Yan Hui is a must-kill skill. The tyrannical carp dragon was completely unable to dodge, and was pressed three points below the face by the sharp beak of the armored bird. After receiving the original power twice, the tyrannical carp dragon was already in the wind. Immediately fell down, with the huge gap in strength between the quasi-celestial king level and the gym level, the opponent's attack caused great damage to it.

"The tyrannical carp dragon is incapacitated, and the armored bird wins."

"Come back, Tyrannosaurus, please do it again, Evelvet Moth."

"Evelvet moth is too unfavorable in terms of attributes and strength, I just hope it can drag Tianlin a little longer! 823" Nazi said worriedly.

"Why did Tianlin choose the fire-breathing dragon who wasn't around him for the last time? Reybu still has a chance to defeat the armored bird, such a risky move." Sundae was a little puzzled by Tianlin's choice.

"Because of self-confidence and trust, Tianlin has always been like this, no matter what the situation is in the battle, he is always so confident and trusts his partner unconditionally. He knows that the fire-breathing dragon will definitely be able to catch up. It's here." Na Zi said and looked at Tian Lin, even if Tian Lin was at a disadvantage now, there was no rush on his face, and he was still so calm.

"It seems to be the case, forget it, is this Tianlin!" Sundae thought for a while and said.

"Evelvet moth, your opponent is much stronger than you, don't be careless, use all your strength to make a blizzard!"

"Armored bird, avoid it!" Maggie ordered. Although she was brave, she was not reckless. Evelvet moth's special attack was much stronger than that of Tyrannosaurus.

The armored bird flapped its wings and flexibly flew out of the attack range of the blizzard.

"This armored bird is really good." Tian Lin couldn't help but praise, both offensive and defensive ability and speed are very good.

"Thank you for your compliment, then in order to respond to you, I will let the armored bird do its best, come on, armored bird, brave bird attack!" Maggie cried.

Brave Bird's Onslaught is the second most powerful move in the physical attack of the flying type. It has a fast attack speed and a very high hit rate. It does not need to be charged. It can be said to be the most practical trick of the flying type. It will also suffer a little damage, but compared to the damage caused to the other party, that point is completely worth it. Injuring the enemy by a thousand, and self-inflicted damage of three hundred, it is worth more than buying and selling.

The armored bird was covered in blue flames and rushed towards the Edelweiss moth.

The huge collision sound of 'Boom' sounded in mid-air, and with a full-strength blow facing the Heavenly King, the Edelweiss Moth couldn't dodge at all, and was directly hit.

"The edelweiss loses its ability to fight, and the armored bird wins." The experienced referee announced the result. He didn't need to look at the state of the edelweiss at all. It was impossible for the insect-type edelweiss to resist such a heavy blow. of.

As he expected, the Edelweiss moth landed with a plop and lost its ability to fight.

"No, Evelvet Moth has been knocked down, what should Tianlin do next?" The two girls on the stage were anxious.

"Tianlin player, please take out your third Pokémon!" said the referee.

"Hmph, you two bastards, it's been a while, it's time to come down." Tian Lin did not answer the referee, but shouted towards the sky.

Everyone heard the words and looked towards the sky, only to see two figures, who were rapidly falling towards the arena, and only when they were close did they see clearly that the two Pokémon that came were the fast dragon and the fire-breathing dragon.It turned out that they met on the road and arrived here at the same time. Since the previous battle of Tianlin Evelvet Moth was not over, (aidj) did not show up.

The two Pokémon landed steadily, the fire-breathing dragon landed in the center of the arena, and the fast dragon flew behind Tianlin. It knew that this game was a fire-breathing dragon battle.

"Tianlin's last Pokémon is a fire-breathing dragon that fell from the sky, but this fire-breathing dragon doesn't look very good?" the commentator said.

"What are you doing, the fire-breathing dragon looks so weak!" Several audience members complained. Most people judge the strength of a fire-breathing dragon based on three points, one is body shape, the other is momentum, and the third is tail flames degree of combustion.

But Tianlin, a fire-breathing dragon, although not small in size, is the size and imposing manner of an ordinary fire-breathing dragon. It can be said that it has no imposing manner, and the shadow of a strong person cannot be seen. As for the flame of the tail, it is even more Like a flame, in short, this fire-breathing dragon feels like one word, weak!

"Tianlin, this is your fire-breathing dragon?" Maggie asked curiously, she knew that Tianlin had a fire-breathing dragon. When they first met, Nana mentioned that she wanted to fight Tianlin's fire-breathing dragon. I looked at it, but since the fire-breathing dragon was not by Tianlin's side at that time, he had no choice but to give up.

Now that I finally see it, it is as much as I hope, and so much disappointment.

"Armored bird, although the attributes are unfavorable, the opposite is simply a slap in the face, don't be afraid, quickly solve it and use the brave bird to attack!"

"Fire-breathing dragon, it's so peaceful, it's like an extinct volcano. If you were ridiculed like this before, I'm afraid you would have been angry and breathing fire!" Tian Lin laughed, and the calm mentality of the fire-breathing dragon grew. Make Tianlin very satisfied.

"But now you're on the battlefield, volcano, ready to erupt!"

Hearing Tian Lin's words, the fire-breathing dragon raised its head abruptly, exuding bursts of threats, and Mei Qi's heart couldn't help but feel a little chill.

Just like before, the armored bird's brave bird's onslaught hit smoothly, but unexpectedly, the fire-breathing dragon was almost unscathed.

"How?" Mei Qi couldn't believe it.

"Wow!" The fire-breathing dragon screamed in the sky. At this time, it was completely different from just now. The explosive atmosphere of the fire-type Pokémon was completely burned. Turning to blue and white, the whole body exudes a thick heat that seems to surround the entire venue.

At this time, A Yin in the A field, Tou Zi in the D field, Tou Ye in the E field, Xiao Zhi in the H field, Xiao Mao in the I field and other players who were playing, were affected by this momentum and looked at the C field invariably. direction.

"What's going on, who used a Heavenly King-level Pokémon in the preliminaries, don't you know how to retain their strength?" Ah Yin couldn't help but said.

"I'm sorry, there is a strong enemy, and I want to fight quickly." Ah Yin looked at his opponent. Originally, he was playing with the opponent like an old man playing urchin, but at this moment, he was eager to find out whether it was Who used the king-level Pokémon, so he doesn't want to play.

Chapter [*] The qualifiers are over

"This is the true attitude of the fire-breathing dragon!" Tianlin said proudly. At this moment, the momentum of the fire-breathing dragon erupted even he was shocked. Yesterday, Tianlin saw Minas who broke through the king level, but the fire-breathing dragon's momentum The strength is simply beyond that. Between the extinct volcano and the erupting volcano, the transformation in that moment is really breathtaking.

"It's scary, if this goes on, the armored bird will be crushed without fighting. No, you have to hurry up and attack, armored bird, and use the brave bird to attack!" Mei Qi saw that the armored bird had some fear, but this did not blame it. , Fire-type Pokémon itself naturally restrains Steel-type Pokémon, not to mention that the fire-breathing dragon is ten times stronger than the armored bird.

To overcome fear, you must first face it, Maggie knew this very well, so she immediately ordered the armored bird to attack.

This armored bird can also be regarded as a battle-hardened Pokémon. It has also won many fire-type Pokémon before. At this time, it forcibly overcomes the panic in its heart, and once again uses all its strength to use the brave bird to shoot straight. Fire dragon.

"Fire-breathing dragon, the other party has already used all his strength. Out of respect, we have to respond by spraying flames-."

The fire-breathing dragon opened its big mouth, and an orange-red flame with a little blue in it shot out. It collided with the brave bird, and the whole field became extremely hot in an instant. After a while, the armor bird wrapped the flame and fell to the ground. The flames burned it all over - red.

"What a terrifying blow, could this be the power of the king of heaven?" Mei Qi said blankly, then she remembered something, and ran to the armor bird anxiously, such a strong blow, she didn't know the armor bird was injured To what extent.

"Mei Qi, don't touch it!" Tian Lin hurriedly stopped, "The body temperature of the armored bird is terrifying now, and you will be burned."

"Then what to do? By the way, water, cool down the water-type Pokémon!"

"No, the sudden cooling down at this high temperature will make the body of the armored bird crack." Tian Lin shook his head, then looked at the fire-breathing dragon. "Old spray, I'll leave it to you."

The fire-breathing dragon stepped forward and pressed his hand on the chest of the armored bird. After a while, the armored bird's complexion gradually returned to normal, and the body gradually turned back to silver-white as the temperature dropped. The fire-breathing dragon was absorbing the heat on its body. For the flames released by themselves, the fire-breathing dragon that has broken through to the Heavenly King level can already be retracted and released freely.

"Okay, the Armor Bird is fine. Now it's no different from an ordinary Pokémon that has lost its ability to fight. As long as you go to the Pokémon Center for treatment in time, there will be no problem." Tian Lin said, looking at the Armor Bird that had returned to normal. .

"That's great, thank you!" Mei Qi touched the armored bird's body excitedly, and she no longer felt the burning sensation, so she felt relieved.

"It's really amazing, Tianlin, your strength is many times stronger than the last time I saw you. I'm convinced that I lost."

"You are also very good, and I hope to have the opportunity to play against each other again."

Tianlin and Meiqi shook hands with each other as proof of ending the final preliminaries.

"The result is born. In Group C of the Silver Conference, Tianlin player scored six points with two wins and is confirmed to advance to the final championship. Although Maggie is strong, he is still a little behind. Let us give us the warmest applause. Come to Tianlin and Maggie in the wonderful competition!" The broadcast sounded, and now there was a wave of applause.

Tianlin took back the fast dragon and the fire-breathing dragon, walked out of the venue, and bumped into the two of them.

"A step late, the game is already over." Tou also frowned, he had already tried to solve his opponent as quickly as possible, but he was still a moment late.

"But there's no need to doubt it, Tianlin, you are the one who used the Heavenly King-level Pokémon?" Ah Yin asked firmly.

"That's right, the two of you came really fast. I feel sorry for your opponent. I'm afraid it's just a cover up and it will be solved by you?"

"Your opponent is pitiful, right? In the preliminaries, you will face a Pokémon of the Heavenly King level. Don't you know how to preserve your strength, or do you deliberately want to give us a showdown?" Tou Ye asked.

"I didn't think much about it, I just did it because today's opponent deserves my serious attention." Tian Lin replied, that's what he thought. Maggie is a respectable opponent, so it's best for her to go all out. 's response.

"Hey, be careful of capsize in the gutter. League competitions are all recorded with video recordings. We can also check the status of the Heavenly King-level Pokémon you are using today through the computer. We will be ready by then, so don't regret it!" Ah Yin sneered, then turned and left.

0 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????????

"When we meet, you have to be careful." Tou Ye said lightly and left the place.

"These two are so calm!" Behind Tian Lin, Nazi and Sundae came over and said, they saw Tianlin walking out of the venue in the audience and they followed, and happened to see the scene of the three of them talking.

"Generally speaking, you should be a little flustered when you learn that your opponent has such a powerful Pokémon?" Sundae asked curiously.

"This proves that the two of them can also produce Pokémon above the Heavenly King level. All will be fearless. This competition is really fun." Tian Lin smiled and could play against the best young trainers. It's not worth the hard work of a year's travel in order to participate in the league competition.


"Really, this Chengdu League is a fight of gods. Compared with this Silver Conference, my Quartz Conference is like a rookie pecking at each other. The excitement of finally winning the championship is gone." Sundae complained. , The strongest Pokémon she encountered at the Quartz Conference were Shinji's Tutai Turtle and Dragon King Scorpion, the two quasi-Sky King Pokémon.

Don't think that the peak of Tianwang and the first-level Tianwang are just a line apart, but this step is stumped. I don't know how many talented trainers are, and many Pokémon stop there in their lives.

"Okay, let's go back to the Pokémon Center in the player's village first. All the games will end today, and the list of who will break through the preliminaries and enter the final tournament will be known soon," Tian Lin said.

The three returned to the Pokémon Center of the Players Village. At this time, several people were sitting there quietly waiting. In addition to the previous Tou Ye Ah Yin, Xiao Mao, Tou Zi, and Ye Yue were also there, plus Tian Lin, The number of people who are determined to qualify has reached six.

"Tianlin, you're here!" Xiaomao stepped forward and greeted him. He was not at all surprised. If Tianlin couldn't break through the preliminaries, it would be a rare thing for him.

"Well, good luck, where's Xiao Zhi, hasn't arrived yet?"

"Hmph, that idiot, maybe he fell in the preliminaries." Xiaomao said lightly, but he could see his worry when he saw him fold his arms around his chest and constantly point the fingers of his arms.After all, apart from Tian Lin, an open and honest battle with Xiao Zhi in the league is also something he is looking forward to very much.

Chapter [*] Final Championship Grouping

In the lobby of the Pokémon Center, the trainers are quietly waiting for the results to be announced.After Tianlin's six people, another eight people arrived at the center one after another.

"Master!" A lively and cheerful voice broke the tranquility of the scene. Nana waved her hand and ran in. Seeing how excited she was, there was no doubt that she had successfully passed the preliminaries, which was also expected by Tian Lin. , In her group, the remaining players are far less powerful than Ahong. Nana has even defeated Ahong, so of course there is no problem in winning that person.

"You did a good job. You can make it to the top sixteen in the first competition. This result is at least a pass." Tian Lin praised.

With the arrival of Nana, the number of qualified personnel has reached fifteen, and only the last place is left.

"Ah, everyone is already here, it looks like I'm slow." Finally, Xiao Zhi, who was late, scratched his head and said "[*]" with a smile.

"Xiaozhi, you still have this kind of virtue. When you set out from Zhenxin Town, you were the last one, and this time, you have made no progress at all!" Xiao Mao mocked with disdain.

"Che, you're just a weaker opponent, so you're just one step ahead. What's there to be proud of."

"Is that so? I just checked. Among the sixteen people here, fifteen people passed the preselection with a score of 6 points from two victories, and only one passed the preliminaries with one win and one loss, and only four points. , Xiaozhi, do you want to know who that person is?" Xiaomao asked jokingly.

Tian Lin looked at Xiao Zhi's blushing face, obviously being pissed off by Xiao Mao. Needless to say, it was Xiao Zhi himself who was in danger.

Just when the two were arguing, because the top sixteen players had all been determined, the broadcast began to sound.

"Please note to all contestants, all contestants, please note that the list and groupings for the Silver Conference to advance to the Final Tournament have been completed. All contestants are invited to watch the big screen at the Pokémon Center to determine their opponents and the time of the match!"

Hearing this news, all the trainers, whether it was Xiaozhi Xiaomao who was arguing, or A Yintou who closed their eyes and rested, all looked at the big screen in unison.

Even Tian Lin was a little nervous. After entering the final tournament, there were only [*] people left. Nearly half of them were Tian Lin's friends, and the chances of them being assigned together were increasing.But no matter who it is, now everyone is an opponent. Even if Tianlin meets Nana, he will go all out, and will not show any mercy because of the relationship between master and apprentice.

The big screen began to shuffle the cards randomly. This was the last time the opponent was randomly selected, and then it was a series of knockout matches.

Soon, the avatars on the screen stabilized, and the sixteen avatars were divided into eight groups.

The first four groups, the first round, Xiao Zhi vs Ye Yue, the second round, Xiao Mao vs a strange girl, the third round, Ah Yin vs Du She (the champion of the original book), the fourth round, between two strangers battle between.

In the last four groups, in the fifth and sixth rounds, Nana and Tou also met two unfamiliar players, and in the seventh round, Tian Lin faced Tou Zi.

"It seems that because there are many people who did not participate in the original book, the competition process is also a bit different from the original book. It should have been Xiao Zhi first against Xiao Mao and then against Ye Yue, but now it's the other way around." Tian Lin watched the battle. Biao thought that originally Xiao Zhi lost to Ye Yue, but at this time Xiao Zhi's strength should be stronger than the original book, and he may not lose him. If it goes well, he and Xiao Mao will meet in the quarterfinals.

"Xiaozhi, tomorrow is the first game. Get ready early. I'll be waiting for you in the quarterfinals. Don't lose the chain." Xiaomao waved his hand away from the Pokémon Center, and already knew his match time. With the opponent, everyone does not need to stay in the center, they all walked out of the center.

"Ye Yue, I didn't expect to meet him in the first round." Xiao Zhi looked at the screen dignifiedly, although he was confident in himself, but self-confidence did not mean he was clueless. Ye Yue was a very formidable opponent. , he is clear.

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