Man Huang Feng Bao

Chapter 221: Poisonous fog

The numbers on the crystal screen fell down in the brush, and the distance between Ye Chuan and Zhu Sijia was getting closer.

Crossing the boundary river, Ye Chuan is equivalent to stepping into the gate of the ghost gate. According to the rules, he did not want to blew himself up and had to kill only one of the cloud sects left by Zhu Sijia, and then waited to be killed by Zhu Sijia.

In the first two games, you will also test the rumors on the board. In the third game, there are only too few pieces on each side, only six, there is no lineup, and more are straightforward killings, one life for one life.

The only remaining cloudless disciple standing next to Zhu Sijia, his body squatted and watched Ye Chuan getting closer and closer. The two men touched it gently, and Ye Chuan silk did not damage. This cloud sect disciple exploded and broke, not in the hands of Ye Chuan, but under the rules of the ghost king's big game. This rule is a supreme prohibition, a great supernatural power that is not necessarily possessed by the ancient saints.

Ye Chuan suddenly stopped and was set three meters away from Zhu Sijia.

The number on the crystal screen recovered to fifty, and then began to count down, starting the next round, and it was Zhu Sijia's turn. Either kill Ye Chuan, or just wait for the blast, this is her choice, but also the law of the rules.

From fifty to zero, the time is very short, but Zhu Sijia stands still and tears.

"Do you start, what are you waiting for?"

Ye Chuan's voice was low. After reading Zhu Sijia, the number on the crystal screen has jumped to twenty and will soon return to zero.

"No, don't..." Zhu Sijia shook his head and couldn't start.

"You just said, if you are dead, let me find Tuoba bird, Jia Jia, you are too big. If I am dead, you should never look for other men. Really looking for, also looking for a long It’s ugly than me, it’s not as high as me, I love you without my deep man. Don’t let me die, no one in the world remembers me anymore, then the master is too defeated.” Ye Chuan evil Smiled.


Zhu Sijia cried, crying with pears and rain.

In her memory, when she grows up, she rarely cries, and her work is very hot and arrogant. This time, I cried in front of the fat man, crying and tearing my heart.

"Taro, what's so good? The legs are not easy to find. The men with two legs are more. In the future, you will meet a man who is better than me. If you don't do it, you will blew yourself." Then, when I was a brother, I was looking for another woman." Ye Chuan was still laughing, but his body suddenly shocked, and the soul broke out and flew out to the light curtain on his head.

As a chess piece, Ye Chuan is also subject to the suppression and restraint of the ghost king's rules of the big game. The body can't move freely. It is the soul of the gods. It is also a lot of life and the use of an ancient secret method to break through. After brewing for a while, I finally succeeded in showing it.


Ye Chuan’s soul opened his mouth and made a silent roar.

The light curtain on the top of the head suddenly swayed, as a wave of ripples appeared in a clear spring. But in the next moment, Guanghua circulated and quickly returned to normal.

The soul of Ye Chuan once again roared. This time, he directly ran into the light curtain and smashed the huge chessboard on the light curtain.

The whole chessboard world swayed, the ground moved, and the brilliance flow returned to the original, but when you look closely, there are a few thin cracks in the light curtain. The number on the crystal screen counts down to eleven.

In Ye Chuan's body, the six-way swallowing scorpion squirted wildly, and the shivering spirit swelled up and slammed into it again. With a bang, more cracks appeared on the light curtain, and Ye Chuan, Zhu Sijia, and the fat man were all light, and their fingers moved slightly to recover a little consciousness. At the same time, a strong breath of the stock came from far away from the light curtain, there are still a few screams, and there seems to be a ban on topping the squad.

The number on the crystal screen fell to seven, leaving only the last few breaths.

"Masters come on!"

"Fast, Master is fast!"

Fat man and Zhu Sijia were overjoyed and saw a glimmer of hope. If you want to go forward and help, the body still can't move, and you can't do it like Ye Chuan.

Ye Chuan’s fingers moved, and the in vitro glow flashed, first picking up a puppet doll, then a sly black woman, followed by twelve human face snakes, six wings, and a bull's eye. The demon, each showing the magical light on the top of the head.

The body recovered a little, and Ye Chuan quickly found out the Winged Legion in the Qinglian space, and the fierce attack slammed on the light curtain above the head. Surprisingly, the most effective attack is not the twelve human face snakes, nor the old enchanting black cockroaches attached to the puppet dolls, but hundreds of neatly arranged evil eyes. A large beam of light blasted, and the light curtain on the top of the head creaked like a broken egg shell. Finally, with the slamming of the evil king, the light curtain finally dissipated.

Ding! A crisp sound, the number on the crystal screen just counted down to zero.

Zhu Sijia’s heart was awkward, but after a while, I found that my body was still intact, and the expected self-destruction did not come!


Ye Chuan spirit and body are combined into one, rushing up to hold Zhu Sijia's delicate body, "master brother", Zhu Sijia whimpered, the two held tight together.

The fat man came up, full of excitement and excitement.

The world of spectacular chessboards slowly dims and collapses and disappears. At this time, the three talents found standing in a magnificent palace, standing around in twos and threes, there are disciples of the three major sects of Xuan Dingmen, Wuyimen and Yunwuzong, as well as other ancestral elites and the rush of the wind. repair. Ye Chuan’s eyes are sharp, and he even sees the figure of Tuo Xiong and Feng Ren, and the Tuoba bird stands next to his father’s Tuo Xiong, and the costumes are messy and somewhat uncomfortable.

When Ye Chuan took the risk and attacked the partial ban, the Tuo Xiong and Feng Ren and others encountered the same problem, and also launched a fierce attack on the ban. The power of the people is large, and the ancient prohibition can not withstand the collapse, showing the true face of the partial hall. Otherwise, even if you have passed the third level of the Ghost King's big game, there may be a fourth level, the fifth level, and the endless level is more dangerous than the first level.

"Master, Jia Jia, look!" The fat man Zhao Dazhi suddenly pointed at the end of the palace and screamed.

At the end of the temple, a rising altar was slowly raised. There was a gray sarcophagus covered in fog on the altar. A burst of power fluctuated from the sarcophagus.

"The treasures are unearthed, this is the inheritance of the world!"

"Ha ha ha, no one should rob me, this treasure in the stone is my, hahahaha..."


The survivors were excited and some rushed to the top. A real three-person rushed to the forefront, just touched the fog outside the sarcophagus, and immediately screamed that the right hand and blood were not corroded, leaving only the bones. Followed by the fog, the whole person fell to the ground and quickly became a skeleton.

This fog is poisonous and poisonous!

People's eyelids jumped straight and their hair was creepy.

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