"Well, Tianlin, although Du asked us to reward you on behalf of the alliance, the rules of our Yulong clan cannot be broken, you must pass the trial, and your trial this time is the battle with Xiaochun in the gym. "Second Elder Ming said solemnly.

Tianlin is a little strange about this. Logically speaking, he should pass the gym battle first, and then conduct the trial. This is the first time he has heard of this gym battle being a trial.

"Tianlin, tomorrow's gym battle is definitely not easy, you have to be careful!" The three elders also reminded before leaving, and then the three elders, Xiao Chun, and the housekeeper Kabu left the waterfall together.

----------Dividing line

"Doctor, Tyrannosaurus has recovered more than half of its body!" After returning to the Pokémon Center, Tian Lin couldn't wait to tell the good news to Dr. Damu.

"That's great, now, you can take on the gym challenge with peace of mind!" Dr. Damu said with a smile.

"Doctor, I have some more things to ask you about that gym battle." Tian Lin said meaningfully. Before the three elders left, they reminded so solemnly that this gym battle will never be easy. He has to do it. Well prepared.

Chapter [-] The Lizard King shot the black rope tornado

Early the next morning, Tian Lin and Na Zi rushed to the Yanmo Taoist Hall again. It seemed that they really attached great importance to this battle. Xiao Chun and Kabu stood at the door early to welcome them.

"Tianlin, are you ready, I promise that this gym battle will be very difficult for you!" Xiao Chun reminded.

"Don't worry, this time I've made enough preparations!" Tian Lin said.

"Very good, then come with me!" Xiao Chun brought Tianlin and his party to the opposite battlefield. It was a field of water. There were two large floating platforms floating on the field. The ceiling above was opened, representing the The sky also belongs to the scope of the battlefield. Most of the dragon-type Pokémon are very versatile, and they are very good at water, land and air battles.

"Then, let me be the referee. The rules of the game are three to three. When one side loses all Pokémon, it is a failure. During the battle, only the challenger has the right to change the Pokémon." Kabu stood in the center of the field to explain with the rules.

"Now, I announce-, the game begins!"

"Then, the first game will be handed over to you, let's go." Yulongchun, as the owner of the pavilion, threw the Poké Ball first, and a light blue, seahorse-like Pokémon appeared in the pool with its head There are a pair of tentacles like dragons on the top, and fins like wings on the back. This is the final evolution of Mohaima, the Dragon King, the water-type plus dragon-type Pokémon.

Xiao Chun's Thorn Dragon King is very strong, and has the high-level level of a quasi-celestial king.

"As soon as you come up, you are the high-level Quasi-Tianwang. This battle will not be easy, so I am it, go, Lizard King!" A green Pokémon appeared on the floating platform, and Tianlin sent his Veteran, Lizard King.

"Tianlin, did you bring the Lizard King here?" Nazi asked in confusion.

"Yeah, I just exchanged it with Dr. Damu last night. To deal with dragon-type Pokémon like Miss Xiaochun, I'm afraid it won't work with just the usual members!" Tianlin replied, in his original Pokémon , As expected, Weng and Tyrannosaurus are not strong enough. If the bag beast does not evolve into a mega, the strength it can exert is extremely limited. Banquilas is not suitable for fighting in this kind of venue. Strong crocodile, Tian Lin always has a worry in his heart, so to be on the safe side, he replaced the Pokémon on his body last night, teleported all the Pokémon, Guen Weng and Benguilas back, and replaced them with a few others.

"Miss Xiaochun, I'm coming, Lizard King, use the ultimate absorption!"

"Thorn Dragon King, defend with a tornado!"

Facing the green light emitted by the Lizard King, the Thorn Dragon King gathered a burst of energy to wrap himself in a tornado, and finally absorbed the tornado and was shaken away.

"This method of defense is similar to Miss Ami's." Nazi said, Ami used a sandstorm to defend, and Xiao Chun replaced it with a tornado, which is similar in nature.

"Hehe, my tornado can not only defend, stab the Dragon King, attack!" Xiao Chun shouted, the Thorn Dragon King actually controlled the direction of the tornado and attacked the Lizard King.The Lizard King used his speed to dodge quickly, but the tornado was in hot pursuit.

"I didn't expect that the thorn dragon king could control the tornado to such a degree!" Tian Lin was surprised, obviously it was a trick that had already left the body, but the thorn dragon king could still make his heart move at will, which shows that it was on the tornado. of high attainments.

"But ah, my Lizard King also has a unique trick that makes me superb, Lizard King, use the blade with all your strength!"

"Chamo!" The Lizard King jumped into the air, and the blade slashed, instantly splitting the tornado in half.

"Very good, Lizard King, let's use the sunshine flames!"

"It takes a lot of time to gather the flames of the sun, Thorn Dragon King, use the water cannon!" Xiao Chun took advantage of the Lizard King's time to gather his energy, and let the Thorn Dragon King launch a powerful water cannon.

"Hehe, Sunshine Flame, launch!" Tian Lin shouted, and the Lizard King actually took less than half of the time required for normal Pokémon to gather Qi to successfully launch Sunshine Flame.

The powerful grass-type skills easily turned on the water cannon and hit the Dragon King in the center of the pool.

"The energy gathering time is so short, but the power is not weak at all. If it wasn't for the Dragon King's Dragon Attribute, I'm afraid he would have been knocked down just now!" Xiao Chun thought with a lingering fear that she really didn't expect Tianlin's Lizard King to be so powerful.

In fact, this is what Tian Lin has been researching all the time. At the beginning of the battle at Yuhong Gym in the Kanto region, he became interested in this method of instant sunlight and flames, and devoted himself to it, although the Lizard King cannot do it now. Instant cast, but it can greatly shorten the time of gas gathering.

"Lizard King, one more ultimate absorption!"

0 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????????

"How many times the same attack is used, it's useless, the Dragon King, the tornado!" As before, the Dragon King blocked the ultimate suction with the tornado, and then the tornado hit the Lizard King again.

"The same method is useless, this sentence is back to you, Lizard King, rush into the tornado!" Tian Lin ordered, and the Lizard King Deling immediately jumped into the tornado.

"You guy, what are you going to do?" Xiao Chun frowned, she knew that the other party was by no means reckless, and he must have his intentions for doing so.

"Look, Lizard King, spin the body along the tornado and use the blade!"

The Lizard King spun in the tornado, controlled the tornado in turn, and attacked the Thorn Dragon King.

........ 0 ......

"Thorn Dragon King, break up the tornado, use water cannons!" Xiao Chun ordered, and the Dragon King fired water cannons, but before he even got close to the tornado, he was slashed by the knife gas wrapped around the tornado.The Thorn Dragon King did not believe in evil, and fired several water cannons in succession, but they were chopped up in an instant as before.

The unstoppable tornado rolled up the Thorn Dragon King. In the tornado, the Thorn Dragon King was continuously attacked by the blade. After a while, the tornado dissipated, the Lizard King landed smoothly, and the Thorn Dragon King floated on the water, covered with knife marks, completely lost. combat capability.

"What is this, a tornado that cuts people?" Xiao Chun looked at this unexpected move and was extremely surprised.

"This name is, Black Rope, Big Tornado, an inspiration from a pirate!" Tian Lin said with a smile.

"Pirate? Do you still know this kind of person?" Xiao Chun asked curiously, isn't he a positive character, a guy like a pirate always feels that he doesn't fit in with Tianlin.

"Tianlin, this guy is fooling people again, what kind of pirate? He clearly came up with it himself," Nazi complained. She has followed Tianlin for so long, and she never knew what pirate friends Tianlin had.

Of course she didn't know that Tian Lin was a move he learned from another world.

"Come back, Dragon King, you are doing very well, the opponent's strength is beyond my expectations!" Xiao Chun solemnly took back the Dragon King. Her grandfathers had instructed her to do all she could in this gym battle. Yes, but she didn't expect to lose so badly in the first game. Next, she must be more serious.

Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty-Three Duel Xiaochun Shenglong Badge

"Tianlin, my next second is just this, let's go, Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon!"

Tsubaki's second Pokémon is the vicious Pokémon Tyrannosaurus. Although it is just an ordinary blue body, its power is stronger than Tianlin's red Tyrannosaurus several times.

"The tyrannical carp dragon at the peak of the quasi-celestial king! I seem to have encountered this scene before." Tian Lin recalled that in the battle at the Red Lotus Gym in the Kanto region, Xiabo's Pokémon also started from the quasi-celestial king, and then the high The final stage is the first stage of the Heavenly King.

This time Xiao Chun is more powerful, the first one is directly high-level, the second one is the peak, so presumably her last one may also reach the heavenly king level.

"As expected of the strongest gym, it's really hard to deal with, come back, Lizard King!"

Due to the intimidation characteristics of the tyrannical carp dragon, the attack power of the lizard king was reduced, so Tianlin did not intend to let it continue to fight "[-]".

"Next, please, Reib."

The one who succeeded the Lizard King was Leibu, who had a huge attribute advantage. After the Kanto League competition, he had been staying in Dr. Damu's backyard, practicing hard with the help of the mimetic training space, although his strength was not comparable to that of the Lizard King now. , but it has also reached the intermediate level of the quasi-king.

"Reib, long time no see, let me see your current strength!" Tian Lin said.

"Electrical Pokémon, tyrannical carp dragon, use the ghost face!" In order to better deal with the attributes that are unfavorable to his side, Xiao Chun chose to reduce the speed of Leibu.

Affected by the ghost face, Reib's speed was greatly weakened.

"Reib, one hundred thousand volts!"

"The tyrannical carp dragon, use the dragon's breath to block it!"

The tyrannical carp dragon spewed the dragon breath to block [-] volts. No matter how afraid the tyrannical carp dragon was from the attack of the electrical system, as long as it could not hit, it would have no meaning at all.

"This gym is very balanced on offense and defense. It really has the characteristics of dragon-type Pokémon!" Nazi sighed. Dragon-type Pokémon is just like this. In a rush.

"The tyrannical carp dragon, use the water tail!"

"Reib, avoid!"

The tyrannical carp dragon swept the tail of the water continuously, and Leibu jumped and dodged quickly, but because he was slowed down by the ghost face before, Leibu's mobility was not as good as before, and he was quickly swept away by the tail of the water, and looked seriously injured. .

"It's so strong, it seems that this tyrannical carp dragon is taking a very pure logistics route. If it is hit again, Leib will definitely not be able to hold it!" Tian Lin's mind quickly changed his strategy, " Reib, use the discharge!"

"Okay, discharge is a large-scale attack skill, and the dragon's breath in the direction of a single attack cannot be defended." Nazi smiled.

"Hehe, it's not that simple, tyrannical carp dragon, wrap yourself in a tornado!" Xiao Chun shouted, and the tyrannical carp dragon rolled up a tornado to protect itself, and the discharge bombarded the tornado in an all-round way, offsetting the tornado. The Tyrannosaurus was unscathed.

"Special attack skills are used for defense, and physical attack skills are used for attack. This tyrannical carp dragon is indeed cultivated extremely well. It seems that Leibu has to find a way to approach it."

"Tyrannosaurus, we're sure to win, let's get rid of it once more."

The tyrannical carp dragon rolled up the tail of the water stream again and hit Reib.

"Leibu, right now, rush to the Tyrannosaurus with a flash of electric light!" Tian Lin shouted, Leibu dodged the tail of the water with a flash, and crawled along the Tyrannosaurus's tail in one breath. to the top of the Tyrannosaurus.

"So fast, bad, I forgot to calculate the preemptive skills!" Xiao Chun said angrily. She was overwhelmed by the temporary advantage and ignored the problem that preemptive skills were not affected by speed, so Tianlin caught a momentary flaw. .

"Reib, use [-] volts with all your strength!"

Intense lightning shrouded the entire body of the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon. At this time, the dragon's best defense methods, the dragon's breath and the tornado, had no effect. The four-fold restraint of [-] volts instantly turned Tianlin into victory. The Tyrannosaurus Dragon's huge body, bang fell to the ground.

"The tyrannical carp dragon lost its ability to fight, and Reib won." Kabu pronounced the verdict.

"Hmph, I'm not strong enough in the first place, and if I have a little advantage, I will get carried away. Third, how do you usually teach your granddaughter!" In a small temple in Longxue, the second elder Yu Longcan said angrily to the third elder Yu Longming , in front of them is a big screen, which is playing the battle screen between Tianlin and Xiaochun.

"Second brother, don't get excited, Xiaochun is just being careless." The third elder defended, although this granddaughter is indeed not up to expectations, but after all, it is his own, so he still has to talk more for her.

"I was careless for a while? It's been a two-game losing streak, and our Yulong clan's face has been humiliated by her..."

"Okay, the two of you don't have to fight, Xiao Chun is not strong enough, it's okay to be careless, but one thing I'm sure of, that young man's level as a trainer is far higher than Xiao Chun's, I'm afraid it is compared to Don't let it go." The elder interrupted the quarrel between the two and said.

"Brother, are you kidding me? Du is a rare genius in our Yulong family. The power of Yulong in his body has even surpassed yours. How could any young man be able to match him!" The second elder questioned. Dao, he admits that Tianlin is indeed excellent, but he absolutely does not believe it when he compares Shangdu.

"Second brother, you just think our Yulong family is too strong. It's good to know that there are people outside, but is there no other genius besides him? Among the people of his generation, Fengyuan Zfuqi Dawu, Shenao's Zhulan, Galar's Dandi, who is worse than him? In my opinion, the Tianlin in front of him is even above these people. What he lacks is only time. !"

"I didn't expect you to rate him so highly, eldest brother, so let's check it out through this gym battle!" The third elder also put away his cynical smile, and said with a rare seriousness, can Tianlin be able to do it? To get their approval, the key lies in the next last game.

In the gym, Xiao Chun with an ugly face took back the Tyrannosaurus, the Thorn Dragon King and the Tyrannosaurus. They were all 3.9 Pokémon that she carefully nurtured, but they were not Tianlin's opponents at all. As a gym trainer, she Knowing that she has lost completely, because the third Pokemon she is about to play is not her Pokemon, but to test Tianlin's strength, her grandfather specially lent her to use it, even if she wins, that honor does not belong to her. she.

"Hey, Tian Lin, then this!" Xiao Chun took out a small black object from his arms and threw it to Tian Lin. Tian Lin caught it and opened his palm to see that it was a badge in the shape of a dragon head.

"This is the Thanglong badge, why is the gym battle not over yet?" Tian Lin wondered.

"Hmph, as the gym owner, I have already lost completely, you can take this badge away." Xiao Chun said. "But the next third game is the test battle of the Dragon Cave. You are ready to use all your strength to deal with it.".

Chapter [-] Fast Dragon, we have to become stronger

"The trial battle of the Dragon Cave?" Tian Lin immediately became tense when he heard the words. He knew that this gym battle would not be so simple. Although he had already obtained the badge, the third Victory or defeat means little to him, but he is by no means a person who admits defeat easily.

"Get ready, it's coming, come on, fast dragon!" Xiao Chun threw the last Pokeball, the symbol of the Yulong family, and the fast dragon appeared.

This is a fast dragon at the level of a king, and Tian Lin estimates that his strength is not as simple as the beginner level.

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