No one can be sure what it is until the fossil is resurrected, and it is more likely that it is a dead fossil.

The reason why the fossil can be resurrected is that the Pokémon is not really dead, but sleeping, but there are always some, after ten thousand years of changes, the Pokémon that cannot adapt to the new environment has completely lost its life response. , becomes the 08 dead fossil, then even if you dig up the fossil of the beast, it is useless.

Therefore, before the resurrection of the fossil, it must not be false.

"Hmph, this time, I will definitely not fail." Xiao Mao was full of confidence and vowed to wash away the shame of digging up the fossil feces.

During the conversation, several people had already arrived in front of the Iron City Museum, which was also in charge of Taipao, so there was no need to buy a ticket, so they followed him in directly, and then came to the most important room here, the House of Resurrection of Fossils.

Just like what Fengyuan Dewen made at the beginning, there is a big machine in it. In terms of the level of fossil resurrection, I am afraid that Shenao is even better than Fengyuan.

"Come on, Xiaomao, quickly put the fossil into the culture medium, we must first confirm whether it is alive." Piaotai opened the culture tank, Xiaomao did not hesitate, and threw the dug in the fossil.

After a while, on the big screen that monitors the culture tank at any time, the originally calm stripes began to beat, like a human body's mental map.

"There is a reaction to life, it is alive!" Piao Tai immediately ordered excitedly, "Right now, prepare for the resurrection. The new life that has come to our era across thousands of years must be resurrected in a healthy way."

In their museum, they haven't obtained living fossils for a long time since Piaotai's head-covered dragon.

With the continuous injection of nutrient solution, the life's reaction became more and more violent. Xiao Mao on the side crossed his arms and hugged his chest, seemingly calm, but judging from his trembling body, he looked forward to it more than anyone else.

After a while, a Pokémon image appeared on the big screen. Although it was only a rough outline, Tian Lin had already recognized its true identity.

Shieldsaurus, another fossilized Pokémon in the Shenao region other than Ceratosaurus, if the evolutionary Warmaulosaurus of Ceratosaurus is the sharpest spear in the fossil Pokémon, then the evolution of Ceratosaurus The Moat Dragon is the hardest shield in the Fossil Pokémon.

"It turns out that Xiaomao actually dug up the shield armor fossil. This is really a blessing." Tian Lin said a little sourly. He also liked the terrifying and durable shield armor very much.

"Hehe, the strongest shield, yes, sure enough, this young master is lucky, of course." Xiao Mao said very proudly, obviously he also recognized the Pokémon, since he decided that he was going to leave the trainer After two routes with the researcher, he took a good look at the knowledge of Pokémon in other areas.

The progress bar of the resurrected Pokémon continued to move forward, and finally reached 100%. The cultivation warehouse gradually opened, revealing the true face of the Pokémon.

At this time, Xiaomao was a little dumbfounded. He was resurrecting a fossil for the first time, and he didn't know what to do next. Tianlin pushed him directly at this time, "What are you in a daze? , hurry up, the Pokémon resurrected from the fossil is similar to the newly born Pokémon, you will have a good impression of the trainer you see for the first time, don't miss this opportunity!"

When Xiaomao heard the words, he quickly stood in front of the shield armored dragon, the little shield armored dragon slowly opened his eyes, and finally, Xiaomao and it faced each other's eyes.

Shield armor dragon, shield Pokémon, rock type plus steel type, brave character (additional attack and deceleration), strong characteristics, height 0.8m, weight 66kg, excellent qualifications, champion-level potential, current strength gym-level beginner , has skills: iron wall, slam, iron head, metal explosion, rock fall, invisible rock.

"Such an excellent shield dragon, Xiao Mao really found a treasure." Tian Lin thought that he had gym-level strength just after being resurrected. It can be seen that this shield dragon should be very strong in ancient times, even better than his ice snow dragon.

"Shield Armored Dragon, hello, I'm Xiao Mao, please give me more advice in the future!"

The tone of Xiaomao's speech to Pokemon and the tone of speech to Xiaozhi are simply two extremes. To Xiaozhi, he is not paying for his life, but to his own Pokemon, he is more gentle and gentle.

This is discriminatory treatment, poor Ash.

In the Damu Research Institute of Zhenxin Town, Dr. Damu was eating instant noodles, and suddenly the screen showed that Xiaomao sent the news of the Pokémon.

Because Xiao Mao already had six in his hands, the seventh shield dragon he captured was automatically sent back to the research institute.

"Oh, as expected of my grandson, I have captured Pokémon so quickly, let me see what it is?" After eating instant noodles, Dr. Damu immediately checked the data of Pokémon, and saw the Pokémon's data. At that time, he almost spit out the face in his mouth in shock.

"It's actually a shield dragon, my dear, this is an ancient fossil Pokemon, haha, I have to study it!"

Dr. Damu was excited to start observing the information on the Shield Ankylosaurus, but at 100 hours, Xiao Mao's phone came in.

"Grandpa, send the Shield Armored Dragon to me, and I will send the Wind Speed ​​Dog back!"

It really is the filial Xiaomao, who sent Dr. Damu from heaven to hell in one sentence. Shield Armored Dragon, how many Pokémon are you seeing? It's hard to get him. The ball is still hot, so he will give it to him. Sending it back, how could this old man's heart take it.

"Xiao Mao, didn't you already get your first badge? The Shield Armored Dragon is not in a hurry. How about letting me observe it for a few days?"

"No, the Shield Armored Dragon has just been resurrected. I want to test its physical data and formulate a training plan as soon as possible." Xiao Mao refused without hesitation.

The grandfather and grandson started to bargain, and Tianlin finally came to mediate. The Shield Armored Dragon was placed in Dr. Damu's first week, and then Dr. Damu sent all the observed data to Xiaomao.

After all, as a first-class doctor, Dr. Damu's observation ability is much stronger than that of ordinary trainers, and his data must be more accurate. Coupled with the pitiful pleading eyes of his grandfather, Xiao Mao finally had no choice but to nod in agreement.

Fearing that Xiaomao would regret it, Dr. Damu hung up the phone directly.

"It's still an apprentice, this unfilial grandson is really worthless." He complained a few words to Xiaomao, and then Dr. Damu looked at the Shield Armored Dragon's Poké Ball with a foolish look on his face.

"Hey, Shield Armored Dragon, let me study you well!".

Chapter [*] Shenao's first gym battle begins

Xiaomao dug up the fossil of the Shield Ankylosaurus in one fell swoop.

"This young master deserves to be a person with a lot of luck. Such a precious fossil Pokémon appeared in my hands. Tianlin, how is it? Are you jealous!"

This guy is a little bit more beaten when he talks now, Tian Lin squinted and said with disdain, "I only remember that you dug out feces."

"You guy, wait for me to cultivate the shield armored dragon next time, so that you can have a good experience of its power."

"You dug up feces."

"You bastard, you are just jealous of me."

"You dug up feces."

No matter what Xiaomao says, Tianlin is just a sentence, you have dug up the feces, and Xiaomao's seven orifices are angry, and this black history, it is estimated that he will not be able to get rid of it in this life.

"Haha, your rivals are really interesting." Looking at the bickering two, Dapao walked over with a smile. He didn't have a brother. To be honest, he was very envious of the bond between the two.

"Mr. Piao Tai, you misunderstood, Xiao Mao is actually my junior, how can he become a strong enemy with the junior as an elder?" Tian Lin retorted.

"Bastard Tianlin, when did I become your junior!" Xiaomao said angrily.

"Dr. Damu is my master and your grandfather, so I am a generation older than you, you should call me uncle!"

"How can there be such a statement, this should be discussed separately." Xiao Mao was immediately upset, but is it okay to suddenly become Tianlin's nephew?

"You should call me uncle, and Xiaozhi and my peers, you should call him uncle too!"

One sentence directly pierced Xiaomao's bottom line, and Tianlin didn't matter. If he was called Uncle Xiaozhi, he would never be able to lift his head up for the rest of his life. Now he understands the feeling of Xiaozhi being scolded by him every time. One thing, in front of Tianlin, the one who was scolded and had no power to fight back became him.

Xiao Mao took out the Poké Ball, but he was ready to fight. Judging from his angry expression, it seemed that he was preparing to fight Tian Lin today.

Tian Lin replied indifferently, "No, today I want to challenge the gym, I don't want to fight you~'!"

One sentence poured cold water on Xiaomao again. Tianlin didn't accept the challenge. He couldn't force it. He couldn't spread it when he was angry. The hand holding the elf ball was neither advancing nor retreating, he could only keep going. trembling.

No doubt, it was mad.

"Wow, Tianlin's mouth is so poisonous!" Xiaoguang covered his mouth, but he didn't expect the gentle Tianlin to be so powerful, and Xiaomao was almost mad at him.

Tianlin did it on purpose. Who told Xiaomao to show off in front of him, but he was really jealous of the Shield Armored Dragon, so he could only be rude. Since he was having a hard time, let him have a hard time. People are not good either.

"Okay, you two." Piao Tai spoke out to stop the two from quarreling. "Tianlin, did you just say you were going to challenge the gym? No problem. I have time now. Let's go to the gym immediately."

"Okay, thank you very much, please give me more advice, Mr. Piao Tai."

"Hey, I'm going too, let me observe, Tianlin, have you got any new gains recently?" Xiao Mao also followed, Tianlin's battle, he would never miss.

Several people left the museum side by side, just at this moment, a young man walked up to him, it was Shinji.

"You are Mr. Piao Tai, the gym trainer of the Steel Gym, aren't you, I'm here to get the badge, please accept my challenge."

"Shinji, I didn't expect you to come too." Tian Lin stepped forward and greeted him, "Unfortunately, you can only be the second pick. Just now, Mr. Piao Tai has already agreed to my challenge."

Shinji ignored Tian Lin, but glanced at Pea Tai to confirm the situation.

"So you know each other, sorry for this young man, what Tian Lin just said is true, can you please come back tomorrow?" Pao Tai apologized.

Although Shinji is indifferent, but not unreasonable, he said lightly, "Okay, but can I watch the battle this time?"

He regards Tianlin as the strongest opponent that must be surpassed in the future, and will never let go of any opportunity to gather intelligence.

"It doesn't matter to me, how about you, Tianlin?"

"As he pleases!"

Neither of them refused, so the group rushed to the Iron Gym together.

Although this gym is named after steel, it is actually a rock gym, and the battle field here is naturally a rock field.

This is the first time Xiaoguang has entered the gym to face the battlefield, but she was so excited that her cute little head looked around, "So the inside of the gym looks like this!"

"Every gym is different. The gym owner will choose a venue that is more suitable for him to fight according to the attributes they are good at." Xiao Mao explained.

At this time, Tian Lin and Piao Tai had come to stand on both sides of the battlefield.

"Let's start, the challenger Tianlin will compete with the gym trainer Piao Tai. The badge is the bet. There are three Pokémon that can be used by both parties. During the battle, only the challenger can change the Pokémon at will, so now, the game begins!" The referee announced the rules.

The three-on-three rule is just right for Tianlin, allowing him to gain some experience with his latest Pokémon.

According to the rules of the gym, Piao Tai sent Pokémon first.

"'" Let's go, Little Fist Stone. "

The classic Pokémon of the rock gym, the small fist stone is a must-have in almost every rock gym.

"The kitten monster, prepare to fight!"

Tian Lin, who came out later, unexpectedly used an Electric Pokémon.

The cat monster intimidated, reducing the first-order attack of the small fist stone.

"Is it an Electric-type? You know that Xiaoquan Stone is also a Ground-type Pokémon. If you can't expect the Electric-type trick to work, how are you going to attack?" Lai Tai laughed.

"Kitten monster, use frozen teeth!"

Tianlin quickly responded. The cat monster knows how to use ice-type tricks. This is the purpose of sending it. Although the rock-type restrains the ice-type, it does not resist the ice-type. Said, this move is very effective.

And Taipai didn't expect this point at all, and was caught off guard for a while, the small fist stone was bitten by the kitten monster, and half of the body was covered with frost, if it wasn't for its amazing physical defense, it would almost be hit with a single blow kill.

"I'm so careless, I didn't expect that the cat monster of Electric Pokémon can use ice-type skills and can't be hit again, small fist stone, use the rounding ratio!"

Little Fist Stone curled up into a sphere, further strengthening his physical defense, but this was not the real purpose of the scoop.

"Small fist stone, then roll!"

After it becomes round, the rolling power is doubled, which is the intention of Pea Tai.

The rolling speed of the small fist stone is extremely fast, which makes it perfect. The first roll successfully hit the cat monster, and the power of the second shot became even more amazing.

"Come back, Kitty Monster!" Tian Lin decisively used the challenger's privilege. He didn't want the Kitten Monster to endure the second round, because its durability was unbearable, and its mission was over. Just leave it to your teammates.

Chapter seven hundred and sixteen take the lead

"Blue jay, please, please!"

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