Man Huang Feng Bao

Chapter 292: Who is the overlord?

As soon as the aura of the heavens and the earth came in from all directions, it gathered at the medicine spirit array above the cloud hall, and then poured into the Yechuan body.

The structure of the cloud hall is mysterious, huge and magnificent, and the combination of palace walls, eaves, glazed tiles and herb roofs forms a unique medical spirit. Sitting in the hall, refreshing, and practicing more is a multiplier.掐 Refers to this, this is the oldest palace in Yunwuzong. In that year, it was built under the guidance of Ye Chuan.

After millions of years have passed, the cloud sect of the ancestors of the ancestors of the ancestral temple has long been absent from the world. In the same year, Ye Chuan, who was above the Ghost Hand, was re-appeared again and once again sat in the hall. At the end of the tiger leather chair.

Make things happen, life is so wonderful!

Ye Chuan suddenly felt a sensation, and sighed with a sigh. He was happy to bathe in the majestic world of apocalypse, and he was gradually refined, and the signs of breaking into the real world were more and more obvious.

After experiencing the life and death of the Dragon Cave, Ye Chuan began to speed up the cultivation and desire a higher realm. However, compared with the realm, he is more concerned about the transformation of the strength itself, but also whether it can condense a new swallowing symbol.

A swallowing of the sky is 18,000 kilograms. It is not enough to have a realm of light. It is the kingly way to gather more swallows. Unfortunately, the cyclone at Dantian is getting more and more solid, but it is not a long time to become a new symbol. It’s time for repairs, and what’s lacking now is probably a chance.

If you let go of all the secular affairs and have been repaired with Tian Nuhong Zixia, and get into the magic dragon, will you break through the drums?

Ye Chuan suddenly missed the Tiannuhong Zixia, who was quietly leaving. The defense line of Yunwuzong is getting more and more stable. This is a good thing, but there is also a bad side. It is even harder for Tiannian Hong Zixia to meet again quietly. I can't even come in. Tiannong Rainbow Zixia can't come, then go to the Heavenly Demon Gate?

Ye Chuan suddenly had a bold thought, shaking his head and smiling, and abandoned this somewhat unrealistic thought.

In this section of the bones, quietly sneak into the sky demon door, it is absolutely beyond everyone's expectations, to ensure that the goddess Rainbow Zixia excited to the extreme point again and again confused. However, if they are caught by the masters of the demon, and they are known to be dating the goddess of their eyes, the consequences are absolutely serious, and it is light to be killed by people.

Ye Chuan shook his head and cut off the thoughts in his mind. If it is not wrong, Xuanting Mentor raccoon must have any action, and the spies will have a return soon. At that time, it may be a fierce battle, and you need to recharge your batteries in advance.

Without going to the house to calculate a thousand miles, Ye Chuan really did not guess wrong. In the evening, before the night falls, the fat man Zhao Dazhi rushed into the door and rushed in.

"Master, big things, big things..."

The fat man rushed in and stumbled into the air, and the few elite disciples behind him were also tight-fitting.

"What, slowly said." Ye Chuan slowly opened his eyes.

"Master, you really didn't say anything wrong. The old guy who broke the raccoon was really uneasy and had other plots. On the surface, it was quiet, and a lot of people were secretly mobilized. In a direction before the hour, he suddenly went to the direction of Wuyimen. The murderous temper is to start with Wuyimen!" The fat man urgently reported an amazing news. Zhu Sijia heard the news and the Tuoba bird came. Listening to the fat man Zhao Dazhi Zhang mouth, her father Tuo Xiong is uneasy, his face is red, and his heart is sad.

"What, start with the five-door?"

Ye Chuan hurried up, slightly contemplative, and suddenly understood everything.

Suddenly, the Tuoba bird was driven out of the house and let her go to herself. It’s really uneasy to expand the bear. First, it was paralyzed by himself, and then he slammed the West Chamber to the Wuyimen, and he wanted to annex the five-doors that also suffered serious losses in the world of Dongtian. Secondly, he had to use the Tuoba bird to stabilize himself, so that he could see his tricks. It is also not good to kill the killer, playing the family card to delay the time!


Tuoba Xiong this move, high!

When he annexed the five-door door and integrated the resources and strength of the two sects, I am afraid it is time to start with Yunwu Zong!

Ye Chuan’s heart was bright and his face sank.

"Master, what should we do now?" asked the fat man Zhao Dazhi, and couldn't help himself.

Xuan Dingmen Tuo 跋 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟 竟At this time, Yunwu Zong is sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight? Still intervening to stop the atrocities of the raccoon and interrupt his dream of dominating the cloud mountains?

"Fat, what do you say?" Ye Chuan asked.

"I think...we are better not to move. Anyway, Wushumen is not a good bird. Let them bite the dog. Besides, if the main force of our cloud sect goes out, the Daqin dynasty or the Tianmeng suddenly strikes. What should I do?" The fat man snorted and used the dog to bite the dog to describe the battle between Xuan Dingmen and Wuyimen. The face of the Tuoba bird standing not far away was red, and he said nothing. With such a father, she is helpless.

"Jia Jia, what do you think?" Ye Chuan looked at Zhu Sijia, who was half a head taller than the fat man.

"Tuo Xiong Xiong is ambitious, and after swiftly annexing the five-door door, it will inevitably look at our clouds and wait for an opportunity to move. So, we must not stand by and watch him sit big. However, the fat man also makes sense, the Daqin Dynasty And the demon door is our strong enemy, the main force can not easily attack." Zhu Sijia paused, worried, "So, I suggest it is best to grab the top of the 跋 跋 通知 通知 通知 通知 通知 通知 让 让 让 让 让 让 通知 通知 通知 通知 通知 通知 通知 通知 通知 通知 通知 通知 通知 通知Send a team of elite support.

"Yes, Missy is right!"

When Zhu Sijia’s voice just fell, people supported it loudly. This is the best way to consider all aspects of consideration. After a while, they calmed down and everyone calmed down and everyone looked up at Ye Chuan and other orders.

"Fat and Jia Jia said that it makes sense. Unfortunately, it is not the best way. Once the Tuo Xiong really swallowed the five-door door, it would be very troublesome and endless." Ye Chuan denied Zhu Sijia's proposal.

"Master, then what you mean is..." Zhu Sijia was nervous and vaguely guessed the meaning of Ye Chuan.

"All-out attack, 趁 跋 跋 倾 倾 倾 倾 倾 倾 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

The people standing below are shocked. Although Zhu Sijia had vaguely guessed it, but listening to Ye Chuan’s personal statement, it was still shocking. At the crucial moment, regardless of the danger, the whole attack will be made. If you win, you can lay the position of the cloud mountain overlord in one fell swoop. After integrating the resources and strength of Xuantingmen, the next step will be to destroy the Xuanding Gate. But if it fails, or if something unexpected happens suddenly, it is a catastrophe, and the cloud sect will be devastated!

"No, Ye Chuan, you can't do this..." Takuya bird is anxious, standing up and pleading. Although she was rushed out by her father, she was still a disciple of Xuan Ding. How could she watch the Zongmen being destroyed?

"There is no one to stop or counter, and it must be moved. Nowadays, the general trend of the world is that you must do everything you can to grow yourself, or you will be crushed by others. Why does the Cloud Mountain Mountain become a fat in the eyes of others? Just because the three major sects fight, they fight each other. In fact, your father’s idea of ​​expanding the raccoon is good, the cloud mountains should be unified, and there should be a strong hegemon. Unfortunately, this tyrant is not Xuan Dingmen, you Xuan Ding The door lacks enough resources."

Ye Chuan looked at his worries, and the more and more unreasonable Tuoba bird, was unmoved, and then said: "Even if I don't kill your Xuan Ding door, with your actions and strength, one day will be The alien power is destroyed. Birds, believe me, let me shoot, most of your brothers and sisters can still survive, or you can leave your father a life. If the soldiers of the Daqin Dynasty are overwhelming or the demon shots You are afraid that there is no living thing in the upper and lower doors of the sect. Come and pass on, and all the elite disciples above the monk will gather immediately!"

Ye Chuan killed the decisive, Huo Ran ordered, to launch the Thunder to strike the defensive emptiness of the Xuan Ding door. With a dark glance, Zhu Sijia sent people to bury the Tuoba bird.

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