Chapter [*] True New Town Samsung

Dusk is coming, another day of competition is over, the first round of the decisive championship has ended, and the list of the top eight has been determined. Apart from the six people who know each other, the other two are called Hyde, a native of Chengdu area. The other is Arno, from the Kanto region.

The battle table has also been determined, namely Ash VS Xiao Mao, Ah Yin VS Hyde, Toya VS Nana, Tian Lin VS Arno.

As the competition became more and more heated, the players' supporters rushed to cheer for them. In the evening, when Tianlin returned to the entrance of the player's village, Dr. Damu, Hanako, Jun Shalan and others had already arrived.

"Tianlin, Sundae, Nazi, come here, we are here!" Jun Shalan waved excitedly when Tianlin and his party came back.

"Doctor, aunt, sister, you are all here!" Tian Lin said.

"Tianlin, this Chengdu League, you and Xiaozhi Xiaomao both played very well. We played three people in Zhenxin Town, and all three of them made it to the quarterfinals. I'm really happy. Now the whole Zhenxin Town is in the quarterfinals. We are all proud of you, and call you three stars in Zhenxin Town." Dr. Damu's words were full of pride, since he retired, Zhenxin Town has not seen any outstanding trainers for a long time. Next, three of them appeared at the same time in one breath, which made him happy.

"Strange, what about Xiaozhi and Xiaomao?" Sundae looked around and found that Xiaogang and Xiaoxia were all there, and Xiaomao's girlfriends also came to cheer him up, but Xiaozhi Xiaomao, who was the protagonist, was not there. people.

"Have you forgotten, they are tomorrow's opponents, I think the two of them don't want to meet now, they are preparing for the battle with all their strength." Tian Lin guessed.

"Yes, Xiaozhi and Xiaomao have already returned to the room. I'm afraid for the two of them, tomorrow's game is more important than the championship and runner-up finals." Dr. Damu said, Xiaozhi and Xiaomao are strong enemies who grew up together. The two of them have been waiting for a long time to show their full strength in the competition and compete with one point.

"That, are you the master, hello, I'm Nana." Behind Tian Lin, Nana showed a small head cautiously. The first time she saw the master's master, she seemed a little nervous.

"Oh, you are Nina, I heard Tianlin mention you, yes, you entered the quarterfinals in the first year of your debut, your performance and strength are not inferior to Xiaozhi a year ago, as expected of my apprentice. Apprentice!" Dr. Damu said with a smile.

"Thank you for your compliment!" Nana gradually relaxed when she saw Dr. Damu's approachable appearance, and Dr. Damu's words just now undoubtedly admitted her identity as a disciple of Tianlin. Now Nana is no longer an ordinary trainer of rootless duckweed. She is already officially in the line of the Great Wood Research Institute and belongs to a trainer with a backstage.

"Okay, don't say it here, everyone must be tired after playing all day, let's go back to the house to rest first." Hanako clapped her hands and interrupted everyone's conversation.

Everyone chatted while walking towards the village.

"Tianlin, do you seem to have grown a lot taller? You are about the same size as your elder sister. You should be one meter seven." On the way, Jun Shalan gestured at Tianlin's height and said.

"It's okay, I don't feel anything myself."

"Hello, you are the master's sister, so should I call you, master aunt?" Nana asked Jun Shalan.

"It sounds so old-fashioned, and I'm still a young girl. In this way, you can just call me Sister Lan, just like Sundina Zi." Jun Shalan pouted her lips. don't want.

"Well, I also think that Sister Lan is so young and beautiful, it's better to call her sister."

"Haha, you really have insight, Tianlin, your apprentice is much sweeter than your mouth." Nana's compliment immediately made Jun Shalan smile.

"It's a lot of age, and still so childish." Tian Lin whispered.

"Tianlin, what did you say?" Jun Shalan looked at Tianlin with a hint of murderous intent.

"Uh, no, I swear I didn't say anything!"

----------------Dividing line

The rising sun, the first game of the eight-in-four match at the Silver Conference, Xiaozhi VS Xiaomao, the night before, the two of them were fully prepared both in terms of mentality and lineup.

Tianlin and everyone, except Dr. Damu, came to the auditorium and sat down. Dr. was invited to be the commentator of the game. After all, the two sides were Xiaozhi and Xiaomao, the two children he watched growing up. He did not Reason for rejection.

"In the first match of the second round of the Final Tournament, Xiao Zhi from Zhenxin Town will play against Xiao Mao, who is also from Zhenxin Town. This is a situation where two people from the same place are fighting on the same stage!"

"Come on, Xiaomao, Xiaomao, Xiaomao and Xiaomao win!" The rest area behind Xiaomao was full of tall, mature beauties. They were all dressed in uniform cheerleading uniforms, raised their snow-white thighs, and kept drinking at the same time.

In contrast, behind Xiaozhi, there are only Xiaogang and Xiaoxia, which looks much more shabby.

"Xiao Mao's cheerleaders are back again, and they are so powerful. In comparison, Xiao Zhi is only the two of us." Xiao Xia said to Xiao Gang.

"So many beautiful big sisters!"

"Okay, I betrayed again, I'm the only one left." Xiaoxia sighed helplessly.

Accompanied by the cheers of the audience, the host's voice sounded again: "Moreover, the two players in the battle, Xiaomao is the grandson of the famous Dr. Damu, and Xiaozhi is the trainer who reached the top eight in the Quartz Conference, so This game will definitely become a much-anticipated game in this conference, and for this reason, we specially invited Dr. Ogi to explain the game.” 833

"Hello everyone, I'm Damu!" Dr. Damu stood up with the microphone.

"Dr. Damu, in this year's top eight, all three are trainers from Zhenxin Town, nearly half of them. Now many people call them three stars in Zhenxin Town, and they must have been carefully taught by you. , so that's why it's so good!" The host complimented.

"No, even my direct disciple Tian Lin, I have only taught him research knowledge. They can achieve today's achievements through their own efforts. Haven't you noticed that the three of them have completely different fighting styles? , if it was taught by the same person, how could there be such a big difference?"

"Doctor, what do you mean by difference?"

"Let's put it this way, if we say that they are three stars, then Xiaozhi is a general star, like a fierce general galloping on the battlefield, forging ahead and attacking is king, Xiaomao is a wisdom star, like a counselor, judging the situation, strategizing, and Tianlin It is the emperor star, like a king, holding the universe and coordinating the overall situation." Dr. Damu explained.

"I seem to understand, isn't this game a contest of courage and wisdom?"

"Dr. Damu nodded and refused to deny the host's statement, "That's right, what kind of battle will these two rivals who have grown up together since childhood, I can't even judge. ".

Chapter three hundred and seventy fourth rivalry duel

"Xiaozhi, you heard it, grandpa put us and Tianlin side by side, what is the true new town Samsung, I don't agree at all, there is only one strongest, I will use the strongest lineup to end your silver conference Journey." Xiao Mao said lightly.

"I just want you to see the power of my strongest lineup!" Xiaozhi showed no weakness.

"Okay, the flames of the two players' hot battle seem to have ignited. Let's take a look at the battle field of this game." The commentator said, everyone's eyes were fixed on the big screen, and finally, the cursor stopped at the icon of the rock field superior.

"It's the battle field of the rock, and now the field is changing!"

At this time, the standard common field between Xiao Zhi and Xiao Mao gradually sank, and a rock field with huge boulders was replaced.

This is a very suitable arena for power-type Pokémon to fight.

Xiaozhi and Xiaomao looked at each other tightly, an invisible lightning flashed sparks between the two of them, the roulette turned again, and the order of first attack and second attack was decided. After a few seconds, the cursor stopped on Xiaomao's side. He strikes first.

Xiao Mao looked at Xiao Zhi opposite him, his face full of confidence, he quickly threw out the Poke Ball and shouted, "Go, Queen Nido!"


With a low roar, the whole body was light blue, corresponding to the female Pokémon of King Nido. After Nido appeared in the center of the field, Tianlin observed that her strength was around the middle rank of the Quasi-Tianwang, which was very powerful.

"If that's the case, I'll..." Ash looked at Nido, took out the Poke Ball from the belt behind him, and threw it to the field, "It's up to you, Kentaro."

"The first player Xiaomao is Nido, and the player Xiaozhi is fighting with Kentaro." The image of two Pokémon quickly lit up at the top of the big screen.

"The game starts!" Seeing that both sides were ready, the referee raised the flag and announced.

"After Nido, use the rock to smash!"

After Nido roared, he raised his fist and bombarded the ground in front of him. From the straight distance from Nido to Kentaro, a crack was quickly splitting from the field at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The splashing rocks kept hitting Kentaro's body like a rain of rocks, causing Kentaro's whole body to ache. This was Xiao Mao's tactics using the field.

"Kentaro, bounce the rocks away!" Ash yelled.

"Moo!" Kentaro roared, his whole body exerted strength, and an invisible giant force erupted from his body, smashing all the continuous rocks.

"You don't have to use the tricks of the worm, just challenge it head-on, Kentaro, and attack it with horns." As Dr. Ogi said, constantly attacking and fighting head-to-head is what he is best at.

Kentaro stomped on all fours and slammed towards Nido, smashing all the rocks that were blocking him, and his momentum was amazing.

"Wow! It's amazing strength. The rocks on the field have no effect on Kentaro at all." The host was shocked.

"Hmph, Queen Nido, grab its horns." Xiaomao calmly ordered without showing any signs of panic.

"Nido." Nido responded, squatting slightly, his hands stretched forward, ready to go.With a bang, he firmly grasped Kentaro's horns, and without being knocked back, he completely withstood Kentaro's strong impact.

Although Dr. Ogi lists Xiao Mao as a trainer who wins by outwit, his Pokémon are not inferior to Xiao Zhi in terms of power.

Xiao Mao crossed his hands, showing a hint of pride, "Queen Nido, destroy the death light!"

Nido opened his mouth wide, and an orange-red light gushed out, hitting Kentaro's body and flying backwards. After smashing several rocks, he finally stopped on a relatively large rock. , and Kentaro also fell to the ground.

The referee glanced at it and immediately made a verdict, "Kentaro lost his fighting ability, and Nido won."

Xiao Mao took the lead.

"It's so powerful, Kentaro was knocked down with one blow." Xiaoxia said worriedly.

"Yeah, Xiaomao's Pokémon have not only evolved, but their level and combat ability are quite high." Although Xiaogang was equally worried, as a breeder, he was very concerned about Xiaomao's treasures. Kai Meng, I applaud from the bottom of my heart.

Kentaro was knocked down so easily, even for a naturally confident person like Xiao Zhi, it was a big blow, but he quickly adjusted his mentality, and immediately regained his energy and threw the second Poke Ball.

The one who appears is the strongest among the Bug-type Pokémon, Heracross.

"Heracross, then come back, Queen Nido." Seeing this, Xiao Mao immediately took back Nido,

"Next time, please, platypus fire beast."

The platypus fire beast of the flame system was replaced. Xiao Mao and Xiao Zhi had completely different ways of fighting. They were somewhat similar to Tian Lin. They were absolutely orthodox schools and paid great attention to attribute restraint.

"The platypus fire beast, spray flame!"

"Heracross, avoid it and make a crazy attack."

Even in the face of the attribute crisis, Xiao Zhi did not flinch at all, and started a close combat. Behind Heracross, two transparent thin wings fanned up and down at an ultra-high frequency, rolling up and down around the fire column, easily dodging the duckbill The flame of the fire beast.

Then he approached the platypus fire beast and used the big horns on his head to frantically slap the platypus fire beast. The platypus fire beast was covered with scars. Finally, Heracross's huge horns pushed up hard and pushed the duck-billed fire beast. The beast was pushed into the air.

The speed and power of "'" are amazing. Although it is a bug-type Pokémon, it should not be underestimated. The platypus fire beast uses a large-character explosion. "

The platypus fire beast in mid-air adjusted its body, and its head spit out a huge 'big' flame. This was not the end. The platypus opened its arms, and the whole body rushed directly into the big flame. It even accelerated the attack speed of the large-character flames. Heracross was caught off guard, and was severely pressed on a huge rock by the duck-billed fire beast wrapped in flames.

"What a terrifying attack. Even if you are fighting against yourself, you will be hurt by the explosion of big characters (money is good). You have to forcefully rush into the flame to increase the attack speed to ensure that you hit Heracross?" Xiaogang was frightened by Xiaomao's crazy tactics. A jump.

"Because the duck-billed fire beast itself is also fire-type, it is resistant to fire-type tricks, so Xiaomao would do this. Although it is a bit dangerous, it is still a good tactic." Dr. Damu commented.

"Xiao Zhi, your Heracross is finished, the platypus fire beast, use the jet flame." Xiao Mao continued to attack mercilessly. In the flames, the platypus fired a column of fire again, further increasing the attack on He. Lacrosse's burning intensity.

"Wow! The flame of the duck-billed fire beast broke out, and the effect was too extreme. Has Heracross finished everything?" the host said.

Outside the arena, Ah Yin and the others also stared intently at the two Pokémon wrapped in flames in the arena. Xiao Mao's strength was not weak. They were very curious as to how the game would go.bitter.

Chapter three hundred and seventy-fifth change moon Ibrahimovic debut

"Juice hot dog and bento, is there anyone who wants to buy it? There is also delicious and hot coffee!" In the auditorium, Kojiro and Musashi couldn't help shouting. The audience of the league competition gathered. For them, it was definitely business. It's a good time. During this time, they didn't even bother to do bad things. Unfortunately, everyone in the audience is now attracted by Xiao Mao and Xiao Zhi, and no one has time to eat anything.

"Alas, everyone is watching the kid's game, the business is so bad!" Kojiro sighed.

"Yo, Kojiro, give me a hot dog and coke!" At this moment, Tianlin shouted at Kojiro.

"Okay, Boss Tianlin, thank you for your patronage." Kojiro handed over the goods with a smile.

"Tianlin, the fight is so intense, do you still have time to eat?" Jun Shalan said, her younger brother is really heartless.

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