Man Huang Feng Bao

Chapter 267: Magic dragon

The number in the lower right corner of the crystal screen dropped to seven and the last countdown was started.

Tiannuhong Zixia tears have been flowing, Ye Chuan quietly closed his eyes. At least there must be a semi-holy realm to get rid of the difficulties. Even if he is rich in experience, he will not be able to change anything.

After being a human being, with rich experience, extraordinary calmness and all kinds of supernatural powers, Ye Chuan calmly faced all kinds of contradictions and conflicts, and he was able to handle it with ease. Unfortunately, the realm was his biggest fatal injury. What kind of dangers are usually encountered, you can rely on other methods to make up for it. Now, this fatal injury is particularly prominent, and there is no room for manoeuvre.

If you are a human being, let go of everything and concentrate on cultivation. Is it possible to break through the semi-sacred realm to resolve this dilemma?

Ye Chuan suddenly had a thought in his heart, and his desire for power was extraordinarily strong. Unfortunately, there is no regret in the world, and it is already too late to say anything.

Roar! A deafening dragonfly suddenly came from far away.

Ye Chuan opened his eyes and saw a strong figure suddenly rushing in from the outside, ignoring the prohibition in the Temple of the Dragon, and slamming into the sarcophagus at the end of the hall. With a bang, the stone shook, and the whole dragon temple shook with it, one by one, two times... and violently hit it.

"Is that little dragon?"

Ye Chuan was incredible and blinked.

At the end of life and death, the little magic dragon did not know why he suddenly went back and returned, but also struggling to hit the stone sarcophagus at the end of the hall.

Tian Nuhong Zixia is also somewhat stunned, wondering what is going on.

The number in the lower right corner of the crystal screen continues to fall down, and it will return to zero. When the time arrives, Ye Chuan will follow the footsteps of Qin Shizi Li Guanghan, and half of his face will be cut by the magic dragon. The impact of the little magic dragon, the more fierce, the head is still bleeding. Every time I hit it, the whole dragon temple was swaying violently. Finally, after an angry roar, I slammed into it, and I finally had a crack in my fingers.

The number in the lower right corner of the crystal screen is just counted down to zero.

"Do not……"

The goddess screamed with tears and couldn’t look at it with her eyes closed.

The snoring of the horn of death did not sound, nor did he hear the screams of Ye Chuan. After a while, the goddess Hong Zixia opened her eyes in confusion, and Ye Chuan still lay on the ground, and the magic dragon hanging over his head did not come down.

"Ye Chuan, you are still alive..."

The goddess Hong Zixia tears down again, this time, is a happy tear.

"Yes, I am still alive, hahaha!"

Ye Chuan laughed, the goddess was incredible, and he was the same. As if dreaming, he wandered around the ghost door and walked back.

By the way, what about the little dragon?

Ye Chuan's eyes turned and his body couldn't move. He used the light of his eyes to look for the traces of the little dragon. I don't have to think about it. He also knows that the problem lies in the little demon dragon. At the crucial moment, this little dragon has saved himself by breaking the ban of the Dragon Hall.

The sound of rustling came slowly.

The little magic dragon swam slowly from the end of the main hall, his head was bloody, and his body was bloody. When I walked to Ye Chuan, I suddenly turned into a weak boy. "Brother, Ye Chuan brother, are you okay?"

"Little dragon, is you?"

Ye Chuan couldn't see the little boy's appearance, but listening to this voice, he quickly remembered the little dragon who fell into the poisonous fog on the Golden Dragon King.

"It's me, my brother, it's me."

Xiaolonger came up and leaned over to pick up the cockroaches on Ye Chuan. He directly reached into his mouth and slammed. The sly screaming of the goddess and the great Qin Shizi was actually bitten by his life.

"Okay, hahaha, I have a good brother in Yechuan!"

Ye Chuan, a squid, stood up, and the relief of the escape came to his heart. He picked up the tender little dragon and looked at the wound on the head of the latter. His nose was sour, and he peeled off the cloth on his body. Help him bandage the wound.

Ye Chuan, who was about to die under the magic dragon, finally got out of danger and the brothers reunited.

If the time can be reversed, when I saw Xiaolonger at first sight, Ye Chuan did not think of it. In the end, he saved himself as a young boy.

After helping the Heavenly Girl get out of trouble, the three people sat together, and soon, Ye Chuan understood what was going on.

It turned out that Xiaolonger was reluctant to fall in love with Jinlong Wang and fell into the poisonous fog outside. Jinlong Wang’s strong body could not hold back the poisonous fog, and slowly became a stone sculpture, but before the last breath, Jinlong Wang made a call to help Xiaolong’s call to hide in the dragon. The little dragon in the temple. One person and one dragon, accidentally merged into one in the poisonous mist, the blood of the dragon's body completely awakened, became the only magic dragon in the wild world, a newborn little dragon.

"Little Dragon, what is going on here? This magic dragon cave is what you left before, or..."

Ye Chuan frowned, the more he knew, the more he found it.

"A lot of things, I don't know, there are only a lot of memory fragments in my mind. However, one thing is certain, I am not the reincarnation of the dragon dragon master, but a magic dragon. The real dragon dragon master It’s already dead, and the corpse is in Shijie. Before she died, she accidentally discovered that she was pregnant. Unfortunately, her body was not enough to give birth to me. The energy, had to display the great magical power to bring a drop of my soul to the magic dragon hole, and my body is kept, slowly growing in the magic dragon hole." Xiaolonger replied.

"That is, the owner of this magic dragon cave is your mother?" Ye Chuan still has a lot of places to understand, but probably how to understand it. Looking at the look of Xiao Longer, it seems that he does not understand many places and needs to explore slowly.

"Yes, my mother is the master of the Dragon Cave, the great Agusta of the Dragon Dragon."

Xiaolonger stood up, burst into tears, and slowly walked toward the stone sill at the end of the main hall, opening a heavy cover.

Ye Chuan and the goddess keep up and see a beautiful woman lying in the stone sarcophagus. Although she has been dead for millions of years, her body is as good as ever, her skin is rosy and delicate, her face is quiet and even with a sweet smile, she seems to have just slept. Always wake up at any time. The figure is graceful, and it is not inferior to the goddess Hong Zixia. Unfortunately, there is a large bowl of shocking wounds in the chest, and the heart has been dug away. Before his death, I did not know what kind of fierce battle I suffered.

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