The problem is, it's her own business to reflect on herself. What's the matter with pulling everyone in? Tian Lin yawns. He has a good habit of going to bed early and getting up early. Victory, it's not good for children to stay up all night.

"Today's failure is due to lack of experience in the control of power. You guys say, what should I do to overcome this problem as soon as possible?" Xiaoyao frowned and babbled. If this problem is not solved, she will not sleep at all. No.

"Xiaoyao, the control of power and the improvement of experience do not happen overnight. You need to put in more effort to cultivate. It is useless to be anxious." Xiaogang said.

 08 "But I don't have that much time. The grand ceremony is approaching, but I only have two ribbon medals. This is not enough. I must improve my strength as soon as possible." Xiaoyao said anxiously, according to rumors, there are already The two of them have gathered five ribbons, which is really terrifying efficiency.

'Jingle Bell! '

When he was distressed, the navigator on the sleepy Tianlin suddenly rang. Who would call him at this time?

Open the navigator, and the image of Xiao Shun appeared on the visual screen. This guy is the same as Xiaoyao, and the phone calls in the middle of the night will not let people rest.

"Tianlin, hello, are you in Shuijing City?" Xiao Shun asked directly.

"Yeah, how did you know?" Tian Lin narrowed his eyes and replied weakly.

"Didn't Xiaoyao win the Shuijing City Ribbon Medal today? I watched TV. Well, isn't she by your side now?"

Tianlin understood Xiao Shun's intention to call so late, just to avoid Xiaoyao, but unfortunately, he never imagined that Xiaoyao stayed up in the middle of the night today and dragged everyone to a reflection meeting.

Tianlin looked away from the navigator and glanced at Xiaoyao, made a silent gesture, and said, "I'm not here, what's the matter with you?"

"It's good not to. I see Xiaoyao's fire chicken has evolved into a strong chicken. Did you give her the stone?"

"Come on, that's all you want to say?" Tian Lin was a little disappointed, he thought there might be something secret, Xiaoyao knew about it a long time ago.

"I just asked, there is another important thing, do you remember, when I exchanged the flame chicken evolution stone in your hand, I promised you to exchange it with the stone of the giant pliers mantis, and now the stone is hard to find, just In my hometown of Larousse, which is very close to Shuijing City, I told my butler to wait there, if you don't mind, you can just take a detour to get it."

Xiaoyao was a little moved when she heard that the flame chicken stone was actually changed for her by Xiaoshuo, but when she learned that the evolution stone of the giant pincer mantis had been found, Tianlin immediately became interested and said, "Is it Larousse City? I see."

Just as he was about to hang up the phone, Xiao Shun hurriedly said, "Wait, Tian Lin, there is one more thing."

"In Larousse City, there is a battle tower with countless excellent trainers. You can take Xiaoyao to see her. Her strong chicken is obviously not enough to fight. There, it should be improved."

Aha, Tian Lin's eyes are teasing, this is Xiao Shun's real purpose, right? He is here to guide Xiaoyao. The giant pliers mantis evolution stone is a casual thing, and he can also see Xiaoyao's situation at this time. , and immediately helped to think of the quickest solution, that is to fight, keep fighting with high-level trainers, this is the fastest way to cultivate Pokémon combat experience.

It's hard to meet so many powerful trainers in the wild, but in the battle tower, this problem is very easy to solve.

"Xiao Shun, thank you!" The moved Xiaoyao couldn't help but be grateful.

"Xiao...Xiaoyao? Why are you here?" Xiao Shun was startled when she heard the voice, and she stuttered.

"We're having a reflection meeting here. I didn't expect Xiao Shun to think so much about Xiaoyao. Well, as a man, that's what it should be like!" Xiaogang laughed. For Xiao Shun, who gave silently, he was emotionally overwhelmed. After hundreds of battles, he strongly agrees.

"Well, you and Xiaoyao are really good rivals, good partners!" This is Xiaozhi, a piece of wood, ignore him.

"Don't get me wrong, I didn't do it specifically for her, the battle tower was just a passing comment." Xiao Shun hurriedly defended, and then turned to Tian Lin angrily, "Tian Lin, you are actually playing with me, you bastard..."

"Beep, beep, beep!"

Tian Lin hangs up the phone without hesitation, joking, and he will not be scolded by you.

In a luxury hotel, Xiao Shun looked at the phone in his hand with black lines all over his head. The beeping sound was a silent mockery of him, "How dare you hang up my phone if you play tricks on me! Damn..."

Under the operation of Tian Lin, Xiao Shun's previous image of the noble son disappeared.

---------Dividing line

Larousse City, a famous high-tech island city in the Hoenn area, is adjacent to Shuijing City, with large parks, battle towers and commercial streets. It can be reached here by the monorail surrounding the island, and the north of the island is a bridge.

When Tian Lin and the others got out of the car, a long robot like building blocks stepped forward to receive them, "Welcome to Larousse City."

It really deserves to be a high-tech city. The robots that greet guests are all cute, but Xiaogang is a little disappointed because it is not a beautiful big sister who came out to greet you.

The robot stretched out a camera and said to 953 everyone, "Come on, have a laugh!"

Xiaoyao, who was the first to take a picture, didn't react, and was photographed with a dazed face, and there were naturally more people behind.

"These are the passports of several people in this city. Please carry them with you during your stay in this city. You can also use this passport for shopping, accommodation, etc."

This is a very convenient thing. After taking the photo, the information of Tianlin and others will be transmitted to the main computer of the city. The city administrator can easily check the status of everyone in the city.

Xiaoyao looked at his passport with reluctance on his face, "I hate it, I really hope you can retake it for me!"

A few people walked out of the station, and at the gate, an old man in a high-end suit came over, "Excuse me, are you guys just Mr. Tianlin and Miss Xiaoyao?"

"Yes, I am Tianlin, may I ask who you are?"

"I'm the housekeeper of Young Master Xiao Shun. This is something that Young Master Xiao Shun asked me to give to you, Young Master Tian Lin. Please accept it."

The housekeeper took out a box, and Tian Lin put it into his backpack without looking at it. He believed in Xiao Shun's character.

"Is Xiao Shun not here?" Xiao Yao asked.

"Master, he is taking his last ribbon medal in another city. He ordered me to take you to the battle tower for training, please come with me."

"Thank you!" Everyone thanked in unison, then followed the housekeeper and walked towards the battle tower.

Chapter [*] Battle Tower

Xiao Shun's housekeeper took everyone to the city center, where the road can be moved, and along the road, you can directly reach the battle tower.

"Everyone, I will send you here. Now I have to go back to Master Xiao Shun and say goodbye."

"Thank you, Mr. Butler." Everyone said goodbye to the butler and set foot on the mobile road to the battle tower.

"I don't know what kind of trainers are in the battle tower, I really want to fight them quickly!" Xiao Zhi looked at the tower in the distance, extremely excited.

"Anyone can challenge the battle tower, so there are various types of trainers. No matter what type of trainer you want to fight, you can definitely find it." At this time, two men and two women stood in front of them, listening to To Xiaozhi's words, he turned his head and smiled.

A handsome young man, a fat man, and two little loli, what a strange combination.

After some self-introduction, I learned that the handsome young man was called Aaron, and the two little girls were his twin sisters, Catherine and Audrey.The last fat man is called Jiang Tai, and they are also preparing to rush to the battle tower to participate in the competition.

Tianlin also learned from the dialogue that Aaron and Jiangtai are regulars in the battle tower. As partners in doubles battles, they have won consecutive battles. They are a famous golden combination. Hearing this, Xiaozhi immediately became interested and immediately proposed a battle ask.

"Brother Aaron is very strong, you must not be his opponent." The twin Lolita seemed to admire her brother very much and was full of confidence in him.

"Aaron, I must compete with you today!" At this time, a bespectacled sister with a computer passed by. She was standing on a faster path.

Seeing the beauty, Xiaogang was as excited as ever, "What a beautiful sister with glasses!"

"That's Xiaotong who values ​​computer data and uses it in the battle of giant gold monsters." Jiang Tai introduced, "She is very strong, especially in singles, but she has never been able to find a suitable teammate, so she played in doubles. Keep losing to me and Aaron 々”.”

The giant gold monster, Tian Lin misses it a little. His trump card is also the giant gold monster. I don't know how powerful it is now.

As for the three people in front of them, even if they didn't introduce them, Tianlin knew all about their information. Although they didn't participate in the league competition, they were all first-class masters in the battle tower. Their information was completely recorded in the system database.

Aaron, Larousse City trainer, fighting type, C type (strong attack type), ace: Flaming Chicken, battle tower record, 106 wins and 85 losses in 21 singles matches, 144 wins and 128 losses in 16 doubles matches.

Jiang Tai, Larousse City trainer, battle type, D type (defensive type), ace: water arrow turtle, battle tower record, 86 singles battles, 56 wins and 30 losses, and 144 doubles battles, 128 wins and 16 losses.

Little Hitomi, Larousse City Trainer, Dataflow Master, Combat Type, Class D (Defense), Class E (Auxiliary), Ace: Giant Gold Monster, Banquilas, Battle Tower record, 122 singles 116 6 wins and 102 losses, 75 wins and 27 losses in [*] doubles matches.

Sure enough, they were three very powerful characters, and Tian Lin was very interested in playing against them. "Xiaozhi, let's work together this time. In the doubles battle, we will join forces to deal with Aaron and General Tai."

"No problem, Tianlin, I've been your opponent for so long, but I've never been a partner."

"Xiaozhi, Tianlin? These two names?" As a data flow trainer, Xiaotong knew all the information about the excellent trainers in recent years. She saw her fingers tap quickly on the laptop, and soon the screen appeared. The information of the two of them is displayed, "You are actually two of the three Samsungs in Zhenxin Town, and Tianlin is the champion of the Quartz Conference and the Silver Conference!"

Hearing Xiaotong's words, Aaron and the others were amazed, "The most outstanding new stars in the rumors of Kanto are you two. This is really incredible, Jiang Tai, it seems that we have a good opponent today."

Aaron didn't have the slightest fear. Instead, he looked forward to it more and more. Everyone was an excellent Pokémon trainer, and he couldn't help but sympathize with each other. Among them, General Tai, the fat man, fell in love with Xiaoyao because of her cuteness.

Soon the trail came to an end.

"Look, the battle tower is here!" The twin sisters pointed to the tall building that had come before them and said to everyone.

This battle tower is indeed magnificent. Just standing below makes the souls of Tianlin and Xiaozhi's trainers eager to move.

Coming to the battle tower, Aaron and General Taiqing went to prepare for the battle, and Xiaozhi Tianlin also temporarily left the team to register for the competition.

After the two logged in, they walked towards the battle venue. The first thing that jumped into their ears was the cheers of countless audiences.

"Okay, today's first two-player battle, everyone, please get ready to enjoy the battle feast. First of all, the two trainers on the red side are the star players of our battle tower, Aaron and Jiangtai!" The host relies on high-tech Suspended in mid-air, introducing the contestants.

"'" Aaron, Aaron, Aaron! ! "

"Will too, will too, will too!!"

The names of the two were shouted loudly in the audience. Aaron and Jiang became famous in the battle tower too early, and there were many fans.

"Then I want to introduce the two trainers from the blue side. Although they are participating in the Battle Tower competition for the first time, they are both supernovas who have ranked among the top in the Kanto region in recent years. player."

"Xiao Zhi, let's go!" Tian Lin's blood was boiling over the duo's battle.

"Tianlin, and Xiaozhi, I didn't expect to meet you in the first game. It's great, I hope we have a good game." Aaron and the others were also very excited.

At the beginning of the battle, Aaron and Jiangtai, as the predecessors of the battle tower, took the lead in sending out Pokemon, the flame chicken and the water arrow turtle, a classic combination of water and fire.

"It's all Yu Sanjia, (Nuo Lihao) Xiaozhi, how about we also use Yu Sanjia to fight the enemy?" Tian Lin said with a smile.

"Okay, no problem, it's up to you, Forest Lizard." Xiao Zhi did not hesitate and sent Forest Lizard to play.

"Then Swamp Leaping Fish, I'll ask you now."

The flaming chicken and the water arrow turtle VS the forest lizard and the marsh leaping fish, it is completely a battle between the three families, each with their own advantages in attributes, but the opponent's Pokémon are all fully evolved, while Tianlin Xiaozhi is on the side. Yes, they are all in the second stage, which is slightly disadvantageous.

"Flaming chicken, use a flame fist!" Aaron preemptively attacked the forest lizard with unfavorable attributes.

"Swamp jumping fish, use the water gun to cover the forest lizards."

"Water arrow turtle, stop the marsh jumping fish, use the water cannon."

"The forest lizard, swing the blade at the water cannon!"

As soon as the battle started, the four Pokémon entered an amazing melee.

Chapter [*] Combination battle boiling tactics

In the battle tower, the four Pokémon started to act at the same time, and the fastest flame chicken had already run to the forest lizard.

The Swamp Leaping Fish planned to block the attack with a water gun, while the Water Arrow Turtle used a more powerful water cannon to directly push the water gun back.

The power of the water cannon is far greater than that of the water gun, and everyone thinks that the first collision will be dominated by Aaron Jiangtai.

However, seeing the action of the water arrow turtle, Ash's forest lizard rushed forward and smashed the water cannon with one move.


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