"Nazi!" He turned around and called Nazi's name. Nazi realized something and nodded towards Tianlin.

"Let the dream tapir, use the shadow ball, the sun Ibrahimovic, the phantom light, use the Orup, the mental force, and destroy the two cars for me!" Nazi ordered, and the three Pokémon tricks came out. , and completely destroyed the last two vehicles of the Rockets.

"What do you mean?" Artemis said angrily.

"Sorry, please walk back. Those two cars are also equipped with devices that promote the evolution of radio waves. As long as they are related to this thing, they cannot be left behind!" Tian Lin said.

"So thoughtful little brother, I will remember you." Artemis gave Tianlin a hateful look, and left the place on foot with his subordinates.

Chapter [*] The end of the event to conquer the tyrannical carp dragon

"Miss Junsha, Nazi, and Shiranu will be handed over to you. I'm going to chase the red carp dragon now!" Tian Lin said.

"Master, let me go with you!" Nana suggested that Tian Lin had consumed too much energy just now, and she was a little worried.

"Nana, don't worry about this stinky boy. With his strength, it's not a problem to deal with a tyrannical carp dragon. Team Rocket has already left. If he can't clean up this mess, he doesn't deserve to be your master anymore. Come back to Kaji Town with me first!" Liu Bo said, when this old man talked to Nana, it was completely different from when he was facing Tianlin, how gentle and gentle he was to Nana, and he was a stinky boy to Tianlin.

"Nana, Uncle Liu is right, that tyrannical carp dragon is not my opponent, don't worry." Tian Lin said with a smile.

"Master, you must be careful."

"Tianlin, Naina and I are waiting for you in Kaji Town, you must come back early." Nazi and Naina said at the same time.

"Okay, don't worry, I'll be back soon!" Tian Lin turned around and used teleportation to chase in the direction where the tyrannical carp dragon left.

On the other side of the battlefield, Du VS Apollo, if Tian Lin came back here, he would definitely not recognize it. At this time, it was like a natural disaster raging. The water flow dried up, the earth cracked, and all the nearby plants were burned. The catastrophe brought about by the battle of the dream is indeed enormous.

The fast dragons and fire-breathing dragons on the crossing side have obvious scars on their bodies, but there is no problem with their spirits. Apollo is even more serious. Heluga and Banquilas can see that they are on the verge of reaching their limits. In the battle, it was clear that ~Du had the upper hand.

"As expected to be the number one expert in the two major regions of the Kanto region of Chengdu, this strength, I'm afraid that it is no less than the boss!" The whole process was suppressed by Du, and Apollo-Luo seemed a little unwilling.

At this time, a text message came from Apollo's mobile phone. He picked it up and saw that it was from Artemis. He simply said, "Mission failed-failed, retreat!"

"I didn't expect that there was a failure. I really underestimated the people in the alliance. I can't take advantage of the crossing. If this is the case, I can only withdraw first." Apollo made a decisive decision, "Ban Kiras, destroy the dead light, Heluga, the haze!"

"Want to escape, fire-breathing dragon, spray flame, fast dragon, storm!" Du saw Apollo's intention, and let fire-breathing dragon block the destructive death light with jet flame, and then fast dragon quickly blew away the turbid mist.

After the fog was blown away, what appeared was not the figure of Apollo, but a naughty thunderbolt, which was rapidly increasing its energy. The dragon and the fire-breathing dragon stood in front of Du to prevent him from being injured by the storm generated by the explosion. After the entire battlefield calmed down, Du could no longer see Apollo at all.

"It's a pity to let him run away!" Du said lightly, he didn't want to chase Apollo, although his strength was indeed better than Apollo, but in a one-on-one situation, if the other party just wanted to escape, he would also If you can't stop it, let alone capture it alive, it's meaningless even if you catch up.

"I don't know what happened to Tianlin, I have to go there as soon as possible." Finally got rid of Apollo, Du also ran towards the front.

-------Dividing line

"I see, there!" Tian Lin used teleportation to hurry, and soon saw the figure of the red tyrannical carp dragon that was constantly destroying in front of him.

"Tyrannosaurus, calm down!" Tian Lin shouted.

The tyrannical carp dragon heard Tianlin's voice, but it not only did not stop, but out of great anger towards humans, it sprayed a water cannon at Tianlin. Because of the relationship between evolution and the complete removal of electric waves, the tyrannical carp dragon at this moment Its strength has returned to its peak, but so has its rage, and now it only wants revenge on the humans who harmed it.

"Host, the side effects of the radio waves have already occurred on the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon, and its body is changing in a bad direction. If it goes on like this, the moment it will vent its anger, that is, it will die from exhaustion!" The system reminded aloud.

"So that's the case. Mr. Du in the original book saw this, so he would stun the tyrannical carp dragon with a ruthless hand. If that's the case, I can't be polite." Tian Lin finally made up his mind.

0 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????????

"Come on, tyrannical carp dragon, vent your anger on me, and attack me!" Tian Lin opened his arms to block the tyrannical carp dragon and said to it.

At this time, the tyrannical carp dragon will not be polite to humans, and it is even more angry when it is provoked by Tianlin, and a powerful destructive death light is launched towards Tianlin.

"Please, sure enough, weng, use mirror reflection!"

When the death light of destruction approached Tianlin, Tianlin used the last Pokémon on his body. Although the stamina of the rest of his companions had been exhausted, Guoshen was not damaged at all.


"So...Nance!" Sure enough, Weng resisted the destructive death light with his body, and then shouted and used the mirror reflection to double back. fell to the ground.

"Go, catch the tennis ball!" Tian Lin took the opportunity to throw the catch tennis ball and put the tyrannosaurus in, and the catching tennis ball began to shake violently. It seemed that the tyrannical carp dragon wanted to struggle out very much. Fortunately, the catching tennis ball was better than the ordinary pokeball. , with three times the catch rate for water-type Pokémon, it was able to suppress the violent carp dragon. After a long time, the ball finally stabilized. Tian Lin stepped forward and picked up the catch tennis ball, "To subdue the violent carp dragon, This incident is finally over.”

Tian Lin took a deep breath, lay on the ground tiredly, and fainted in a daze. He was ambushed for a day and a night, and then it was a continuous death battle. The evolution of the bond with Kuailong has long allowed his body to reach After reaching the limit, in order to chase the tyrannical carp dragon, he even used teleportation continuously. Now that he was finally done, all the fatigue was reflected in him in one breath. Even he couldn't hold on any longer.

"Sonans!" Sure enough, Weng walked to Tianlin's side and shook his body, but Tianlin didn't respond at all at the moment, he had completely fallen asleep, and sure enough, Weng just sat next to Tianlin, He silently guarded his mouth.

Chapter [*] The Past of Special Investigator Liu Bo

"Tianlin, Tianlin!"

In a daze, Tian Lin seemed to hear someone calling him, opened his eyes with difficulty, and saw Nazi and Nana looking at him worriedly.

"It's great, you finally woke up, you're worried about me!" Na Zi threw herself into Tian Lin's arms with tears in her eyes. She was so anxious during this period of time.

"Sorry for worrying you, don't worry, I feel like my body is completely fine!" Tian Lin put his arms around Nazi and comforted him, "By the way, how long have I been unconscious, where is this place?"

"Master, you have slept for a day and a night. This is the Pokémon Center in Kaji Town. Mr. Du found you fainted by the lake and brought you back." Nana said.

"I see, by the way, where is my Pokémon, and what about the Tyrannosaurus?"

"In my case, your other Pokémon have recovered after Miss Joy's treatment, but the tyrannical carp dragon is still very irritable. It was released once before, and the Pokémon center was demolished at the "6" point. Fortunately, Mr. Du has subdued it again!" Na Zi took out [*] Poke Balls from her arms and handed them to Tian Lin.

"Nazi, thank you for helping me take care of them! Alas, the tyrannical carp dragon's hatred for humans is too deep. If you want to completely resolve it, you have to put in more effort." Tian Lin sighed.

At this moment, the door of the room opened, and three people walked in from the outside, it was Du, Liu Bo, and Miss Junsha.

"Tianlin, it's great that you woke up!" Du smiled.

"Mr. Du, I'm fine now, thank you for your help!"

"Don't say that, it's us who should say thank you. If it weren't for your help, the Rockets' conspiracy would not have been able to be solved so smoothly. This time, it can be said that our alliance has won a complete victory!"

"Tianlin, Nazi, Nana, on behalf of the police, I would like to express my gratitude to the three of you for your assistance!" Miss Junsha saluted the three of them.

"Hey, didn't I do anything!" Nana seemed a little embarrassed to receive such praise for the first time.

"Don't say that, Nainai, I think your credit is very big. If you didn't invite Uncle Liu in time, we would all be miserable!" Tian Lin touched Naina's head and smiled.

"Well, this stinky boy is right, Nana, you can't belittle yourself. In my opinion, your credit is greater than this kid." Uncle Liu said, comparing Nana and Tianlin, the old man's partiality is too obvious. .

"Tianlin, there is something I want to tell you. In this incident, you have made great contributions, and the alliance intends to grant you the position of a special investigator." Du said.

"Special investigator?" Tian Lin didn't understand the meaning of the word "special".

"The so-called special investigator means that you do not directly accept the alliance's transfer order, you can continue your travel, but during the journey, if you encounter an incident such as the Rockets and other evil organizations persecuting Pokémon, you can transfer the order in this capacity. The nearby police officers will assist you in arresting them. Although the monthly allowance and the rights of special investigators are much smaller than that of regular investigators, they are very suitable for trainers like you who travel out. If one day you don't want to travel anymore Now, you can apply to the alliance to become a formal investigator." Miss Junsha explained.

"That's great, I'm happy to accept this status!" Tian Lin said with a smile, this position has no constraints on him, and if he encounters Team Rocket or other evil organizations in the future, he doesn't have to fight alone, plus There is also a certain monthly alliance allowance, which can be said to be beneficial and not harmful.

"Also, the reward for this event will be delivered to your home after the alliance has finished filing, but there is something I want to tell you. Although the reward will be based on your credit, it will not be less when it is announced to the public. , we will say that you are just an facilitator of the whole plan, and the biggest credit for the formulation of the plan and the deletion of all the information on the Rockets will be said to be done by me!" Du said a little embarrassed.

"Mr. Du, how can you do this? Isn't this the credit of my master?" Nainai was very dissatisfied. If this matter was publicized, Tianlin would definitely become a hero that everyone admired. This is a good opportunity to increase his prestige. Du Actually wanting to take it for herself, Nana felt that she had really misjudged him, and she still admired Du very much.

"Okay, Nana, we are here for Tianlin's good." Uncle Liu explained to Nana.

"Thank you, Mr. Du!" Tianlin said gratefully, Nana didn't understand Du's intention, could he still not know, this is because he doesn't want him to be a thorn in the Rockets' eyes, the so-called wood show in the forest, the wind will destroy it This is exactly the reason. As for saying that Du is to increase his own prestige, it is completely nonsense. In the entire Chengdu area, who else dares to say that his prestige can surpass him, even if he has destroyed the evil organization. Plan, publicize it, people will just laugh and say that crossing is really amazing, and they will not be surprised or strange at all, because this is normal, so how can you increase your prestige.

Moreover, the actual material rewards of the alliance will not be less at all, which means that the black pot is all over the back, and the benefits are all taken by Tianlin, what else is he not satisfied with.

"Hehe, even though he's a stinky boy, he's quite smart..." Hearing Tianlin's words of thanks, Uncle Liu knew that he had understood their intentions.

"Lin that day, you have a good rest, I will leave first, and then I will go back to the alliance to report my work. See you in the future!"

"Well, Mr. Du, goodbye by fate!"

"Okay, then I'll go back to the gym, Nana, do you want to challenge me at Kaji gym? I'll be waiting for you at the gym tomorrow, by the way, there is this stinky boy by the way, if you want to challenge Let's come together." Liu Bo smiled.

"Am I just passing by?" Tian Lin thought silently.

"Well, Uncle Liu, see you tomorrow!"

After saying goodbye to each other, Mr. Du, Miss Junsha and Uncle Liu left the Pokémon Center together.

"Nana, what's going on with Uncle Liu? He's too kind to you. I heard that he is called Uncle Liu in winter. He has always been ruthless." After Uncle Liu left, Na Zi couldn't hold back her heart. Curious, asked Nana.

"It's like this..." Nana recounted what happened after she left.

It turned out that Nana kept in mind Tianlin's instructions. As soon as she came to Kaji Town, she went to Liu Bo for help, but at that time Liu Bo was indeed as ruthless as Nazi said, and he also said about saving Pokémon. It doesn't make any sense. Besides, it doesn't matter if you go or not, so he decisively rejected Nana. After inquiring, Nana found out that Liu Bo was once abandoned by his Pokémon Longhaired Pig when he was young. He also suffered severe burns on his body, and the double blow to his body and mind changed his personality, and he no longer believed in the friendship between humans and Pokémon.

This made Nana very angry. She has always believed that there is love between people and Pokémon. Nana, who could not persuade Liu Bo, was determined to rescue herself, but when she was walking on the mountain road, she accidentally encountered a landslide and fell. After reaching the bottom of the cliff, thanks to her timely release of Bibi Bird, she was not seriously injured, but then she found a frozen long-haired pig at the bottom of the cliff with herbs for treating burns in her mouth. There was a fundamental misunderstanding between Ming Wu Long-haired Pig and Uncle Liu.

So she sent the flame queen lizard to thaw the long-haired pig, and then took it back to see Uncle Liu. Only then did Uncle Liu know that he had been blaming the long-haired pig for so many years. Dissolved in the invisible.It is precisely because Nainai has solved Uncle Liu's many years of knots that Uncle Liu loves Naina so much.

"So it turns out, this is the so-called good people have good rewards!" Tian Lin laughed, Nana's performance really made Tian Lin very satisfied.

Chapter [*] The angry Sakagi

"Damn, what's going on, not to mention the failure of the plan, all the information on the Rockets' main computer has been deleted. Are our computer experts all dry rice?" At the Rockets headquarters, Sakagi was furious at the moment.Opposite him, the members of Team Rocket's data department lowered their heads and did not dare to make a sound, for fear of touching Sakagi's beard at this time.

"In this incident, the power dispatched by the alliance is really amazing. Chengdu Champion Du, the genius Jun Shayue of the Junsha family, Na Zi, the owner of the Golden Yellow Taoist Hall, Liu Bo, the owner of the Kaji Taoist Hall, and Tianlin, the champion of the last Quartz Conference. , each one is very powerful!" Apollo said.

"I didn't expect that the Alliance would send such a large force. Who deleted our data? Did you find it? These computer experts are too dangerous. Since they are not used by us, they must be completely solved. ." Sakagi said.

"What the alliance publicizes to the outside world is that this matter is completed." Athena said.

"Fart, Nadu's strength is really amazing, but I've never heard of him being such a computer expert. The Alliance is putting a smoke bomb and trying to hide that real expert!" Sakagi said angrily, but he didn't show any sign of it. I suspect Tianlin. First of all, Tianlin is too young in 08. He has already made great achievements in the field of trainers and researchers. It is hard to believe that he is so good in computers. There is not enough time at all. Going to study, and secondly, everyone in the alliance who participated in this operation has a high status. Tianlin, a small championship champion, has become the most inconspicuous one, and everyone only regards him as an assistant.

Except for one person.

"Tianlin, could it be he who did it?" Athena thought about it, she couldn't help recalling the young man's calm and calm appearance, always feeling as if everything was under his control. I don't know why, she always She could feel the extraordinaryness of Tian Lin, but she didn't speak at this time because she didn't have the slightest evidence.

"Give it all to me, notify the computer experts of Team Rocket, and strengthen Team Rocket's firewall tenfold. If it is invaded next time, I will feed them all to the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon!" In the roar of Sakagi , The staff of the data team walked out one by one in fear. After a while, apart from Sakagi, only Apollo and Athena were left in the entire office.

"Athena, it's fortunate that you were well prepared, otherwise, we really lost a lot this time!" Sakagi's tone at this time was completely different from just now, unusually calm, obviously the angry gesture just now was just pretending.

"Ready?" Apollo asked in confusion.

"This was proposed by Athena at the beginning. She thought that it was too dangerous to put all the information on the main computer, and even the strictest firewall would be at risk of being breached, so she suggested to me that she had set permissions on her computer, and she could pass her own The computer freely enters the main computer system, and every time there is new information, she will make an extra copy, this matter is very confidential, only me and Athena know." Sakagi explained.

"It's great, you've done it beautifully, Athena. In terms of management ability, the entire Rockets team can't find anyone better than you except for the boss." Apollo said, this time because of his mistakes, the Rockets lost. He had always felt guilt about it, but now that he knew that the data was backed up, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"But boss, because the data on evolution-promoting radio waves was deleted almost as soon as it was transferred to the main computer, I didn't have time to back it up. This data will be gone forever," Athena said.

"The sub-base was destroyed, the main computer was deleted, Shiranu was arrested, and you didn't have time to back it up, this plan is a complete failure!" It was plain, but those who knew him knew that this was his expression of anger. The shouting gesture just now was just for people to see.

"This time it's because my subordinates are ineffective. If it wasn't for me who couldn't win the battle, it would never have happened!" Apollo took all the responsibility on himself.

"It's not your fault. In the face of Du, let alone you, even if it were me, I wouldn't dare to say that I have a [*]% chance of winning." Sakagi waved, "You guys go out and leave me alone for a while!"

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