"Please, Fangcage."

I didn't expect Kojiro to have a new partner, it's still a grass-type Pokémon, but like his other grass-type Pokémon, because Fangcage likes Kojiro very much, the first thing at the beginning is to bite Kojiro's (the promise's) body to play with him.

"It's not me, the enemy this time is the boss of Tianlin."

"Okay, Xiaoguang, leave it to me next, Pikachu, use Iron Tail!" Tianlin ordered suddenly.


The three of the Rockets were puzzled, did Tianlin also subdue Pikachu?

Soon, they remembered something, and looked behind them in fear. It turned out that because of the huge impact caused by the fall just now, all the Pokémon had woken up.


Pikachu's iron tail swept across, breaking the iron cage in an instant, and the Pokémon scattered and fled.

"This feeling is normal again." The trio hugged each other, and they had a bad premonition.

"Send them on their way, Pikachu, with a hundred thousand volts."

Pikachu listened to Tianlin's words very much, and with a single blow of [*] volts, the Rockets were sent flying, and the counterfeit incident was completely solved.

Xiaoguang has made great achievements in rescuing Pokémon, and she was given a Pokémon as she wished. Next, she can finally prepare for the gorgeous contest in the best condition.

Chapter [*]: The rival of the gorgeous contest debuts

Early the next morning, when it was just dawn, Tian Lin took Xiaoguang to the venue of the gorgeous competition. With them, there was Xiaozhi's Pikachu. Because it was too late yesterday, they brought Pikachu back. I spent the night at the Pokémon Center where I lived.

Zhuqing City is one of the largest cities in Shenao. I don't know how many Pokémon Centers there are. It will be a while, and he can't find where Xiao Zhi and the others are. Pikachu also walked to the suburbs in a daze, and can't remember at all. The way back, but according to Xiao Zhi's personality, since he happened to meet the gorgeous competition, he might come to see it. It is estimated that he is going crazy at this time.

"Pikachu, where is he?" Outside the Gorgeous Contest, Ash turned gray.

Came together this morning and found that Pikachu was gone. He and Xiaogang hurriedly searched the entire Pokemon Center inside and out. Then they went to the police station to find Miss Junsha and learned what happened last night. go through.

Miss Junsha told him that Pikachu was rescued by a man and a woman, and the woman seemed to be a contestant of the gorgeous contest, and asked him to wait here.

So Xiaozhi came here early in the morning and has been waiting until now.

"One man and one woman, could Junsha Xiao 090 be talking about Tianlin and the girl named Xiaoguang?" Xiaogang analyzed silently, because from what Junsha said, Pikachu was voluntary Those who follow them must be someone Pikachu is familiar with. He heard Xiaozhi mention before that Tianlin's current travel partner is Xiaoguang, a coordination trainer aiming at gorgeous competitions.

All kinds of coincidences add up to make him believe that his judgment is correct.


At this moment, Xiao Zhi heard the voice that he had been looking forward to for a long time, Pikachu quickly ran over and jumped into his arms, and Tianlin Xiaoguang also came over at the same time.

"Xiao Gang, you really went on a trip again. Without you by your side, Xiao Zhi is very disturbing." Tian Lin said with a smile.

"Tianlin, I guessed right, it was you who saved Pikachu, so this lady here is Xiaoguang." Xiaogang had such an expression as expected.

"Yes, I'm Xiaoguang, please give me more advice."

"Tianlin, thank you for saving Pikachu once, I owe you a favor." Xiao Zhi stepped forward with Pikachu in his arms and thanked him.

"Speaking of this (aiea), I have to tell you, Xiaoguang is deceived, after all, she is a rookie trainer, and as a senior trainer who has traveled so many large areas, how can you believe this It's a serious dereliction of duty as a trainer to plant a pie in the sky and put your Pokémon in danger." Tian Lin taught Xiao Zhi a lesson mercilessly.

"I'm sorry!" Xiao Zhi lowered his head. He admitted that it was all his fault this time. If Pikachu was taken away by Team Rocket like this, he would never forgive himself for the rest of his life.

"Forget it, it's good to learn a lesson in the future." Tian Lin has to forgive others and forgive others. Since Xiao Zhi realized his mistake, he believes that he will not be deceived so easily in the future.

In order to express his gratitude for Xiaoguang's help in this incident, Xiaozhi Xiaogang decided to stay in the city for a day to cheer for Xiaoguang's first gorgeous competition.

'Will will! '

In front of the Pokémon Center communicator, Xiaoguang is showing Tianlin and the others the dress she is about to wear in the Gorgeous Contest. This is tailor-made for her by her mother Caiko, which perfectly sets off Xiaoguang's cuteness. .

"Xiaoguang, it's really refreshing." Based on Xiaogang's ability to identify beautiful women, he can judge that in ten years, Xiaoguang must be a charming beauty.

"Xiaoguang, why are you wearing a dress? Because it's the first time you're participating in a glamour competition, do you want to dress up?" Xiaozhi asked, he remembered that Tianlin Xiaoyao had never participated in a competition so fancy before.

"That's not the case!" Xiaoguang denied, "In our Shenao gorgeous competition, it is a trend to coordinate trainers to dress up and play with Pokémon."

"Mom, I like the dress you sent me very much!" Xiaoguang thanked Caizi in front of the communicator holding her skirt.

"I'm glad you like that dress, but it seems that something is missing." Caizi pointed to Xiaoguang's neck, "Why isn't the neck ring in there?"

Xiaoguang's dress is indeed very beautiful, but the only thing is the lack of a neck ring, which makes Xiaoguang's neck bare and a fly in the ointment.


At this moment, a Charming Meow came over, with a neck ring hanging from its tail and sent it to Xiaoguang.

"Ah, that's it!" Caiko immediately pointed at Charming Meow's tail, confirming that it was Xiao Guang's neck ring hanging on it.

A short-haired girl came to the crowd, and she looked like Charming Meow's trainer, because Charming Meow jumped into the girl's arms, the girl looked very capable, and she fit very well with the flexible Charming Meow .

"It really belongs to you, you dropped it in the fitting room." The girl smiled while holding the charm.

"You can actually tell at a glance that this belongs to Xiaoguang! It's not bad." Tian Lin praised, this girl has keen observation, which is an indispensable quality as a trainer.

"Where, because in this Pokémon Center, if anyone wears clothes that match this collar, she's the only one." The girl thought this was common.

With her excellent observation skills and excellent aesthetics, Tian Lin has already guessed that this girl should also be a coordination trainer, and maybe she will be Xiaoguang's rival.

Xiaoguang quickly put on the collar, "Look Mom, the collar is back, no problem."

"No problem, no wonder! Have you thanked people properly?" After Caizi's reminder, Xiaoguang came back to her senses, but when she looked back, the girl had already left.

"Xiaoguang, you are always so careless. You can't be in such a situation during the gorgeous competition. You have to do your best." Caizi looked at Ma Daha's Xiaoguang, and the more she looked, the more worried she became.

"No problem." Only Xiaoguang was still confident.

"Don't come, every time you say this is the most problematic time." Caizi hung up the phone with a wry smile. She can't control Xiaoguang so much now, and Xiaoguang can only rely on herself in the future. .

The gorgeous competition is approaching. In order to thank Xiaoguang for his help last night, Xiaozhi offered to help Xiaoguang with special training. Pikachu suppressed his strength to the same level as Bogaman, and made it adapt to the electric trick that he was least good at.

But in the special training, Xiao Zhi's long-tailed monster suddenly ran out, punched Pogaman, and even performed a battle show on his own. It can be seen that he likes gorgeous competitions very much.

So Tian Lin proposed to let Xiao Zhi fulfill the dream of the long-tailed monster and also signed up to participate in this competition.

Chapter [*] Celebrating the Opening of the City Gorgeous Competition

In the registration venue of the gorgeous competition, Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang completed the registration and participation respectively.

"The IDs of the two have been logged in. This is the pass for the gorgeous contest. Also, the ribbon medal collection box, the capsule ball and its matching stickers, please accept it." The staff quickly handed over the gift to the first person. Xiaoguang and Xiaozhi who participated in this competition.

This thing is very new, ribbon collection boxes are very common, but this capsule ball and sticker, even Tian Lin is the first time to see it.

"Tianlin, you didn't have this thing when you participated in the Kanto Gorgeous Contest before. You should have seen it for the first time. It is very popular in our Shenao Gorgeous Contest." Xiaoguang took the capsule ball, "In God In the splendid competitions in the Austrian region, the Pokémon are also very particular when they appear from the ball, and it can be said that the performance has already started from that time.”

"I'll show you a demonstration."

Xiaoguang put the Poke Ball into the capsule ball, and then affixed a heart-shaped sticker. After throwing the Poke Ball, a group of special effects of love flashed out, and Pogaman also appeared wrapped in love.

Compared with Hoenn and Kanto, Shenao's gorgeous contest is indeed much more fancy.

There are many different kinds of stickers in Xiaoguang’s hands, and they should be using different stickers, so the way Pokemon appears will be different. To make the most accurate choice with the characteristics of Pokemon itself, this is also what coordination trainers must think about. thing.

After a day of training, Xiaoguang, who should have had a good rest to meet the competition, couldn't fall asleep. She walked to the balcony alone and released Bogaman and Curly Ears.

"Bogaman, curl your ears, when I think of tomorrow's gorgeous competition, I'm so excited, I can't sleep." Xiaoguang stared at the ribbon medal in his hand, which Caiko gave before she left. her amulet.

"In order to successfully convey the charm of the two of you and let more people know about it tomorrow, I made a wish on this amulet. You two, both of you will work hard tomorrow."



This is the final pre-war mobilization, Xiaoguang said from the heart, and raised the fighting spirit of the two Pokémon to the highest peak.

The next day, the celebration of the gorgeous contest finally began.

"Happily held in various towns, the splendid competition is unprecedented, and the Pokémon exudes a dazzling light, and they try their best to fly and dance in order to get the ribbon medal."

"Everyone who came to the scene, I've made you wait for a long time. The Pokémon Gorgeous Contest has officially opened." A hostess who was different from Vivian and Lillian stood at the center of the stage.

"This conference is organized by the City of Celebration, a happy town where many people gather. I am the host of this game, Ba'an!"

In the waiting room, everyone was ready and eagerly awaiting the start of the game, but Xiaoguang was nowhere to be seen at the moment. He was probably still in the locker room. I don't know what happened. Unfortunately, Tianlin and the three of them were all boys. You can't even go into the women's locker room.

At this time, Xiaoguang was worrying about her hair. She had already changed into a dress for the competition. In order to match the dress, she planned to have a hairstyle that matched it, but she couldn't do it anyway. As the time approached, she couldn't help but panic.

"I'll help you."

At this time, the short-haired girl from yesterday appeared again. She took the comb in Xiaoguang's hand and helped her comb her hair.

"That, yesterday and now, thank you so much, my name is Xiaoguang, what is your name?" Xiaoguang said gratefully.

"My name is Xiaowang, Xiaoguang, is this your first time participating in the Gorgeous Competition?"

"Well, can you see that?"

"Yeah, that's what you gave me."

At a glance, Xiao Wang saw that Xiaoguang was a young newcomer, just like yesterday, with keen observation.

And Xiaowang himself is a coordinator trainer who has participated in three gorgeous competitions, and even received a ribbon medal, his strength is not weak.

"It's tied, is this all right?" Xiaowang stopped the movements in his hands, and at this time Xiaoguang tied a beautiful single ponytail.

"That's great, thank you!" Xiaoguang turned to look at Xiaowang, "This time, I will also show you the ribbon medal."

Hearing this, Xiao Wang smiled and said, "Then let's meet in the finals, come on!"

Hearing the word "finals", Xiaoguang was a little cowardly again. She was only in the debut competition, so she said such bold words, which made her feel a little overpowered.

"Then, the competition is about to start. Who will be able to win the celebration ribbon medal? The coordinator trainer who wins the magnificent competition held in various places and collects five ribbon medals will be awarded to participate in the large-scale celebration. qualifications.".

"Now, let me introduce the judges of this competition to you."

The judges are still the three untouchables, Mr. Conkenstein, Mr. Sugiza and Miss Joy. Tian Lin can't help but wonder if the family of Conkenstein and Sugiza is the same as Joey Junsha, otherwise how can they take care of so much at the same time? Regional Gorgeous Contest.

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"The first thing to do is the first review, a gorgeous stage where a single Pokémon will perform its moves, and there is a contestant No. [*] below!" Bai'an's voice fell, indicating the start of the competition.

Xiao Wang was the first to perform on the stage. Even though she was the No. [*] contestant, she still took time to help Xiaoguang comb her hair, which shows her calmness and confidence in herself.

"Meng Yao, readygo!"

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