Tianlin played with Latias until the evening, and seeing that it was getting late, the grandfather and Canon urged him to leave.

At this moment, Tianlin sensed another burst of surveillance, and after scanning with a waveguide, he discovered that a surveillance robot was photographing the garden.

"Hehe, the two thieves are immortal!" Tian Lin knew who sent the robot, and he was not at all flustered. He was not afraid of them coming, but worried that the two would not appear.

After filming for a while, the surveillance robot flew out. The two female thieves had already obtained the information they wanted. As habitual criminals, they would not leave such dangerous things (aidj).

"Grandpa, Kanon, I have something to tell you!" Tian Lin said with confidence, knowing that the other party is no longer monitoring the place, "Today, two women attacked Latias, just now, I saw that there were A surveillance robot is secretly filming here, I think they will shoot again tonight."

"What, there is such a thing, Tianlin, do you know who they are?" Canon asked.

"Yes, the two of them are famous thieves, Sanna and Li'an." Tian Lin replied, he knew their identities from the beginning.

"It's them, no, I have to mobilize police support immediately!" The grandfather had apparently heard of their names, and panicked to call the police for help.

"mobilize the police?" Tianlin quickly realized the problem in the words of the old man. He said to call the police instead of calling the police for help. "Grandpa, are you from the alliance?"

"That's right, my grandfather is only a tour guide for Aldo Mare on the surface, but he is actually an administrator sent by the Alliance to this city to take care of Lattias and Latios, because these two brothers and sisters don't like fighting, and it is not unusual for them to The beasts are so powerful that they cannot protect themselves, so the alliance gave my grandfather the special authority to mobilize police support at any time." Kanon explained.

"It turns out that, Grandpa, please don't do this, I am the special investigator of the Alliance, and again, I beg you to listen to my advice." Tianlin immediately stopped the grandfather's actions.

"Special Investigator! I saw your extraordinaryness just now. I didn't expect you to have such an identity, please tell me."

"I suggest that you don't call in any police force. Also, what do you usually do at night and what you do today, just pretend you don't know about it."

"Why?" Canon asked suspiciously.

"Because once the police force is called to protect this place, the two female thieves will definitely cancel the operation temporarily, but the two of them are notoriously unwilling to give up, and they will make a comeback in the future. There is only a thousand days of thieves, but there is no reason to prevent thieves for a thousand days. The best way to solve the problem is to lead them out and catch them, and let me do this." Tianlin explained.

"No, these two are called phantom thieves. Even if Tianlin, you are the investigator of the alliance, I don't worry about entrusting the safety of Latios and Lattias to you. If you can't beat them, the two brothers and sisters will be in danger." The old grandfather refused sternly, and Tianlin could understand him, after all, Tianlin was too young, with no hair on his lips, and he was not strong in his work, which was recognized by many people.

"Hmm!" At this time, Latios and Lattias flew over and told the old man something.

"You guys, want me to believe him?" The old man understood the meaning of the two Pokémon.

The two brothers and sisters nodded. Latios trusted him because of his status as the ruler of Tianlin, while Latias simply believed that Tianlin would protect her.

"Oh, well, since you all believed in him, I'll accompany the old man crazy once." The old man couldn't ignore the wishes of the two brothers and sisters, so he put down the phone and chose to trust Tianlin once.

"Grandpa, thank you, don't worry, I have destroyed Team Rocket's conspiracy many times, and I still don't care about the two female thieves!" Tian Lin smiled confidently.

Chapter [*] Tianlin vs Phantom Thief Beauty, real pk!

In the middle of the night, Tian Lin used his superpower to cover up his breath and hid in the dense forest alone. Latios and Lattias were already resting comfortably in the garden.

The whole city is no longer the hustle and bustle of the day, quiet and peaceful.It's a pity that in such a beautiful city, there are still people with bad intentions trying to destroy it. Two black shadows are constantly walking on the house and quickly approaching the garden.

"Good figure, good skills!" Tianlin's figure just entered Tianlin's waveguide diffusion range, and he felt it. The two women in black leather coats showed their mature figures with bulging front and back, plus the company commander. Tail monsters have amazing agility, no wonder they will become the top thieves in the rankings.

"It's such a pity, beautiful lady Qing Ben, how can you be a thief~!" Tian Lin sighed.

Due to Tianlin's advice, there were no police guards nearby, only the old man was watching the night in the cabin outside as usual. Kanon went to the hotel at Tianlin's request to inform Nazi and Xiaozhi about the matter, so as to save them from worrying. The sisters entered the house and easily used the super power of Sun Yibu to faint the grandfather, and then walked into the garden-.

"This place isn't bad!" The blond Sanna couldn't help but praised, "When I get the water droplets from the heart and sell the money, let's build a mansion here that belongs to our sisters."

Latios spotted the intruder immediately and attacked the two sisters directly.

"Unfortunately, the original owner here doesn't seem to plan to move out." Lianne cried.

With their agile skills, the two continuously evaded Latios' attacks. Wearing high-tech glasses, Latios' invisible ability was completely invisible in front of them, and he was not strong and had no trainer to direct the battle. Latios, who was in the middle of nowhere, soon fell behind.

Latias heard the sound of fighting and rushed forward to support, but he was not the opponent of the two women.

"Sun Ibrahimovic, high-speed star!"

"Alidos, Shadow of the Night!"

The two sisters ordered at the same time and launched an attack on the Shuidu brothers and sisters.

"Reib, [*] volts." An incomparably powerful thunder and lightning traversed the battlefield, dispelling the attacks of the high-speed stars and the dark shadows at once, and Tian Lin walked out of the woods, "Yo, two beautiful young ladies. ,meet again."

"It's you again, really haunted!" Li An glared at Tian Lin.

"Hehe, handsome little brother, you don't like our sisters, right? But if you pursue girls too much, you will make girls hate them." said.

"Haha, I'm so sorry, you have seen it too, I'm handsome and playable, I've always been girls chasing me, I really don't have any experience chasing girls, but so-called good girls are afraid of entanglement, I can only Using this method, I hope to forcibly keep two beautiful young ladies." Tian Lin joked cheekily.

Looking at the two women who were blushing by him, he didn't know whether he was angry or ashamed. Tian Lin found it interesting to tease the two beautiful monster thieves. Suddenly, the soft flesh around his waist was painful, and Latias I don't know when it turned into a human form again, but at this moment, he was pinching him vigorously.

This is the so-called joy and sorrow. Seeing Tian Lin chatting so harmoniously with the two bad women who attacked him and his brother, Latiaston was upset.

"Latias, I'm just joking, let it go!" Tian Lin said helplessly, rubbing the red spot that Latias pinched. Dreams are good, as long as you are a woman, you can learn without a teacher.

"Cough, internationally renowned thieves, Sanna, Li'an, I announce as the alliance's special investigator, I want to arrest you, let's arrest you." Tian Lin's expression returned to seriousness, he couldn't make Latias angry anymore .

"Alliance Special Investigator!" The two sisters immediately became nervous when they heard this identity. It would be fine if they were defeated by ordinary people, but if they were caught by the Investigator, they would probably spend the rest of their lives in Alliance Prison for their crimes. Yes, they are still young, but they don't want to live like that.

"Sister, solve him first, Alidos, use the poisonous thread."

"Sun Ibrahimovic, shadow ball."

"It's really hard to learn, you are not my opponents at all, come on, Lizard King, Leibu." Tian Lin shouted, the opponent's two Pokémon are in the middle rank of Quasi-Tianwang, facing Leibu Shang It can be a battle, but facing the Lizard King who is approaching the Heavenly King level, he can't last long.

"A good opportunity is now." Just as the four Pokémon were approaching, Sana suddenly threw two small boxes, which opened to reveal the capture net, which immediately covered the Lizard King and Reib. "Hehe, how is it, little brother, don't you think we'll still be unprepared?"

0 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????????

"High-tech, I almost forgot, you are not Pokémon trainers with dignity, but thieves who will do anything to achieve their goals." Tian Lin scratched his head and said, but he did not panic, and threw two more. Poké Ball, dispatched the powerful crocodile and the tyrannical carp dragon.

"Little brother, it turns out that you have other Pokémon, but the strength of these two seems to be insufficient!" Sanna laughed, she was right, the strength of the powerful crocodile is only the first level of the quasi-king, and the tyrannosaur is even more powerful. It is only at the gym level, and it does not pose a threat to them.

"It doesn't need to be knocked down, just delay the time. How long do you think that cage can trap the Lizard King and Reib."

........ 0

"Then let's capture the thief first and the king first. As long as you are subdued, what else can your Pokémon do?"

Sana and Li'an walked to Tianlin and put on a fighting stance. They wanted to grab Tianlin's Pokémon when he couldn't be cloned.

When it comes to real-life fighting, the strength of these two sisters is beyond the reach of many black belts in karate.

In order to quickly subdue Tianlin, the two of them shot at the same time. One of Sanna attacked Tianlin's face with a strong fist wind, and the other interfered from the side. Lian lifted her slender legs and kicked Tianlin's right arm. .

"Nice punching and leg technique!" Tian Lin laughed and disappeared on the spot with the help of teleportation, and the two sisters hit nothing.

"The ability to fly over the eaves and walls is better than the long-tailed monsters, and the incomparable fighting skills can even make the monkeys mad. You are indeed not simple, just like humanoid Pokémon. It is a pity that the two have both general and fighting styles. I, on the other hand, have both fighting and super powers, so I can defeat you all." Tian Lin opened his arms, condensing two blue energies, the left hand is light blue, quiet and far-reaching, this is the power of the waveguide, The right hand is dark blue, mysterious and violent, which is a super power.

"This game will be over soon!" Tian Lin laughed dangerously, since the two sisters wanted to play real PK, of course he would also accompany him to the end.

Chapter three hundred and forty-three arrest the robber to leave the water capital

"Sister, this person is a monster!" Looking at Tianlin, who was covered in blue light, the blond Sanna said a little scared.

"He, he's actually a superpower. This time it's really troublesome, but sister, we can't just grab it and continue to attack." As a younger sister, Lianne was much calmer than her elder sister.She took the lead and clenched her fists and rushed towards Tianlin quickly.

"Haha, my spirit is commendable, but I'm a little bit brave." At the moment when Li'an's fist approached, Tianlin once again used a teleportation to appear behind her, and then condensed the power of the fighting system into his right hand. He hit her on the back of the neck with a hand knife, knocking her unconscious in one move.

"Lian!" Seeing that her sister was knocked down, Sanna, the elder sister, immediately forgot her fear and rushed over to save her.

"Mind power." A blue light flashed in Tian Lin's eyes, and he controlled Sanna to float "[*]", completely restricting her movements.

"This time, you have nowhere to run."

"Damn, Alidos, Sun Ibrahimovic, come and save us!" Sanna, who was helpless, shouted to the two Pokémon for help, perhaps because they were eager to protect the master, Alidos and Sun Ibrahimovic erupted into a stronger The strength of the powerful crocodile and the tyrannical carp dragon temporarily forced back, and then rushed towards Tianlin in a hurry.

"Enough, I said the game can be over, do you really think my Lizard King will be trapped by you, Lizard King, mega evolution!" Tian Lin took out the keystone and let the Lizard King undergo mega evolution.

After the evolution, the Lizard King, whose strength increased greatly, instantly opened the electric cage with a knife blade, and then sent out two tyrannical knife qi to attack Alidos and Sun Ibrahimovic from a distance.With one move, the two Pokémon flew into the small pool beside them.

"Well done, Lizard King." Tian Lin praised, turning a melee move into a long-range attack, and even Tian Lin had to marvel at the talent of the Lizard King.

"Now that your Pokémon have also been defeated, you should give up now!"

"Hehe, little brother, don't be so heartless, didn't you say you like our sisters, why don't you let us go, both of our sisters can be your girlfriends, we can also swear that we will never fight Latios again The two brothers and sisters have made up their minds with Latias." Sanna begged in complete despair.

"You believe me if you're joking. Speaking of eldest sister, you're both approaching [*] years old. Isn't it not a good idea to hit me, a [*]-year-old young boy!" Tian Lin complained.

"It's rude, this young lady is only twenty-eight, and my sister is only twenty-six, and she is still a few years away from thirty!" Lianne said angrily. When it comes to age, she seems to have overlooked that she is a prisoner. In fact, he actually got angry at Tianlin.

"Miss, you are really beautiful, but I already have girlfriends, two oh, you are definitely better than you in terms of beauty, although the figure is not comparable for the time being, but they are still very young and there is still room for growth. ." Tian Lin touched his chin, thinking about Nazi and Sundae's figures, they are beautiful and kind, I don't know how much stronger they are, as for these two female thieves, although they look good, they are snakes and scorpions. Tianlin will not have any idea of ​​pity for fragrance and jade. After all, the incense and jade in pity for fragrance and jade refer not only to the beautiful appearance, but also to the beautiful mind.

"It hurts!" Another pain came from his waist, and Latias started pinching him again at some point.

The resentful eyes only reveal one message, why are you chatting again, a bad man who can't walk when he sees a beautiful woman.

"Sister Shuidu, don't be angry, let's call the police first!" Tian Lin hurriedly begged for mercy. It turns out that Pokemon is far more terrifying than humans when jealous, let alone a divine beast like Latias.

After a while, Tianlin called in a large number of police as a special investigator of the alliance. Miss Junsha arrived quickly and confiscated all the high-tech equipment and Pokeballs on the two female thieves. Walk.

"Tianlin Investigator, thank you for arresting these two international thieves. The alliance has been trying to arrest them for a long time!" Jun Sha thanked Tianlin.

"Where, this is my duty."

"Then, I'm going to escort them to the Union Prison and say goodbye." Junsha saluted, then got into the police car and left.

"It seems that the matter is over, Tianlin, thank you so much for protecting the brothers and sisters Latios and Lattias." Kanon helped the old man to come over. People still look a little groggy.

"It's nothing, I still think this incident is too easy 0 ........" Tian Lin smiled, thinking of the two hell difficulty incidents between Lugia and Shirabi, this time really doesn't count what.

The night passed, the sun was rising, and Tian Lin, who had been busy all night, said his goodbyes. He and Na Zi had made an appointment to meet at the hotel, but now she didn't go back all night, so she was probably worried.

"Latias, I'm leaving the Water Capital today, see you later!"

"Hmm!" Latias lowered his head and looked at the back of Tian Lin's departure with a look of reluctance.

Latios saw Lattias's sadness and flew to her side and said something to her.Latias's mood turned cloudy and sunny in an instant, and he was flying very happily.

-----------Dividing line

Tianlin walked back to the hotel, Nazi was sitting in the lobby waiting anxiously, so she immediately stepped forward and said, "Nazi, I'm back, sorry for worrying you."

"It's okay, just come back. The lady named Kanon told me about the situation. Has your matter been resolved?"

"Yes, don't worry, this time the matter is very simple, it won't be difficult for me at all, what about Xiao Zhi and the others?"

"They have already left on the morning boat this morning, I think we should go too." Nazi suggested.

"it is good!"

In the afternoon, in order to participate in the Chengdu League Competition, Tianlin now has to go back to Ruoye Town to register and confirm the participation in the Silver Conference. In order to thank Tianlin, Canon's grandfather personally drove them back to the mainland of Chengdu.

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