Man Huang Feng Bao

Chapter 234: Bone singularity

Ye Chuan was a little curious and turned to look at the old one.

The little boy was so upset and more shy, holding the old man's hand tightly. The old man is very calm, calmly facing Ye Chuan's doubtful eyes, and his face is still smiling and good. An old and a small are very embarrassed, and the dust is servant. It seems that all the way to the mountains and wading is not far away.

"I have come here very hard, old man, you still don't go in?" Ye Chuan asked, secretly guessing this old and small identity.

The little boy is still very young, and he has just embarked on the road of cultivation, and he has only one weapon. The old man is very old, old and can't see the age seems to have lived for seven or eight hundred years, but the repair is not very good. At most, the real person is heavy. Ye Chuan really can't figure out how they got here. Wan Shilin, the ghost king's big game, the temple to the heavenly palace, the overwhelming poisonous fog, which of these places is not a fierce domain? How come they are two small, old and old?

"This son, don't you go in." The old man smiled and felt no hostility and murderousness in him. He looked kindly, like a neighboring old man who saw through life and the world. Speaking weakly, it seems to be very tired to come here, and it seems to be too old, too old to walk.

Ye Chuan smiled, got up and stood up, more and more curious about this old and small identity. However, all the disciples and meditations who broke into the world of Dongtian are indifferent, vigilant and wary. There are few old people like this. "Old people, are you waiting for someone?"

"Yes, wait for someone." The old man replied.


Ye Chuan looked up and looked at it. In the deadly poisonous fog that rolled up and down, a small path led to the distance, but all the coming came, and no one ever saw anyone coming. According to the time, Zhu Sijia and others who stayed outside should go far.

"Wait for you." The old man replied.

"What? Wait for me?" Ye Chuan was surprised.

"Yes, just waiting for you."

The old man’s voice was weak and weak, and a pair of old-eyed eyes looked at Ye Chuan. “Can this son, can you ask for one thing?”

"Say." Ye Chuan did not have a single pass and did not refuse.

"Help me bring Xiaolonger to the end of the world of the dragon." The old man opened the door, did not turn around, and looked at Ye Chuan with a pair of eyes, with prayers and expectations.

"Why are you looking for me?"

Ye Chuan paused and said: "The masters of the world in the world of the cave, the many people are more and more people, the realm is higher than me, for example, Xuanting door main extension raccoon, Wuyimen elders There are many big people in the wind, and there are many masters. The old man, I am just an ordinary person who is difficult to protect myself. Why not find them?"

"Because, you are different from others, the realm is on the one hand, morality and talent are more important. Moreover, the realm does not mean everything, can't the chasing son of the capital of the city's Murong family, will not be defeated under the son of the son?"

The old man spoke weakly and seemed to be too tired, but his mouth was clear, and the seemingly muddy eyes were very bright. As soon as he was in the temple, he secretly noticed that Ye Chuan’s every move was prepared.

"My character is not very good. They all say that I am very bad. It is a bad person. I hope that more people who have died earlier." Ye Chuan smiled and did not agree with the old man's request.

Dongtian World is killing the machine step by step. The more dangerous it is to the back, the dangers in the Dragon Road are not known. Ye Chuanlian Zhu Sijia and the fat man are afraid to bring in, and there is no guarantee of their safety. Bringing a child who is only seven or eight years old, it is even more unpredictable.

"Usually, people who say that they are bad people can't go bad. If you say that you are a good person, people who feel good in character everywhere are often more terrible than the devil." The old man is too old. Anyway, with a word of life, the eyes have been watching Ye Chuan, "Young people, Xiaolong children are very embarrassed, never get into trouble, the most embarrassing and most obedient. Promise me, bring the little dragon, help us one Ok, ok?"


The little boy flinched behind the old man, some shy, some uneasy, and seemed to feel something again. He hid behind the old man and sneaked at Ye Chuan, like a frightened helpless little lamb, holding the old man's hand tightly.

Ye Chuan was silent. For a moment, suddenly he did not know what to say.

Bringing this little boy together to smash the world of the sky, it is impossible, can not guarantee his safety, will also be tired of himself. But looking at this helpless old and young, in the face of their sincere, hopeful and helpless eyes, how to refuse?

The old man did not speak, waiting quietly for Ye Chuan’s reply.

Silence for a long time, Ye Chuan sighed, or love can help, "the elderly, I am sorry, the world is really dangerous in the world. Not to mention anything else, the light is stained with a trace of these poisonous fog around, this little boy will die. I am repairing For the sake of limitation, I really can't bring him, even my own. After entering this magic dragon road, it is fierce. If you two have no way to vote, you can leave Dongtian World and go to the nearby Yunwu Zong to find a named Zhu Sijia. The woman said that I let you go, she will arrange it properly."

"We don't go anywhere else, just go to the end of the world."

The old man refused Ye Chuan's kindness and took a breath and said: "Young people, you don't have to worry about the ban on the world of the world. All the bans here will not hurt the dragons. The deadly poisonous fog can't hurt Xiaolonger. A hairy hair. We are not afraid of prohibition, and we are afraid of people. Xiaolonger, let out the hand and let the son look."

"it is good."

The little boy nodded cleverly and suddenly reached into the deadly poisonous mist. Ye Chuan's eyelid jumped, and it was too late to stop it. The next moment, he was stunned.

The deadly poisonous mist tumbling up and down, any **** and fleshy thing will be corrupted into a pool of blood, but the little boy's hand is not damaged. Instantly, a real person can be corrupted into a poisonous mist of a white bone, which has no effect on this little boy!

It turned out to be the case, no wonder this old one has come here!

No, no, the old man said that all the bans in the world of Dongtian will not hurt this little boy. What is going on, what does it mean?

Ye Chuan returned to God, but quickly fell into new doubts. The feeling of vagueness is not easy. It will play a key role in his trip to the world.

Ye Chuan no longer ponders the pattern on the door frame. After studying it for a long time, he can't see any mystery. Instead, he carefully looks at the old one. The old simplicity, the small singularity, and even the peculiarity, you can see that the little boy's face is somewhat different from that of the average person. The heaven is full, his forehead is prominent, his head is big, and his eyes are clear and there is no darkness and evil. Zhang Jiebai's white paper.

Ye Chuan is more and more fascinated, and he is more curious about this old and small identity.

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