"Xiao Wang, it's the first time I've participated in the conference, and it's amazing to meet such an excellent coordinator trainer on the final stage. Regardless of the outcome, I will try my best to compete." Xiaoguang looked at Xiaoguang. Wang, she knew that she was still inferior to the people in front of her, but even so, she had to fight without regrets.

Hearing this, Xiao Wang smiled knowingly, 093 "Really, to say such lovely words, well, I won't let your expectations fail."

"Then now, the final stage competition is about to take place. Miss Xiaoguang vs. Miss Xiaowang, the time limit is five minutes, there is no pause system, please start the competition!"

Curly-eared and Charming Meow, the Pokémon of both sides gracefully entered the battle stage at the same time. They are both normal types, one is a kitten and the other is a rabbit. I don’t know what kind of battle will be played.

"They both learned each other's skills from the other's first two rounds. This final stage battle depends on the changes in performances." Xiaogang analyzed the situation. After all, he had seen so many Xiaoyao. Gorgeous battle, he is already very insightful about this, "Where's Tianlin, what do you think?"

"Class, splendor, at present, Charm Meow is much better than Curly Ear, and Xiaowang's flexible use of skills, as well as her own battle experience, are also above Xiaoguang, although she doesn't want to admit it. , but at the moment Xiaoguang is indeed not Xiaowang's opponent, and her chances of winning this match are very slim," Tianlin said very objectively.

"Curl your ears and use the freezing light!"

On the stage at this time, the two sides finally started to fight, Xiaoguang preemptively attacked, and still greeted the opponent with the best trick that the curler is good at.

Chapter seven hundred and tenth high five

Facing the attack of the freezing light, Xiaowang immediately ordered Charming Meow to dodge, Charming Meow jumped high, and the freezing light only hit the ground, freezing Xiaowang's half of the field.

Xiaoguang is not lost because of the freezing light. On the contrary, her goal has been achieved. After freezing half of the field, it will greatly limit the movements of Charming Meow, and its speed advantage cannot be used. .

Sure enough, as Charming Meow landed, its limbs were unable to stand upright at all because of the slippery ice surface.

"Not bad, Xiaoguang, but your little cleverness is useless to me, Charming Meow, use the shadow claw!"

Xiaowang actually made Charming Meow use the Shadow Claw. This is a ghost-type skill, and it has no effect on the general-type Curly Ears.

But Xiaowang's purpose was not to attack. He inserted the shadow claw straight into the ice surface to stabilize his figure, and then ran with the shadow claw, sparks from friction ignited on the ice surface. , the charm of the foil is extremely handsome, Xiaoguang's tactics are used by Xiaowang, and the score is greatly reduced.

"It's very powerful, it perfectly shows the power of Charming Meow!" Tian Lin praised, the cat's biggest attack point is the claws, and this shadow claws show the sharpness of Charming Meow's claws most vividly.

"Xiao Wang is really amazing, but it's not over yet, curl up your ears and use a bounce!"

Curly ears are best at jumping. Attacks from top to bottom can often use inertia to double the power of the ultimate move, so Xiaoguang knows that he must make full use of this.

"Charming Meow, let's dance too!"

Xiaoguang had a good idea, but she didn't expect Charming Meow to use her tail as a spring, and jumped up equally high, even higher than the curled ears.

It was obviously two Pokémon on the ground, but they actually started an aerial battle. I wonder what Groudon thought when he saw it?

"Charming meow, then use the iron tail!"

Charming Meow's iron tail swept across, and one blow knocked the curling ears back to the ground.

Xiaoguang's score kept dropping, and facing Xiaowang, who was still at a full score, she was completely at a disadvantage.

"Rolling ears, since that's the case, use a flying kick~' ." Xiaoguang would not give up easily, and rolling ears organized the formation and attacked again. Not high, just jumped up slightly to attack, this is a fighting skill.

"Charming Meow, use the tail!" Xiaowang really used Charming Meow's tail in a perfect way. He actually used the tail to directly bind the curler's feet, and then rotated back and forth, after the curler's ears turned dizzy, Throw it away again, a set of counterattacks.

Xiaowang's momentum became stronger and stronger as she suppressed Xiaoguang, "Next, we have to decide the winner in one breath, Charming Meow, grab it like crazy!"

The kitten stretched out its sharp claws and scratched at Curly's ears. Xiaoguang watched his score continue to decrease and gritted his teeth, "Come on, curl your ears and grab Charming Meow's tail."

In addition to the strong jumping power, the rabbit's characteristic, another worthy of praise, is its pair of long ears.

After being violently attacked, Curly Ear gradually got used to the attack rhythm of Charming Meow, and then tried to seize Charming Meow's momentary flaw, and grabbed the two front claws of Charming Meow with his two ears respectively. .

"Good chance, curl up your ears, throw it into the sky, and use a stun punch!"

Curly ears flung Charming Meow away, this is not Charming Meow jumping up on its own, it can't move without a focus in the air.

Then Curly Ears jumped high again, turned both ears into fists, and hit Charming Meow.

After the curling ears landed smoothly, Charming Meow hit a higher place because of the stunned fist, and it was almost close to the ceiling.

"Well done curling your ears, you are very cute!" Xiaoguang's counterattack was no less than Xiaowang's, "Then take advantage of the situation and use a flying kick!"

Curly ears jumped again, one side was falling, and the other was rising. When both sides reached the same height, Curly ears kicked Charming Meow down the ice surface before, making cracks in the ice surface. .

"Charming Meow!" Xiaowang finally panicked at this time. He didn't expect Xiaoguang's counterattack to be so amazing. If it wasn't for the level of Curly Ears at this time, Charming Meow was a little bit worse, I was afraid that she had already been attacked. The technology is KO.

"It's so beautiful. From the very beginning of the competition, Miss Xiaowang completely grasped the rhythm, but Miss Xiaoguang was not discouraged, and seized the momentary opportunity to launch an overwhelming counterattack. Now the scores of the two sides are close to the same score. Who is the person who received the ribbon medal?" Bai'an explained enthusiastically.

At this moment, with the sound of 'ding', the time came to an end.

Everyone looked up at the rating bar, and saw that the scores of the two had bottomed out, but Xiaowang was only slightly ahead of Xiaoguang. After all, her advantage in the first half was too great, and Xiaoguang's final strong counterattack. She also prefers ordinary battles rather than gorgeous battles, so her score is slightly lower than Xiaowang's.

"'" At the end of the game, I announced that the person who dominates this wonderful and gorgeous battle is Miss Xiaowang. "

Although Xiaoguang lost, Tianlin didn't think it was a humiliating battle. After all, in her debut battle, it was very rare for her to fight Xiaowang, who had already obtained a ribbon, compared to the original work. Already much stronger.

However, Xiaoguang was still a little unwilling. After the defeat, she found Caizi for the first time, "I'm sorry, Mom, I lost!"

"Why do you apologize to me, your performance is already very good, and at this time, what you should do as a trainer is to comfort the defeated Pokémon, and to learn from the failure and strengthen yourself. " Caizi taught.

Xiaoguang nodded blankly, looking at her daughter with pear blossoms and rain, Caizi couldn't help but feel a little distressed, but for her daughter's growth, as a mother, she had to be ruthless, "Also, in the future (the promise is good) You can't just call home and report it. Now you have Tianlin by your side and your Pokémon. When you encounter a problem, the first thing you should do is to discuss with them and understand. ?"

"Well, I see, Mom!"

Xiaoguang realized her mother's painstaking efforts and wiped away her tears. When she hung up the phone and looked back, she found that Tianlin was already waiting behind her.

"How do you feel after the game and how does it feel to lose?" Tian Lin asked.

"It's very uncomfortable, I really have a problem."

This is the first time Xiaoguang has so solemnly realized that he has a problem, which is a very good phenomenon.

Tian Lin smiled slightly and raised his palm, "If you have a problem, then overcome it, I will do my best to help you."


Xiaoguang also raised his palm,


This is the first high-five for the two, and it is also the beginning of their agreement to progress together.

Chapter [*] The Mysterious Bird Pokémon

After celebrating Xiaowang's victory, Xiaoguang and Xiaowang agreed to meet and fight again at the next conference. Everyone said goodbye in the sunset. After Xiaoguang's first gorgeous competition, Tianlin and Xiaoguang also wanted to Prepare to hurry to the Steel City, and the next is the battle of Tianlin's gym.

In a clearing somewhere in the forest, Tian Lin is trying his best to train the grass seedling turtle. After all, although the Steel Gym is called Steel, it is actually a rock-type gym. Many rock-type gymnasiums also have ground-type elements. Not dominant, the three bees were defeated by four times, and the only ones who could fight against it were the grass-type tortoises.

The training method of the grass seedling turtle is completely different from that of the wooden Shougong.

In addition, in order to enhance its battery life, Tianlin is making it hard to practice the trick of photosynthesis.

The training object of the grass seedling turtle is the three bees. How to resist the three bees that restrain the wind and counterattack against the wind is Tianlin's training course.

But because they are partners, and the female three bees are too kind, there is always a three-point leeway between shots, which makes Tianlin very dissatisfied.

"Three bees, add more power, this little wind is not enough!" Tian Lin said solemnly, how to achieve the effect of training with such power as 093.

It's not that he is Spartan. Tianlin pays attention to the combination of work and rest. He never lacks rest and proper encouragement for Pokémon, but training should be serious.

Sweat more in practice, and bleed less in war, this is the old saying.

"Hmm!" The three bees lowered their heads, it really couldn't be cruel.

"Tianlin, don't be too hard on the three bees. It's human nature to be unable to do anything to your partner!" Xiaoguang consoled.

She was right, Pokémon is pure-hearted, no matter how Tian Lin ordered, the three bees couldn't do their best. This was also influenced by his trainer. If it was replaced by Shinji's Pokémon, it would be absolutely impossible to take action. There will be no mercy.

"By the way, if the three bees don't work, it's okay to replace them with wild Pokémon?" Tian Lin flashed, "I just noticed when I passed through this forest, there are a lot of bird nests here. There must be a lot of bird Pokémon in this forest, which just makes them the training objects of the Grass Turtles."

"Are you looking for bird Pokémon, I can help you!"

Just at this moment, a purple-haired girl walked out of the grass, came to the two of them, and introduced herself.

"Hello, my name is Xiyan. I am the person who conducts ecological observation and management of bird Pokémon in the forests of this area. Currently, I am also doing observation work!"

"Hello, Miss Xiyan, it turns out that you are an observer of bird Pokémon, so I want to ask you, do you know where there are powerful bird Pokémon in this forest?" Of course Lin would not be polite.

"Of course I do, so how about you do me a favor, and I will do you a favor?" Xi Yan said playfully with a wink.

"Okay, no problem, please speak!"

Helping each other is very fair. If the other party doesn't ask for anything, Tianlin will feel at ease. After all, nothing in this world is more expensive than 'free'.

"It's like this, in this forest, there are a lot of bird Pokémon, and I have always enjoyed observing their living habits. Not long ago, a very special Pokémon suddenly came, shaped like a crow, The strength is very strong." Xiyan recalled the appearance of the Pokémon.

"Is it very violent? Did it destroy the ecology and peace here?" Xiaoguang asked.

Xiyan shook her head, "That's not true, it's just because it can't find the same ethnic group as it in this forest, and its personality is very withdrawn. I tried to observe it several times, but failed. It will fly away, so it is so lonely, I want you to help me get close to it, I want to help it open up and be friends with other bird Pokémon in the forest."

"The crow-shaped treasure (aiea)?" Tian Lin thought silently, it should not be the dark crow or the crow head. These two kinds of Pokemon are not too rare in Shenao, since they specialize in bird Pokemon Observers, it is impossible not to recognize it. Soon, Tian Lin, who had searched the memory bank, thought of something, "Could it be it?"

"Tianlin, do you think what kind of Pokémon it is?" Hearing Tianlin's muttering to himself, Xiaoguang knew that he must have some information.

"That's right, Miss Xiyan, if I guess right, let alone this forest, even if you search the entire Shenao, it will be difficult to find the Pokémon's group. That being the case, if possible, I am very I’m happy to take it and take it away.” Tian Lin said, he had already moved his mind, but he was disappointed that the Flying Pokémon card gave him the three insect-type bees not long ago, this time, he must conquer that Bird Pokémon.

If his guess is correct, the bird Pokémon should not come from Shenao, but a very far away place, just don't know why it appeared here?

"Do you want to take it? That's no problem. This forest never forbids trainers to take Bird Pokemon. As long as you get the Pokemon's approval through a formal method, it's fine." Xi Yan didn't object. As Tianlin said, the entire Shenao can't find the ethnic group, so it's not a bad thing to follow a good trainer.

"Come with me!"

Xiyan took Tianlin and Xiaoguang into the depths of the forest. Along the way, she kept saying hello to the bird Pokémon on the roadside. It was obvious that she really liked bird Pokémon very much. , and because she often comes to this forest, these bird Pokémon have long known her and become friends with her.

After a while, before Xiyan came to a rock wall, for some reason, that Pokemon was special. It didn't like to build nests in trees, but lived on the rock wall every day.

Sure enough, there was a Pokémon on the rock wall. When the crowd approached, it immediately looked over vigilantly, then fluttered its wings and flew away, hiding in the jungle without a trace.

"You see, every time I get close to it, I run away, and I can't communicate with it at all!" Xi Yan sighed.

"It really is it, Blue Crow!" Tian Lin determined its identity the moment he saw the Pokémon, the family bird in the Galar region, an evolutionary form of the young tit, the Blue Crow.

It is no wonder that it likes to live alone by the rock wall, that is because its final evolution, the Steel Armored Crow, is a Pokemon with a steel type. It is very heavy and cannot live as well as other bird Pokemon. On the treetops, this blue jay is adapting to the future evolutionary life in advance.

PS: The author reminds that this book will not cover the Galar region, and it will be almost finished between Carlos and Alola, so many of the popular Pokémon in the Galar region that I like can only be Played earlier in other regions.

Chapter seven hundred and twelfth poacher poor blue crow

"Blue Crow, is this its name, I want to record it well!" Xi Yan heard Tian Lin's name, and immediately took out a pen and notebook to record it.

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