as he did when he didn't listen to Xiaoguang's orders in the original book, because Tianlin's strength was completely recognized by it, and he was very willing to follow Tianlin to become stronger.

Seeing that Tianlin got such a strong swimmer Itachi, Xiaowang and Xiaoguang are envious but not jealous, because they can see that this swimmer Itachi is an extremely belligerent type, not suitable for their coordination training Family.

So they chose to continue fishing. Unfortunately, there seems to be no other excellent Pokémon in this lake. Xiaowang managed to capture a pink shellless manatee, which is in the shape of the West Sea. she.

On the other hand, Xiaoguang found nothing, and caught a lot of carp kings. There was nothing she wanted at all, which made her feel very depressed.

In the evening, the two bid farewell to Xiaowang and prepared to speed up their journey, while Xiaowang planned to stay for a few days because he had just captured the shellless manatee to formulate its breeding plan.

In fact, this is what Tian Lin is currently doing. Now, on Tian Lin, except for Xiaomeng and Suijun, there are just six regular Pokémon including the egg, and he also has to formulate a comprehensive breeding plan.

Therefore, the first thing to do when you come to the Pokémon Center is to restore all the friends who have been tired during this period of time to their best condition in order to cope with the subsequent battles and training.

While waiting, I happened to see a large group of people gathered in the Pokémon Center. It turned out that the video of the battle was playing on the big screen. The challenger was a trainer who had performed well in the Champions League, and the challenger was the One of the Four Heavenly Kings of Shenao, the Heavenly King of the Super Energy Department, Wu Song.

According to the regulations of the league, the winners of the conference can participate in the Champions League competition, which can only be participated by the champions of the conferences from all over the country. , after the victory, then you are the new regional champion.

This is the so-called Champions League Challenge. At present, because the Four Heavenly Kings are too strong in the Kanto region, no one can break through their blockade, so there is no champion for the time being, and there is no league or champion in the Alola region. There are other regions. , Chengdu champion is Du, Fengyuan is Michael or Dawu, Shenao is Zhulan, Hezhong is Adek, Carlos is Karuni and so on.

They are all the strongest in every place. It is as difficult to win the championship from them. There are even many people who can't even see their faces. It is because of the four giant walls of the four kings under the champions. The presence.

The challenger on the screen is exactly like that. Wu Song's Qilin Qi has already pushed his Giant Claw Mantis to a corner. Obviously, his attributes have a great advantage, but the Giant Clamp Mantis has almost no power to fight back, and was played by Qi Lin Qi. between applause.

The Giant Claw Mantis was evaded by Qilinqi for several consecutive split attacks, and gradually became tired. In the end, Qilinqi seized the momentary opportunity and released a phantom light to hit the target, which established the victory in one fell swoop.

"Data flow tactics!" Tianlin murmured, Wu Song was obviously using data flow tactics. Every time before the opponent attacks, Qilin Qi seems to know where the opponent will attack from, so he can be so calm. evasion attack.

Wusong, the Four Heavenly King, is the great master-level figure in this data flow strategy! .

Chapter [*]: Meeting the Four Heavenly King Wusong

"It's really amazing. The strength of the Four Heavenly Kings is really super strong." Seeing Wu Song's overwhelming strength, Xiaoguang couldn't help feeling that the Four Heavenly Kings were powerful. She, a young cute newcomer, could not understand the high-end battle situation, and only felt that Wu Song The battle of Mr. is really powerful and gorgeous.

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