"Very good, next is the water cannon!"

"Big Steel Snake, defend quickly and use the sandstorm!" Ami ordered, the Big Steel Snake rolled up a tornado of sand on the spot, wrapped itself, and blocked the invasion of the water cannon. This is its usual defense against flames. method.

"This defensive fire-type move may be feasible, but it will have a negative effect on the water-type move!" Tian Lin said with a smile, the sand in the sky was condensed together when it met the water, and it was impossible to maintain the tornado's form and continue to rotate, becoming a Sand piles fell one by one.

"There's actually such a thing, big steel snake, use bite!" Ami's choice is nothing more than attacking or defending. Now the big steel snake's defense is useless, and she can only choose to attack.

The big steel snake wanted to rush over and bite it, but found that he couldn't move freely, as if his body was stuck in the sand.

"This is, the pile of sand falls to the ground, restricting the movement of the big steel snake. It is a natural quicksand hell trick. Is this the reaction you said?" Ami was surprised.

"Yes, but unfortunately these are just sand. If you add cement, it will turn into a substance similar to concrete, trapping your big steel snake completely, but that's enough for now, 763 Minas, take advantage of it now, use The water cannon!" Tian Lin took the opportunity to attack, the big steel snake could not escape for a while, it was a living target, and the Minas water cannon hit it steadily.

The physical defense raised by the curse was useless in front of the special attacking Minas, and the big steel snake fell directly into the sand pile under the impact of the powerful water cannon.

"The big steel snake lost its ability to fight, Minas won, and the winner of this game is Tianlin!" Ke Xia fulfilled her duties as a referee and announced Tianlin's victory.

"Being able to use everything, even the opponent's moves are used by you. You are really a powerful trainer. This is a steel badge, please accept it!" The badge made of steel was handed to him.

"Thank you!" Tian Lin accepted the badge gratefully.

"Ke Xia, have you learned anything from this battle?" Ami turned to Ke Xia and asked.

"Well, Miss Ami's defensive and counterattack tactics and Tianlin's unrestrained tactics have taught me that what a real trainer should rely on is the ability of himself and Pokémon itself, and only by using Pokémon The characteristics of the dream itself make it possible to become an excellent trainer!" Ke Xia said.

"It seems that you really understand this time, very good!" Ami felt very relieved to hear Ke Xia's words.

Chapter [-] Poké Virus

"Miss Ami, it's not good!" Just when Tian Lin and his party ended the battle and walked out of the gym, a staff member rushed over in a panic.

"What happened?" Ami couldn't help asking looking at the anxious look of the staff.

"Gu'er it suddenly passed out and is now receiving treatment at the Pokémon Center," the staff said.

"What?" Hearing this news, Ami didn't even have time to say goodbye to Tianlin and the others, so she hurried to the Pokémon Center.

"Who is Guang'er? Miss Ami's friend?" Seeing Ami in such a hurry, Nana asked Ke Xia.

"Guang'er is an electric dragon. It seems that its body has not been very good recently, but it is mentally ok. We originally speculated that it was just tired recently, but now it seems that there is really a big problem. " Ke Xia replied.

"In this case, let's take a look and see if there is anything that can help." Tian Lin suggested.Nana and Nazi nodded together, and then, under the leadership of Ke Xia, Tian Lin and his party also rushed to the Pokémon Center.

At this moment in the Pokémon Center, the door of the operating room was closed, and above the door, the lights on behalf of the operation were on. When Tian Lin and others arrived, Ami was standing in the operating room with an old grandfather in a plaid shirt. Waiting at the door.

"Miss Ami, Ke Xia told us everything just now, how is Guang'er?" Tian Lin stepped forward and asked.

"I don't know, Miss Joy is being treated. She said that Guang'er's disease is very serious, and the disease may have started a long time ago. It's all my fault and I haven't found it." Ami was crying as she spoke. She was really worried about Guang'er.

"Who are these?" At this time, the old grandfather stepped forward and asked.

"They are the trainers who challenged my Shallow Onion Gym, a very powerful group." Ami wiped away her tears and introduced a few people to the old grandpa.

"So that's it, how are you guys, I'm Ami's grandfather and the administrator of the Lighthouse of Light"!"

"The Lighthouse of Light is the one on the coast, right?" Nana asked.

"Yeah, a long time ago, before we built a lighthouse in Onion City, we always relied on the light of this lighthouse to guide ships passing by at night. Therefore, whether the lighthouse or the electric dragon, is an extremely important existence for everyone in Onion City. Even if a lighthouse that can generate electricity is now built, the lighthouse of light has not been demolished but continued to remain. This is our The landmark building of Onion City!" said the old man.

The Lighthouse and the Electric Dragon mean so much to them, it's no wonder that Ami is so worried about it.

"Guang'er was in a bad state a few days ago, but because nothing happened, we didn't care too much. We didn't expect it to become like this now!" For Mikan, Guang'er is like her family, no matter how much she pays Work hard, she will cure Guang'er.

'Ding! ' At this moment, the sound of the end of the operation in the operating room sounded, the door opened, and Miss Joy and Gilly Egg pushed a listless electric dragon out. The electric dragon looked very uncomfortable, frowned, and his body twitched involuntarily.

"Miss Joy, how is Guang'er?" Everyone immediately stepped forward and asked.

"Sorry, the disease on Guang'er's body is very strange. I have given it medicine, but it can only be relieved temporarily, and there is no way to cure it!" Miss Joy said disappointedly. As Joy, the inability to treat Pokémon is the biggest problem. Unlucky.

"The waveguide on this electric dragon is so chaotic!" Tian Lin looked at the electric dragon and thought. Since his waveguide power was awakened, he could slightly perceive other people's waveguides. Normal people's waveguides are very stable, but In front of the electric dragon, its waveguide fluctuated, and the symptoms were a bit like poisoning.

"It's impossible for a normal poison Pokémon center to be cured. Could it be that, a Poké virus!" Tian Lin immediately thought of a disease that this Pokémon center couldn't cure.

"Master, did you think of something?" Looking at Tian Lin's thoughtful expression, Nana asked directly. In her heart, there seemed to be nothing that her master didn't know.

"Well, I did think of a possibility!" Tianlin said, in order to ensure that his thoughts were correct, Tianlin also used the system to detect the situation of the electric dragon, and the result was the same as what he had guessed, it was the Poké virus. The difference is that the virus on Guang'er's body has mutated, and the virus that was originally beneficial and harmless has now become a deadly violent toxin.

When the other people heard this, they all looked at Tian Lin, and Ami was even more excited. After all, this was a disease that even Miss Joy couldn't diagnose.

"I think the electric dragon should be infected with the Poké virus!" Tian Lin said.

"Poké virus! Yes, I forgot about this, Guang'er's symptoms are indeed like a Poké virus." Tian Lin woke up the dreamer, and Miss Joy suddenly realized that Poké viruses are very rare. Trainers know this stuff, but Joey, a professional Pokémon doctor, doesn't know it completely, even if he hasn't seen it before.

"' "Tianlin, Miss Joy, what is this Poké virus?What effect did it have on Guang'er's body? "Ami asked anxiously.

"The so-called Pokemon virus is actually a tiny life form attached to Pokemon. Pokemon infected with Pokemon virus, the initial symptoms are shortness of breath and a lot of sweat, Miss Ami began to say Isn't that what happened to Guang'er a few days ago?"

"Yes, you are absolutely right!" Ami replied.

"After the initial symptoms have passed, the Pokémon's body will return to normal, but the virus will not disappear immediately, but will continue to attach to the Pokémon. At this time, you let the Pokémon participate in the battle, or train them yourself. , can make their growth speed up, and after a few days, the Pokémon virus will gradually disappear, and the Pokémon will form antibodies in the body, and they will never get it again in the rest of their lives!" Tianlin explained.

"Then (Zhao Wanghao) Poké virus sounds like a good thing, Miss Ami, it seems you don't have to worry!" Nana comforted Ami when she heard Tianlin's words.

"No, if according to what Tian Lin said, Guang'er's initial symptoms have passed, but instead of returning to normal, he fainted. What's going on?" Nazi was much sharper than Nainai. I heard the contradiction between what Tian Lin said and Guang'er's symptoms.

"That's because the virus on Guang'er's body has mutated and has become a really deadly poison, and this poison has inherited the characteristics of the Poké virus very well. Even the antidote from the Pokémon Center has no way to cure it! "Tianlin said.

"Then, isn't there a cure?" Ami worried.

"Ordinary medicine is useless!" Tian Lin shook his head.

Hearing Tian Lin's words, Ami suddenly fell into despair. If she just watched Guang'er die like this, she would definitely suffer for a lifetime of change.

Chapter [-] Get the virus and go to Azure City

"Ordinary medicine can't do anything, so what's not ordinary is useful?" Just when Ami and the others were desperate, Nazi's voice sounded in their ears like the sound of nature.

"Haha, as expected of Nazi, you are the only one who understands my words best!" Tian Lin laughed, he never said that there was no way to save Guang'er. In the Pokémon world, except for the Pokémon Center In addition to the common wound medicine, there is also a traditional Chinese medicine, which is very bitter, but the therapeutic effect is strong enough to make one’s tongue dizzy.

"Tianlin, you really have a way, as long as you can save Guang'er, you will be the benefactor of my Shallow Onion Gym in the future!" Ami said excitedly.

"Miss Ami, don't worry, give Guang'er a try first!" Tianlin took out a packet of medicinal powder from his arms and handed it to Ami, who handed it over to Miss Joey, not because she didn't trust God Lin, but it was about Guang'er, and she had to be careful.

Miss Joy smelled the medicine packet, and suddenly a pungent smell entered her nose, which was a very strong herbal smell.

"Is this, all-purpose powder?" Miss Joy asked.

"Yes, this is a traditional Chinese medicine produced in Songzao Town in the Kanto region. Although it can't cure Guang'er, it should have some effect. At least it can buy us some time to obtain the special medicine." Tian Lin said.

Miss Joy opened the medicine bag, soaked a cup of hot 767 water, and poured the all-purpose powder into it. In Guang'er's current state, it is impossible to take it directly. This is the only way to do it. Miss Joy slowly poured the medicine with a spoon. When the juice was fed into Guang'er's mouth, Guang'er immediately showed an uncomfortable look, after all, all-purpose powder is very bitter.

But after a while, with the effect of the medicine, Guang'er's face gradually stretched out, and the twitching body also stabilized. Slowly, Guang'er actually fell asleep peacefully.

"Great, Guang'er looks much more comfortable!" Seeing that the medicine was effective, Ami immediately rejoiced.

"That's only temporary. The virus on Guang'er's body has not disappeared. To treat it completely, a special traditional Chinese medicine is needed, which is a secret medicine specially designed to cure the Poké virus!"

"Secret medicine! I've heard of it, I remember that the Chinese medicine store in Zhanlan City has it, I will contact them immediately!" Miss Joy immediately ran to the telephone to contact the Chinese medicine store.

"Great, Guang'er is saved!" Ami cried with joy when she learned that there was a cure.

"Miss Ami, you can take these packs of all-purpose powder. In the past few days, if Guang'er feels uncomfortable (aidj), you can take it. My next destination is Zhanlan City, you can send someone Come with me and let him take it back as soon as the medicine is made, don't worry, it will be too late!" Tian Lin comforted Ami and gave her all the panacea left on his body.

"Thank you!" Ami gratefully accepted the panacea. At this moment, she really didn't know how to repay Tianlin.

"That's great, I just contacted Zhanlan Pharmacy. They said that there is no problem in making the secret medicine, and one day is enough." At this time, Miss Joy finished the phone call and came back and said, hearing the good news, everyone Even more relieved.

"Miss Ami, you must stay to take care of Guang'er, then leave the work of obtaining the secret medicine to me, and I will be back in the shortest possible time!" Ke Xia volunteered.

"Okay, then please, I trust you, Ke Xia!" Ami said.

----------Dividing line

It's not too late, because of the urgency of time, Tianlin and his party decided not to stay in Shallow City this time, and directly boarded the evening boat to Zhanlan City, but the group of three became four, and one more person could be. summer.

"I can't live up to Miss Ami's expectations, I must bring the secret medicine back quickly!" After the ship started sailing, Ke Xia cheered herself on the deck.

"Don't worry, this ship will arrive in Zhanlan City early tomorrow morning. You can return after taking the secret medicine. It is estimated that you will be able to return to Shallow Onion City in less than a day. The medicine I gave Miss Ami will make Guang'er support her. No problem for six or seven days!" Tian Lin patted Ke Xia's shoulder and smiled.

"Yeah, Ke Xia, go back to rest first, then you will be on the road all the time, you can't do it without a good spirit!" Na Zi also said, and Nana directly pulled Ke Xia back to the cabin, After a while, only Tian Lin was left on the deck.

"These two guys are getting more and more caring about people!" Tian Lin felt good about the changes between the two. Na Zi's human touch became stronger and stronger, becoming gentle and kind, and Nana gradually became more mature. Reckless like just out on a trip.

"Host, the system has good news for you!" Just as Tian Lin was thinking, the system suddenly said.

"What good news?" Tian Lin asked.

"When I just met Guang'er, the system collected the virus on it, and now it can replicate infinitely, which is very useful!"

"Virus, what's the use of that deadly thing?"

"Of course it's not exactly the kind on Guang'er. The system has already filtered it. Now it's a pure-bred Pokémon virus, which is only good for Pokémon and has no negative effects at all. The host can transplant it into his own Pokémon. It can accelerate their growth. According to the system estimates, the virus can survive on Pokemon for about 7-15 days. During that time, their progress will be very amazing, but a Pokemon only has a lifetime of It can be transplanted once, and after recovery, antibodies will be produced in the body, and even if it is transplanted again after that, it will have no effect." The system explained.

"Very good, whether it is used in the initial growth period, or the breakthrough period between the quasi-celestial king and the heavenly king, this thing may have a miraculous effect, system, you really gave me a big surprise. Tianlin said with a smile, now the Pokémon on his body are not suitable for Poké virus for the time being, this virus is either used for novice-level Pokémon, so that they can quickly reach the ordinary or even elite level, with a certain combat power, or it is encountered. When he was at a bottleneck, Tianlin planned to use it when all the Pokémon on him were at the peak of the quasi-king.

Benguilas is already at the peak of the quasi-king, but it broke through with the help of the residual power of the evil ball at that time, and its own strength is not yet stable. After it has mastered its own power, it is very suitable as the first candidate to transplant the virus. .

Note: The Poké virus in the original book is an exercise to speed up the effort, but the reality is different after all. The effect of the Poké virus in this book is to speed up the growth.

Chapter [-] Traditional Chinese Medicine Store in Zhanlan City

"Master, look, Zhanlan City is just ahead!" Early the next morning, the shuttle boat from Shallow Onion City to Zhanlan City finally arrived. At present, Zhanlan City still has some quaint atmosphere, not as beautiful as Shallow Onion City. It is not as developed as Manjin City, but it gives people a sense of virtue. This atmosphere is indeed very suitable for martial artists with martial arts to live in. No wonder the gym here is a fighting gym. .

Zhanlan City is located in the westernmost city in the Chengdu area. It is backed by the mountains on both sides and the sea on both sides. Like an island, it stands alone on the sea in the Chengdu area.

However, this unique geographical location not only does not prevent people from going there, on the contrary, the flow of people there is not even inferior to that of Onion City.

The reason is because there is one of the official gymnasiums recognized by the alliance in Zhanlan City, where you can get a strike badge, and the world-famous wildland area director, it is said that he has officially decided that in Zhanlan City, the construction belongs to Chengdu. Wild wilderness areas in the region.Construction has started now, and when it is completely completed, it will surely become a landmark building in Azure Blue City, attracting more trainers to come.

"It's finally here, this time, I'm going to win the second badge in one go!" Seeing the island city in front of her, Nainai clenched her fists excitedly. Tianlin said that with the treasures she has now Dream attributes, for Azure Gym, can be a battle.

"Looking at how excited you are, the strength of the Azure Gym is not weak, you have to be careful!" Nazi said, although the gym trainer will adjust his combat power according to the strength of the challenger, in the face of the challenger like Nana A newbie trainer, they will release water properly, but the Pokémon’s strength will at least remain at the same level as the challenger’s, and the gym owner is far superior to the average newbie in terms of tactics and combat experience, so we must take it from them. Getting the badge is still not easy.

"Yes, I know!" Nana said seriously.

"Okay, let's put aside the challenges of the gymnasium. Don't forget, the most important thing now is to help Miss Ami to get the secret medicine for Guang'er!" Tianlin reminded, although the gym battle is very difficult It's important, but the treatment of the electric dragon can't be delayed.

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